Yugioh's BEST CARDS Ranked! [META Staples Tierlist]

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I believe that ghost or and snow rabbit is quite a strong option as far as Tech guards go in this upcoming format welcome back guys and as promised following up our metad deck tier list we got our staple tier list so while the usage of some of these cards will change upon the deck that you choose to Pilot I'm going to go over all the possible Staples and texts that we've seen in past formats and the most commonly used ones and then see how they stand up to today's format against the Fire King decks against snake eye against Labyrinth against rescue all these sort of decks that you know we talked about in the last video and so let's talk with the five categories we have here we got the best Staples these are the ones you should see in a lot of main decks assuming you can play it for example like Dimension shifter is probably going to be in that category but you can't use it in many decks we got strong options to Decks that could be in the main deck but are also likely to be in side decks again assuming you can play it have some marriage or cards a little more Niche and we will see popping up from time to time but I wouldn't consider them too common and and then we got subar Choice which may be very rarely included in decks but are unlikely to be a real viable option for youd play and then we have the bad cards which are cards which I shouldn't expect to see at all in people's decks main or side and yeah plun of card to go here so like last time this will be a long video I will try and explain everything as thoroughly as possible and if you enjoy the type of video just please let me know but otherwise let's go let's get going because this will take quite a while anyways let me explain what I'm talking about here as for ghost ogre and snow rabbit this card has been a card that I give a lot of hate towards for quite a while I I generally have talked about it as a card that I don't think does enough because you're not negating the effect it often ends up being worse than a negation and it's just met removal cuz its activation window is so strict however I think right now it has a couple unique advantages now where I like it now and why I like it now despite the fact that ocg isn't really playing it is it it's fairly flexible on what it can do you're not really using this as a typical hand trap uh to break apart their combo which to prevent them from playing I'm using this almost as a board breaker so there's the obvious application that if Fire King Island is used without a fire King sanctuary in the fields ogre ruins them because this negates the island for all intents and purposes and then will also trigger the Island's mandatory effect to destroy every monster on their fields doing so is really good I shouldn't have to say that there other cards that do a similar job Cosmic Cyclone destroys the field as well however if they do one of the aggressive way to use snake High Ash to send off the sanctuary they go flame merge do all that stuff and ogre hits them like a truck it's actually insane that's not the main reason here that's just the random upside that if they play into it P out pretty well the biggest thing I like about it is against cards like IP mascarena SP Little Knights and Appaloosa all three length monsters are somewhat weak to ghost CLE right SP the on summon effect is not but the other effect is assuming they target itself they usually do but mascarena you ogre will turn that off and similarly if they use appal as negated a card ogre will turn that off and one of the things that I'm looking for in a format is finding something uncomfortable playing that fits several different roles for one I wanted to be able to deal with appala cuz if I can prevent them from making a field and that's the card they end on and it's hard to deal with an engine it's something that you're not- engine ideally either prevent them from getting there or you have a way to deal with it I wanted to do one of the two those two things and ogre beats Appaloosa what it also has to do though is I have to make sure that it's playable going first cuz if it's not then it can also work to my detriment where if they have a lot of n and I have dead cards I'm unfavored and then I also want it to be somewhat usable versus cards like droll and Anis spell that's a big problem with a lot of these board breaker spell cards thrust is the biggest one so that's what had me thinking of looking to ghost ogre and while this card isn't currently in my UDS deck or I guess it's a after the fact in the time you're seeing this I do think it is a relatively strong option that I seriously considered for the tournament and if I had more time there's a good chance to'd be in there I think it has several applications and if you draw this going first it does have good defensive applications as well now like I said you want to use it aggressively to beat appoa and stuff but outside of pairing it with a nib you can also use it on stuff like Seline which is insane on a charmer it's fine they get the search but they won't get to resolve the charmer cuz it has to go to his Zone and then also clear two link bodies off the field or even if they go princess and you ghost ogre that that can be good because the princess it'll remove three link material from the field and while that's not brilliant it definitely does far more than a dead thrust for example yeah I would recommend trying this card out it's something that's been hyped up a little bit since the first weekend regionals at at the time of filming this I'm not sure if we've seen it being played any of the ycs or UDS tournaments I'm curious to see if it ended up showing up everywhere but I think this is one of the sleeper picks right now next up is call by the graves this seems like a staple in a lot of decks and the start of the format I was very eager to include it in my strategies turning off hand traps is great force your combos through then going second you can do stuff like called by Princess the runix Kieran amble whale those type of cards and theoretically help you break through Fields as well so it's not like solo purpose and going first however in most cases actually found this wasn't that good assuming you're playing a fire deck you don't want to turn off your princess and that's the main card You' want to be call buing and then when you're going first you're often weak to cards like nibir or imperm and this doesn't check those at all I actually just didn't like call when I was playing with it I felt like it was just worse than cross out and it really wasn't that good going second it's one of those cards that again didn't deal with the appoa thing which I wanted my non-engine to do and while this card has some Merit to it I ultimately think it is just worse than a lot of other cards and despite it seeming like it should be good in a format like this I just don't think it actually is powerful enough in the situations where it's good and I think it actually has too many restrictions on when it's usable for it to be fully good next up is mistaken arrest all right so this one has been trending downwards for a while and I think that it's going to continue being the case here but it's nice again plug gate effects that are lingering meaning your opponent can't deal with them after the fact however this this does come back to bite you in your own turn as well so after you shut them down for a turn it will come back to you and if you got hand trapped and you needed a fug gate to buy a turn for you this wouldn't be great cuz now then it comes back to BU you in the ass unlike something like different dimension ground which will hit them for one turn and then when it gets back to you you'll be free to play I think if you wanted to go for one of those lingering floodgates different dimension ground is just way better although obviously that can have some ramifications on your end I think this is just a bad choice that are far better even different dimension ground isn't fantastic and yeah the different up other upsite the different dimension ground which another I've included on here is that you can thrust for it and I'd probably put it in there because of that so different dimension ground if I put on here I guess I forgot about it would go here a mistaken AR us doesn't have that upside and it it hurts you as well we're going to put it in the bad category next up is oh God I hate this card so much and so yeah this card's been popping up a lot in ocg and in the last few weeks in OC we've seen the trend of some decks dropping anti spell in favor of other counter traps like strike or solemn judgment Jud judgment here right now the reason for that is similar to the problem with the mistaken arrest if you get hand trapped a lot an I spell with no field is a lot worse now it can still stop your opponent from playing and can buy you time but it's not always the case and a simple snake ey Ash means getting to something like a SP little Knight and effectively denying the an spell from any real value You' have to pair with other cards then for it to be useful when that's not really one when you're looking for a bomb siding card for going first although when people or if people transition to the board breaker strategies with cards like super polymerization thrust talents change of heart those type of cards and anti spell is brilliant that being said though if you're in a very hand trap heavy meta and we are focusing entirely on hand traps it actually just isn't the correct trap choice in my opinion it's not terrible but is lackluster and that's why we've seen Su limit strike and judgment all see some sort of play this this cards by no means bad but it's not this omnipotent threat that's going to be in in every single deck I think it it is a strong option and will be present in many side decks but it is not the only and by Far and Away best choice as far as go for a side card is next up is Ash Blossom all faithful yeah so we're rarely going to see this card be a completely terrible choice in a format I do think it's also rare to see it be one of the best Staples I actually think there are other hand traps that are better than this card and don't actually love it but I think you are forced to play a very hand heavy hand meta in that this is up there it's it's probably the hand trap I play fourth