You've never seen a claw machine like this!

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hey guys check out this claw machine [Music] check it out so if i back way up you can see that it looks like a ferris wheel it's actually called wheel catcher so it's got one two three four five different claw machines that we can play that looks amazing how cool is this so you can actually choose if you see that it has a number that's one two three four and five you select which number down here that you want to play so they're different prizes on each one okay it's saying something in japanese but it's telling us do you want to play go ahead and put some money in check out this one and this one has some like random like disney figures and this one up here it's some disney uh characters yeah oh yeah because i got baseballs and basketballs up next we have a sean the sheep i think is what that is then we have a dog right there and then this one has some what are they doing we're taking a shower i'm not sure what those cats are doing right there and then right here it's more disney characters this one has life savers all right chris which one are you gonna play hurry up put the money in now press number three i don't know how far it has to go around number three is it gonna have to go all the way around oh i think it has to go all the way around it's gonna slowly it's coming eventually eventually it will get here well you can wait for that one next time oh my gosh this takes a long time actually and it's quite annoying all right so that's number one guys two hours lifted this is number two uh that is true you can't get on and off of ferris wheel very fast alright it's slowing down very very slowly the cool thing is i think you can decide if you want to play with a two claw or a three claw okay stop please thank you oh because if you look it has like a two arm claw up here but then down here is a three one claw all right so what are you gonna pick two or three three all right she's gonna do a three a triple catcher which is what it has currently is it stacked all right all right here we go [Music] all right she's going for the pluto dead center good luck there's a stitch a mickey a donald a poo ooh oh it might get the donald it might be the donald really far donald two and one two and one two and one yes what the heck what the heck i did not realize if you could pick it up it was a guaranteed win okay put some more money and put some more money in before it actually starts moving maybe because maybe it'll stay here in case you want to play a game okay wait do you get more than one play because it's already ready i think oh wait actually i don't know what just happened there okay so you're going to play three again so you're gonna make sure you press three there i just press it for you oh try doing a two arm if you can oh and look it actually spins you just do this it threw it in a circle all right so this one has a two arm claw what should i go for try to get a stitch if you can although that mini or mickey right there i think it's a mickey looks like he wants to fall yeah right on the edge we don't know how far it opens yeah i don't know this is pretty cool all right [Music] first again oh if i say it didn't want to open all right come on get poo oh it's strong it's a pusher oh oh you can definitely get that poo chris you have to get that poop because if she would well did you go far over as you could okay because i think if you would have gone a little further over you could have got under it so i think you gotta press three again down here all right i think it has to reset first yeah there you go now you can press three and then it's gonna stay here and bam and now you're ready i think so uh yeah i gotta press two again so let's press two all right and then she's going to go for poo come on okay [Music] come on poo uh so it presses once and then i like stays there for a little while oh that's gonna get underneath it you might get donald you might get donald [Music] crystal decided she's gonna three call it this time because that's the one that gave her some luck so let's see can she get more than one oh this one won't this one will open as wide with three okay hopefully this goes well though let's see what happens here all right let's see open up open up pretty wide though oh oh my gosh three clown goes deeper oh oh but it wasn't enough to pick it up okay i think we're gonna play a different one now because that one we can play all day honestly we can play that one all day sure i wonder if the figures are even possible oh let's not do the figure one because i don't i don't think this one's possible let's try yesterday on fire because this is next we don't have to wait for all the others to go all the way around all right so it's finally coming so you're gonna do a two arm or three arms three yards all right you should be able to get two and one here i think you can get that pluto and that stitch you guys enjoying the ride on the ferris wheel i know i wasn't enjoying it i'm waiting for it to finish all right come on let's see can't she get both of them start over [Music] we'll pick it up if you get a good grab that's that's something we realized oh come on get two of them get pluto and stitch blue stitch oh yes oh yes [Music] okay you have to go for that stitch though you can't leave that stitch there all right so we got a baseball pluto so he's actually just on the base i thought it was only half of his like his head but no he's actually on the ball right there yeah you're right i cannot leave that stitch there hey if you get that stitch that would be awesome yeah so is there any others that you could possibly get two and once no no so you're gonna go for the same one [Music] yeah okay you got number five now you gotta pick two or three arms so she's doing