Yu-Gi-Oh! DICE vs COIN Luck Duel!

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today we're going to be doing a quin flip deck versus a dice deck every single card in them in some way involves a coin flip or a dice roll effect all of our cards can and will backfire yeah so you guys if you've ever tried to build a coin or a dice deck you know that they're obviously not very reliable so many of you have probably never seen a lot of these cards because well normally you wouldn't play them if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more interesting yu-gi-oh challenges like this and if you haven't already make sure you are subscribed and hit the notification bell so you can be up to date on all the latest and greatest team aps hi roll hyrule eleven uh eight so all right that's a good sign for my luck today unless i use it all up right there all right i'll go first all right i will start by activating diced dice so i'm gonna i'm gonna roll a six sided die and if i roll one or six i get to add from my deck to hand a card that requires a dice roll and if i roll a number other than that then one or six i roll it again and i apply one of its other effects roll the dentist can i get a six okay okay so i get to add any one card that requires a dice roll i'll search my orga the regularness next i'll activate dangerous machine type six so during each standby phase i roll a six-sided die and then i just apply an effect and then i will set one card face down and then one other card face down pass my draw i'll activate my cup of ace oh so i toss a coin if i get heads i draw two cards if i get tails you draw two cards i'm not great at flipping coins so you got it heads so i draw two cards set one monster face down and i'll set this to this and this oh my gosh your boot i'll draw and now i'm in my standby phase which means i activate this time dangerous machine type six so it has an effect for every number on this die i won't reveal them we're just gonna see what happens two you my opponent will discard one card wow okay okay all right well i'm discarding my sasuke samurai okay well in your standby face i'm also going to activate my tour of doom so during each of your standby phases i toss a coin and if it's heads you can't normal or flip someone until the end of your turn but if it's tails i can't summon my next turn oh that's so um we're gonna toss this coin heads i got heads so you cannot normal or flip summon until the end of your turn set one card face down i pass all right i'll draw activate my lucky chance once per chain if a monster effect is activated that toss is a coin i can call heads or tails and if what i call matches the coin toss then i'll draw a card after that effect resolved i'll flip up my cray wool it's uh if it gets destroyed by battle i can toss a coin um and call it if i call it right i could destroy one of your monsters enter the battle phase crawl and i will attack this it's my cuban who has 1900 defense i guess i'll just set one card face down and pass turn and i will draw for a turn yeah you guys are yours my type six rolling or die what's gonna happen i don't know it's a five destroy one monster your opponent controls wow okay well now my tour of doom activates as well so i'm going to toss a coin wait i'm very bad at tossing coins by the way guys heads so you cannot normal or flip summon until the end of this turn i'll activate the effect of my cuban so my cuban depending on what i roll can lock him out of that monster level for as long as cubans on the field yeah you'll get lost too though keep in mind well we'll see five so we can't summon level fives so i'll just pass all right i draw i'm going to activate second coin toss as long as it's in the field i can negate the effects of a card that requires a coin toss and redo the coin toss now i should let you guys know this is an old text of the card we'll have the more updated text it only lets me redo one toss if the card involves multiple coin tosses so now i will normal summon twin barrel dragon when it's summoned i can target a card you control toss a coin twice if the result is two heads then i will destroy it unfortunately i can't use lucky chance on that because lucky chance only works if it's a single coin toss effect so i'm going to target your cube bin because i'm not going to swing over it i need two heads okay that was a complete fail here you wanna you you wanna toss this for me you better at this okay you're better at coin okay tails tails that's one do you wanna redo it or um yeah i'll redo it with a second coin toss all right hey okay so now one more pad heads donut tails well i will enter the battle phase and i'm going to attack your face down you hit my snipe hunter i went at 600 defense in my turn dwarves draw four turn okay stand up so you can't stand my face effects i'll activate the effect of my type six this this blue dye has been lucky for me so far i'm gonna keep using it six destroy this card wow um now i get to use my tour of doom let's see if i can get a good coin toss here tails prick i can't summon my next turn i will normal summon snipe hunter and i will activate snipe hunter's effect i get to i can discard one card and then target a card on the field and then i roll a die if i get a one or s as long as it's not a one or six i can destroy it and i'll target barrel dragon twin they're all dirty but yes okay as long as it's not a one or a six you're in come on wait that's not blue die there's blue dye that i failed you last yeah all right it rolled a six last time so i can't roll six again yeah i'm gonna move these so we can have kind of more of a two okay so my twin barrel dragons destroyed but we're not through yet because i'm going to overlay and we'll just move these