You've Already Got It! - Week 3, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth

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welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack celebrating the good news of Jesus Christ Emmanuel God with us we here at Andrew Wommack ministries want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed new welcome to our Thursdays broadcast of the gospel truth today I'm continuing to teach on how you've already got whatever it is that you need from the Lord and I know that that's that's a startling statement to a lot of people they say no I don't have it but you do have it but it's in the spiritual realm that's what I'm gonna start talking about today you know I've got this teaching entitled you've already got it and so we are making that product available to you but I've already established that you're already blessed with all spiritual blessings that you already have the same power that raised Christ from the dead that faith doesn't move God faith only appropriates what God has already done in Christ now that is a huge statement I just I know that that is so radical to most people that they don't they just don't embrace it because this is totally out in the left field from what most people are being taught and thinking most people approach God as if he he has all power he's Almighty but he has done nothing he could do it if he wanted to and they are just approaching him like a beggar asking and I was teaching that no he's already done everything he's anticipated every problem that you'll ever have and all you've got to do is believe that it's done and go over and flip the switch I was using that verse out of Isaiah chapter 45 verse 11 where he says concerning the works of my hands command me we don't command God in the sense that God you must do what I want you to do certainly not that's not what I'm talking about that's not what the words talking about but it's in the sense that the electric company generates the power they put it into your house but they don't come turn it on for you it's at your command they have provided everything that you will need to run all of the appliances the electricity in your home but it's at your command you have to flip the switch the same with God God has provided everything it's not you commanding him making him do something he doesn't want to do no he's already done everything and when you get born again you have the same power on the inside of you that raised Jesus Christ from the dead but it's at your command you can't approach God and ask him to do what he told you to do you know in James chapter 4 verse 7 it says submit yourselves therefore unto God resist the devil and he will flee from you not flee from God certainly as God's power you were no match for the devil in yourself just in your natural self but you're born again so you now have a greater Authority and power than the devil has and you have to resist the devil and if you come to the Lord so God the devil's just beating me up and I'm sick and I'm poor and I'm depressed and I'm discouraged oh god please get the devil off my back nothing's gonna happen because he told you to resist the devil you fight the devil you stand against him and he will flee from you God and the devil are not in direct conflict today God and the devil ment through Jesus and Jesus conquered him and came out of hell with the keys of death and of Hell dangling on his side Jesus has conquered Satan Satan is a defeated foe there is no direct conflict between God and the devil but God gave his power to us and Satan is fighting us he's not fighting God directly that battle has already been won but he is coming in lying and deceiving us and fighting against us with all of these things and if you ask God to get rid of the devil and to get the devil off of you it's not gonna work because that's not what the instruction book says you resist the devil and he will flee from you you have to take your authority and you have to speak to the devil and you have to command these things to come to pass so this is what I've already been talking about how that God has already healed you God has already Perdue anything that you need love joy peace anything you need is already provided it's in you it's already in there you don't need God to put something in you you don't need more from God what you need is to learn how to draw out what God has already placed on the inside of you and when I say things like that there are multitudes of people multitudes of Christians that can't embrace that because they can't see it they can't feel it they can't touch it and here's another way of saying that most Christians do not let the Bible get in the way of what they believe most people believe what they feel what they see what they've been told more than they believe what the Word of God says so when I'm saying that you're already healed that you're already prosperous that you're already delivered that you're already loved and all of that people will come back say but I don't feel love and they will just let their feelings dominate them regardless of what God's Word says so what I want to begin to share today is to help explain this how do you how do you understand like the Bible says it by His stripes you're healed but here's a doctor's report that says no you got stage-four cancer here's pain in your body you can even sometimes see the tumors or you can feel the tumors and you're saying here's the the Word of God says I was healed first Peter 2:24 but here's the doctors report saying I'm not healed here's what I feel how can this be the answer to me is so simple that there is more than just this physical world there is more than a physical world there is a spiritual world and when the scripture says that by His stripes you are healed that may not be a physical reality yet but in your spirit you've got that raising from the dead power that is in you and it is there and all faith this faith is like a bridge or a conduit that flows between the unseen realm the spiritual realm into the physical realm faith will literally reach over into an unseen realm where things can't be proven in just a test tube or in a natural way and by faith you can reach over and take