Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyber Dragons vs Ancient Gears! Zane vs Krowler! Theme Duel!

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what's up guys welcome to team ApS is first themed duel of 2020 this time is gonna be cyber dragons played by me insane Truesdale and ancient gears played by me very crowler pelion crowler so a couple of housekeeping rules I know you guys have been looking forward to this so we had to practice a bit for these things so first of all these are fun entertainment based decks and duels non-competitive ya know hand traps no you know crazy things like that the decisions were making are in the interests of an entertaining pool speaking of entertaining we're not content fusing yes no come here take fortress dragon oh no not each other's boards yeah like in practice it ruins the matchup anyways hopefully you guys who enjoy this we've got some more fun theme goals coming up and try GX and duel monsters theme we're gonna have a hero over time so subscribe so you'll miss it thank you too for Mura for sponsoring today's video Fillmore 9 is one of the latest and easiest video editing platforms I've ever used it's completely beginner friendly from adding video clips messing with audio even adding transitions and animations and if you want to take things up a notch femoral has a huge library with hundreds of stock videos photos and effects called film stocks but I think my favorite part about filmora is that it's completely free to try and you still get access to film stocks so if you've ever been on the fence about making videos so even want to get into youtubing like us then I strongly suggest hitting the link in the description and giving fillmore a try alright guys roll ii will take second well yeah yep okay I'll start by activating my cyber emergency so this lets me search a cyber dragon from my deck to my hand cyber dragon year on normal summon my cyber dragon core and cyber dragon core lets me search a cyber spoilers rep from my to my hand she does my cybernetic overflow machine duplication in my cyber dragon core cyber dragon Korra's name is treated a cyber dragon which means I can actually summon two cyber dragons and that lets me activate my cyber dragon veer from my hand in defense and will give all my cyber dragon monsters 500 additional attack and defense points war is a whopping 900 how linked summon cyber dragon core is ever done in fear so that'll make Cyber Dragon cedar overlay my two cyber dragons do another special type of summon I'll make cyber dragon nose I thought you hate GX yeah I'm kind of walking all over DX right now next I'll do a synchro summon I'll use cyber dragon Nova's effect I can detach one of its exuse me T riyals and special summon a cyber dragon from my grave you obviously wouldn't be surprised I figured as much just everything in this nexus average I am even spelled now I will overlay my cyber dragon Nova with my ultimate boss monster cyber dragon infinity there he is so cyber dragon infinity can suck up an attack position monster as material and also it can negate a spell trap or monster effect once each turn I'll set one card facedown and end my turn all right then we'll draw terraforming now what it's why gear time no I'll activate gear town that is fine by me pot of desires two three four five six seven eight nine ten and draw two albano summon ancient gear drill ancient gear drill huh okay I will go ahead and use the effect of cyber dragon infinity and that will negate and destroy Earth in attract anchor drill instead I will ancient gear catapult looks like control no monsters I can destroy a face of card I control the special summon ancient gear monster from my deck conditions ancient gear golem ultimate pound he can't be special summoned but I'm ignoring his summoning conditions and furthermore because I destroyed a gear time I can special summon another ancient gear monster and I'll get wyvern you know a woman's effect to add an ancient gear card to my hand alright what's gonna be oh no it got banished well get the spell ancient gear fortress that's better I'm going to use my cybernetic over float oh so static over phone lets me banish cyber dragons with different levels from my hand field and/or gy and I can destroy an equal number of cards that you control cyber dragon fear and cyber dragon core I'll destroy your two ancient gear monsters overload fusion overload fusion that said I'm not saying use that client I mean there's machine parts in that's alright now so I can banish machine monsters from my graveyard to do a fusion summon I'll banish these to make your go on my women to summon ancient gear how listen how I'll actually use how its effect it can burn you for 1000 damage the pain