Youth Experience 2021 | Kelontae Gavin

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so [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to our 2021 youth experience my name is jessica cartwright my name is jordan petty my name is dylan johnson and we are some of the team talkers where we seek a vision a purpose and a word now before we get started we're gonna ask dylan that he opened us up with the word of prayer let's go to the lord of prayer dear lord thank you lord for allowing us to be here lord thank you lord for giving us the ability just to showcase that you've experienced lord where you can show our audience lord our mutants our talented musicians our talented speakers lord as well as what we what we've been doing just to serve you lord let it not be an intentional affairs lord so that we can just worship you with our audience jesus name that i pray amen amen last year's experience was off the chain did you hear it we had a spoken word we had our youth positions we had everything going down it was just a blast but as you guys know it was during the pandemic so during 2021 how's you guys corona part 2 been so far lord well as for me being a teenager and stuff you know corona hit our hard for us you know um we're so young and having to adjust to this new way of life it was pretty difficult you know being teens we want to go out we want to have fun all the time but we were kind of restricted and so um school was difficult but i stayed on task i just studied hard and you know i had to lean on the lord we all had to lean on the lord and so i think it's important that we be thankful and that we give him the praise for seeing us through these hard times what about you dylan well when coronavirus started to hit the united states because of my season but i didn't let that stop me from just right i'm going in the backyard working out and just practicing soccer and back in august i was just given the opportunity just to work with teen talk good and it's really been a blessing just working with you guys all right and as you guys if you guys don't know just because one of our newest men i love hello right but as for me like you said soccer teenage stuff track sports school all of that has just been juggling and going through my mind and so we want to use the youth experience to motivate and to uplift and encourage our teams who are going to the same thing you know so this is what we're going to be doing we're going to be uh featuring kalanta gavin we're going to be having our kevin smith our youtube channel's going to have black so basically what you're hearing is you don't want to miss it we are going to have so much fun make sure that you share this video and just invite as many people as you can now dylan is going to tell us about the theme of our youth experience so with the theme of youth experience it also comes with a special scripture that comes from philippians chapter 1 verse 6 and it states i am sure that the good work god began in you will continue until it he completes it on the day when jesus christ comes again what that really means is that god has instilled with us to just go out and just serve him and not just by just worshiping him but just telling other people about him and with our with our youth experience we're um showing that the youth of youth um what god is about and he's not just some some genie in the bottle where you just ask him what to ask him can can you do this for me can you do this for me and we just we're just going to show him that our guy is an amazing guy a word man amen before we close we want to remind you to text 412 bmbc2319996 to be entered into a drawing for multiple prizes so come on in the youth experience is about to begin [Applause] hey man we are excited tonight for this 2021 youth experience come on let's celebrate god if you're online why don't you go ahead like and share it out we are excited about this evening our youth are taking over 100 from our band to our singers to all over we're just excited to come celebrate glad to have kalantay gavin in the house and all of our youth that are celebrating with us and don't forget all everyone that's only you can text 412 bnbc to 31996 for a chance to enter to a drawing but i'm not going to prolong the time we're going to turn it over and celebrate the lord and let our youth run the show tonight come on let's give god a handclap of praise even now praise the lord everybody come on and hit those feet i want to see everybody stand all over the building and help us sing this song all right blessings blessings every time i turn around there said the favor of mercy is following me and my god shall supply every one of my knees blessings hey there will be blessings on blessings is i'm always speaking blessings [Music] say foreign [Applause] for the rest of the year what about y'all over here is i need your i see blessings blessings there will be blessings on blessings there will be blessings [Music] anybody know that trouble don't last always come on y'all waving a hand at me i probably don't laugh always all right hallelujah come on i'm so blessed if i put the hands there come on yes oh yes i am trouble don't last always but it's on time [Music] you'll be there [Music] but don't last always [Music] [Applause] put those hands together seeing y'all what you going through [Music] oh i need somebody [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] if you believe [Music] y'all it will be all right if you believe it put those hands together i said if you believe it put those hands together tell somebody it won't last [Music] hallelujah now [Applause] [Applause] picture a