How to Beat Snake Eyes Fire King - Easy Interaction Breakdown

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stop wasting your hand traps stop mistiming your hand traps because if you do you're going to lose in this matchup when you're playing against snake eye fire Kings it feels like you're playing checkers and they're playing fortnite so I'm here to break it down for you guys hey guys this is tombox and today we're going to learn how to beat snake eye fire Kings now to be honest with you snake eye fire Kings has a lot of similarities to tier zero tment where it is the deck that does maybe 14 things in one turn and your deck can only do seven so you feel like you're pressured to play perfectly but there is hope I've been play testing this deck for 30 to 40 hours and just grinding out new tags trying out different sequences and even playing a lot of the mirror matches and through that I got to experience how I can lose with snake ey fire Kings and lucky for me I was able to save a lot of my time thanks to the sponsor of today's video Factor 75 you all know I've an extremely busy lifestyle basically have three jobs and barely have enough time for anything and factor helps me take care of my meals and buys back something I'm always losing time to us C game Enthusiast factor is an excellent timesaver as you can have most of your meals planned out for you and you can focus on what matters to you whether it be exploring a new combo line or just having a long play test session you won't be disrupted with factor and they can help you avoid fast food which can make you feel sluggish and this year I promised myself to be in the best shape I can be in it all starts with eating right Factor can help prepare nutritious meals to help me meet my daily goals with tons of meals offered from keto low calorie vegetarian and vegan they've got options that can match your lifestyle whether you can cook or not this can be your first step into saving time and eating healthier thanks to factor 75 for sponsoring today's video go to the link down in the description or use my code MST Feb 50 and get 50% off your first Factor 75 box and free wellness shots for Life two free wellness shots per order with an active subscription thanks Factor we have to start by breaking down the play out of this deck and its main advantage over the other decks to exploit the its weaknesses snake ey fire Kings a combo deck that is Graveyard Centric now they have lots of triggers that happen in the graveyard Center the graveyard you know special summon this card while it's in the graveyard cards destroyed while it's in the graveyard both the snake eye cards and the Fire King cards have a lot of stuff like that so if you start to disrupt their graveyard momentum things start to get shut down pretty hard now effect types ranges from special summon from the graveyard but whenever they do Promethean princess garunix and even the am whale they both provide a destruction as well as a special summon so everything does two things the flamb Burge pushes your opponent's monster to the back or pushes one of your own to the back so they can special sumone during your own turn but when it's sent to the graveyard again it provides you with two additional monsters two level ones and those monster if it's Ash or Poplar oak or ponic you're just gaining so much advantage to the point that when the turn does go back to the other side they have more than enough resources to take you out and they also have a ton of quick effects coming from Kieran Kieran helping them Dodge effects IP mascarena because they push it to the back and then they summon it during your turn through the effect of the flamb Burge Dragon SP little Knight to follow up from the IP mascarena which almost counts to like 11 to 12 effects and you're trying to play through a board with just five cards or six cards so the conclusion is quite simple you just prevent them from starting up so there is no recovery for them to get to and you know the clap back's not as strong so choke points we would say uh the original sinful SPO s out the spell card because they have to pay a cost and they don't get a monster so you can trade for a plus one on the ash same for the snake eye Ash and snake eye Oak when they're trying to summon from the deck you can stun them out that way because they're trying to get flamb burst flam burst going to lead to get them two more monsters and it just snowballs out of control and it's even worse if they haven't even used the monsters in the graveyard effect and they bring it back that's how they recycle some of the effects after you hit them with imperm and the last one here is bonfire on first activation it plays really really poorly into drone ler you could conclusively end someone's turn because they droll you might be thinking oh I've done all these things right why am I still not winning is because every single play they do they have a followup one of the the biggest problems if they hard open the card that they're searching for you might have wasted your hand trap they already have the second line in hand which can still lead to the full combo board unless you have a blowout card one hand trop typically is not going to be enough there's so many easy ways to get followup Poplar being able to get a free special summon that's a problematic card if they can get all the way to Promethean princess that lets them revive some from the graveyard again big problem Kieran could provide them with additional body everything mentioned in the cards above there you can see that those are the cards that you want to stop but you just don't have enough resources because there's too many things to hit with hand traps speaking of hand traps let's get into hand traps so there's definitely more hand traps that are also very very effective but these are the five that are most common place and these are the most effective points you can use them starting off with Ash Blossom Ash Blossom is in a weird spot because it is a hand trap that neither removes the body nor does it negate the full effect of the monsters it's not like an effect veiler so while it's on the field