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Cool to see our boys on this getting some recognition. Even if James hates the youtube show.

👍︎︎ 315 👤︎︎ u/DudeYouSuckTbh 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Finally, an underrated YouTuber gets his chance to shine

👍︎︎ 476 👤︎︎ u/mf_ghost 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Nobody swears all video, James drops two f bombs back to back.

👍︎︎ 225 👤︎︎ u/_Randy_ 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

5 f bombs this episode, all by Cow Chop lmao

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/ARealKoala 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

James just did a reaction to the video on twitch.

👍︎︎ 209 👤︎︎ u/dbroncos59 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/ElSp00ky 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can we just say. James is one attractive dude.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/Klaxosaur 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

CowChop needs to do more things on other channels/collab more. As much as they seem to hate YouTuber culture MY BOYS NEEDA GROW

👍︎︎ 172 👤︎︎ u/theprivateselect 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Of course Aleks knows the lyrics to It's everyday bro

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/theprivateselect 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Oh, I forgot. I'm gonna have to change. - Show it to me. Come on, baby. - ♪ My first love broke my heart ♪ - ♪ (dramatic intro) ♪ - (FBE) Today, we are gonna be showing you clips of ten videos. - Oh, I do terrible at these. - (FBE) We've previously done episodes on the top ten most viewed and most liked videos in YouTube's history, but today, we're gonna do something a little different. - I like different. - (FBE) Today, we're gonna be showing you the top ten most disliked music videos in YouTube's history. - Oh, God. - (FBE) And we're going to see if you guys can guess them in the correct order. - Oh, interesting. Okay. - Hell yes. I'm so excited about this. Show me some trash. - I don't agree with this, but I feel like Justin Bieber will be in there. - Baby is on there. I'm calling it now. The prophecy must be fulfilled. - I think there's gonna be a lot of polarizing stuff. Like Gangnam Style, I feel like a lot of people liked it, but a lot of people were like, "I don't know what this is." - (FBE) So, while you're watching through, you can place your answers down on this. - Love it, okay. Thank you. - (FBE) As we're going through each video, if you wanna just place where you think they go in the top ten and then you'll have a chance at the end to make a permanent guess. - I am absurdly competitive. - ♪ It's everyday bro ♪ - Yes! - Duh. - (singing along) ♪ Never done before ♪ - Oh, you like it, so it can't be that-- - (singing along) ♪ PewDiePie is next ♪ - Oh my God. I forgot about this. - I don't wanna be dancing to that. - I'm not even the biggest Jake Paul fan, but I like-- I could jam to this. - ♪ Catch me at game one ♪ - Where would this be? - This is my number one. - This is my number one, too. - I think this is probably the best of his music videos. - Yeah, I think this is the best Jake Paul music video. - Like it or hate it, that's history right there. - I'll put it at number three. - We're gonna put that at number one. - Yeah. - Number three because if that were number one, Jake Paul would have made sure everybody on this planet knows, "I got the number one most disliked video on YouTube, guys." - ♪ I sing, wap-bab ♪ - Who is this? - I don't know this music video. - ♪ Ba-da-di-da-da wap-bap ♪ - This is actually quite the catchy jingle. It's not bad. - It's simple. Is this the whole song? - Are these the lyrics? Is this all it is? - I don't hate it. - ♪ Wap-bap, ba-da-da-da-da-da ♪ - There's not much to this song. - Her way with words. It's magical. - We'll put her at number eight. - That's gotta be a nine or something. That can't be-- - Sure, whatever. - Nine? - Just put it down. - Maybe a seven? - Yeah, that works. - That's delightful. I love that. I'ma put that at ten. - ♪ Despacito ♪ - This is disliked. - I went from hating this song to now just being like, okay, it's groovy. - I don't care what anybody says, this is an incredible song and I will dance to it everyday. - See, people probably don't think this is that disliked, but this is-- I think this is the most viewed YouTube video, so it's gotta have a lot of dislikes. - It's hard to say because I know that's the most viewed, which automatically would probably make it the most liked, which could potentially make it the most disliked. - Despacito is number three. - I'm gonna go number two. I wanna save number one. I think something else is gonna come up and surprise me. - It's probably four. - Okay. - I say we gotta put it at number two. - Number two? Okay. There's enough people that like to just hate what other people like. - ♪ So baby if you are not ready ♪ - Oh, Sweatshirt. Yeah, I remember this. - (laughs) This is just all the classics. - ♪ You can wear my ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Sweatshirt ♪ I like this song, dude. - ♪ And you can tell your friends ♪ - Some stop motion. - Oh yeah. - It's kind of a