but if you're playing a deck you want to have 12 hand traps or or upwards of that then Ash Blossom is where you want to be my biggest problem with Ash is it it by itself doesn't really do enough versus a lot of these decks ashing snake ey Ash isn't fantastic because it's on Field Effect still exists and that can be a problem even if they don't have onfire so they can do other stuff to start playing a little more than you'd like and then obviously there's also hea if your opponent he your Ash then it gives them plus one link material to bridge into Princess which in a lot of cases can be hard when you're getting hand trapped so that ability to go in a princess and really ramp up your your followup and your disruption is is dangerous so when Ash is your only hand trap it's not super comfortable however it is still good because if you Ash like a sinful spoils then you can often deny a fire King deck of access to the Fire King cards they'll be locked in a snai engine which while powerful is not the end of the world you can be through that with or if you have other hand traps it's a lot easier to deal with they also have less resiliency and followup without the firing cards no again it's not zero those that deck is still good it's pretty much playing for snake ey at that point but Ash does help you to some degree there so yeah it should be in pretty much every everyone's deck you'd have to be playing no hand traps for that to be the case and there's Merit to that and I strongly debate it putting it as a strong option But ultimately if I think that 80% of decks need to have 12 plus hand traps and this will be one of those 12 hand traps even if it's at the end of the best Staples it is one of the best Staples as dimensional barrier we are in a very link heavy format and I think a lot of extra decks have 15 links or 14 links and almost nothing else and as a result barrier is just not very good the extra deck decks may include elements but barrier has never been brilliant versus that deck it's been okay if you want other flates again stuff like different dimension ground is just better yeah I think you can very easily put this in a bad spot I'd say this is the worst one we've had to deal with yet which is surprising CU if you go back 6 months this card was an absolute Menace but that's how metas evolv so it's interesting to look back and how things have changed so drastically so quickly we got new one now and that is the black goat laughs so for those of you that don't know it lets you declare a card name and then your opponent cannot or neither player can summon monsters with that card's name for rest of the turn except from the grave but it also has a graveyard effect you can banish it to declare a card name or Monster name and then neither player can activate the monsters effects in the field this turn it has some interesting uses and it's very unique in its properties almost prohibition esque now the onfield effect is actually lacking in many cases because letting your opponent still be able to summon from the grave means in especially a fire based format stuff like prometh and Princess like discarding with Phoenix then princess revive pretty much turns off all of its uses however it graveyard effect can be pretty good now there's too many threats in the Fire King deck for it to be actually good versus Fire King for something like rescue a hitting turbulence can be quite good that being said you have to get into the grave so how easy is that that's going to rely a little more in synergies and becomes less of a staple at that point we're talking it about it within the context of Labyrinth it's a pretty cool card it's it's solid and it's similar to the shuffler where it's good value to discard the Furnitures but it's also some playability when you draw it that being said I think it is not the best position right now it's a subpar choice and I I really would include this in many cases I have seen some people use this as a Thrust Target because if you thrust fre going first it's an okay disruption as we said it's okay but then going second you can send it off of a witch or it's just witch you send it for witch and then you can use it as a bit of a board breaker was calling something like Appaloosa or garunix or I to help push through a little bit and while it may not do an awful lot it will do something and when this specifically can come up even more is if you thrust but you got droll so if you got droll and you have a Thrust now whereas it wouldn't done anything before if you have a witch plus a Thrust in your hand you can thrust for the black goat laughs send it off and it's something is it enough to win the game probably not to be honest if you're playing through your field and that's why I still don't think it's worth playing that type of engine but it is something that exists next up is frame Delta so this is another one of the hand traps that is very strong right now hand traps are very well positioned and I've seen quite a bit of play in ocg uh and it does very similar things to Ash Blossom where you can hit these sinful spoils to deny Fire King access uh we can also hit stuff like cross out which can very good at critical points uh talents when when they go first is Prett nasty and then sometimes hitting the Fire King Island the sanctury can be pretty good too it's it's a valuable trap hand trap and when you play that it also let you play gamma which is broken whereas before you wouldn't want to play gamma with is just the driver so it actually has a lot of merits obviously you don't want to main deck it because going first this card is terrible and you get into a Grind game when you're trading hand traps this does zero and it's really not a card you want to draw I would expect to see this in zero main decks unless someone's blinding second and in that case I do expect to see in a lot of s decks though I know that I'm playing it at my UDS and we'll see how that went but I do like it to bring my hand trap account up to a point where I'm approaching 80% chance of seeing multiple hand traps when it go second and this is nice to pair and now the upside where that it has compared to Ash is that it plays around hea they can't ta it now the downside is if they play thrust post side going first which albe a rare can happen it it gives them a Thrust Target to get talents or any extender they want that can be pretty nasty however I'm expecting not as many thrusts I don't think the card is that great because of Anis ball because of draw and then if someone's playing thrust if they aren't playing a card like a trap like dumic Canon or different dimension ground or black oat laughs to set off of thrust it's not going to be in their deck side it's really not powerful enough as a sort of countermeasure to hand traps and while they could possibly be playing these other traps it's another spot of the side deck it's another uh deck building concession so yeah obviously it's not without risks any side card has its risks but I think the payoff is is rather nice now one other thing that can happen which can be interesting is uh putting cards on the field on the on the first turn opens your opponent up to doing zantis princess stuff like immediately on their first turn which it really isn't that like meaningful it doesn't matter that much but there's something funny that can happen that could matter I don't know next up is Ghost spell it's a card that we've seen in a lot of side decks for a while now but I don't think it's that good I think I'm going to put in the has some M section and the reason is I think this card does not do enough for the fire deck uh hitting something like a garunix or Kieran or princess revive it it's just not that good on the first turn like hitting even a flame Burge if you can sometimes train blocked it it really doesn't function hard enough as a hand trap uh I think often times you're off better off using it to to Bell princess revive effect at which point I'd rather Crow uh and even then that's also just still not a very strong board breaker if I'm playing it as a board breaker I have to understand that's what I'm using for and then in the context of a board breaker it's just not good so I would never really have this card in my side deck for Fire King at which point would I main it no why would I play this card then if you side deck it it should be for the express purpose of Labyrinth and we saw that before when Labyrinth was a lot more popular and was way stronger deck that's a big reason why B was in side decks however if you check out my last video my last meta tier list about the decks of the meta I think Labyrinth is rather lowly rated and unless your deck has a hard time with Labyrinth or you really want to prepare for it heavily I wouldn't put too much into it and then even when it comes to this card versus other de like voiceless voice it is usable but it's not fantastic it can get them off guard pretty nicely if they play with the dynamond line but that's not a given and if you like Bell the effect of low to come back when it's ritual summoned they are extenders to keep playing like if they have the Trap if they open the spell they would just get the Trap off the first low and then that can just get a second low to mitigate your bell at which point you're trading down a card you're trading one for one in a way that's not meaningful that's exactly what that deck wants you to do yeah not happy with bell in any of these scenarios it's really just Labyrinth and once you understand that and you also realize that Labyrinth isn't even that good or that popular right now I would stay away from Bell now obviously as I'm filming this there's the events that are about to happen I'm curious if I'm proved wrong if this card is going to be very popular or if lab is going to be that popular but I really don't see lab as being this huge meta threat at the moment next up is forbidden chalice okay notice how I've been talking about this is a very hand heavy format I don't like a lot of board breakups right now and I think the large part of it is the presence of anti spell and drel lockb bird chalice was going to have similar problems it's a little better versus anti spell because you can chain it but sometimes you can't hit stuff like the IP because it'll still be smell trap card zone until after everything's resolved yeah I don't know like it's also just not very powerful the