activate ancient gear fortress and I pass all right well don't you offer my turn I'm going to go ahead and enter the battle phase so howitzer has 1800 defense right yes attack howitzer with cyber dragon alright that will destroy the effect I'll use my Cyber Dragon infinity to negate I wouldn't go quite that cuz you can't chain to it ancient gear fortress says you can't respond to the activation of ancient gear cards or their effects oh well find it I have my ancient ancient gear reactor dragon I'm going to use my cyber dragon Seger's effect I'll increase the attack on my cyber dragon infinity so that he's now 4200 or 4,400 and I'll attack reactor dragon in my main phase to set one card face down and past my turn I will draw activate gear town I'll use my cybernetic affinity to negate the activation of your gear town don't want anything cheeky happening here whether you like it or not the cheek is happening wait I don't know if I like the free hats oh god okay I'm gonna banish from my graveyard ancient gear catapults I can destroy a card I control I'll destroy my fortress and I'll get an ancient gear token for my troubles I actually had the ancient gear token somewhere but I lost it so defense yeah and because I destroyed fortress I can special summon ancient gear monster from my hand or my graveyard I'll get ancient gear howitzer I'll use effect to Bernie for another thousand ancient gear fusion I'll use my token howitzer and these two gear frames in my hand to make chaos fetching gear giant 4500 attack he's unaffected by spells and traps and he can attack each of your monsters and I'll enter battle then my chaos ancient gear giant will attack your seeger hmm well normally this would be a big horrible situation for me because I lose but I've got cyber load fusion so cyber load fusion must be fusion summon a monster for my Extra Deck that lists Cyber Dragon as a material by shuffling the materials I need from among my banished cards or cards in my field but since I don't want all my monsters getting attacked I think I'm going to shuffle in these guys my cyber eternity dragon ah who's got 4000 defense even do fine ancient gear giant will attack it you need all right well you destroyed my cyber eternity dragging it piercing and it means I take 500 should've been on that one and I can't use my monsters effect but I did survive and that's key I guess I have to pass hydro I'll activate my cyber emergency I'll get cyber dragon Corps to my hand I will normal summon my cyber dragon core and activate its effect cyber repair plant my cyber dragon hurts one-for-one I'll discard one monster to summon one level 1 monster from my deck my cyber dragon next well he's one - ain't that something well activate its effect to summon a monster from my graveyard it's a machine it has 2,100 attack or defense cyber dragon Nova Oh use cyber dragon next err and cyber dragon core Seager finally I'll overlay my cyber dragon Nova with the infinity that I shuffled back in now I can use cyber dragon and Finney's effect on your chaos ancient gear giant I'll attack for 2100 with cyber dragons senior and 2500 with infinity draw pass and enter battle phase my cyber dragon seeker will attack and my infinity to finish off the very first game all right game - that's right let's go and I will go second I'm normal summon cyber dragon core cybernetic overflow next I'm going to use my machine duplication on my cyber dragon Court now I will overlay my two cyber dragons okay and I will first use my cyber dragon core and I'll turn it into a Stella man great el Mirage the other cyber dragon overlay my two cyber dragons to make my old friend cyber dragon Nova I'll attach one of his cyber dragons to summon a monster from my grave that's named cyber dragon let's make everyone's favorite Cyber Dragon infinity no one said that I'll activate infinities effect and take my AL Mirage I'll set one card facedown and I'll in my turn then I will draw normal summon and fin attract anchor drill hmm well I'm gonna use my savage I can add affinities effect because I don't want you doing that and we're gonna negate it fine ancient gear fortress it's actually just what I was not looking forward to gear town and if I'm playing gear town you know it has to follow up with ancient gear catapult cuz I control no monsters I can destroy the face of card I control which would be my gear town the special summon ancient gear monster from my deck ignoring summoning conditions I'll get ancient gear golems because I destroyed a gear time I guess supposed to summon another ancient gear monster so this would just be a woman and I get to use woman's effect I'll get ancient gear fusion what's fun about this is because I'm going to use my ancient gear golem on the