that healing that does exist it's not in the you know in the make-believe realm it's real but it's not a physical reality it's a spiritual reality and you can make it come into the physical world now some people when as I start trying to explain this some people are immediately beginning to say well you're just you know you're talking about things that aren't real you're the only they believe that the only reality is what you can see taste hear smell and feel your five senses and if you can't prove it by some of these things either seeing it tasting it hearing it feeling it if you can't do those things then it's not real it's just in make-believe well that's not true you know for instance many of you are watching this television broadcast by a satellite transmission you can't see those satellite waves you can't see radio waves you can't see these things but they do exist just because you can't perceive it with your little peanut-sized brain and I'm not meaning that as I as a slam or a criticism but I'm saying that compared to the infiniteness of God it's just it's amazing to me creation never ceases to amaze me that God established these radio waves and radio frequency he made all of these things possible he thought this all through you know people think we created radio and television and microwaves and all of these things no God anticipated all of this he had all of this none of it would work if he hadn't created the laws to make it work all we did was discover things and begin to use it but you know when you when you start receiving radio and television signals in stuff you can't see them and yet you you believe that they exist and all you got to do to prove that they exist is to take a television set and and plug it in turn it on tune it in and then you start seeing these signals but did you know that when you turn on the set and begin to receive the signal is not when the signal begins the signal is already there in an unseen round right now wherever you are if you're in a house if you're in a car wherever you are there are many there are dozens of television and radio signals all around but you're just listening to this one because you're tuned into this frequency but they're all around and if you say no there aren't I don't why aren't they there because I don't see him that doesn't mean that they don't exist it just means that you aren't perceiving it but they exist and again to prove it you could take a radio television turn it on you could tune in different frequencies there are things that exist in an unseen realm now that's not a perfect comparison because even though it's unseen you can't perceive it with your ears are see it with your eyes it is a physical thing that exists in this physical reality but there is also a totally unseen realm there is a spiritual world that exists there are spiritual realities out there there are angels there are demons not only out there but on the inside of you there is a spiritual you and in your spirit you have things that are real they are real just because they aren't physical doesn't mean that they aren't real you know over here in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen notice it says the evidence of things not seen it didn't say the evidence of things that don't exist they do exist they just are in an unseen realm there is a spiritual world there are angels there are demons there are spiritual realities there are also spiritual things on the inside of you according to the scripture galatians 5:22 you've got love and joy and peace on the inside of you in your born-again spirit that's the fruit of the spirit and some people will immediately just say well no I don't have why because you don't feel it your your feelings can only perceive what is going on in the physical natural realm they do not have the ability to comprehend spiritual things you have to do that through faith and you just cannot perceive natural with natural means spiritual things jesus said it this way over in John chapter 3 when he was talking to Nicodemus he says that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit that's just an old English way of saying that spirit is spirit flesh is flesh they are two different realms two different realities they both exist they're both real but you can't perceive with just physical natural things what you can see taste here smelling feel what is going on in the spiritual realm so how do you know well you'll get some New Age people and some of the you know the the weird spiritual things they will just get into this state they'll get into a lotus position with their hands like this and going home and and trying to empty their mind and they may be able to contact some demonic spiritual stuff that way but the way you contact God and the way you perceive what is going on in the spiritual realm is through the Bible in John chapter 6 verse 63 jesus said it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life God's word is spirit God's word reveals what's going on in the spiritual realm the unseen realm you can't see it with your eyes but you can see it by faith through the record that is given in the Word of God the Word of God is kind of like a window you know right now I'm in our television studio and there are no windows to the outside we've got one but it's covered with the curtain to keep the light from coming in but if I wanted to see what was going on on out I can't tell by being in this studio but if I was to open up the curtain and look through the window well then I could see is it raining is it sunshine is it snow is it whatever it is out there but I'd have to look through that window well this is the portal this is the window that allows you to see what's going on in the spiritual realm and remember here in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence some of the translations say the proof of things not seen they do exist they're just in an unseen realm I heard a man one time make this statement that faith is saying something is so when it isn't so and if you'll say it and believe it hard enough then it'll become so and there's a lot of people that that's what they think faith is but that's not that's not accurate faith is saying that something that can't be