YouTube Comments Have A Huge Problem Right Now...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and two years ago I made a video where it was uh YouTube needs to fix commenting Bots ladies and gentlemen now uh YouTube Bots and spam is not anything new okay since the time of haunted gaming and the beginning of the deep web browsing series or really the beginning of YouTube there has been spam everywhere on the platform okay some of my favorite spam used to be chain letters okay like you know when people would just say Hey listen you know if you don't repost this to 20 other comment sections a spooky ghost will break into your house and haunt you until you're dead those were really funny okay today we're talking about a breed of comment sections or comments that are actually Distributing illegal C material all throughout the internet okay so let's get down to what happened two years ago okay now two years ago I had received comments on my videos you know somebody would write in some standard comment and underneath it would be an actual comment where the username was tap me to bang me okay so people would basically just Generate random dog water comments post them and then basically you know advertise actual illegal services or you know straight them nude stuff right on the actual thing you would click their profile and you would go right down that road now because of what happened two years ago YouTube is in this ever like you know standing war with comment Bots and whatnot where they basically have extra uh I guess you could say moderation features where if you're uploading a video you can ask YouTube to aggressively moderate your comments whether it be for live streams or whether it be for you know your standard YouTube videos now the thing is for the last I would say two three weeks ever since I made a video on Tech lead for instance which you know the last time I covered Tech lead two years ago I remember distinctly one of my business emails being filled with absolute spam so it's just it's coincidences all the time anyways I'm not linking this to Tech lead because this is an issue that I've seen all over YouTube okay everywhere around the platform whether it be on my videos whether it be on pyrocynical's videos whether it be on any popular YouTube comment section so to understand YouTube has basically almost in a way I I would say given up now I've always said one of the most important parts about YouTube for me was the comment section okay obviously like anytime I would upload a video you give it like 30 minutes pour a glass of wine and read through what your community was talking about the YouTube comment section is the only thing that separat you know standard other types of platforms or really you know the difference between like watching somebody on TV or watching somebody on social media the comment section is a direct connection to the person you're watching so they can get feedback understand what kind of content to make or you know generally have a conversation with somebody in there I enjoy it and it's fun seeing that comment you know section blow up rise up because that's the best part of the day okay it's not the viewership it's just reading through it okay I love reading comments it's like going through for threads back in the day and just reading through I love it but the thing is part of those comments I would say for every comment you get usually You'll Always Find Another you know spam comment and it's become such a big problem Again on YouTube and one of the examples here that I'm going to show you where it gets really illegal and I wish YouTube was taking more of a stern look at it as compared to the years before that I talked about the situation is this thing right here so you you start to see accounts like officer map Pride okay now I don't have to explain what a map is I think we all understand actually forget it I'll just tell you because time has passed maps are what people here call minor attracted persons uh I'm just going to use the standard uh lingo pedophiles okay that's pretty much what it is so obviously these people you know basically tell the comment section hey my illegal material videos are more entertaining than the slop click the link in my channel to watch them okay so then you go to their actual account and the problem here is they actually have Discord links right here so obviously I'm blurring the Discord link because first off if they're openly advertising that their Discord contains illegal material then uh you know it's not ever worth clicking on their Discord to verify the illegal material they've already said that they're Distributing illegal stuff and unfortunately YouTube has to step in and stop these as quick as they can now obviously channels get erased things get banned all the time but this problem has exacerbated from people you know selling like or or people just Distributing like malware or like you know sex ads or whatever to straight up Distributing illegal material and unfortunately in the last 2 3 weeks it has gotten to be a worse situation and obviously it's not just the creators that recognize this it's obviously the comment sections I've seen numerous comments of people asking me exactly why we haven't done anything about the comments below so one of the actual Reddit posts that I saw where one person wrote creators are too busy counting their money to give a what happens in their comments like dog I don't know what you want people to do do you want us to upload a video and then like start looking through every single comment section and moderating it I use about as much of the YouTube Auto moderation tools as I can I have no time out of my day and no other creator that I know has time in their day to automod their comment section this is something that YouTube should be handling and there never been times where especially for family channels back in the day YouTube has jumped in and shut down comments completely when they found out nefarious things were happening like people exchanging you know illegal information people exchanging illegal files or people exchanging information to then go off platform and share illegal information and files so this is something that YouTube absolutely has to step into and again this isn't just even a YouTube problem as well too obviously if you go to any social media site like Facebook or Twitter you'll find out that there's plenty of illegal stuff being shared around pretty openly