field which means all the rest of materials can be from my deck I'm just mad cuz I can't respond to it well I really can't work ancient gear monsters just ain't your cards period they're all safe go frame and we'll use another ancient gear golem ultimate pawn still coming to you in this respect because I am summoning ancient gear Megaton colum oh cool he's actually new he's bringing the hands one golem and one my ultimate pound okay so instead of one he gets to hit you twice now so my Megaton golem will attack your infinity F 3300 attack and unfortunately infinity does not have any answer to any event so I take 800 damage attack I keep forgetting it week so I tell you 33 - you're 21 well and then last but not least with an attack 417 all right well I'm going draw for my turn alright so I'm going to special summon my cyber dragon from my hand since you control monsters and I don't and contact fuse and I'm gonna contact them away yeah remember guys we're not contact using if you missed the memo at the start of the video now I'm almost um in my cyber dragon Corps I ain't ascared you okay how many hands Lee have you got six hands six he can do it all those hands I don't want to I don't want to professor savage is turning it's a completely different anime so every dragon core is going to get me a search I really feel that he should have got additional attacks for each ancient gear golem used and abusing so instead of getting two attacks I can actually get three attacks they should be an additional I will link my two monsters together because I need to make another cyber dragon Sigurd do a fusion summon this is Jax I'm planning on it okay check this out I'm gonna use my cybernetic overflow know what and since i banished these two I will get to destroy your ancient gear Megaton golem and you are ancient gear Wigan but you activated the effect of my Megaton golem I can special summon ultimate ancient gear golem oh god this is the real old one huh in fact guys I've had that card since middle school it's like my fate favorite cards of all time maybe a slight issue and let's not forget it was some in this turn so you can't target him and he can't be destroyed by carnufex alright it's the ultimate ancient gear golem so now I will use my cyber load fusion yeah I'm going to shuffle back in my cyber dragon core and my cyber dragon to make a shuffle and Punky's my chimeratech rampage dragon Camero dead ready I can target small shops in the field up to the number of materials that I use and destroy them and then once materna consume the two light machine monsters from my deck to the grave and if I do for each monster I sent he gets an additional attack this battle phase you know what that means and I'm going to go ahead and destroy your ancient gear fortress you had to know that I was gonna use this fortress it's a special summon a my ancient gear monster from my grave I'll get Megaton let's see about that so I'm gonna use come in take rampage dragons effect I'll send my cyber dragon hurts to the graveyard and my Cyber Dragon next her to the graveyard so these two go to the grave but Saturday it hurts effect will let me add next door back to my hand for next turn but that should be all I need so I'm going to enter the battle phase and I'll use the effect of cyber dragon Seager to increase chimeratech rampage dragons attack to 4200 all right let's attack your ultimate ancient gear golem mm-hmm and in the damage step Oh No I'll use limiter removal and limiter removal doubles the attack of all of my machine monsters but dannion fazed the turn they're gonna get destroyed so he's gone from 4200 to 80 400 attack points so now you die 4,000 sheets but that will activate the effect of my ultimate ancient gear golem I can special summon an ancient gear golem from my grave oh I actually kind of forgot about that for it alright and defense well I'm still strong enough to attack your Megaton golem and I'll attack your ancient gear golem oh and you actually survived my own smart unfortunately a for months this I'm gonna use my cyber repair plant those cyber repair plants gonna search for cyber dragons Vere I'll link my two monsters away another cyber dragon so you can use a chimera tech for this and I'll activate cyber dragon next err by discarding this I will get my cyber dragon Nova now I can overlay them safely into cyber dragon infinity how does this happen again fine draw urgent schedule you control more Monster than I do I can special summon one level 4 or lower and one level 5 or higher earth machine monsters from my deck so we're gonna negate that now with Cyber Dragon infinity fair enough but that leaves you wide open for overload fusion I did not think that would actually happen now since well