house this house is haunted a nightmare a dread it's decaying so fast there's no more life in here it's dead it's falling apart day in and day out the foundation isn't steady it's almost like it's giving out the roof is caving the doors are crumbling the tiles are rotten and filled with cracks there's mold and mildew when i look to my back everything is broken shattered crushed to pieces the lights are dimming and they're beginning to flicker and by the second it seems to be getting darker even quicker the darkness is inconvenient in the day it's unbearable at night i can't take this anymore there has to be more in store [Music] i heard of a renovator who is the greatest of them all there's rumors of a guy that takes the most difficult calls no matter how filthy he doesn't deny it all and don't worry about a down payment because insurance covers it guaranteed because he paid it all when he laid it all down on the cross on calvary but beaten [Music] indeed his name is jesus christ so i called him up and in the blink of an eye without a flinch the transformative power of the cross began to kill the stench of sin the renovator came doing only what he could do mending what's broken making all things new see he doesn't just repair he renovates he renews [Music] he looks me deep in the eyes and asks if i'll let him in after all he gave it all to take away my sin but no no this door will remain locked it must remain locked i'm not letting anyone in i need that room for me for that's where i hide my greatest sins my deepest lies my ugliest lust my dirty mind my pornographic addictions and i wish i was lying but none of these monsters are fictions or all the other rooms you can have but you can't come in this room you patiently ask me again [Music] [Music] after all he's got a history of fixing the worst he's the best renovator around he tells me he can handle my works so with no precaution i relent and i let him in and he opens the door to the core of my destruction now all that's been hiding has come to light and to be quite frank i don't know if this decision was even right because now i've been left exposed like eve hiding behind that tree staring face to face with the filthy me my deficiencies they amuse me they [Music] and wait but wait i'm waiting for his reaction but i'm perplexed because this is panning out to be more of an unexpected transaction he's still here in the midst of my filth he's still here he's stayed and he isn't disgusted he isn't upset he weeps because i've lived a life that's been haunted by these monsters for far too long now i finally see why he's the best renovator around he doesn't just walk in and paint over the others he takes this room of darkness and transforms it flipping upside down he turns this darkness into the master's a haven for intimacy a sanctuary for holiness a talent for godliness it nails an eviction notice on the door and tells darkness to flee forever in his name flips over the bed and tells those demons they can no longer stay their residence has been terminated and i've got good news this is his house now and he's here to stay final sale the price has been paid [Music] praise the lord brown baptist can we all stand to our feet and give the greatest renovator the best praise that we have if we know that there is no god like our god he's amazing he's awesome come on don't just paddy cake him i heard somebody say don't let your mass be your muzzle but if you know our god is great and he's greatly to be praised can you just thank him for being awesome man that when you was nasty to him he was nice to you and you oh was the wretch undone he was the god that says it doesn't matter what you've been through i am that i am and if you would just come to me that's why he says i inhabit the praises of my people i'll live in what you build me can you just take 30 more seconds of my time and can somebody build up my house of praise in this room he's awesome he's great can you do me a favor one more time can you clap your hands for the past of this horse house pastor b or god bless you man i gave a new name right there pastor b or he's awesome to his lovely family to the church family can y'all clap for yourself man y'all are amazing man i'm full i look around the room i was going to sit in the back until it was time for me to come up and i started thinking about what this was in the program and i'm like yo this is wild there are many that are actually afraid to even come out of the house so to see a house tonight filled with young people man it's crazy it's amazing it's marvelous i grew up in church i'm 22 years old i grew up in church i um i would be what they would consider in school one of those things called a pill boy talks boy real what's up doc don't have a doctor degree don't call me doc i was one of those guys from elementary to middle to high school my amazing parents you know they made sure we was god-fearing kids we grew up in church grew up on the pews sung in choirs i'm a musician so i played a little bit i mean the whole nine yards i've been served in every capacity you can think of from stage to us i mean the deacons would feel nice every once in a while then count the couple of dollars we got in the back and it did everything anybody like a church kid in here like you that's like just church kid church kids come on stand up thank you clap for the church kids please thank you it had not been for us you wouldn't be here i'm just kidding man i've been for jesus so and uh so i'm like i remember growing up i really didn't know what faith was i really wasn't getting this jesus thing man bought until i was like 22. i'm still getting