YouTuber Undercover as a Prisoner Caught & Face Reveal

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guys i tracked down these escaped prisoners who captured my husband chad i gotta get in there and rescue him okay i guess i'm gonna have to lockpick this set you guys down here once i crack this lock open and i get in there i'm gonna look for chad he's undercover as a prisoner in a green mask what's up spy ninjas i took my green mask off and i put it on the other guy now i'm wearing his orange mask so peters doesn't know who i am but that other guy wearing the green mask still has my fifty thousand dollars that i withdrew from the bank two days ago okay so i gotta track down my fifty thousand dollars and then i'm gonna turn in all of these escaped inmates send them back to prison oh man i gotta find that money they must have hidden my money around here somewhere there's a prisoner right there i just gotta follow him that's how i'm gonna rescue chad what's this cart here oh my gosh there's another one over there where'd he go oh where is that my money hey man have you seen that that green hooded guy with the money no but hey come over here help me spray paint this man come on i'm busy pack this up fine okay i'll help you handles i guess i'll use this [Music] okay can i look for chad and rescue him two prisoners right there what are they doing vandalizing hey man did you spray my clothing oh man i'm spraying the wall here you stand right here okay i'm gonna go around man oh my gosh they're just spray painting this whole entire building does that say peasy i wonder how many escaped prisoners are in here i hope chad's around here somewhere man that jerk right there just spray painted my shirt look at this now i'm gonna stand out from all the other inmates in here and look weird hey hey come back here i find ancient peters man agent peters all right let's go yeah all right okay all right yeah okay feeders let's go talk to them [Music] oh my gosh that was a close one where are they okay [Music] okay guys there's two prisoners just went upstairs i know that there's about a hundred prisoners that escaped so upstairs might be 98 of them i don't even know if i should do this you know what if chad's up there then it's too against all of those hackers i can't be afraid i'm a spy ninja all i need to do is activate stealth mode and i'll be fine stealth mode activated [Music] let me get a little closer hiding behind this wheelchair here there they are we move in a little bit closer very very slowly maybe they won't notice okay look peters what are we doing here huh got a little spray paint on you there yeah this jerk here spray painted me hey looks nice looks nice man that is kind of nice you got the z that's funny okay enough emily no what are you doing here you and i were in the middle of a discussion you said we could talk things out and i came here and you straight up lied i don't want any get out of my face and we decided anything to do with this what's ali doing here i'm out of here forget this no no no keep her here [Music] peter just pushed her she's in trouble too he's probably forcing her to be here you are keeping me here i'm agent peters you're staying here right now okay there is a whole plan in motion you have no choice in this you can't just keep me here against my will watch me good thing i'm friends with the spy ninjas we'll talk about that later oh gosh okay okay i gotta focus on you know saving chad it's an ally now she's in trouble so phase two is complete we got the money we robbed the bank fifty thousand dollars yeah that one guy has it though you did what the green mask i need to contact that guy i'm gonna look for him okay yes wait look for the green mask guy and i got one more job for you i need you to gather some hard drives they're in a server room downstairs those hard drives are the start of phase three phase three involves youtube oh man that's not good did they just say phase three i couldn't hear very well but something to do with youtube phase two was getting fifty thousand dollars and you think they took that out of chat's account oh gosh what is agent peter's planning what about me boss what can i do i have a very important job for you i need you to find my sunglasses sunglasses yeah they're very important to me i've told you like five times that those sunglasses don't even look good on you other people say differently who your little henchmen calm down with that okay all right so i need you to get the hard drive i need you to get the sunglasses i'll go get those hard drives what are the prisoners leaving i probably should follow him oh my gosh geez man peter's an evil dude okay okay okay i don't know what ally's doing here but she's clearly here against her will and agent peters isn't letting her go so i'm gonna bust her out of here but first i gotta find that fifty thousand dollars and those hard drives then i'll get ally and get out of here with those okay gotta follow that guy with the x on his back that prisoner who's gonna be looking for a hard drive to something to do with youtube i could get a little more [Music] oh [Music] [Music] these are extremely dangerous criminals the reason they're out is because of me agent peters tricked me i thought i was helping them but i accidentally activated a bomb now all these prisoners are loose in the city everybody in las vegas is pretty much in trouble because there's like 100 criminals walking around freely it's my job to put them back in prison i gotta find that hard drive have something to do with youtube spinach's i gotta try to find those hard drives for agent peters so he doesn't catch suspicion that it's me however i really gotta keep an eye out for that fifty thousand dollars that's my money i took out of the bank myself and that guy with the green mask has it but i haven't seen him what was that noise is that agent peter spying on me anyway hard drives most importantly my fifty thousand dollars [Music] this is what the phase three is all about if i grab it and then look for chad and we can get out of here but i gotta be careful [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's put the hard drive in this bag here [Music] hey man can you help me find those shades oh man shades i i got to deal with this right now no no no no supposed to be in that room right over there okay fine yeah man these shades are in here yes sir agent peter's favorite shades man okay all right the bag is right there with the hard drive in it but i gotta make sure that the coast is clear there's so many prisoners here [Music] [Music] [Music] dude i don't know where those shades are but i gotta get these hard drives over to ancient peters okay little shades i might need to find those soon earlier if i see the shades i'll let you know okay best of luck to you i don't know that guy needs the shade so bad why does agent peters need those shades i still haven't found those fifty thousand dollars those packages i got the youtube