bop. - Yeah. They're all catchy. - I love this song. I don't care what anyone says. - ♪ 'Cause you're the only one I hold ♪ ♪ And I don't want you to be cold ♪ ♪ So baby, wear my ♪ - Aw, he's just trying his best. I'ma put him at six. - Four. - I would say six. - Yeah, we can give him that. - If Jake Paul's a six, then that was a seven. - That was a seven? - ♪ Is it too late now ♪ - What? - I love this music video. - All right, Sorry? So you got two on here, Biebs? - I just don't get it, man. This is a good song. - He always gets dislikes. I never understand it. I don't know. There's controversy around him, but I always thought he was a good dude. - It's not a bad video, but I could see why people would hate it. The dancing's not... - Yeah. - It's cool, but I could see it irritating some people. - Yeah, I can see that. - It's hard to say where that is, so I'm gonna put him maybe at number eight. - Just put him four, I guess for now. - Four? - It doesn't make any sense. - It doesn't, but we can swap them around. - I'm gonna put that at nine. It's not a cringey video. It's not a bad song. He's not even in it. - I'm gonna put him at five. I'm kinda liking my list so far, guys. I don't know if I'm the best at this game, but I'm pretty sure I'm the best at this game. - ♪ My anaconda don't ♪ - Hmm, really? - What? How? This is art. - When this came out, everyone was shooketh. - Who would dislike this? This is just a visual feast. - I feel like you should have been in this, in the left corner. - I could dream. - ♪ Look at, look at, look at Look at her butt ♪ - I wish I could twerk. - Gonna go number five. - That's number one. - Really? - Maybe number five. - Let's give her five for now. - Okay. - I give Nicki Minjaj a nine. - I'd put that nine. Who hates Baby Got Back? - People like the original. Let's split the difference. Let's go eight. - Okay. - ♪ I came in like a ♪ - Oh man, Miley's phase. - Oh, I remember this. This should have a lot of dislikes. This was a ton of controversy. - Why? Oh, I guess it was prime. Miley, what happened? - Really, this was-- actually, yeah. This is a very polarizing video. It's love it or hate it. - Why do people hate this? - 'Cause people don't wanna see people naked. - I think the song's actually really good. I could jam to this song for sure, but it's definitely the music video that got the controversy. - ♪ Break me ♪ - I [bleep] hated that song when it first came out. Now, It's tolerable at least. - We're gonna put you at number ten. - I'd put it below these, but pretty high, so I'd say number four. - Number four? - Wrecking Ball, number two. I don't think that's right. We're gonna have to redo all of this. - I remember when Miley went through her crazy phase, everyone was very, they loved her or either hated her. There was not really an in between. I'm gonna put that at a solid number five. - Of course. Why did I not think about this? - I should have realized. Yeah, of course this was disliked. Again, just like Despacito. - I hope this is the most-- number one disliked. I really-- this song gets on my nerves. - ♪ Oppan Gangnam style ♪ - That's top three. - Are you [bleep]-- - I'm telling you. - God damn it. I guess two then. It can't be number one. - I think I'm gonna go number three just because I know this one has a lot of views. - I'll put it behind Jake Paul. Number four, it would be PSY. - Two. It's got a piece of history attached to it, but it's really good. I like that song. - ♪ Kicking in the front seat ♪ - (laughs) Duh. - Oh, I forgot. I'm gonna have to change. - Everything about this was bad, but I will say she still does YouTube and she still sings and she has improved. - (singing along) ♪ Friday, Friday ♪ Oh, Rebecca. - ♪ Everybody's looking forward to the weekend ♪ - My hand is a dolphin. Brock Baker. - I feel like I do this in cars just to be like, remember? - ♪ Getting down on Friday ♪ - What an iconic video. - People need to relax and see it for what it is. - I give her props though. She's still continuing YouTube. - One? - Yeah, we put it at one. - Nine. - We gotta go nine. - I feel like that's a bad spot. - I'ma put that at eight, because all I have is four and eight left and I'm pretty sure that Justin Bieber's coming up next, and he's gonna have to be number four, 'cause he was number one for a long time. Show it to me. Come on, baby. - ♪ My first love broke my heart ♪ - I knew this would be in here. (singing along) ♪ And I was like ♪ ♪ Baby, baby, baby ♪ - This is the Biebs I miss. - Oh yeah, the haircut. - (singing along) ♪ Baby, baby, baby, oh ♪ ♪ This should be number one Baby ♪ - I knew that would be in there because when that song came out, it was peak "everybody hates Bieber." - Just gonna put number one. I'm kinda contemplating between Despacito, but I know this song was just hated so much. - Despite whether or not you like any of these artists, I would say most, if not all of them are still killing it now. - (FBE) So, we're gonna give you about a minute if you wanna switch any of your answers. - I have a good shot at this now. Can't blow this. - What is number one? - I think Gangnam Style. - Okay. - And then number two is... - Friday. - I don't know if I'm gonna change any to be honest, 'cause I feel pretty confident. - I'm locking it