everybody's here we're gonna go ahead and 1 2 3 & 4 so it's fun maze chaos ancient gear giant as you know giant can attack all your monsters not affected by spell traps yadda yadda answer battle phase yes giant will attack Seager an attack infinity and that's game Oh yep it's game too I thought I honestly I thought I had you I was like I have this limiter removal I'm gonna kill everything that I'm gonna make infinity and it didn't work out why are you keeping overload fusion in your pocket came three oh right you didn't think I'd make it this far I didn't you go first fine this deck is just as good going first as it is going second Oh certainly I'm sure terraforming and I'll add gear town to my hand now activate gear town activate catapult so I'll destroy my gear towns a special summon an ancient gear monster from my deck I'll get wyvern and then because I got rid of my gear town I can get an additional monster and that monster will be hound he's my woman's effect special summoned Oh Edie aging gearbox and because I had an ancient gear box I can add another machine monster with 500 attack or defense I think you're much reminds new gearbox Studios everyone can make Borderlands not nearly as good as gearbox Studios but yeah that's here and I'll get ancient gear friend because 500 different see under if this were master rule 5 I could do kinda crazy but I can't so we gotta do make our peace with this so hunting how actually lets me perform a fusion summoning using it and cards like control so hunting home and I'll go ahead and use box cuz howitzer howitzer is unaffected by cart effects and I'm gonna use this effect Oh burn you for a thousand I'll pass turn it's my move I'll special summon my cyber dragon since you control a monster and I don't normal summon my cyber dragon Corps hmm so cyber dragon core is gonna let me search my specialty trap cybernetic revolution next I'm going to use machine duplication on my cyber dragon cord you know I can use machine doop - yeah I use in your gearbox someone - more ancient gear boxes mm-hmm or I could use I can use on ancient gear so we'll use my cyber dragon core and my cyber dragon and special summon a cyber dragon seeger will overlay our two cyber dragons well activate Noah's effect mm-hmm and make a cyber dragon infinity this the only board you now to make this is the only board cyber dragons can make cyber dragon and I'll attack your howitzer all right Howard to destroy my battle and so exactly its effect Parise would if my cyber dragon immunity wasn't here to stop you Seager attack women and infinity attack for 2357 to my 7000 I will sit two cars and pass my turn normal summon ancient gear frame it now activates effect so do you squares a cough and discarding as a cost interesting discarding double summon well I'm not letting that happen because I'm gonna use my infinities effect instead I'm going to activate gear down Oh non-surgical cars yeah banished catapults oh yeah I forgot that has an advanced right I can destroy a face-up card I control and get an ancient gear token defense mode oh it's offense no probably sairandhri zero never mind she's a 500 500 of a theme the weird theme they started doing okay what gear town was destroyed so I'll get gear times affect agent gear women and a tiger woman's effect laughs its I had maintain gear cards in my hand so I'll get a check you go on I'll activate ancient gear fusion ancient gear fusion huh that's right all right so this will let you use a bunch of your monsters and you'll be able to make all right I'll use my cybernetic overflow and cybernetic overflow of course vanishes cyber dragons preferably from my graveyard with different levels allowing me to pop some cards so I think since I do want to keep my core I will I'll just finish cyber dragon and straight ancient gear withering well isn't quite what I wanted to do but this that's why I surgical them just in case has happened so I will complete my fusion using my token golem and reactor dragon oh so you did have a plan to kill me in mind I always have a plan to kill you in mind that's it and I'll make ultimate ancient gear golem and now into battle my ultimate nature I will attack who's it gonna be infinity well I'm going to at least use cyber dragon seekers effect on infinity to increase his attack points to 4,200 that way I'll only take 200 points of damage instead of a lot more so yes I'll take 200 which puts me at 6,800 to your 5,700 and at the pass a lobster okay I'll use my cyber load Fusion so cyber low fusion lets me to a fusion summon using these two cyber dragons I'll shuffle them back into my deck this will be fun this guy hasn't gotten to show up yet who cyber twin dragon when headed cyber dragon I'm bigger than now that's what you