thing is like if if your opponent goes full combo and you have a chalice trading one for one is fine but it's not great I'd like it to be doing something else and it doesn't have the high roll potential that ghost ogre does to just end them if they aren't playing around with it properly and at the same time I also think it's worse as a disruption when you go first so I think this card is just sub par I'm not huge on it yeah I don't not much to say it's just I think attack negation is f is pretty good right now as a hand trap but not as a breaker as for dark r no more you get to turn off their entire field but you don't deal damage that turn and that's a big problem cuz it's pretty easy for these fire decks to play for follow-up so if you're darking them it's almost the same thing as sping them and often times we want to avoid doing that because you want to kill them uh it's a lot easier to kill them than it is to shut them off a follow up with disruptions or if it's enter a Grind game if you're very comfortable entering a Grind game your deck is built to do maybe Dark Ruler can be more impactful or if your deck has great ways of shutting out the opponent after you've turned off their negates dark rer has more Merit now obviously if you're doing this you have to play through the princess still one thing I don't like is if you they have an nvada up even though you Dark Ruler negate it when they Princess Pop the Arvada the gun will come back they'll pop a card with the Kieran and then Arvada comes back again but you're really not dealing with the Arvada if that's what they're ending on however if it's like flame Burge Appo or something like that then you are dealing with both those threats I think this card is just a sart choice again I not a huge fan of the breakers and it has the same weakness to anti spell next up is Cosmic Cyclone cos has been an extremely popular card in a lot of decks recently and there's a good reason why so post side it's great to pair with other stuff if your opponents feels any bit weaker this card will put them in the ground or if they feel this strong and you have this plus Talent OR breaker it can be fantastic and what are you what am I why why am I saying that because it's fireing hitting fireing Island nukes the field so it punishes an appal line a lot it really will force people towards playing like amble whale or just effects that aren't as overwhelming to your as disruptions and that's obviously positive but even when they don't do that Cosmic can still hit stuff like anti- spell still hit shs like imperm it can still hit the card that they put with flame Burge so if they have an IP there so it's very versatile in that way as a going first card people have talked about how it could be playable but it really Cosmic King like a popular or a sanctuary while has some usage really isn't good enough for DW play if your opponent's getting that far enough you want more impactable disruption I think that's why we're going to see it not be in main decks uh one of my favorite things to pair Cosmic with though is Cosmic and talents cuz you Cosmic the island you force them to trigger all their effects then talents can tear them apart uh if you feel like you can beat the board you go after their hand clear out the hand trap and then should be pretty good now one new counterplay we are seeing is people using relinquished Ana and Nightmare unicorns to do a play where you Shuffle back your firing Island get the draw off unicorn and because cards don't trigger from the deck uh the island won't nuke the field and which point Cosmic cycl becomes a lot worse uh that being said there's still the other targets for it that still exist so unless they choose not to end on flame birge they end they don't have any back row um The Cosmic will still have usage it's not like it's completely futile and it's not completely dead so yeah very strong option for now that being said I think it'd be very extreme to play around just Cosmic cyclone and that's not what we're going to see happen next up is droll and lockb bird so I said before how there were the 12 hand traps I wanted to include in most decks the next best one I think is droll and lockb bird droll is weird I think it is one of the worst ones to pair which is not normal usually droll paired is insane but I think when you pair droll now it's not always the best because if you have veiler imper plus droll you either if you're letting the ash resolve snake ey Ash and then you're drawing them there then the veiler imprim does a lot less if you're if you're veiling or imping the ash then the droll is not being used right it isn't efficient and it is weird for droll in that spot however droll can be the one to solo Hands by itself as well I guess a lot of the hand traps can and when you go first droll is nuts it can be used as a hand trap and it can definitely help lighten boards up and then when you go first it is insane I think because it's it it makes way hard for them to kill you and even if they don't kill you but they make a small field you can usually play back to that relatively easily and then another thing it does similar to Ash is while it's not great at like pairing or doing everything it does shut off the fire can cards pretty well again if you draw them when they had popler then they don't get to ponic or whatever even if they open ponic they can't resolve Island it is a great way of stopping that from resolving I think sometimes vers Fire King draw can be better than Ash but simpied game say Ash is better and versus the broad meta Ash is better as well versus the P neck droll is just not good I expect to be droll in many decks it's probably one of the best strong options but there are reasons not to play this card I would put it there comfortably next up is contact C and sim a barrier we are in a link format everything is generic princess is generic this card is just bad yeah not good at all not going to waste time explaining that one next up is book of eclipse all right so with link formats it's a bit weird with book monsters sorry with book cards because you can't wait to hit cards later you can't wait for a pearly exed you can't wait for the Unchained exed can't wait for the cash xeds to really get value and booking straightaway doesn't always turn off their plays they can extend from the hand not guaranteed but relatively often and the other issue with book cards is they they don't always actually cut off a resource what I'm saying is if you book a snake ey popper you may think okay it's gone for rest of the turn cards like island or dialar can still clear it off the field in engine and then put it back in the Great to keep using it's not actually that simple if you could say book of flame Burge and then never have to deal with the effect resolving that would have a lot more Merit but it's just not what happens and then as a board breaker versus stuff like appoa versus IP it's not very good you can I guess versus IP it's okay you can maybe catch your opponent off guard if they go IP effects and you book all their monsters and the force Link IP plus Appaloosa and that could be neat and it can turn off princess as well sometimes so it versus the breaker it's like not the worst but it's it's not the best either vers n spell obviously it's chainable but again if you can't like make him get get max value of it it can kind of be funky and thing with with board Breakers as well is if the boards aren't standardized and they're very mix in what they do it's it's rough right your opponent doesn't end on a fire link monster or a way to end on fire link monster or a Kier in the hand Eclipse could be good because you could turn off a lot of their interruptions no princess anymore which also means no garunix line and yeah it's the same way how resolving as elantis to put all the monster facee down could be good but if they end on like an amow whale then Eclipse looks silly cuz princess and all that stuff is still going to be a threat yeah this card is subpar choice I think you're making a big gamble on a board breaker that's probably not even worth it although you get to use it going first which is nice next up is change of heart this is a board breaker that I've toyed around with for a little bit and why I think it could be good is if you're playing a very heavy board breaker deck in conjunction with thrust or talents it it will force your opponent to do something and if your opponent's ending on appoa this card is nasty right just change a heart steel appoa is insane for the fact that it's a negate and then even if it's imped later turning that appoa into his Atlantis pressures even more right if your opponent hasn't used princess yet and they have no links that aren't or no sorry no fire Link monsters then zantis can turn their Fire's face down and then you can go from there so it forces princess out and pretty good but anx spell exists so does draw right if and draw matters because if you're trying to thrust for cards right if I'm trying to combo this with a change of heart plus thrust I go change of heart like amble whale and they chain Kieran then if the goal is to thrust and then getting droll afterwards like it hurts me a lot now I Ash can't bonfire and it's just nasty there are workarounds we've seen a lot of people play stuff like engage to draw with rust another package that if you went for that which is a lot powerful and those are the type of decks you'd see these heavy spells in I think those normal spell type strategies are going to be pushed aside because they unfortunately just can't risk these two cards existing and yeah they could be an event where it's just a very good medac call for these spells because people aren't prepared for them anymore and that could absolutely happen I would not be surprised but at least for the current moment when it's a little more undefined you don't know what your opponent's ending on either either and there's still drolls and Anna spells everywhere I'm I'm not I'm not including this likely in in my deck but it has Merit it has some Merit next up is cashier fener and I've been a very big critic of this card I think this card as a non-en card is lackluster I think going first it is mediocre disruption and if your deck is already weak to neiru then you're playing into Nibiru even more because if you get niru you're losing the card and accomplishing nothing out of it and as for going