it's probably better to just have them kind of yeah okay with the crazy box crazy box cannot attack i can detach one exes material from it and then roll a die and apply the result so i'll detach one wet the nightmare begin one i have your life points wait have my life points i have your light points i pass i draw off return thanks to my tour of doom i can't normal summoner flip something i'll set a monster face down and pass bow before the crazy box that i have your life draw stand by phase let's see if you get to summon this turn let's see if you can flip the coin nope you flip it you flip the coin tail okay so i can't summon next turn again let's see so first i will set one face down and let's uh activate the effect of my crazy box now i'm scared because we have my life points last time ah this may have been a mistake one wait what have your live points again yes i pass we're just gonna set another monster and pass draw tour of doom let's go here you're gonna flip this all right so i can seal my own fate draw yes you can't summon this turn that's fine because i will set one card face down and crazy box can't attack so it's now just a pointless card i pass all right i draw i play my gambler of legend so once per turn i can toss a coin three times and apply the appropriate effect if i get three heads i'll destroy all monsters you control if i get two heads i'll discard a random card from your hand if i get one head i destroy a card i control and i make three tails i just sparring my entire hand oh oh my gosh it's coming here let's give me the card here you're gonna you toss them one tails all right we're redoing the tails all right that's second coin sauce all right one heads so two more tosses oh man this is getting this is nerve-wracking [Music] so now i get to destroy all monsters you control no flip this my creole i'll attack for 500 with my gamble and then 1 000 with my crayola i guess that's going to be it for my turn draw then in the stand by face my tour of doom no you flip it i'm bad at full things steal my own heads which means you can't summon i will set one and pass my drone i'm gonna normal summon my abare ushioni and he's gonna decide this duel so i can toss a coin and call it if i call it right i inflict a thousand damage to you which will be enough to kill you but if i call it wrong then i take a thousand damage i'm calling heads [Music] it's tails who's tails i'm gonna use my second coin toss that's right second chance [Music] wow okay tails again screwman this game does not want me to lose yet so gambler of legend one tails okay okay i like the way this is going one heads okay okay okay okay okay so now it comes down to another tail oh god so what is that one hand i have to destroy a card i control hey do that well i'm gonna destroy my i'm gonna destroy my tour of doom this my paths of destiny what does that mean we each toss a coin once if our result is heads we gain two thousand if our result is tails then we take two thousand oh my god all these ways is to kill me without battling oh oh i'm afraid i don't my monsters are all wheat come on damn yes i guess i should go ahead and do my toss for my resolve but [Music] oh my gosh you should deserve to lose just for that anyways that's that's 2 000 damage all right so i will set one monster face down and then two spell trap cards and uh pass i draw i'm going to start with my cup of ace heads i draw two tails you do i'm gonna teach you to flip a coin one here you're gonna flip it tails okay so you draw two cards i'll normal summon my abare ushioni use its effect heads you're gonna take a thousand and tails i will all right heads you take 1 000 points of damage i'll enter battle phase and attack your face down monster rule that barrel with 2 000 defense i will set two cards face down and end my turn so i will draw and i in my standby phase my blind destruction during my standby phase i roll a die and then i destroy any monsters who left whose level are equal to the number rolled yeah i usually want to do this because like we're both four so for you to hit a force we take chances all right let's go let's go diced dice you know what that means i'm gonna roll a die and if it is a one or six i search a die card it's a three so now i have to roll again and then apply the result six let's see so i return this card to my hand let me set some cards from my hand i'll activate roulette barrels effect i'll roll a die twice and then i choose one result and destroy one monster in a field whose level is equal to that result this might be the best card in the deck roll once four oh oh okay i guess i have to roll twice yep picking four no i usually and now i normally summon dice laps like all my other cards i roll a die ah come on don't be it's a five i discard one card i hate you dice laps enter battle that stops at least has 1800 attack and i'm swinging yeah i'll pass all right during your in phase i'm going to use this what is that my proton blast it's a continuous trap once returned if an activated effect tosses coins then immediately after it resolves i get to apply a different effect based on the number of heads i get so if i get one heads i can inflict 500 damage two heads i'll destroy a card that you control and three heads i can look at your hand and discard something also it's got a graveyard effect that can treat a double point tosser more as all heads no that's a lot all right draw set this monster face down and pass turn to you draw a two two i'm safe from my card i'm gonna attribute them both i summon orga the relentless uh so once per turn through the main phase i can roll a die three times and it gains attack of defense equal to the total times a hundred oh wow that's interesting until the end of my opponent's turn so