seen at the moment is real it exists it's just in the unseen it's in the spiritual realm and if I say that and believe it and act accordingly well then what is true in the spirit will come into physical manifestation if you're talking about believing for healing when I'm sitting there and saying by the stripes of Jesus I'm healed people that do not believe that there is any reality beyond what you can see tastier smelling feel they don't believe in a spiritual world they believe that we're just physical that we are nothing but an evolved animal that we have a physical body and then an emotional mental part but they don't understand that at our core we are a spirit being people who don't believe in the spiritual realm will sit there and when a person says that by the stripes I'm of Jesus I'm healed if there isn't a doctor's report that verifies it if the pain doesn't leave if the visible symptom doesn't leave well then they don't believe that that's real because they are only monitoring the physical Ram they don't understand that there is a spiritual world and there's a spiritual you and when say that I am healed in Jesus name that is an absolute truth in my spirit according to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 19 I have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead living on the inside of me that is not a make-believe thing that's not me calling something that isn't true as if it was true no I am saying truth I'm saying reality but it is a spiritual reality and I have to speak it and act on it and according to mark chapter 11 verse 23 in other place is not doubt in my heart if I stay in faith well then what is true in the spirit man will become true in the physical realm but there may be a length of time in between there I'm going to deal with this in more detail I can't tell you everything I know in one day but I am going to continue to talk about this and use examples of where it took a period of time for what God had done in the spirit realm to become manifest in the physical realm but to me this is the key to understanding the things that I'm teaching when I say that you've already got it that God has already supplied your needs that you're already healed you're already blessed all of this most people will just immediately look in the physical realm and search only the physical natural realm and if they can't see the results of what I'm saying then they say it's not true they immediately enter into doubt and the reason they do that is because they don't understand and acknowledge that there is a spiritual world and a spiritual realm if you if you don't know that if you don't recognize that man there's all kinds of things going on in the unseen realm that we can't see if you don't understand that then you will never see that the benefits the full benefits of what Jesus provided for you come to pass because I'm guarantee in the natural realm there's just a lot of things that do not line up with the word of God but if you've been born again if Jesus is your Lord the moment you got born again on the inside of you you have perfect wisdom you have perfect healing you have perfect prosperity joy peace emotional stability everything in your spirit realm is perfect but that doesn't mean that it's gonna change your physical reality unless you believe it unless you get to a place where what you believe is true about you in the spirit is more real than what you see or feel in the physical realm and again most people cannot make that step because they've been trained to only focus in the physical realm that's what the Bible calls carnal the word carnal to most people well even people outside of the Christianity they probably don't even use the word carnal but when you talk to Christians that is describing some reprobate some person whose terrible in a great sinner and things like that well it would include people like that but the word carnal just means that you are controlled and dominated and limited to your five senses what you can see taste hear smell and feel and the Bible says that the carnal mind is enmity against God that's in Romans chapter eight verse five for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh they that are after the spirit the things of the Spirit for it to be carnally minded is death it didn't say it just tends towards death it is death to be carnally minded what is carnal mean again it's not just referring to somebody who's a terrible sinner it's referring to people who are controlled or you could say limited to only what they can see taste here smelling filled they can't operate and believe that there's any reality beyond what their five senses tell them and it says the carnal mind is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace what is spiritually minded again John 6:63 the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are alive so to be controlled by what you believe what the Word of God teaches instead of what you just feel that is being spiritually minded and that produces life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be so then they that are in the flesh or you could say those who are carnal cannot please God we've got to go beyond just realizing that there is reality we've got to realize there is reality beyond just these five senses what they can tell us there is a spiritual world and God has placed on the inside of you raising from the dead power right now if you are feeling depressed and discouraged it's because you are just monitoring your soul ease realm in your feelings but if you were to go to the Word of God the Word of God teaches that you've got love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance on the inside of you that is not something that isn't true and that if you'll just say it and believe it enough maybe it'll become true no it's true in your spirit room your spirit is rejoicing if you're born again in your born-again spirit the fruit of that spirit is love joy and peace you've got joy just abounding on the inside of you in your spirit your your born-again spirit part of you is having a party right now I can guarantee you that your spirit on the inside of you is rejoicing right now and bearing witness with what I'm saying your spirit has been