think so now I'm going to go ahead and enter the battle phase and the cyber dragon seeker will use its effect on cyber 12 yeah of course that'll increase its attack points from 2800 to 4900 so I'll attack your ultimate ancient gear golem no 500 points of damage well of course his effect it's a special summon a golem well that's fine because my cyber twin dragon can make two attacks so it's going to attack your and sadly none of my other monsters can attack this turn so I have to end I will draw this goes there activates urgent schedule so I suppose summon level 4 or lower and a level 5 or higher earth machine muscles from my deck but they're indeed efficient and they don't have their so I'll get a reactor dragon in defense and and I pass because they have been demos thankfully my cyber twin dragon can still make two attacks what kind of nonsense is this I'm going to use my cyber Rev system to summon my cyber dragon and now I'll enter the battle phase I'll use Seger's effect and increase the attack points of my cyber twin dragon so Seager will attack hunting hound and a twin dragon will attack reactor dragon and your 5,200 so I'll attack for 21 and 49 and that's game and I had though I couldn't use my cybernetic revolution which would have been a cool oh oh yeah cuz you would have a zone you know in the new master roll yeah and that is the end of the game hey cyber dragons versus ancient gear man I used every I tried everything in this match I used all of them like ya same so this was it was crazy we're sorry that it had gotten delayed we took a break for the holidays then we got surprised when a new master and we started thinking oh maybe we should use a new master like maybe not okay so deck profiles I'll be quick I was running a very very pure cyber dragon deck triple dragon triple core triple hurts triple nagster double veer and for the spells triple emergency double repair plant triple machine Duke triple rep system because I was like not running hand trapped I need some filler double cyber load power bond overloads cybernetic fusion support which I was hoping when he showed up Ultra poly because I was just being really cheeky at that point and the to limit removals someone owes bullish upstart one for one triple cybernetic overflow this car is so hard to like it's a busted card and cybernetic revolution what about you so pretty standard gears 3 hounds 3 women 3 frames 3 drill drill is an OK car to make ninja cute as a coach to make a máquina what's his name gearing ax but it's gonna be much better than get the structure deck I mean the new link and in master rule 5 where we can just summon how we want he becomes much much better of course box and then two reactors one of each of the golems cuz man these guys love the klog 3 gear time so you can't search it for now 3 catapults to fortress for design favorite car to fusion I hate this card but the thing is it's really not that bad still not worth 40 though 3 urgent schedules just because um you can summon the two and got big and small guys to pas desires to iron drawers this is a weird card I don't hate it but it is weird double some in and then that's because I do run a few different level for Laura monsters so and I knew I was playing against infinity I'm got some calling that infinity so I knew I have to like deal with the gates and my one of power bond overload terraforming and limiter removal I think I saw almost all of them yeah I tried to mix it by the way all of my different like fusions come out at least once in this they did so I was happy I didn't you like most of my extra you you I mean we both just user or me but you know I use the guys I used the boys okay had the boys so that's the seem tool hopefully you guys liked it we worked really hard on it give it a thumbs up please subscribe to no miss the next one um hint it tested with GX characters again so we're gonna get our game on yeah I've been struggling to make the deck that I needed to make fun time oh you're gonna love that alright without further ado we'll see you guys the next one pastern
Channel: Team APS
Views: 416,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, yu, gi, oh, yu-gi-oh, team aps, yugioh tcg, yugioh cards, yugioh decks, ancient gear, cyber dragon, ancient gears, cyber dragons, cyber dragon vs ancient gear, theme duel, yugioh theme duel, yugioh anime duel, ancient gear vs cyber dragon, yugioh gx, zane truesdale, vellian krowler, ancient gear golem, Cyber Dragon Infinity, machines, alec, paul, live duel, trading card game, tcg, ocg, collectible card game, amazing, epic, ancient gear fusion, cyber dragon nachster, taem aps
Id: gsWjXNdgEUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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