a man because i always there was always praise and worship and i didn't get it i was gifted i was oily but i didn't get it i didn't i really didn't um and sometimes being too gifted can be dangerous to the parents in here because as long as i could play and sing and do all this stuff my life was a wretch undone i i was so gifted and oily that my gift was so loud and my grades were so quiet that i was in church and failed 10th grade that's how loud my gift was and i said well i praised the big g but i i got jesus on that report card bro i didn't like school nobody who likes school god bless your heart if you do and uh i i went viral at 15 years old y'all and uh it changed my life forever i was singing this little song some of you probably remember it was like six years ago barbara what keyword yes sir dog i remember it was this song y'all probably not gonna know it but it's i was saying a little bit she says i've had some good days i was 15 in my school cafeteria i had a peanut butter sandwich and my cafeteria worker asked me to sing so i said okay i'll give it a shot i've had some hills to climb i've had some [Music] weary days [Music] oh i just thought about that day and some sleepless nights i was on one side but it was about 15 to 20 cafeteria workers on the other side i said bond when i look around i might feel tenth grade all of my good days they outweigh my bad days i won't complain i said sometimes the clowns sing lord it's an old song but it's still work i can hardly see it i asked [Music] completed i would say thank you lord 15 years old heartbroken and went viral was violated and humiliated but then i had become vulnerable and so that led me to go on with life and put me a beat bart and i remember my mom had this pin song oh this is for somebody in this room because i felt like man ain't no way i'm serving god and i don't get it and the more i felt like y'all i was going away from god was the closer he was coming to put me in b man my mom she wrote this song uh what the thing is she said i want to go higher in you lord [Music] i want to go deeper in you lord i know that my ways are not your ways but in your will is where i'll stay now she gave this to me at 15 bro now i'm singing the song jaywalking here it is now i'm moving on with life and failed 10th grade took double classes so i end up passing praise the living god and what's craziest about it is i was still in church i'm still singing and stuff i was still shouting and still telling lord thank you still singing in the youth choir still doing what i wanted to do but i was heartbroken and broken and so here it is i jaywalk and got to a place where i'm like man god i don't want to keep you know doing all this crazy stuff and i kind of miss you and and i didn't want to do that but there's somebody here tonight that maybe you feel like man maybe i i do the same thing i part of my i love my church and i love my choir and i love my family and i love my school school spirit but maybe you're not getting it like how i got it but can i just speak a word over every young person in this room that you are not your experience and what he and they and she said about you but the victory of god flows in every area of your life can y'all do me a favor and just look at somebody around you and just say you got the victory you got the victory you got the victory you got it i know it don't look like it now listen nice some of y'all be more crunk when you had other places we in church tonight is there any praises in the room that know god is good anybody like me say yo i really don't need music i don't need a cue when i really think about how god saved me kept my family my mom my dad my brother my sister i know he's good can y'all help me sing a new song that i got on my my record can y'all help me do that y'all got me wait a hand if you're gonna help me it's super easy all right y'all ready i'm about to jump around y'all gonna jump around with me is that oh is that okay we good turn it up turn up jump jump everybody move rock uh-oh we just stepped into the 80s let's go let's go we're in the 80s let's go hey everybody move bro [Music] i love it yeah that's what it say i've got the victory you say [Music] let's go everybody you got it hey sing hold yes i do i really got it yes and i know [Music] oh hope we all ready we're going to dance a little bit and i know that nothing can stop me let's make a big choir i ain't got a victory you say [Music] everybody okay now if you feel like you don't got it we get ready to praise y'all are y'all ready are y'all ready we get ready to the holy ghost electric salon okay are you ready we get ready to praise god brings walls down depression low self-esteem you all ready repeat that to me say we praising children who are yeah i say we got the victory y'all ready to the right you're left everybody do your dance [Music] one more round do me a favor if you got the victory somebody give jesus the loudest shouts you got oh that's why you sound defeated i need somebody that know you got the victory to give jesus a loudest shot you got one two three let's go save things sorry tell me if we got it give me keys and these monitors same thing sorry let's go sorry yeah yeah say [Music] in your favor everybody say ladies to me [Music] y'all sound like you got it one more time laid into me [Music] what he's gonna do it's gonna work y'all sound like you got it what he's gonna do it's gonna work let's have fun quiet me do me a favor [Music] all right you gonna say this sing oh [Music] last time if you got it somebody give jesus a victory shout tonight if you know you got it victory is mine victory is my victory