the effect's still alive and most of these monsters they have two effects one on the summon trigger and the second one is the ignition effect so when it comes to against snake eye Ash and Oak you have to stop the ignition effect from summoning from the deck or hand you don't want to give them access to the fly burd Dragon because if they do they're going to have a nice followup against you worst case scenario they might already have the card in hand and they blow it up with like a Kieran or they blow with Fire King Island just to get additional bodies out it's very very scary and every single play has its own type of weakness but the next card you should definitely hits original simple small snake I always hit this card uh cuz it's first of all from the rescue a days it's always a plus one by base and this card can solo your entire board if you let the combos go through from the ash to the oak or the ash into the poplular popl into generate more and more bodies into like promethian princess your board is as good as wiped okay and then there's bonfire but I would not Ash bonfire unless it's the first card they activate if it's the first card do it because there's no logical reason for them to do it and risk getting hit by drone lock bird drone lock bird is kind of an interesting card as well but if they get hit on drol they lose any momentum under a simplified gam set hit bonfire as well now in Perman veiler same thing you'll hit the snake out Ash Doan a little bit better about this is that you get to stop both effects of these cards your opponent is not going to activate the ignition effect of Ash or to get the summon but this particular card has contingency it can be dodged with you know Fire King Kieran kieran's going to pop the monster summon the Kieran you still get the additional effect and they still have two watch on the field so that is still very very problematic and the other thing that they can kind of work around is that if they already have flam Bion hand they'll just destroy the monster let it hit the graveyard say Through the Fire King line or the Kieran line whatever it is they'll just revive the monster okay they'll just put flam Bion into the grave out the two monster summons back onto the field and the effects are Al to summon back from the deck so yeah just be very careful about that next card you can hit is the Fire King avara if this card gets summoned and you have multiple hand traps that are Monster based you you should probably just negate this just so that something else would work like if you have an airu you still have to bait this card out first all right just be very careful and other cards you should hit in a mirror match you have to hit the he heita essentially if you went first and your graveyard's already loaded they're going to play with your graveyard and they summon out one snake I Ash they're going to build the board all right so that's very difficult another card to hit uh this is particularly in the draw phase IP mascarena being summoned back from the flamb bur dragon now no not everyone's going to do this particular line but if this line does occur IP masarina is the one that leads to SP which already gives you really poor timing but if you perform a special summon in they have SP and they can basically win on every single chain that that comes out later so yeah you probably want to stop the IP masarina ghost Bell and Hunt to mansion and DD Crow they're kind of the same if it's ZD Crow you should preemptively hit a lot of stuff but looking at Promethean princess whether you drew into this card in your opening hand or you top deck into it during the going second they're still useful in their own right first of all the Promethean princess you should block the effect of it summoning back a card uh because it's usually flamb bird Dragon if it's going to be flamb bird Dragon the problem is you have to answer flamb bird Dragon that's one two you're going to have to answer the monster that flber pushes out whether it be avara IP masarina deot tarito you don't want to answer it so that's pretty good basically shut down a full follow-up line on the opponent's side the other thing is if you top deck into this card Promethean is in the grave I don't allow the Promethean to summon because it protects your monster for one that's also really really nice and and it gives you like alternative ways to kind of deal with the flamb Burge that's already on the field and also you deal with one less access to Amo whales followup now they have to use Kieran in hand to get ampo whale effect so that's good for you it protects you in the long run if it's DD Crow against the promethian princess preemptively get rid of it because the problem if you don't preemptively get rid of it and you do it on a chain promethian princess is still going to destroy your cards the summoning doesn't need to occur because uh of the way that the conjunctions are formed It Must Destroy then special summon so it will do as much as possible so that's the the tricky part here in terms of Fire King cards you can hit the garunix and the Kieran there's not too much to add about these two cards stopping stopping the garunix will stop the Kieran from coming out from its own effect but if they already had Kieran in hand it could get a little dicey but if kieran's effect is activating graveyard hopefully it doesn't get chain blocked then you can hit them with a ghost spell for the most part yeah that's really about it and as for Snake Eyes flamber Dragon don't let them summon back two monsters all right that's pretty simple stuff now I also know a lot of people main deck draw lock birt in this format I mean it's pretty good there's a lot of other Decks that you can also hit but a majority of people dealing against fire Kings you might run into this issue now unless it's bonfire or ponic normal summon as first action it's not really going to be all that successful I've even made a video on the combo and every single combo I throw in there always includes like here's how we eat the Drone lock bird and just go full combo and this is kind of the same deal but if it's bonfire ponics the reason it's