second this just gets obliterated by Princess or SP it it really isn't like super high functioning and adding the card to hand offender like if that resolves isn't very good also plays in the droll there's just no reason to play this card I think this card is just bad it may even be it may be subar but I think this card is just bad I I think it shouldn't really be in anybody's deck unless you are a c too player if you have that as an engine then fantastic but it should not be your non- engent cards are just way better options next up is DD Crow and this card is relatively popular but I think this card is just not very good it has some Merit but I'm gonna put it in subar choice to really get across you guys I think this card is heavily overrated as far as disruption goes it really doesn't do a lot sometimes you can Crow them to stop a flame Bridge from resolving cuz they only have two fires engrave but that's not what was going to happen crowing the Fire King Target can keep them off of one body but the thing is your hand trap is not stopping them from playing it's keeping them off of one body which will really shut them down they may have a slightly weaker field but it's not much alternatively you can use it aggressively to Crow princess or garunix as a board breaker but again it's trading Me Maybe better than call by but it's worse going first and it's not functioning as a hand trap really it's the same thing like versus tier it's not like it seems like it should be fine but it doesn't do enough for it to actually be good or for me to actually want to play it and I think this card just shouldn't be in your decks for those reasons yeah I don't really have much positive to say about Crow the one thing that I do like about it is if you're playing a pure sakei deck and you want to include weof THS as a way of giving yourself more engine more ways to play through stuff like emper or more ways to play through stuff like veiler what Crow can do is it means when you go second you can play one of crow in your deck and now if you have we of now and and you don't need more engine you can wear arou for D Crow deal with the princess and that could be pretty good and there is some Merit to that and in that case it's the utility Tech card where it's like a one of thing you you grab same way as you'd have the Dual different dimension ground for thrust very similar but to probably even less frequent extent next up we got crossup designator which has been staple ocg for pretty much every deck because of Maxi but I think it is outside of that also very good here and if we're going to a very heavy hand trap meta and they're expecting postai to see a lot of hand traps cross a great way of pushing through your hand traps specifically if her de is weak to impermanent beer which I think are great hand traps right now uh having the way to stop those hand traps is fantastic cross out does that right like we able Stop Those where other hand traps we're also in and almost or really we are just in tier zero meta being able to hit like a popler or a snake ey Ash or a fire King Island I don't know how much I do that cross out acts almost like a solemn judgment although not for summons and it could be very good so I think cross out is one of the absolute best cards decide going first that being said it obviously has the issue where it's not actually that good going second if you hit like garunix or Kiran to stop that from resolving or nvada it's meh it also shuts you off using the rest of the turn or you have to banish it from your deck right which isn't always fantastic so I I wouldn't be like too keen on throwing this in as a Sonic option for going second but I do think it's great going first that's weird this wasn't my main deck for the UDS tournament I don't think it is as good as the 12 hand trups I feel more mandatory and if you're not playing a fire deck then I think cross out just isn't that good either next up we got hary's feather duster okay so versus the fire decks I want to duster them they Sanctuary duster is not very good the flame bir can chain to bring out the IP or Arvada whatever is in spell trap card Zone verus the fire deck this really doesn't accompass much right so we'd have to be playing for something else versus Labyrinth I actually think this card is not that good i' rather of cosmic rather of bell if I want cards for Labyrinth are better options than than this right people aren't playing The Floodgate version as much so youd want this for some sort of other Floodgate deck right so if we're seeing Casher or flunder show up in the meta as this anti meta Deck with def fisher maybe you want Duster or even some limits in the voices voice deck and it's okay in those matchups and then the other time you'd wanted is just rescue a to clear all the back row but there are other perfectly fine options that I think have a bit more Merit to them and I don't know this card yeah it's not terrible it has some Merit right but I think there is a very strong case for knopping in your side deck right unless you really need to allocate spots to rescue a or these Labyrinth decks it just really isn't too important now obviously you should be building your deck for fire matchups so your side deck should be have or should have a lot of space for these other matchups and when that's the case then duster can make its appearance but for me at least duster is not in my deck at the moment next up is dark hole as far as Breakers go this is weird right cuz if you're Cosmic and Fire King and that's acting as nuking their field dark hole just seems worse cuz it's the same thing without the utility of hitting like the FL bird back row or an anti spell yeah now this card just isn't great it's it's like not no it's just bad I'm sorry I don't know I don't know what I have to say it's good about this it's it's pretty bad it's not like level of bad as maybe these two cards but it's not good either um it's not even a subpart choice like I I I'd say all five of these are better than darkle next up is fantasm it's a card that honestly I haven't given enough lights I haven't given it a chance enough to see how good it is I know some people have liked it my biggest problem with it though is it's not directly hand trap itself so it's not going to be usable so it's not going to be the card that stops them from playing typically I like this card more with board Breakers which if I'm trending away from I'm not a huge fan of however in a board breaker deck it's great the other problem though is it's weaker to talents and thrust one of the advantages of playing a board breaker deck is not having the weakness to those cards not a fan of that and in hand trap decks if you're drawing the hand trap to them one you're turning off imperm and if you're playing postside Delta SL gamma and then also you you can't use the hand traps in in the most opportunity spots right cuz if they've gone into a link monster they've gone through quite a bit of their plays right droll would do a lot less as well Veil would be a lot less impactable the only one that really maintains the same level impactfulness would be like in airu unless that's the only card you ever want to see and you really need a dig for it I wouldn't love fantasme too much but do know any people who like it and if you can use it as a breaker almost some places where it is cool where if it's your turn and your Pony uses flamers to summon IP assuming you can either stop an Appo or they don't have it fate there can be really good because then it'll let you draw three cards and cycle back to to Really fix your hand and then still has the prevention of targeting so you can preven so you can prevent like a princess from coming down in those spots it's fantastic however without a uniform and field it's not great and again that is also weak two draw on lock Bird right if you get drawed before that point then fantasma is going to send your hand dead and I'm not happy with that as a result either I guess if you're committed to that as a board breaker strategy then maybe but that's my biggest apprehension with playing fantasme lava Golem imagine clearing your opponent's field and then giving them a fire for princess I can tell you guys pretty confidently unless you have another match up where you want this card like the thing is though I don't know what would it be I guess there voiceless voice I giving you normal sumon is so much it has to be better card ver voiceless voice the thing is like super poly and such isn't always good of his voiceless voice because they can use the the ritual spell in the grave to summon from deck where lav Go's not a card Effect you'd be bypassing that that downside or that upside that they have and that would give this card a little more Merit but I don't know there has to be something better to play than lava goem in those spots I don't know actually I'm going to put it here I I think I don't know it's better I thought about now that I think now now that given it some chance to sit in my mind it is terrible verus everything else don't get me wrong but maybe versus tier or versus manium you can stick this in and versus voiceless not don't love it though don't get me wrong next up is the rumic Canon the rumic Canon right now I mean it's the same as Eclipse right eclipse is not very strong this is the same but it's not a board breaker at any capacity at all and while Eclipse has some ability to use it going second Duma really doesn't if you want a a Thrust Target it should be different dimension ground I guess if you really don't want a different dimension ground yourself it can be the Ruma but if you're playing like a snake eye deck and you got hand trapped into the point where you can't play Then thrusting for ddg is fine you're not actually Haring herming yourself at all so I wouldn't want to play Karma Cannon for that reason but yeah this just not powerful enough better than barrier but next up is deck lockdown Another Broken Floodgate that stops stuff from being played uh and this card is cool cuz it can stop the summoning from deck as well so if your opponent has monsters like snake ey Ash fantastic however what it doesn't do is unlike s summon limit which floods your opponent out those cards can be sent off by your own snake eye effects to special from deck and then unlock yourself um de lock down can't do that because if you have a snake iash in the field you