the three arms all right i'm starting though all right you should be able to win this [Music] this machine is really cool it's like five claw machines and one all right good luck oh come on i like how strong it goes down oh you might get the poop you might get the [Music] oh my poop oh my gosh right there who's right on the edge oh yeah so we got stitch here it's kind of hard to see without the lights oh man she got the stitch all right this time she's gonna go for poo i think it's pretty much impossible for her to miss this one if you miss this one we're not playing it again i'll tell you that because this is right on the edge ah here we go come on pooh there should be an easy oh yes it's already coming in [Music] come on oh yeah come on you almost got the other one what the heck is this like the easiest claw machine ever to win from [Music] all right which one's next which one's next all right so we played that one oh dude this one do this one number one it has the uh shonda sheep and whatever those characters are and then it has what is that it's like one of the dogs right there and it's the next one up so it should go pretty quick so um press i think you gotta press the start button maybe okay maybe not maybe not don't listen to me just make sure you press the button this time all right here we go here we go maybe it did count it earlier yeah it just that's part of the whole cyclist maybe that's what it is because let's go for one because you already clicked one that's what i'm saying it just goes all the way around you know that kind of just gets a lot of people to look at the game maybe that's why but it's very unique but i gotta admit that's very annoying especially if you just played five and you want to go for the very next one like we just did we just want to go straight to the next claw machine all right here we go all right we have finally made it to our destination which one are you going to go for the one with the flower okay you gonna do three arm or two arms three arm all right i think the two arm is yeah i think the two arm would actually be good for the figures oh for the figures yeah i think you kind of gotta flip those to get them oh that makes sense it's definitely not good for um three going for the uh figures yeah come on push past that one oh come on come on oh no it wasn't strong enough maybe it was extra strong on the others because they had that plastic and it kind of gripped to them that was more grippy yeah so it's probably more grippy on the plastic at least you pulled it up a little bit you know hopefully whenever it goes down it doesn't press it that would be very annoying actually oh wait did you go far enough okay it kind of drifts down did you notice that oh come on please hold it grippy grippy [Music] oh it's like a rubber band on it a little bit so it's kind of like uh wedged in there it's like it's flying around it's like a little baby like shawn the sheep type thing and now it's angel's turn and he's trying number three and whoa where is he doing what's he going for mickey i'm gonna try to do an avalanche oh okay it is pretty yeah that's that's what i'm gonna aim for okay so i'm hoping i can hit that pool underneath [Music] man oh man stitch actually went deeper into that pile yeah i definitely will have to do a chew arm on this okay so three two three this face will better not start spinning i don't want it to spin i know please don't spin those are spinning on us three by three give me three okay [Music] two more flip it over yes it's flipping i like the way it flinches that's so cool okay can i get two and one here okay yes the position is just right the two arms actually pretty strong as well all right here we go [Music] [Applause] we actually don't have this one yet no and we don't have this one yet either okay so i think all we need is mickey right oh i gotta put the money in for those green dory oh my goodness no no no no no no please don't go anywhere oh my gosh yeah we don't have to wait for the game start spinning oh my gosh what a close one all right so we need a mickey right yes mickey is that mickey in the front right there um yeah that is should i go for that one or the other one i think that one right there's a mickey i think yeah you should go with that one i just don't know if it'll actually pull it up yeah it might be subbed in there all right here we go try this all right [Music] yeah because it's it's higher up so it might it might actually roll more all right got it ready i'm hoping to rolly rolly [Music] just have to position it just right it doesn't move little minor adjustments it's kind of a big adjustment yeah which is kind of annoying i know because if you don't want it right there oh it's actually going to stab it around oh man it went real deep oh my goodness holy moly i have to go again i should probably just do a three arm on that one in the middle yeah probably [Music] i don't know if i want to i just want to i just want to get that one i'm not dedicated to two arms yeah oh oh come on [Music] all right come on [Music] i think we actually have the whole set of those holy moly that's awesome all right guys that's where we're gonna end the video arms fools of these little bitty prizes and this machine was so cool it's definitely very different yeah it's pretty cool that it's five different claw machines in one look it's just in a track mode over there where it just constantly spins and spins i want to know though have you guys ever seen a claw machine like this yeah it's super cool i have never seen a claw machine like this and it's pretty awesome but we hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 142,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade
Id: P0ul2TQ0qyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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