pretty simple bonfire they had no choice they exop the drol loocks ponic they had no other engine open and therefore they're really trying to get into the Fire King Engine to kick off everything else that's not going to happen either so you can basically cut those losses entirely next there's the snake ey Poplar and snake eye Ash this does not work without a second hand trap the combo shows that hey all they need to do is get access to that spell card that summons directly from the deck and Poplar being able to put itself into the back row uh that's going to provide them with the free cost and and they're going to be able to generate a lot of advantage and because Ash is able to uh send itself plus another card including the spell trap zone Poplar to get the flam B Dragon it starts loading up your twos now you can build up your twos to threes to Fours it really just pushes the entire combo through so draw lockb bird kind of good it's probably best to just shut down your opponent once you've already built up your board not very effective by itself and finally Nibiru so you have the option of fifth summon you have the Last Action before the ending of main phase one and this there's also Fire King avar these are the only real key like points that we should make about nir if you can do on Fifth summon uh this is only good if the normal summon burned and the original simple SW steak has not been added to hand or has already been used and just wasted or there's no flam Burge on the field or there's not enough level one monsters in the graveyard then you can just drop them into beard and just kill the board and the turn should end in those particular cases if any of those are not met you're going to eat a followup so it's very hard to actually time the fit summon one and sometimes Fire King Avatar avar is on the field and they have a negation so in that in that case actually I don't mind that as much where you just force them to burn an effect hopefully not an imperm because I guess imperm kind of works too because you get to kill the avar along the way uh you should probably get the negation done and then force them into playing more cards and then you drop the new beer following the rules above and it still hurts a lot or you can wait till the last action before the ending of main phase one this is an ideal scenario uh there's usually not a negate on the field the only thing that I will allow them to reestablish their board is that they have a fire King High Avatar Kieran in hand and that's going to allow them to generate one additional body onto the field and when they have that and they're able to generate the additional body everything that's been set up in the graveyard the Promethean princess the garunix everything has an option now so you have to be careful how you remove that Kieran off the field otherwise you're going to run into a lot of problems and if your opponent somehow fit someone goes for Appaloosa and then finishes the snake isine in other words they have every single line available uh this is just better than you and you might as well scoop it up and go to the next game now I'm sure there's going to be more hand traps but for now let's go into the text we'll start off by banishing the graveyard number one dimension shifter that's kind of a given you start this card off there's not a lot of options if you can generate two monsters they might put an SP and they try to follow it with an SP and hopefully they'll survive uh there's also a different dimension ground Def and macrocosmos ddg is kind of an interesting one you should shotgun that card if you're going to be playing against Fire King uh snake eye because you don't want the Poplar to hit the graveyard to become a spell trap because that way they can still use the popart to pay the cost for the original simple spell snake eye and still get the summon and just start launching off into like an otk especially if you went first and you have to set that ddg so just shotgun the card is probably going to be better for you that's can play defer macrocosmos and then there Soul release yes you can completely blow out their entire graveyard followup by getting rid of Promethean princess getting rid of the Fire King garunix getting rid of snake High flamur Dragon link Kurio is also a really good one because uh it's probably going to matter later on when you try to do a targeting effect on one of the level ones and they just link a REO and get rid of it uh just get rid of all of these monsters or any additional level one monster in the graveyard so that fly Burge can't go off that's probably ideal if you have to deal with multiple level one names probably Oak is a pretty decent one to take care of because that's usually one of and that leads to additional monsters being summoned but that's it for the uh the banish the graveyard now how they are going to play around it for soul release they might not generate enough stuff in the graveyard they might use uh the effect of uh the sunlight wolf to add back garunix into the hand since garic can trigger in the hand as well so those are some of the limitations you might have to be aware of next we have Cosmic Cyclone a bit of a trickier card to use because yes you can hit the Fire King Island on draw phase is great they push out the IP you blow up the Fire King Island the problem is if there's an amble whale on the field and Promethean Princess and the garunix you start to notice a bit of a pattern sure you blow everything the promethian princess won't come out but it's still in the graveyard but the problem is you also destroy the flam bur Dragon which will now summon out two level ones okay now the Promethean princess is live again the garunix is also live in the graveyard they don't have to summon anything they just have to put up enough stuff on the board the amble whe got destroyed so the I masarina that got destroyed now gets the summon back and now there's a full field ready just to turn into an IP mascarena or an underworld goddess of the closed world it's pretty problematic if you ask me and so you better read the board first before you blindly pop the the Fire King