You've NEVER seen a Caveat this big - PeakDo mmWave Handheld

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I remember when the concept of streaming games wirelessly uh to a handheld device was kind of a wacky idea and it was kind of made fun of by both people in the PC and the console Community as something that's like why would you want to do that there's going to be latency there's going to be you know degraded visuals and all that but now there's all sorts of different handheld devices like the peak dough yeah what's it called it's called the peak dough 7-inch mm wave streaming handheld game device say that and this device specifically is you know as it sounds like a handheld gaming device with no actual computer inside of itself it's got controllers for its wireless receiver and it's got a display but it's meant only to stream uh games from other devices so that's whether that be PC or console I'm excited for this because I have been recently using my ion Neo Pro 2021 retro power I think is what it's called I want it out of the lmg Christmas party what a great company and it actually has a ryzen uh 5800 or 4800u in it I forget you can run games locally on it but you can also stream games to it and I've been using it for that quite a bit so I'm excited to check this out this device comes with a dongle which is in here I'm assuming foreign adapter it comes with this HDMI dongle which you plug into the HDMI output of whatever it will stream directly 60 gigahertz millimeter wave Wireless Spectrum to this device let's take a look at the device itself it is you know vaguely switch like uh it's got some vents on the top here and slidable controllers I believe that they slide off in the same way that joy-cons do so it's a little bigger than a switch I believe that this is a seven inch display I believe they said that the side rails are compatible with joy-cons we're going to confirm that right here oh look at that on the top we have a power button we have a check mark button that I'm not sure what that does maybe I'll find out later a plus and minus button probably volume we've got a headphone jack very nice and a USBC Port that looks like it's probably power on the back is this something I don't know we got the rails for the controllers as I mentioned on the bottom speakers I guess two speakers on either side I haven't seen another variant of the controllers other than this like kind of retro you know see-through design which is freaking sweet let's slide them on here and see how it feels we got our joysticks we got our abxy just like the switch we got A plus and minus button here just like the switch d-pad a t button oh turns out the check mark button on the top is a enter slash menu button there's another button there of the I don't I mean it's a circle in a square over here we got a home a house home button and oh another t button and then of course we got the uh bumpers and the triggers okay what else is in the package uh we got a USB power adapter USBC power adapter okay we have a USBC cord five feet or so using my objective measure we don't need the lab and there are USB C ports on the bottom of each one of the controllers I guess to charge there's no physical connector on the rail because as we'll see in a moment these controllers actually don't connect to this thing they connect to the thing that's playing the game we'll get into it we also have a USB a dongle which is the Bluetooth adapter for the controller next up we have the HDMI dongle we've got the HDMI connector here we got a 5 volt USBC connector I believe that is for the USB a cable that's going to also go into the system we'll find out there's a button on the back which I guess is for pairing maybe and then we have the USB a to USBC uh power cable the device also comes with a screen protector and this patch is the thing that helps you install the screen protector without having lids and crap and bubbles on your screen speaking of which there's a I haven't peeled the thing that I'm supposed to peel off this so uh we're all learning things today also I didn't even mention it's nice that it comes with this uh it's like travel case and with a zippered pocket and everything and a doohickey to hold things in place it's time to turn this puppy in and find out whether the hype is worth the hype after this message from our sponsor Newegg look on the sunny side of Technology with Newegg and their wide variety of computer hardware software and electronics is your rig at home fried did someone poach your favorite monitor Newegg offers competitive prices fast and reliable shipping 30-day hassle-free returns and excellent customer service to ensure that you have the best shopping experience possible look it all boils down to this there's a reason Newegg is the go-to destination for all your Tech needs check them out at Newegg real quick let's find out how much it weighs 558 grams yeah they say it's 380 grams without the controllers 423 HDMI oh are we gonna is it gonna fit next to the power adapter yes the USB C goes here and then the a end goes into an a port USB a port setting up a device something's happening multi-touch v5000 is ready to go is this the pairing button or if that's a button it is not really responding first okay let's try turning this thing on oh it's already transmitting I didn't even have to do anything else although that's this is not right because this is the same Tech used by 5G you know millimeter wave uh Wireless Spectrum it basically needs line of sight to the transmitter so even this situation where we had the laptop here there's the transmitter and I put this down with the controllers I had it resting on the table like that it'll break however if you hold it in an orientation where the antenna basically line of sight with the peak dough logo on the transmitter that's where the antenna is in the HDMI dongle then Bob's your uncle it is very responsive which is the whole reason why you want to use a product like this is the ultra low latency when you use cloud streaming you can take a