can't activate the effect of that lock down and then you are locking yourself so if you get into a grind it can be a lot more impactful on yourself and the same reason why mistaken arrest isn't very good this card isn't good either I guess it's a bit more impactful than mistaken arrest but no not a huge fan the next one is another controversial decision and that is super polymerization I think this card is Sapar I think this card really is overrated and I can't put my my finger on why the ocg loved this card so much and maybe after two weekends of playing a bit more my opinion will have changed but every time I've tested this card it feels if I'm playing Breakers this card doesn't do enough the mud dragon seemingly good on first appearance that you summon off it will die to Kieran a lot of the time and then become you know just another thrown away body at which point they'll be able to re-trigger all their effects and it's not that hard for them to deal with amble whales as well like even if they're they're they have other stuff they could just amble pop and again you don't have the M Dragon anymore it doesn't Target so not a huge honor from that standpoint and one thing with board Breakers as well is you going have to De with the board plus hand traps right and that can be rather hard you proba you just scotting a card going a card down now if you're playing witches well you're another card down if you're playing with witch especially you're calling dark to protect from imperm if not then you're calling fire but then the witch is still vulnerable don't love that either and if you're trying to keep up the mud dragon way to stop fires them from targeting fires it almost can't be interacted with as your own body either so you have have to do everything else with the my dragon still on the field and that's really not that easy what I also don't like about it is using up your extra deck spaces which are very valuable in fire decks and then versus voices voice again the ritual spell offsets it greatly as as a going first card it's like fine but if you want to play gura to make it a good going first card that's another extra spot to beat some enfields are you playing the Earth go mag nister to beat like aala plus IP again like it's just more extc spots and you really can't afford it in that many decks now there are some decks where you can't afford it in that case this deck this card mer goes up I really just think often times it's not enough as a board breaker and it's just an okay back row and then also the deck building cost that it you know pushes on to you is not worth it in so many decks I think it's really low end of hamir at high end of subar choice and it will be the MCH decks but I expect to see it be drop dropping off a lot in terms of playability and how often it's represented as we progress further into the meta next up is fear mode you can't even do this for voice and voice as much I'm going to put this I don't know yeah by I'm not going to give too much time to this same as lava goem not giving them the fire I guess though but if you're trying to kill them killing trying to kill them through this is also a pain in the ass I guess like you'd have to go to zantis and summon to face down that that works sure next up is talents this is a card that the start of the format I said would be one of the best Staples or I thought so at least I don't know if I said it on Twitch or or whatever whatever the more I'm playing and I'm struggling because a lot of my hands lose to imperm or I brick talents is one of the biggest contributors right with other hand traps I can try and stay alive and fight back the thrust or talents isn't and then when I go second talents isn't always the card that will win me the game right if I'm able to pair other stuff and the rest of my hand is okay then talents can be very good don't get me wrong but there are many games where your opponent plays properly around it talents won't be enough to recover and at the same time it's dead enough going first your contributing the bricks enough going first that I'd almost rather of a hand trap now when it resolves it can be very strong and it can be what pushes you to success when you go first being able to play through multiple hand traps it can be what lets you break through Fields when you pair it and when and if you want a powerful spell that breaks field I think this is the strongest one but I only think it is not actually the best staple and it has enough flaws in it that there are mer to not including in your deck main or side next is H the abyss this card isn't good unfortunately there's way too many different cards in play and there's not any one overwhelming oppressive card it's not like you're with an arise heart or a Caesar even or a Noir that stuff's all kind of phased out we're deal we're not dealing with these one card Fields anymore it's very diverse boards in that case this card just does not do it next is vados all right so this is a brand new one very similar to ogre right where you can pop a field spell to summon your opponent's field but if they L away with it or goes to grave for any reason it'll also nuke the field but if you're nuking Island it'll nuke everything this card is cooler than ogre in the sense that can be used on activation of field spells if you're playing versus chint or manium you can hit their field spells and it's pretty good it's way better in those match ups than ghost sergers however vos's ver Fire King Sanctuary is bad like you aren't going to resolve anything and ogre has other applications to make make up for it where Vos doesn't so that's where I think vados is just a bad choice right now it's very unique and I think one day this could be meta especially in very FS heavy like meta but now we're not there just the unique circumstances of Fire King Sanctuary existing if it didn't I think we could see this moved up even higher and this to be actual strong option I feel though when this card is good it'll be high up here it'll be one of those cards very volatile in in its play ability next up is marionette might I honestly should have removed this from my tal list I didn't see it here until now uh yeah Unchained is not very pop La is not popular let's just put it this here at the end my bad and Eradicator great so another going first card that's that's supposed to be impactful however there are a lot of monstrous people's decks they can play with just witch they can chain wanted to get a witch snake Ash still beats you this cannot be your main line of defense it cannot be it while it's not the hardest thing in the world to activate I would not want to dedicate XTX spots to doing so and there are just better traps to do it so this card is just bad even a labyrinth I would not be fixating on resolving Eradicator and there's no deck in the form that's really that Spell heavy unless you're playing playing pure snake eye or firing snake eye that is board breaker built and in those cases I transition and I spell only Labyrinth can maybe side that card for that matchup yeah runic as well runic is not very popular next up is kaiju and in similar vein to haral D best seem Target removal is not going to cut it and this is also just not in a a strong manner he has to bypass his an spell but it's never going to be doing enough to be meaningful so scamma seal next up is enemy controller this is a card that I thought would be a little B better at the start of the format for stealing cards however it being targeting gives it some weaknesses to stuff like Kieran as well as being able to have tributing a monster is not great with such powerful links sacking off your own monster unless they were about to Target and destroy it is actually ass is valuable resource to be giving up that could have turned into a charmer or into a Seline or into a princess or into link four so if they target a princess with an effect chaining Eon to it doesn't feel that good um sometimes getting the free value when I was about to die is nice but when they're popping with like a Kieran or an amble whale you don't have have the luxury you can't actually chain Eon there or at least you can't with like the knowledge of the you can't save your you can't save your monster you'll still get a card popped econ on APPA can be very good or even econ steel like your opponent's only Fire Monster turning off princess can be very good when they don't have Karen econ has a lot of power in those scenarios and the other problem with it though is Anis spell right and it's going to be recurring thing right expecting an spell The Meta we want to make sure our cards are powerful enough now one of the upsides the enemy controller is when you go first it is compactable it's not brilliant but enemy controller As A disruption is very good when you when you get to play a bunch and when you get hand TR a bunch even EC contribute like snake ey Ash is fine obviously requires you to be sacking off a body which I don't love but it's still okay next up is forbidden droplets this is one that I know a lot of people are liking as well it's a very highend of Hess some Merit or maybe even it's a strong option it's one that I've not tested enough but I know a lot of people enjoy or have been liking partially because it isn't as weak to an spell and then unlike chalice they can't chain flame Burge to it to bring out the IP so you can actually hit flame Burge in an effective manner in that way and you can multi-targets at once right so if they flamer Appaloosa you can hit both of them together or you can hit the Arvada and all that such you can also combo together with normal spells or quick play so if you wanted you can send off that they have three cards like bonfire chain wanted chain droplet send a monster they can chain anything and really shut them off and that is there is an obvious reason why it's better than chalice in those regards going first bit more costly and if you get disrupted it is that to accomplish the same thing as in permer chal so you have to get throw another card and those Grimes you can perform rather poorly I don't love that and then my general thing is I don't love the board Breakers as much because play through the board plus the hand traps if to play hand traps can be difficult so I think this is one of the stronger board Breakers and it does highpass some of the problems lot of The Other Board Breakers have so you can almost