Island it's probably better to make them commit a few Cards into the board first and then you use uh the cosmic cycle and take out the fire King Island to wipe the actual part of the board rather than some random full followup uh IP mascarena is alternatively the other option you can use if it's in the back row or whatever Back Row monster they have so that F burst can't push it to the front and you don't have to answer an additional card or there's various back rows that they might side in against you these are some of the counter attacks anti spell frag because they don't want to deal with the soul release they don't want to deal with cross designator and they probably hate dealing with super poly that's also a really really good option uh there's also imperm and cross out designator that's another thing that you can prent destroy and if they set an original simple SW snake I via diabel star then you can also get rid of that cuz that card is very problematic and you don't want that to resolve alternatively you can shut down the graveyard with cards like ays or gravekeepers description silent graveyard the end of an nubis essentially just take out the graveyard options negate everything that activates in the graveyard prevent the activation entirely B all two level four is pretty easy gravekeeper description assign graveyard you can probably see this maybe coming from cash TI players toand Vanquish any deck that doesn't utilize the graveyard they can synergize this as part of their strategy because it does not disrupt them rather there's a lack there of anti- synergy and then the end of Anubis for a branded Chimera player this is like a must play you should be able to abuse your cross out designators that you have in your opening turn that don't get used to banish this card so you can revive with birth from it so it doesn't get disrupted out of the graveyard you just Summit back back onto the field have the proper chain they're going to have a really really bad time dealing with this so yeah just time it well make sure that they don't have a very big beat stick you should use it to prevent the Big Beat Stick from coming out anyway just Beware of the garunix in hand then for triple tactics Talent thrust thrust 90% of time will be live if they have a flam bur on the field and they're pushing a monster into the front therefore thrust is going to be able to get you talents talents if you take the opponent's card you can remove the future threat if if it's without IP take the flam bur Dragon you can push the amble wheel to the back which is also kind of silly also kind of fun drawing cards can get you additional extender I don't there's nothing really for me to explain here or you can do a hand rip on the opening turn just to simplify the game to you can actually win you the entire game looking at your opponent's hands 90% of time uh unless they have like multiple combo pieces you're pretty much in a good spot unless you're you were in a bad spot to begin with and there's also like a new tech that some people are kind of pushing for Monster reborn to take people's Promethean princess to take away her option to uh come back and basically using it as pseudo call by the grave but it generates you an additional body so yeah that's also another funny option I'm going to try it out it almost kind of resembles like lullabi of obedience uh so that you can call a card like oh I'm going to call snake ey Ash out of your deck you either give it to me your in hand or Call Poplar it gets added to my hand I summon it out for free there's like really weird options that you can try out because there's so many mirror matches that maybe mirror match cards can Shine for a little bit right now finally for additional strong cards we have summon limit you can fate someone out like I don't like being under summon limit it's really really rough and my monsters naturally aren't strong enough to actually take out the problem but they can use um flamb Burge they can still summon up on version to kind of push over your big monsters and summon limit could prove to be a bit of a hindrance afterwards but there's also enemy controller uh I think enemy controller is a great way to force weird interaction against your opponent if you summon a card and it has an activated effect and they try to stop it with an imper or veiler now you just enemy control try to take your opponent's monster they have to scramble to do something else to not give you that monster because you can use that monster to just push another card bait another card and now you're trading super super well because the first monsters in fact didn't get negated so if you're adding a card now you're definitely getting that card and you have a followup after you took it and you can still break your opponent's board along the way so enemy controller very surprising um still very very good card well that's all I got for this video I know there's probably a lot more text you can try out against this matchup SCI frame gear gamma side frame gear Delta those are still very powerful options because they still again they stop the key cards that we mentioned earlier in the video These are some of the areas that I've explored that I've experienced losses myself so I'm going to share with you guys hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you have more suggestions leave it down in the comment section maybe I'll get to get a chance to reply to them but don't forget to check out today's video sponsor Factor 75 if you guys want to save some time you know enjoy healthy eating and uh have their meals prepared for you then check them out chat Factor 75 link down in the description thank you guys for watching and I hope to see you all in the next one
Channel: MST.TV
Views: 33,734
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Keywords: yugioh, yu-gi-oh!, how to, guide, #marketwatch, combo, new, deck, tombox, save, meta, how to beat, side deck, mst, msttv,, best, MSTMERCH, snake eyes fire king, snake-eyes, hand traps, win, counter, tech
Id: 0t2Hc4m9Qv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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