Are My Friends Hackers?

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regina whatever it is she has in her closet is helping the evil agent peters destroy us they broke into her house yesterday and i don't know why regina ran out with ally so who are you guys that's you regina that's definitely you relax okay why are you guys kidnapping me i'm not as such as you think i am okay we're going undercover as hackers to prove regina's innocence because she's not the one that hacks the safe house no but i would love your help how can i trust you if you kidnap me okay listen it was a whole misunderstanding she said to cover your face i thought you should like cover your face she might cover our face and let's be honest would you have come with us otherwise i wouldn't follow any people wearing hacker masks we're undercover that's what we're working on the outfit okay let me see the outfit to prove to me that you're actually going out on a cover then i'll think about it fine yes okay we're gonna prove that i'm innocent yeah i'm your friend yeah there's two hackers over there follow me how are you guys planning on passing all those guys we thought about this i'm gonna lure them away with my pizza disguise did someone order a pizza if you guys didn't know i used to be a pizza delivery girl and i am also the master of disguise hello hello my name is tony did someone order a pizza i didn't order a pizza did you no i don't know if this was going to work v it is pretty sauce is this for the whole crew there's so much pizza i need help i'm only one woman he's over there in my car and he said we can't leave this top kind of seems like they're giving her a little bit of a push back but wait we don't have to pay for this though it's free i mean i am pretty hungry um can you stay here and watch this for just like two seconds you guys are cool uh i mean yeah okay let's go get the pizza okay we'll be right back all right that was so much easier than i thought it would be those hackers are dumb v ally come on are we gonna go inside right away i mean are there security cameras all over this place true there's no hackers in sight but they got security cameras there's a laptop what do you think about you know getting doing your thing and see if there's any hackers around oh so you trust me again i mean we're inside right now you're not wearing a hacker math anymore so that builds the trust level up a little higher okay well speaking of hacker math we have to be in disguise oh shoot we need to get her a hack mask we'll do that when we get our costume okay give me this laptop feed what is this i'm gonna do my hackity hack let's run to the security room i know where it is follow me let's go wait why is that on she's neighbors on she's not going on missions yet oh your mask the security office is this way come on i'm so tired of watching the security feed there's nothing going on there's definitely two hackers there they're watching the security cameras okay i'm gonna do my packing things hey have you seen the movie speed absolutely not they use the small clip of the theory camera and you gotta loop it over and over and over and over again oh nice so yeah you can like transfer just a little clip of it i mean i'll try hey what popped up what is this robin does security it's playing random channels this entertainment sucks can you just like distract them with something else i'll try maybe put on the movie speed or something that's a good idea vl put something else on their screen but not the movie speed i don't even know what that is but animal planet do it like a disney movie yeah the hackers won't be interested in that matrix they gotta be interested in that no it's not haircut oh i should watch that what are hackers into football i don't know i'm gonna put the 49ers just kidding i don't know what this team is oh wait oh my god oh this is awesome it's working these are really excited about the game regina okay perfect i'm just gonna leave that game on i cannot believe that worked it's actually distracting these hackers are like the low level hackers i think a little too easy a little two sauce isn't it or we just thought this mission out and we're actually doing a good job what happened to friendship oh i thought we were going to go undercover normal clothes that's the next thing we need to do we need to go get ourselves some hacker outfits right we need to find a group of hackers so we can take their suits and blend in looks pretty empty coming in today oh really that's awesome you can use the piece to fix the server yeah if you don't want to assault it we can get back to business great this is perfect there's only three of them we can take them out guys three of them three of us yeah definitely you ready to battle royale we haven't done this in a while it like three weeks ago let's just rush him three two do you one about that server piece that they were needing upstairs yeah it sounds like they're gonna fix it today that sounds really important right it's about the server we've been trying to get into that room for a long time i still need to get into peter's room so that i can try to get information and prove regina's innocence maybe you and regina should definitely continue on but the server i mean we can take down the whole entire organization if i destroy it right yeah yeah you take care of the server then v don't let them get that part then they can't fix it all right i'm gonna go solo then you can do this you're the best sneaker i do have my style skills yes we got this fine ninjas oh are we going upstairs at the same time that was uneventful it's like when you say goodbye at the parking lot but your cars are parked at the same area this is the most secure area of the entire warehouse because that room is where peter stays we have to be really careful try not to be clumsy we gotta activate stuff guys [Music] i'm gonna distract that hacker over there good thing you guys handcuffed me with this [Music] okay thanks for protecting me make sure to get the evidence to prove that your innocence okay so you believe me now i believe you but there's chad and daniel and everybody else at home make sure to get that piece i will i will all right good luck guys later don't get caught i okay what would you do oh yeah i'll try it doesn't seem like there's any hackers around but you never know they kind of pop out anywhere i overheard the hacker over there saying that they're going to deliver the server piece on the north door the north door is that way see that room right there those hackers are still watching football yo this is the best part of my day girl good thing my stealth mode is still activated just gotta be really careful here this is a regina you have to get through this door right here there's probably hackers that need like a high security clearance to be able to even get through those doors okay so what if i made you a security clearance profile perfect we can talk to each other via the communicators yes and i'll film so you can watch on the spy panel yeah film everything with that pen good luck ellie okay i'll be over here i'm here on the north side i'm gonna look for the server piece wait does that look like a piece of the server that's being delivered i mean that looks like a really big package of something let's go check it out it doesn't look like it belongs on a server jackpot this is it okay it's go time i'm gonna hack ally a security clearance to get through that door oh hi sir i have an appointment to see agent peters today no no peter doesn't have any appointments yes he does he has an appointment today no he doesn't the only appointment peters has with the systems analyst you're not the person wait no i am the systems analyst no um regina