hard drives the agent petersburg i can't give these youtube hard drives to him he's probably gonna try to delete youtube or something who does this guy think he is okay somebody just i just gotta find my 50 grand and then get out of here with that and with these youtube hard drives [Music] with the green x yeah you got the hard drives oh come up here come on come up there yeah come i don't want to give him these hard drives this is not good oh what what's up what's up let's go we got the hard drive oh no oh that's heavy that feels like it's the hard drives okay yeah okay yeah good job man uh sunglasses uh i can't find them sir i'm still gonna keep looking what does that mean you can't find them i can't seem to find the location of the glass sir you know i gave you the easiest job of anybody in here and you couldn't complete that these are glasses where do you set glasses let me think about this okay yes you know what i got i've got a solution good you're fine get out of here me fired no i quit i'm out of here okay get out of here hey i got you your freedom all right man nice meeting you thanks for the green spray paint i'm glad you fired him because uh he was mean to me he spray painted me what was that allie you're such a baby he needs his shades it's it's yeah shades exude confidence you put them on and i'm a changed man you are not a treasure fan i thought you were that's why we're gonna talk about things and you said you were on the right track gonna be good and stuff but you lied okay well i gotta get going whoa hang on we're about to go through these hard drives for just a sec i wanna show you a few things you're a good guy thanks [Music] look i just want to speak to you real quick i'm really really angry well i'm a spy ninja i know how to fight oh i don't want to fight just want to talk to you get this off my mind i'm just trying to tell you agent peters he has a server upstairs he's trying to get rid of all the big youtubers and i just okay you work for agent peters not anymore i'm out of here you get your big ovens okay i know okay okay that was kind of weird what the heck that prisoner didn't even attack me and he just told me information that peter's gonna damage a bunch of youtubers something strange is happening here oh gosh i gotta keep an eye out for chad who's wearing the green mask you know if you see one let me know in the comments okay okay peters i gotta go find that uh green mask guy with the money yeah wait wait we gotta we gotta look through the hard drives i got something to show you oh um yeah what is on those hard drives anyway oh what is this what i don't know i had the box that said youtube hard drives i put i put it in there so you know what the box looks like yeah but you didn't bring the box yeah i did is this a prank let me see this no no you're uh the sunglasses guy did he put you up to this no [Music] what is with you the sunglasses guy he told me to put this bag down maybe he took it out i don't remember someone so tall even being on i don't remember looking up at anybody i'm who were you in prison i'm brad from prison cell block seven what number were you in two no wonder i was way down in seven brad i did know it brad that's me it's me brad yeah okay oh my gosh where are the hard drives i don't know where he put them okay okay um i've got backups of all the hard drives so i will go find those main hard drives later you just stay here and keep an eye on ally it's a simple mission okay she's right here don't lose it keep an eye on her yes you aren't going nowhere let me go check up on the main hard drives i'll be right back there's peters oh gosh it's me i wanted to tell you it was me we're gonna get out of here right now gosh i can't believe i'm so happy these guys have been keeping me here all day long listen we gotta get out of here but first we gotta get that fifty thousand dollars that's my money oh shoot okay have you seen the guy in the green mask i haven't they've been talking about their plans all day but they haven't mentioned the money hallie's talking to that prisoner wait peters is looking at us sit back down sit down get out of the chair i told you not to get up ugh the prisoner there is yelling at ally oh my gosh it looks like she's in trouble i think i need to go save her hey hey stop picking on ally you want a battle royale dude i don't want to hear anything [Music] wait you're undercover yeah i've been on cover all day you've been in this outfit the whole entire day yeah why what'd you think i was in oh i thought you were wearing a green mask no no i took that off and put it on a different guy we got to get out of here agent peters is gonna be like any minute so you weren't in trouble no i have been agent peters has been holding me hostage all day long he hasn't been allowing me to leave we need to go well ellie why'd you let peters boss you around like that trust me i usually would not allow that but he has like a hundred prisoners around here they're all on guard there's no way i could escape we gotta find that hard drive that says youtube hard drive on it okay oh i have it with me i'll show you where it is hey ally she tried to escape and i stopped her ally please i'm keeping you safe okay you're not keeping me safe you're being annoying brother you're not hurt right now right you're safe go back to work i got this handled the server is having issues i'm going to get a few more guys i'll be right back okay yeah we got to go this way peters is over my hard drive get your hard drive we'll meet you back at this back stairwell okay all right here's the hard drive i'm gonna meet up with chad and ali now okay peters will never see us escape this back stairwell what the heck is this what these are drip wires i think it's for a security alarm system we have to sneak through it chad you're so big i know this isn't my specialty this is your specialty you're the stealth person why are you playing person i don't know don't worry i can do this oh there's electricity flowing through it ow my brother is being insane ah i'm too big for this stuff careful pay attention yes it's getting easier down here i have the hard drive here should i just throw this down to you emily grab the hard drive okay oh it's heavy okay [Music] wow i feel like i'm in mission impossible all right we can escape this way come on okay cool [Music] spy losers get up [Applause] you
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 3,413,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, unspeakable, preston, sssniperwolf, faze rug, prisoner, prisoners, escape, hide, disguise, sneak, infiltrate, undercover, hidden, sneak attack, sunglasses, dangie bros, built, real, minecraft, house, dhar mann, entitled, influencer, cancelled, lucky people, avoided, close calls, aphmau, raise, floppa, msa, my story animated, billionaire, hired, date, fun, funny, comedy
Id: QQTtwbxNS-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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