streaming device into another room lay on your bed and play your games you can't do this with this unless your PC will be in line of sight so the next step of the process is connecting the uh the controllers these are connected to the PC slide them in oh I just covered the antenna it's gone oh touch control works the USB cable that's plugged into the wireless transmitter here is not just to power the wireless the HDMI transmitter I can send touch control information through the HDMI which then gets sent to the well to the dongle which sent gets sent into the PC via the USB here we are in the game I got a line of sight and the joy cons are working this is 1920x1200 here and this is 1920x8 1080. so we got some black bars on the side here I'm sure we could like you know have the black bars here instead of here if we want to but you know I'm just happy to be here also this yellow border is because we're screen recording uh the laptop with OBS obviously with anyone wireless streaming solution you're going to have like a little bit of latency but I'm actually you know I'm a little disappointed to see that the latency between me moving the controller and seeing how that changes is it's very noticeable the reason why there might be this latency still despite using this fancy fancy 60hz millimeter wave Tech is because these are regular Bluetooth connection for the controllers which is going to the computer and then it's sending that information back over the 60hz connection I can verify that that is why I think because when I use the trackpad it's almost one to one there's almost no latency if you connected a wired controller to your PC you would have zero latency if you had like a really long USB cord maybe am I just not used to controller FPS like come try this just move your view back and forth and like tell me if that's normal this feels totally fine does it feel like I'm at a disadvantage or like I'm my input is not real I feel like I'm at a disadvantage well I feel like this is totally what gaming feels like okay so to Jake's point I don't usually play with wireless controllers now I will say as someone who regularly plays games streaming I beat all of Jedi Survivor just streaming uh from my work PC to my ieneo I will say that this this latency is more than acceptable like it's it's super playable I could easily play this entire game with this amount of latency it is just given the claims made by this product you say you have zero latency I'm going to give you a bit of a hard time is that okay cheese what oh is that that's a decoy it's been so long since I played this game so as I'm dying here everything looks nice and sharp uh there's a 1080p display 60 hertz uh and it doesn't seem to have any trouble you know transmitting I'm not seeing almost almost zero visual artifacts so like the quality of you know the streaming experience here is great this device cannot just be used with PC you can use it with consoles or basically anything that has an HDMI port it's a wireless display you can stream your console games and we have a switch here I'm gonna try it out real quick so it's plugged in it's powered by the USB cord and uh we're getting a image on the display as I said earlier these rails are actually compatible with the joy cons so you can just slide the joy-cons right onto this thing that also looks exactly like a switch why would you want to do that oh because when the switch is plugged into the dock it outputs full 1080p handheld it's 720p only how would you connect the controllers to your console for the switch at least you don't actually need the Bluetooth dongle uh these will connect directly to the switch I think because they have the joy-con hardware ID now I'm going to put them on the peak dough and I am now using it wirelessly with the third party controllers latencies over the Bluetooth connection for the controller seems about the same we're playing audio over the speakers and just to see how they sound in it it's not amazing ah however there is a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack so you can use that instead oh we countered wow well the experience here is great I wouldn't buy this specifically for switch stuff but I mean it's cool to see that you can do this whole like 1080p handheld thing the seven inch version is 350 the 11 inch version foreign so this seven inch has a max brightness of 500 nits and the 11 inch has 300 nits the question is is 350 worth it for a device that doesn't have an internal processor it has a lot of limitations you have to connect your controllers to the device that you're streaming from instead of just having one solution another limitation is the fact that you have to be in line of sight however the latency at least for the visuals streaming is very very low the consumer that they're targeting appears to be someone who has a PC or a console in the same room as the place where they want to stream it to wirelessly they have a TV and they're with their partner or their friend and they want to either watch something and play something at the same time you can have shoulder to shoulder time with your significant other while also ignoring each other you know maybe you wouldn't use the seven inch one for this but I could see using the 11 inches sort of like a you know secondary display for a laptop there's options but it is really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that like someone would buy this instead of spending like a bit more and getting something like a steam deck but that's gonna be up to you a lot of things that I've been saying today are just very particular to me what do you guys think leave a comment below if you are going to drop 350 on on this and tell me why
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 299,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shortcircuit, SC, unboxing, first impression, tech, gadget, home, fun, buy, peakdo, gaming, ayaneo, wireless, mmwave, 6hz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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