trying to get you to believe that you've got these things that God has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings but most people don't go but what the Spirit is saying by what is the word of God reveals in the spirit they go but what they see tastier smell and feel they watch the bad news they listen to all of the bad things they're reading all of the bills they're looking at the collection agency coming against them and that's what they're focused on and if you're focused just on the natural realm then you are going to be cut off from the spiritual realm and from the power and the supply that God has made in the spirit but if you get to where you use this like a window the Word of God is spirit in its life and you say I don't care what the dark sure says what the banker says what anybody says this is what God says I believe that this is real I believe that the spiritual world created the physical world it's the parent force the parent force is greater than anything that it created the spiritual world existed before there was a physical world and long after this physical world is destroyed there will still be a spiritual world the spiritual realm is more real than what you feel and when you get to where you can believe that and you take the representation that God's Word gives us of what we are and what we have in the spirit and you get to where you believe that and you are more dominated and you act on what the word says about you more than what the doctor says about you the banker says about you then what is real in the spiritual realm will come into the physical realm man I'm Way out of time today but please listen as our announcer gives you information about these products this teaching is something that you need it will set you free so listen to our announcer we've got the book we've got study guides DVDs CDs please listen please call or write today and join me again tomorrow as we continue the gospel truth you already got it allow me to understand to understand there already I already got healing to see what my identity was in Christ was just life-changing it was just totally life-changing to me I didn't know that the power of God was already in me so to me there was a tremendous discovery I didn't know how there I know about the Bible but then the Lord that I already got it honey injuries complete teaching title you've already got it is available in a CD or DVD album made from our daily television broadcast it's also available in a book and study guide in english or spanish each of these products is available for a gift of any amount or you can get them in the you've already got it package this package includes the book the study guide in your choice of either the CD or dvd album this package has a catalog value of $90 but you can get it today for only $60 Andrews book you've already got it is available for a gift of any amount when you write or call and we encourage everyone to give because there's a blessing and giving but if you're simply unable to afford it andrew and his partners will provide this book to you free of charge we want to say a special thank you to the grace partners of Andrew Wommack ministries your gifts make it possible to put free ministry materials into the hands of many people in need if you're not already a grace partner we ask you to pray about becoming one today you can become a grace partner or order resources through our website at aw mi dotnet while there you can discover more product details and download additional free resources or call our helpline monday through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven to write us use the address on your screen we appreciate your generosity and hope to hear from you today this is the last night of our 2019 healing is here conference and I tell you it has been spectacular we had people stand up that said that they had been healed and I'm sure that there was over a thousand people who stood up to say that they had been miraculously healed and we had people come out of wheelchairs we had people with heart problems heart valve problems that were ill people with I don't know you name it so if you missed any of this you know you will be able to go to gospel truth dot TV and we will have archives of this conference on there you can also sign up for next year and I think one of the things that made a difference this year was the people came and they were excited that from the very first note of the first song people came expecting their miracles and I tell you when you place a demand like that on the Lord things happen if you weren't a part of this if you didn't see it by our livestream well then go check it out and next to your plan to be with us in 2020 for our healing is here conference in August you'll be blessed [Music] many of you are aware that we have a Karass Bible College worldwide but our headquarters is located in Woodland Park Colorado and God has really blessed us we have seen God provide supernaturally and we now have somewhere around close to 95 million dollars worth of facilities in our main campus but we owe about 23 million dollars on a parking garage and in order to get this paid off so that we can continue with student housing and all the other things that are necessary for this Bible College I've started what I call a 1k Club I was praying about this and the Lord just spoke to me that he was going to be touching people's hearts that can give a one-time gift of $1,000 or people that can pledge for $100 a month for 10 months and in the next 10 months I'm believing to get this parking garage totally paid off I'd like to ask you to pray about it and if the Lord speaks with you join with us become a part of this 1k club [Music] hello this is Andrew Wommack and I'd like to encourage you to check out our gospel truth TV you've got well-known people on there like Kenneth Copeland Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Keith Moore and it's a safe place to be you are gonna be blessed so check it out it's 24/7 gospel truths dot TV
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 22,794
Rating: 4.9032259 out of 5
Id: VrTo3md4G8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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