internet your turn i can lose every one of my turns okay then if two of the results were the same i can apply the appropriate effect if all three are the same i apply all the effects i'll activate my dice dice hopefully you don't three i didn't get a search so i gotta roll again come on three i place this card on top of the deck or got all right so what this what's this you toss a coin three times toss it right roll a die three yeah roll a guy three times and then so we gotta keep track of what we saw here okay the first time is four four okay one one trying to pull it forward one oh god okay okay two are the same so that is 600 to gain 600 attack until the end of your turn so it's at 31. okay but i did roll one twice so now orgoth cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects until the end of your turn uh enter battle orgoth will attack your monster all right you hit my crayol which normally would let me cut toss a coin and destroy um one of your monsters he's in the struggle but i'm gonna use this effect anyway because my proton blast might let me deal 500 to you if i get a heads let's go so here you yeah yeah you do the talk we've seen what happens so nothing happens all right i'll set one card face down that'll be it all right i'll draw set a card face down and pass her into you i will draw the card that well we all know it is and now fine destruction yeah so he's not immune to cardiffs now right yep he now can die so if you roll a six he dies don't die okay i'll activate my dice re-roll and now once per once one time this turn i can negate one dire roll and re-roll it okay so now time for blind destruction yeah it's a three i'll use my oregon's effect we're still under dietary role so i can still use this effect during so we'll negate one roll yes we have just one roll okay one time all right so the first roll for orga four all right safe roll four okay okay i grow in four and two hmm maybe i will no i actually don't want to do it see i'll keep that so it is now uh what's that ten so it gains a thousand oh so 35 and because i roll two fours like two four oh yeah two fours so instead oh i draw two cards i'll activate dice dice five i'm using the effective dice reroll to negate that and roll again one yes okay i get my search i'll add summon dice to my hand i'll activate my summon dice so i'll pay 1 000 life points and roll or die and then apply the result okay six so i can special summon one level five or higher monster from my hand well summon dice was worth a shot so i'll enter battle orga attack you attacked like gamberbled alright so main phase two i will activate my dangerous machine type six for more standby phase shenanigans now set one card face down and hope my orgoth doesn't die draw for turn i will set a card face down i will pass turn i will draw i want to activate my dice food okay so i roll a six sided die and i get to apply the result i wrote a one uh uh if it is a one i take a thousand wow what is the dangerous machine maybe i'll get lucky i don't know i'm scared one i discard one card all right blind destruction six six six anything but five darn it or goth effect one six seven four one seconds no duplicates no duplicates but you do get that's eleven so eleven so it is at thirty thirty thirty six hundred or got the relentless what attack directly i'll pass i draw all right duelist you ready for some fun with chants first i'll use my lucky chance with my time wizard once return i can toss a coin and call it if i call it right i destroy all monsters you control if i call it wrong i destroy as many monsters i control as possible and take damage equal to half the total attack of those destroyed monsters on the field that's fun all right duelist so i'm calling heads which means i'm going to also use my lucky chance here okay okay it is tails we're just going to set pass draw for turn all right i'll activate my effects i guess let's get type six out the way first five uh destroy one monster your opponent can yeah i don't have a monster fine destruction anything but anything but anything but yes or gotham my fairy box so when you declare an attack okay i can toss a coin and call it if i call it right your monster's attack will become zero or delay in the battle base and if not then nothing happens we have to pay 500 like points in my standby phase to keep it alive so i'm gonna toss a coin and call heads please be heads anything tails tails all right well um okay so i just died all right duelist game three game three since i lost i will take the first move you would prepare to meet a monster you haven't seen my misjudge if a card effect activates i have to toss the coin twice if the result is two heads i can negate that effect oh she sounds busted and i'll activate my second coin toss oh now it's really busted and set one card face down pass turned to you troll i'm going to set one card face down set three cards face down normal summon my girai gumo i think the paradox brothers used him they did so when i declare an attack with him i actually get to toss a coin and call it if i call it right then i just attack normally but if i call it wrong my life points are halved that's a fun thing that's that's pretty cool yeah yeah lots of fun my giraffe gumo will attack your set monster yeah let's try this my roulette spider when you declare an attack i get to roll a six-sided die and then apply the result well miss judge activates since you activated a card all right let's give it a try please two heads please two heads [Music] one tails okay we're getting our second coin toss one heads one all right one more heads one more heads one down okay so it's not negated all right roulette spider one i have my life points [Music] all right well my gi goomba actually