at times and you'll find out that when it comes to bots when it comes to using artificial intelligence to write up a whole bunch of comments that's an issue now some of you might be wondering what muda how is it that they're able to share this stuff without getting autod deleted that is something that honest to God I have no idea about it's not as if these people change their names that much they're pretty easy to identify and I would assume they're pretty easy for YouTube to instantly flag and ban without even thinking twice and when it comes to sharing illegal material because they're not putting links in the actual comment section they're not getting Auto flagged for review and then people just click on their profile Pages links it takes one tap especially if you're on mobile and next thing you know you can access illegal material on Discord platforms offsite now I'm not even going to get into Discord shitty Behavior I think that they can handle their own platform the way they see fit pretty terribly in my opinion sometimes but going off platform obviously YouTube can't control what Discord does but YouTube can control what's actually posted on YouTube and I that's where they need to 100% step in this is not a Creator responsibility this is the platform's responsibility now obviously you know this is one of those things where it really hearkens back to the dead internet Theory right so back in 2019 one of these post on forchain this is actually the original one I remember uh was where a user basically talked about how the internet was exactly devoid of people and it also is devoid of content comparing it to the internet of say 2007 the internet right now in the year 2024 is beyond sterile there's nowhere to go and nothing to do and see or read or experience anymore so obviously the comparison here is that the internet before 2007 really was filled with a whole bunch of unique and it wasn't just slop that we got fed nowadays and I actually really do agree with this kind of because back in the day coming across you know some of the wildest conspiratorial websites was a lot easier than it is now at least underneath you know Google's a search engine or really most mainstream search engines it really felt like watching you know those crazy Conspiracy YouTube videos back in the day was a lot easier than trying to experience that same feel in 2024 but of course one of the things that was interesting is because of this one company in perva that actually did do a bot traffic report they actually ended up B basically coming out and saying that nearly 50% and above of the internet is effectively Bots okay whether they be good Bots or whether they be completely bad Bots okay it's still a bot filled internet so basically the human beings are the minority when it comes to what's going on on the internet and obviously if you look at how much AI slop gets fed around you'll find out yeah it really is just generator trash and almost seemingly fake Impressions so for instance this one post that I saw you know two days ago this is a Facebook post I you not this is from an account called insane Facebook AI slop which basically cataloges all the your parents and grandparents end up Believing on the internet now this image if you squint is literally Jesus but if you look you know just at the image itself you've got a whole goddamn movement of operators in the background it looks like we're in quickvid with how the city's demarcation points are laid down and of course you've got this body that isn't even a human to begin with you've got actual body parts and of course soldiers just information with their legs all twisted up forming Jesus okay now if 211,000 people like this image okay that kind of shows me that maybe this is all not as real as it seems okay that is wild you know you've got situations where hey here's a Miami Beach picture close your eyes 85% to see the magic now if you look at this abomination of humanity right here this is just Jesus the worst fake Jesus that I've ever seen implemented into AI slop how many likes does it get 6,500 about oh this is what my this is one of my favorites dude historically leaked footage back in 1860 of the longest neck family so here you got this African village of like what what appears to be giraffe people okay how many likes does this get 1,268 it seems that this uh you know example is true yeah the entire world of the internet is covered in so much bot slop at this point that trying to identify human beings well that is it seems like we're the minority on the internet these days but when it comes to Illegal comments on YouTube I really feel like the platform should step in and try to stop this as much as it can okay you know years ago when I covered this whole situation it really was you know people just spamming my comment sections with like goofy memes and stupid and I didn't really care about that all too much but when you got a comment section for the last two weeks and not just my comment section plenty of other creators comment section whether you go to pyro whether you go to critical whether you go to any any any person's YouTube videos right any popular comment section when there is illegal material being like shared when there is you know you entire accounts that exist literally to tell people click on us you know go over to our you know page uh go to this Discord link that is something YouTube needs to step into and we've all done as much moderation as we've can I've occasionally went in hit channels blocked them but of course you can't fight Bots with just human human beings okay human hands can't fight hundreds of thousands if not millions of bots being generated on a day-to-day basis attacking every single Channel out there okay and this is where obviously YouTube should step in I feel like raising some awareness is probably something that should be done by not just me but many other creators out there so yeah if you're ever wondering why there's a delug of you legal comments in the comment section below it's not your Creator's fault it is absolutely the platform's fault and they should be 100% up there in autom moderating this as fast as they can that being said ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it be dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 334,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wE7VhLhXwqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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