put it here and if I wasn't so strongly in favor of playing hand traps it probably go up here but yeah I think as far as goes droplet is one of the best ones then we got evenly matched this is a card I on infinitely and that will not change anytime soon yes this is the type of format you think evenly is good because there's no way to negate it there's a bunch of cards in the field get value out of it however there's still plenty of ways to play after evenly there's still going to be more disruptions after the fact they can keep stuff like appoa the princess will still be there if they have K in hand it's not that hard for them to navigate around it they have other hand traps and the thing is you give up your battle phase that's a very powerful resource to either Force Through disruption or to win the game cuz if you can't kill them some times they'll just have too much going for you to win in the long run even though even Le can get rid of some actual resources for the long game it's often not enough yeah I don't love the card as far as other matchups go it's still bad ver Labyrinth it's not good as voiceless they just negate it you can pair multple things together but still not great yeah evenly not a card I would put my faith in uh nothing's changed there we have the super ancient organism uh you can stop flame bird you can stop garunix you can stop skull Guardian you can stop lovely but he loses the SP and everything else and it's just bad uh yeah I think this card will just be terrible because of SP for a while now unless the meta drastically changes I mean it's useless versus branded is kind of cool but I'm not expecting that much if we have a lot of brandid and you really have an issue with the deck then you can throw this in as like your Ace in the Hole but maybe it's a subar choice because of that reason it has some very little Merit but it's it's horrific in like every other scenario next up the best Ys let's move these together cuz they go hand in hand they have some Merit they are effectively useless versus is Fire King let me be clear however there are other decks in The Meta albeit when you go to the tournament not as many non-fire decks versus tier these are still strong cuz they put up bodies that also then do other stuff as well while clearing out the tier names a lot more effective than D Crow they can also be good for Labyrinth to shut off some of their the followup their resource game uh you hit the lovely Labyrinth which will greatly turn off their ability to disrupt you uh and that's pretty good and then ver vo this as well it's okay cuz when they go revive low if you Crow it or Bol it in this case they it can stop them although the same as we talked about with Crow and Bell right if they have the Trap already they can still get to it and it's not that big of a deal keep in mind like if you have a bunch of dead cards toide out because your deck is built for fire you'd probably put these in and unlike the crow and bell at least these are bodies and field you could link with which in most decks is very helpful one cool thing about magnut is you can search Flame birge Off it which may not be apparently the best thing in the world but when you have the body up and you have easy access to something like nightmare Phoenix then you have a clear Outlet to utilize the flame Birch and adding it is actually pretty good next up is XYZ Encore let's think about why these card is being played before it was for dweller for Noir and with those things not in the metag game anymore really then this card can just go in the bad unplayable section now it's almost a bit surprising that dweller hasn't seen a huge Resurgence in play I just think of the thing that people can't use it or it's not worth it to use it in rescue Ace you have better options you have to do a puzzle Amino line to get it to resolve I think that's probably the reason why and yeah it's okay this would would not I would not side this for race at this point next up is book of moon it's very similar to Eclipse however it targets so it's infinitely worse already I guess it's a bit worse going second as well I don't know this is like Eclipse but worse so I'm going to put it in the bad section I'm not going to rehash it again long videos I'm not go over the same things twice next up is gamma now gamma because of the one is not one of the best Staples unfortunately just the huge deck building cost attached to it pretty much means you can only use it in tandem with Delta that being said obviously when you resolve gamma it is insane it is on par with prob nothing probably just the best hand trap to resolve but the deck building means you have to play with Delta so you have to think Delta is worth to run itself otherwise I think one driver one gamma is just way too much of a concession for G to be worth it while it is probably the best an trap it is not the best to this level where it's worth the deck building risk of adding the vanilla for sometimes you win next up we got nightmare I honestly I forgot I have this on the list cuz I don't I haven't thought about this at all how would I rank I if you play against fire what does what do they do I guess they don't have any great answers to it right because if you stop the normal summon they can't extend too much they aren't playing lingaro right now how would you get this I don't know this doesn't seem terrible actually I don't know how the hell you get to it if you can get to it with the Sprite deck this seems like fine but this almost feels like an engine card as far as playing three this in the deck giv up your normal summon for a Floodgate effect when you just have better floodgates is not worth it I'm not sure I should rank it maybe I shouldn't have included it in the tier list because it's weird it's not really a tech card it's more like an engine searchable for sprite oh I'll just leave it off to the side I'm not sure next up is mourner okay so I actually like effect negation a lot right now you'll see where I rank impermanent veiler but mner isn't the same now the thing is you're imper you're veiling on snake Ash pretty much immediately and you can't do that with mner now mner can be used immediately when it comes to the D Bellar and that can be very crippling but it it's not versus Ash and that's big right because if you're ashing if they go snake ey Ash and you M for popler it's not the same thing right they have to do so much more without having a single extender and yeah unlike imper you can also get talented though failer is the same that Ash interaction is the absolute biggest reason why I think this card is not as good it will never carry by itself you need to pair it and even when it's paired it's just okay it's like droll but if they can search after the droll resolves it's just stopping the one card so for that it's card is just not very good as a sub part Choice next is Delta or no this is Epsilon this is the one that stops trap card s frames uh if you're playing these would you ever play this for Labyrinth I'm going to say no because with arus and rback they really do play through stuff is a lot better and unlike Bella you can't draw into it off Soul or drawn to a mid combo for it to be really good even if I'm already playing Delan gam I probably wouldn't include it it's like technically playable but again I wouldn't hyper fixate on Labyrinth at all anyways next up is Goen match uh this card is pretty close to unplayable uh because we're in a fire meta right like if there were enough fire links or enough non-fire links maybe this card would be playable but like even if you keep them off of SP Fenix can clear it relatively easily uh garunix deals with it so easily as well with GE and help obviously even if they're cut off of SP and zantis and that stuff like princess with the firing cards is still just brutal like I'm not expecting to win with that yeah goes in is not worth a spot in my deck next up is thrust I think this card has some Merit and though I liked it a lot at the start of the format I actually don't think it's a brilliant option right now and it falls in the same line with change of heart all these other Breakers I was talking about I just am scared of anti spell and droll and I I I think your non- engine shouldn't fall too prey to these cuz your engine is already a little bit weak to them right and and when people are playing into them that's what make these cards really killer while you can build a deck around a Thrust strategy and go second with Breakers and it very easily can work through Fire King it's just such a risk when these are in the meta and that's why it has some Merit but it it's really risky next is retaliating C this one was a weird one I pondered for a bit when we first announced the snake eye cards because when they go original sin fall snake eye or whatever to summon from deck you can retaliating C and then cards get banished right but then also they can't send for snake ey Ash whatever and there's a chance you completely catch your opponent off guard and that's sick however if you retaliating C and they have flame bridge in the field if they go some flame Bridge first and then we wi Syle spoil and they still have use flame brige effect they can flame brige where raling see in the small trap guard Zone and you effectively accomplish nothing besides banishing this in spoils and that is not worth it that huge risk makes it not good there obviously the talent thrust thing where they can just steal it link it off and it's no longer a threat the card is has some interesting properties it's not like the worst thing but it's Merit are not bring enough for me to put it here when I say has some Merit I want it to be more than literally I want it to be more than a little bit I want to have actual bit of Merit to it so yeah interesting choice but ultimately there are too many play arounds that it's not worth it maybe if we get into a point in The Meta where there's very common patterns of play and retaliating see beats the retal that pattern to play it could be a meta call for a specific tournament but with the broad meta unclear combo lines and all such this is not going to have a spot in the immediate future next up is infinite impermanence and I think this is probably one of the best two cards in the again right now as far as hand traps go there's a good chance this can break your opponents when they're playing fire Kings which is