i need to be a systems analyst okay uh let me just change that real quick you need to uh let me in because i'm the systems analyst and i have an appointment with agent peters okay systems analyst what's your hacker number uh i'm number 987 okay let me check did it work look at that hacker987 nice it worked systems analyst well it all checks wait you're level six you need to be a level seven to get through this door so now um what are you talking about i am a level seven a level seven oh shoot i put her as a level six just like distract him real quick i'll change it hey by the way where did you get your math that's a pretty cool name level seven okay you should be good ally you should tell me if you like the oh look well you look at that look i am a security level seven by the way you've made a mistake i don't know man maybe that mask you have just kind of covers your eyes or something that's just weird if i were you just let me through the doors cause we know how mad peters gets if i'm late okay okay just keep this picture so that if he gets mad i don't get blamed yeah sounds good okay all right oh my gosh i can't believe that worked regina great job guys good luck convincing your brother that's the hard part okay oh there's some bats just laying around here i don't have to even take this server piece home why don't i just destroy it all right agent peters you want to repair your servers well too bad you can't [Music] completely destroy peters you just got served boy peter [Music] ally great disguise i need to talk to you have you reconsidered my offer you know that's why i'm here today is because i want to talk to you about that great let's talk about it okay how's it going good did you successfully take the server part yes and then i destroyed it too nice readers can't use it to repair a server and bring it in you bring it how's ellie doing she's currently meeting with peters i have a live feed of them right here wait wait wait wait wait wait how did you get in here did you bypass my guys downstairs i am your sister after all are you really that surprised okay shows me i need to get better people those guys are done yeah maybe you do as in what as in maybe me sure what have you been up to recently you know uh any hacking of some sorts hacking yeah yeah i have been hacking a little bit you know here and there i mean we've been getting a lot better i used to kind of suck really we've been learning how to hack into really any kind of security system no matter the strength you just have to manipulate someone a little bit so you just befriend say one person that knows a little bit about the security system uh-huh you get some info from them and it makes the whole process way easier no way it wasn't me how do you know it's not you because i am me it wasn't me wow um who was the person that you befriended you seem to have a lot of questions i mean i'm just interested in learning about project zorgo if you're so interested in knowing the details of what i've been up to and who i've been talking to why don't you ask him yourself melvin no way what are you doing here peters you said this was just gonna be between you and i had an unexpected visitor obviously my brother i told you it wasn't me it was my brother melvin i thought for sure i was gonna be you were daniel what because you're a little more gullible you know by agent peters no i trusted melvin how could he do this to us melvin what are you doing here i could ask you the same thing i'm having a very private conversation with my brother what are you doing here here to judge your beautiful outfit choice oh peach goes great with orange by the way what is this don't sidetrack me what is this why is melvin why is ally here yeah that's a good question i could ask you the same thing why are you here yeah no you're not turning the tables on me why are you here melvin why is he visiting you why does it seem like you guys are all buddy buddy what's going on you should answer first i have yet to determine what my answer is i'll talk to you in a second peter's what about our previous arrangement okay you had your guys come over to the safe house against what we talked about and they took my phone my phone there is a reason we came to the safe house but first get to your phone okay please your phone it's the center of my universe this dude's weird you're a little close but okay maybe step right there i'm really shocked that it's melvin we can't deal with this again i mean you know him he's a flip-flopper he's good he's bad he's good he's bad and just a second you'll have your phone he took his phone and he's scanning it he's probably taking all the data from melvin's phone is that how he's been hacking into our safe house don't scratch my screen hand it over punk melvin has been helping agent peters hack the safe house by giving him his phone how long have they been teaming up together i don't know it's probably been happening oh since june 5th what it's been happening that long probably remember melvin didn't want us to watch that youtube video because his edit was really bad melvin why are you so obsessed we're just gonna watch the video yeah just play big move don't if you didn't watch it they keep it that way i trusted him i didn't watch it he lied to us this whole entire time keep your boys in check peters okay working with me isn't gonna be like working with one of your prisoner types so you are working with peters i wouldn't call it working you literally said that you befriended someone and you've been manipulating him and using him manipulating me i changed the word manipulated to befriended okay well we both know what you meant okay so what are you doing here are you befriending him or manipulating him i'm here to manipulate the truth out of him so i can prove regina's innocence because she is being blamed for the job that you did oh my gosh i feel so betrayed by old blood again i trusted him he was the skull to my crossbow she is yeah what do you think we're out here doing trying to get information so that we can clear her name after everything it was you melvin i'm gonna tell the spine ninjas wait ass wait a second peters here's you you wet peters peters what you can't tell the spine inches you betrayed them what is this conversation i feel like i should be a part of it peter let us go away just a minute one minute one minute allie please you can't tell the rest of the spy ninjas not yet you'll be straight down not really this is a long story and i have a lot to explain but i have to be the one to do it okay do it ally please stop giving me that face stop regina was blamed and you just stood there and let all of them gang up on your sister like that that's messed up if she was a true sister of mine she would have been able to defend herself and prove her innocence i love doing this dance with you well i can dance all day get out of my way your brother's doing that thing with his hair again what wait melvin wait wait where is he going wait melvin's running away he's running away he's got he's running away quick we gotta go we gotta get right here we have to tell the boys yeah i'm gonna call him daniel daniel hold on yeah you better run you suck this is all because of you [Music] we need [Applause] you
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 4,348,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, sssniperwolf, faze rug, diguise, undercover, secret mission, top secret, spies, dhar mann, sells, stuff, video games, tik toks, rent free, strangest, store, world, stokes twins, breaking, 100 laws, 24 hours, msa, my story animated, free, fun, funny, comedy
Id: tLERaLmwfMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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