in, Jim. Final answer. - (FBE) If you get an answer perfectly correct, you get two points and then if you get an answer just one off, you get one point. - Ooh, okay. - (FBE) So, number ten is Sorry by Justin Bieber. - What? I was one off. Dang it. - What the [bleep]? We [bleep] this up. - Yeah, we totally [bleep] this all up. - No! My whole thing is-- I'm done, I'm out. All right, bye guys. - Wow, I'm surprised people didn't hate that because he wasn't in it. I guess people loved watching people dance. - I had that at five. Come on, Justin. Be worse. - We had it at number three. We were way off. I feel pretty good about the rest. - Okay, stay strong. - (FBE) Number nine is Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. - We had it the other way. - Yeah, we did. - Okay, we are doing poorly. - We're kinda opposite here. We're flip flopped. - Oh, I was one off. I get one point. - (FBE) Number eight is Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. - Whoa. - Wow, we suck. - Two off again. All right. This isn't looking good. - So, one point. Yep, yep. - That's one point. I put it at number seven. - Oh, I had you at nine. That's some points for the big J-dog. - Yeah, one point. First points. - Got it right. I got it right. - (FBE) Number seven is Sweatshirt by Jacob Sartorius. - Dude, we socked those too. - Ooh, I'm one off. I'm getting there. I'm getting points. - Right on the money. Give me two. - (FBE) Number six is Gangnam Style by PSY. - Oh man. I am not doing well. - Wow, they really like you, PSY. - (both) Yeah, yeah. - Okay, see, we know PSY. - Okay, we're getting there. - We know how much people like and dislike PSY. - (FBE) Number five is How It Is (Wap Bap) by Bibi H. - Really? I have never even heard this song in my life. - That's crazy. - Wow. - So people are really haters for that girl. - Maybe there's a different part of the song were you really just don't like it or something, 'cause I just wasn't strongly disliking that. - Maybe we're just too old. - (FBE) Number four is Friday by Rebecca Black. - Woof, okay. - Ooh, I'm so sorry Rebecca. - Yikes, I had you at eight. Rebecca, I'm so sorry. - We were way off on that. - I think we just got this whole list backwards. Let's just kind of... - (FBE) Number three is Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee. - I mean, not that far off. - We had that at two. - Okay, I'm one off for that, so I get a point for that. - I had that originally. I still get a point. - (FBE) Number two is It's Everyday Bro by Jake Paul featuring Team 10. - Damn. - We put that as four. We don't even get a point. - Okay, that's a point for yours truly. - Man, people really smacked that dislike button on Jake Paul. - (both) Yes! - We just did the same Jake Paul thing. I don't know what that was. - (FBE) Number one is Baby by Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris. - Ooh, that hurts. - That's still number one? That's amazing. - That's not even the worst offense that Justin has done. - Wow, see? You had that at ten, man. - I know. - And it was number one. - Who hates Baby? - A lot of people did. - So, all in all, if I did the points tally correctly, that's nine points. I usually do abysmally on these quizzes. - We had zero points and it doesn't matter because I had fun. I actually wanna watch 90% of those videos right now. - (FBE) So finally, to wrap up this episode, what do you think about the fact that YouTube is pretty much the only major platform to even have a dislike button whereas other sites use just likes and thumbs ups or the rating system? - Wow, I've never even thought about that. It's definitely not useful in a good way. - I've never been a fan of the dislike system because-- why? If you don't like it, don't click, don't watch. - It's the only accurate way to rate a video because if you wanna get criticism on any other videos, you have to look at the comments. - It serves as a BS detector. I can see how it can be abused if the lynch mob goes after a certain video for unrelated reasons, then it's a little disadvantageous, but in the long term, I think it's a smart idea. - I love it. It's almost like YouTube is keeping it real. Everybody else is scared to do it, so props, YouTube. - Thanks for watching this episode of YouTubers React. - And if you like all these YouTubers, subscribe to them. The links will be in the description below. - I may have failed this test, but I will not fail this goodbye. I love you all. - Hey guys, Vartuhi here, producer at FBE. A big thank you to all the YouTubers that came out to shoot with us. Make sure to check them all out. Links in the description below. Bye, guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 6,200,255
Rating: 4.8566322 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, most disliked videos, justin bieber, YOUTUBERS REACT TO TOP 10 MOST DISLIKED MUSIC VIDEOS OF ALL TIME, reacts, reaction, reactions, youtubers react, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, elders react, teens react, kids react, adults react, parents react, college kids react, akidearest, cow chop, andrea russett, jacksepticeye, jacksfilms, top ten, most amazing top 10
Id: CHlOTy_aYwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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