just Bonkers to me I hate hate playing Fire King for that reason Fire King can be very cool many times but when you get impr and pass it sucks and it happens a lot on dbal Star and sometimes SN Ash that's why Kieran can help a lot as well talent doesn't help play through it and call can't beat it either so this card is just nasty and then this one's also good to pair right you can stop them just like that or if you pair with nib it's broken or if you pair it even with another veiler it can be pretty good or with Ash it's solid very good I like this card a lot next up is curry Cara this card has some Merit and it's largely because it's searchable I think this card is typically pretty bad however being able search off snake ey Ash that has given it a place in The Meta obviously you can just side side deck it in for something like pearly but the main Merit it has is when they use app in the gate once and after they use SP to banish C Cari can hit those two type of interrupts and then trade upwards while also applying a lot amount of damage on the field and when we get into grind games it's also just a huge body that revives from your opponent's grave so if they have IP or if they have even SP or I don't know just anything meaningful you can start Reviving their monsters to act disruption and bodies for a Grind game very strong but it's not every game st's like that it's not a reliable thing that you always get to that position and it's not a card I just want to hard draw for that reason the add searchable utility it can be very good and the obvious downside is if you want to M deck this type of thing is it's terrible to go draw to draw going first even if you full combo if your opponent has a lot of strong power spells like talents or high count um you may have wanted a hand trip to stay alive and it said you stock like a cur Cara especially if your hand has two bonfires in a cur Cara so you have two bricks in your hand you may really wish you cut down those cards that were completely useless going first next up is forbidden Lance this is one of the few cards that can play through imper but it it can't play around like anything else in theory like there are maybe some like Bo Breakers this to be decent against but going into a field to this card is is just straight up impliable so this card is just bad it's not going to be anyone's deck and for a good reason okay ultimate Slayer another terrible card I think is just highly overrated could be cool to send spin back through apalooza and then you get to send another card on the field to grave if their field is Appaloosa plus Arvada you could force out a lot like that and obviously they would just Arvada the evil T engrave to not lose their fire count on field unless they Kier in on hand in which case and then it also comes with the cost of breaking your deck and the card in your extra deck which as we talked about super poly is a pretty big cost I think extra deck is rather tight right now but it's just not great as a board breaker right I think there are better options it's okay at at clearing through Fields it's just there's better and then it has the same weaknesses of if you're trying to thrust for this it's just drolls an issue like turning on their droll sucks an I spell obviously just makes this card in a blank which is what we want to avoid so yeah this card is a very subpar Choice next up is skill drain okay where does skill drain fit I haven't thought about this if I'm playing Fire King am I scared of my opponent put skill drain on me yeah yeah it can be hard to resolve a Kieran into pop it outside of that it's not that easy you can put up big floaters pretty effectively and Princess is still act disruption so skill drain will never carry the game but it can keep people at Bay or stop them from being truly combo Centric now obviously snake ey Ash can still trigger some flame Burge and Linko can actually Force through your level one effects so you can still do quite a bit under skill drain it's just the heavy pushes you can't really do now some people are playing axis Co talker which means they can axis C talker B to kill skill drain but otherwise it's not the easiest thing in the world to clear so if you have skill drain it's not going to be enough to solo but it will if you're applying pressure do something that being said there's probably better stuff to play and it's not like the most amazing card versus Fire King it's like playable but I wouldn't recommend it very highly next up is Nibiru I'd probably put this as first or second best card this card while it unlikely to completely nullify the snake High Ash combo by itself it is insane when it gets paired with anything else it's nuts when it goes first and if if your hand is playable if you neiro them it makes their feeli weak enough then often times this engine is is pretty good uh and it's nice as well with the body in play If you hit the body up you can do a lot with it right that that's you go into Charmers which going second is really important it's big enough we can attack over monsters as well play an SP and you're trying to go to a Grind game although that play obviously requires using the battle phase which I I I'd recommend avoiding and then the other cool application is I talked about it before you can use this going second it's very weird because flame birge can bring back IP and IP can away for link number two and they summon twice off flame burdge that's four summons now a princess can be five a Kurio could be five a Kieran could be five a a Kieran or garunix or any of those things so there's plenty of ways for them to summon five times in a turn right they actually summon quite a bit uh and when we see those games happening the biru while not an incredible card can clear the field if there any interrupts uh sometimes ver PE can be good but primarily what it's good against is good for is just summoning a body uh and it's cool when it gets cross out it's not completely dead in your turn which is nice when other hand hand trap would just be thrown into the grave immediately with no sort of upside next up we've got gravekeeper inscription so at at first when I looked at this format I thought this card would be great it would be like inter element format uh almost about a year ago this time where the cash deck would main three of this with three shifter and just be heavy anti graveyard Centric but I think fire can deal with this like enough cuz you're putting bodies in fields enough of the time without using the graveyard effects that you can do stuff you can make SP you can make IP make Appo you can put enough pressure that inscription is not enough to solo you and when you have a board and inscription you again it's not the end of the world it does help to play through Fields it's not like unplayable card by any means but it's not going to Solo in the same way that it felt like it soloed an entire two turns against your elements and it is worse than I thought it also has weaknesses to anti spell but when it resolves it is pretty good and does work towards breaking the field obviously this is deck dependent on what you're playing but it's a it has a card that has some merits to it uh and if you're playing the right deck for it there's a decent chance of putting it in that being said it's not good enough to the point where if you can play it you should always play it next up is Judgment I'm going to also include strike in here and I'm going to quickly talk about some of them as well cuz these are the last two cards here that you want to side in for going first really in most of these decks you may have one slot designated towards these type of cards strike and judgment are better in the case of hand trap Wars because you get Direct Value out of them you are trading you often trying to see you go plus the most before trying to kill strike and judgment are good at doing that also a bit more flexible and I think over seeing these very high heavy hand trap counts this is the best option however if there are going to be some board Breakers some of limit has Merit to it too because it's the middle of the road you can still turn this off with your own snake eye Ash but if they have a snake eye Ash and you have someone limit they aren't going to be able to play through you they're going to have to pass on the popular immediately unlik where an spell would have beat them however if they're very board breaker Centric or if they're playing like desia Anis spell probably would have been better maybe ver desp someone that's probably fine anyways cuz they don't deal with backer very well but say like the board breaker Fire King Snake ey deck or pure snake ey de that plays board breakers like engage and stuff in the deck the summer limit can be pushed through stuff like mind control snatch deal if they have those they can make a relatively quickly without summoning twice and in those cases this card will again falter right it's not terrible any means all of these are strong options and we should see all these seeing play inside decks this includes strike but yeah know another powerful card to Soul release that Anis spal stops judgment stops but the other two don't that being said Soul release actually didn't include on this list I really should include Soul release I'm just really I forgot about it about it I'm going to tell you guys so those who skipped see the end of the the tier list won't see it unfortunately I'll just tell you why put Soul release and I'd put it in support choice so I know I just said it was pretty strong but it was I was almost like a gut reflex say gut reflex to say it's pretty strong because in actuality after having played with and against it a lot I think it doesn't do enough a lot of the time there'll still be the field on board often an appala or they'll have the Arvada or the the IP and then they'll probably be going for side deck cards in there plus the hand trap s right so while that can be enough it's not always enough and then you obviously have huge weaknesses to anti spell which I really justlike I really want my side Deck card to be functional versus that as well and then the fact that it's not enough by itself if I'm putting a card with these risks in it I wanted to close up the game on the spot and I don't think it is enough now there are plenty of ways to play on Soul release but I think they play worse into everything else which is why I