still has to do this coin toss oh yeah so uh so what happens so if i get it right i just get to attack and if i get it wrong i have my line right it is okay so i get to attack so i'll attack it went through a lot for this attack you hit my cuban cuban just dies and i'll attack you directly with my miss judge 18 18 and i'm actually very close to being dead draw i said one card face down and i'll end my turn this judge attacks [Music] hit my roulette barrel he has 2000 defense and now i'm going to use my gri gumo to attack roulette barrel it is tails i do take half my life points but my attack will go through that is going to end my turn i draw i will set one card face down and set another card and i'll pass my turn i draw okay i'm going to tribute my two monsters to summon my ultimate boss monster barrel dragon since you summoned orgoth they're relentless once per turn i can target a monster you control toss a coin three times and destroy it if at least two of my results are heads ready for this duelist no i'm gonna activate the effect and target your monster toss number one one hits one heads toss number two [Music] tails toss number three heads all right so that destroys your monster no my cuban and attack you directly with barrel dragon and i chain blind obliteration the roll of six-sided die twice and then destroy all face up models with levels or ranks lower than the total roll if you don't have anything else i'm cheating this as well i have nothing else that's six i can turn a one three or five into a six and i or i can turn a two four or six into a one i'm here for it all right roll once is a four okay so you need to get a three or higher so you can destroy my monster right pretty much okay bro it is a four well lucky you you destroyed my barrel dragon and i live to see another day in maine phase two i'll use my cup of ace so it's all going to kind of come down to something like this heads i draw two tails you do heads i draw two cards one and two i'll set one and two pass drop a turn i'll set one card face down set another card and i'll pass normal summon gambler legend oh you're ready for his antics i'm not actually i'll flip up my proton blast so if i do get numbers of heads i can do some neat things and my lucky chance oh my gosh which actually won't work because he talked so i'll activate his effect okay here we go heads one heads hey other heads i can get all three heads i'll destroy all your monsters tails well we're gonna use my second coin toss to give it another shot all right please don't be another tails tails yes so this sucks because since i got two heads i discard a card in your hand i don't have one well since i got two heads um i still get to inflict 500 damage to you and destroy one card you control oh wow that's useful i will destroy this back row card skull dice all right and then you take 500 damage so i don't know if i should attack but screw it you'll get lucky i'm going to attack with my gambler legend it is enough to pass actually but you hit dice jar oh so that's what this is going to come down so it may only have 300 defense but dice jar is a very infamous card okay so we're both going to roll a six sided die the player with the lowest result takes damage equal to their roll times 500 however if a winner's result is 6 then loser takes 6 000 damage well then here we go all right i'm picking the red dye for my red deck i get one i'll get a one okay all right oh man this feels good this is gonna be as long as there's a six all right six what oh my god no you take 6 000 damage that's that's game oh my gosh anyway you know what's funny so i was betting on that six i could turn your orb and my rolls so had you rolled pretty much a two a two four or a six i would turn it into a one oh my gosh so basically i could only have if i had rolled like a five that would have been i had to roll up five was your yeah three or five was your only chance wow good games yeah that was surprising that was all skill i had a fairy box set i it wasn't really gonna i had a graceful dice but i didn't draw any offensive monsters turns out i didn't need them i i'm not a person who who like loves like just like leaving it all to chance but nothing noth i don't think there's any feeling in yu-gi-oh that that beats winning off of a dice jar i have to say i feel very upset that's all i'm gonna say um oh yeah if anybody was curious the extra deck card that i had was time wizard of tomorrow because this deck does in fact have a single copy of instant fusion just to summon this guy out and use this effect didn't come up but my name is very good yeah a regular time which i did yeah he was here you guys know mine was crazy box who you ain't so crazy pretty rough for me the fun part is i've like been i've i've talked nothing but garbage to that six since like we found it i thought this car was terrible i never read dice jar i didn't realize what that six means for tyshar if you guys enjoyed the video as much as we did because i have to say it was a pretty good time um give it a thumbs up yeah give it a thumbs up this is actually a really good time give us some ideas for other potential kind of crazy fun theme duels um we heard you guys about the fake cards that's one that we are coming it's coming so be sure you're subscribed so you don't miss it hit the bell so you'll know as soon as it drops we'll see you guys in the next one pastor
Channel: Team APS
Views: 520,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, yu-gi-oh, team aps, yugioh tcg, yugioh cards, yugioh coin vs dice, yugioh dice deck, yugioh coin deck, yugioh luck duel, yugioh luck deck, yugioh gamble deck
Id: OXlPePve7pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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