don't focus in them too much if Soul release do become heavily popular in the meta then you play on St Le by putting stuff like Kieran not Kieran garunix or and spell trap C flame Burge and playing like that and it makes something like to release a lot less effective or if you sound like wolf add back the garunix now when you pop something the grein comes out of hand instead now there's no guarantee that this is entirely worth it but these are options should be expect a lot of S release being played and I don't like the S release has that play around that ability I don't like that it loses the anti spell I don't like that it's not always Enough by itself and it's just yeah s here subar Choice it's probably the top end of subar choice I think it's super po it's a trap they seem very strong but they're ultimately just not worth it and for cards to do similar things there's just typically better options yeah next up is lightning storm and there's nothing you do want a lightning storm really as far as monsters go I'm going to say it goes exactly where duster is cuz it functions the exact same premise if you want more copies of duster you play two lightning storms or vice versa but these really function as exact same cards and you're never really doing anything else with them next up is Ghost trer and winter cherries this was something I did test a little bit hitting prometh and Princess can be kind of cool it can decrease the capacity of the combo a bit and some of their interruptions and their Grind game however they can still do plenty through it turns on their talents which I don't love so it's a board breaker strategy it's not that good and as far as pairing with other hand traps it's not a great card to pair with you rather pair other hand traps together I think it just doesn't do enough sometimes it can be good so it's I'd say it's subpar but it doesn't have enough Merit for me to put it up here I expected maybe you see in a couple deck list but not many bottom end of Sapar as like goes gu like here has two hand traps that really don't don't really hold up next up is dimension shifter this card is nasty I shouldn't have to say for a year and around now this has been like one of the best cards ever this card is activated on you you just sit there and cry if you can use this you should use it obviously in the decks you can use it if somebody uses it against you you don't care but as far as side dech cards whatever go this is a card that if you can you will always include it is so broken man so broken next up is effect veiler so this is the last of the 12 hand traps I want to include in as many X as I can and I think it is probably around those the power level of veiler or power around the power level of Ash I prefer veiler and imperm but obviously this is weaker cuz it's weaker to call by it's weaker to talents and those are very real things even though they may not seem like much specifically talents talents is very popular right now and I did main three for the UDS I'm curious to see how much it's played across other topping deck lists over the last few weekends we'll know by the time this video comes out but that'll play a large part in it if Talent drops off a lot then veiler becomes a lot better but I think the fact that so many people play three Talent in their deck means it's imper with extra liability attached to it which I don't love although it still is definitely worth it it's a small enough of a downside that compared to these it's just way better and the chance to Brick them as well is just so nasty like I I've played so many games with this deck where I get imp veiler I look at my hand I'm like that's it it's a very sad life anyways moving on we got rivalry of the Warlords this one is a lot better than gozen because the fire decks are very mix mased in terms of what they're comprised of you have the pyros and the small Snake Eyes the Dragon and Flame Burge and then you got Beast Warrior and Wing Beast for the fir King cards and then nightmare Fenix a fiend and pran Princess is a fiend he does a spellcaster very all over the place so if you can play rivalry is actually pretty good so if you're playing like Labyrinth for example there is probably a reason to play this card that being said the Decks that can use it aren't great and it's still trap I I put it in has some it's I'd say this card can do a lot more solo by itself than skill Dre you know what how am I outing this in Fire King if you can clear your field you start using Island you Island and then you go garunix sand uh Kieran revive ponic pops you can deal with it it's just a slow process and it's a pain in the ass but you can definely get there so you don't need to apply as much pressure as you do a skill drain you have to apply a lot less but as long as you're doing something rivalry does obviously you have to be able to play it but I guess it's the same logic is other stuff like inscription or shifter on second thought this card is actually rather good maybe I I thought about this very briefly so if there's something I'm overlooking as to why this card isn't good just let me know but yeah this seems actually rather nasty to be flipped on me and if I'm if I Fire King player and I see this I'm going to be tilted next up is there can only one and this works almost adversely to rivalry unless there's a deck that is very strictly needing both same type and different types at the same time you rarely see both be good at once and we're at that right now I think this card isn't great it's too easy to deal around s part choice or it's bad I just put it bad I don't know what I want this against like I guess Labyrinth like uh that's just worse than other cards I don't know next is panr Toops this is another interesting one because it's a board breaker unlike other board Breakers it functions through Anis spell which is important thing we were looking for it can help you through Appaloosa because if you have an effect and they go Appo it forces through it can do the same thing as ogre where you can hit the their IP as well when it's in smell trap card zone or you can chain it to the IP when it's about the link summon and it works there what's nice is it can threaten battle phase to attack however as I mentioned before like with evenly matched I really don't want to expend my battle phase it's rather inefficient to do in some cases Dino wrestler panr Toops can really get a lot of value by going battle phase first threaten an attack and then pop something else as well it definitely has marriage through it and not being weak to Anis spell or actually just killing Anis spell is very good too it's not the most amazing thing versus appala because if they if they you someone T Tops and they have princess for it which they probably will forces the princess but if you chain pank the Apple wh will negate it it's not like ogre where it's from your hand in that regard and it's not this perfect thing but there absolutely is a reason to have for going second I can deal with all the random BS floodgates as well so you can power through a voiceless voice negate it can be what pushes through the barrier or it can hit just the summon limit an spell whatever is threatening you yeah I think the card is fine and it's a card that although it's not mic I could consider for sure next up is spell bounce the reason this was good before was there were a lot of people doing plays in your turn with links and while that's true to some extent now it's mostly popping on your turn princess and Kieran Arvada though all don't really interact Spellbound it would just be IP and even that it's not even a guaranteed thing in people's end board so using it as a board breaker really wouldn't be that effective not that I really want to rely on board Breakers right now the other use should be as a defensive card but it's not table by thrust and I think if you compare this to any of the other trap cards deciding going first it's just drastically weaker than these five by by wide margin so this card is just bad I think there's no real reason to play this in any deck at all lastly scull Meister another hand trap and this is just Bell and Crow but even worse like hitting the princess i' at least like to Crow it and get it removed from the game permanently if want to deal with it but this just doesn't do that at all yeah know I I don't like this card uh one bits I think it doesn't do a good job of being hand trap doesn't stop your opponent's plays you can almost use it as a board break Breer but it's a really board breaker if panis spell anyways that's it I'm curious if you guys have any different opinions uh or if I missed any other Staples I miss all release but a reminder guys I I did put it in the subar choice you can go back listen to it a couple minutes ago why I talked about that but let me know what you would rank differently if there's anything I missed and also I filmed this before the UDS tournament now that we've had the UDS tournament Weis Costa Rica I'm wondering what would change in this tier list have I been mostly right have I been wrong or if the if there's been some secret Contender we didn't know about out will force everything to shift itself once again so that can be interesting if something shifts a lot maybe remake the video and talk about that but for now this is it and again if you enjoy these type of videos where I go on for quite a while and rather in depth my voice gets my throat gets sore from while the talking but if you really enjoy it please let me know because it's it's content that can pump out for you guys pretty much of your format and it can be a great value yeah and that's all I will see you next time peace thank you guys for watching the video a great way to support the channel is to get the TS tx1 sleeves on tsx1 comom these are the sleeves I use at every event they are fantastic quality they feel really great to shuffle your hand your deck Fanning out your grave they to slide really smoothly and they last the entire tournament so you're not compromising the quality either use the code potato 10 on the website you'll get 10% off across everything
Channel: Jesse Kotton YGO
Views: 49,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dTYevhanjok
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Length: 66min 12sec (3972 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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