today is tonight [Music] i told satan i grew up on the side getting out together behind victory today it's my joy is mine i got joe i know about it i got it joy is my joy today is tonight thank you jesus i told satan to get thee leave behind [Music] [Music] who can stand before [Music] that great night [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it's a good night we have the big goddard so last time oh tell me who can stand before us anybody know when we but i feel like running around this room like it's a thousand people calling on that great name it's the name and seeing us if you know it praise us jesus somebody just said we have nothing i wish every black man will from your head and say we have the big troll can somebody clap your hands and thank god for the victory my time is up my time is up real quick let me do this i was uh move out the way move god i'm playing y'all that's my guy this be yo we um i told b i said b i don't usually play like that and singing stuff i said i'm using you know i'm not really on the keys and stuff like that or whatever but i said tonight i kind of feel like uh i can a little bit so i didn't believe i had the victory i um i felt like god was far and uh you heard that a thousand times tonight because i didn't believe and i remember i was 17 18 years old at the time i was hurt and broken and really didn't get a lot and i realized long story short i just lack conviction eviction uh is different for everybody but it's just a thing that causes you to feel empty when you're far away from god and it challenges you to just do what you did wrong the right way the next time and so i was sinking deep in [Music] [Applause] [Music] was closer than the air that i breathed and he said i will hold you i'll hold you close he said [Music] [Music] so i said i don't wanna keep on singing keep singing [Music] i don't want to live for you and not steal when the end [Music] [Music] please hold me hold me closer hey i said don't let me go [Music] i said i don't wanna i before i get to the gate please hold me hold me close you i said [Music] can y'all help me please hold me close everybody say everybody say please [Music] hold me close you said you never will leave me not for saving me you'll be there always you'll be there always you'll be there always be there hold me closer hold me closer i know that you will [Music] sometimes i can feel you but i know that you're real sometimes i don't hear you but i know you're real if you're real won't you please why don't you hold me [Music] close and please don't never let go [Music] hold me and then i heard a whisper that said i never let you go you let me go [Music] and then my song changed i said i'll never let go i'll always hold you [Music] closer [Music] wow amen as we can go to god in prayer real quick um if you're going through anything or if your spirit is broken on today or on tonight i should say and it feels as if just like kalante was saying it feels sometimes that god isn't holding you close understanding his word he said he'll never leave you nor forsake you so i just want to pray over everybody that feels as if right now in this season that you're going through that it feels as if god isn't holding you close so let's go to god in prayer god we thank you for tonight lord we thank you for your word we thank you for this opportunity to worship in the house of your people dear god lord we know in times like this with mass killings and disease and famine hitting the land lord we know that we have to hold on close to you dear god lord we thank you for your power your grace and your mercy that comes over us dear god even when we don't deserve it lord your grace and some mercy is so sufficient in our life to god that even though we should be in the pits of hell dear god lord you saw fit that we should have a purpose for our life dear god so lord we thank you we thank you for your word that's about to come forth dear god i ask that you empty myself out dear god and allow your son and your holy spirit to fall fresh upon me dear god lord i thank you for these youth that could be anywhere tonight on a friday night but lord they're here in your house dear god they're here giving you the praise they're here giving you the glory dear god and we know that the angels in heaven are celebrating because god they could have been out somewhere but lord they're here in your house so god we say thank you thank you for the young people who have participated in today's service dear god lord we ask that we you continue to walk with them dear god lord let them know that you're holding them close to god lord let them don't let them cling onto anything of this world dear god but let them know that they can find strength in you dear god they can find deliverance in you dear god and so lord we just say thank you and your darling son jesus name we pray amen and amen can we give god some praise in this house [Music] to my brother kalante i've never seen somebody run that much in someone since michael jordan oh my goodness he was running for real can we give kalante a round of applause amen and then i also can't go without uh giving honor to pastor or the shepherd of this house who without him none of this would even be possible so can we give pastor orr another round of applause and then we might as well just keep the round of applause going for these musicians these youth musicians who have trained themselves up and they're not only the musicians but the praise and worship band and the praise and worship leaders come on give them a round of applause amen and to yourself for you being here tonight give yourself a round of applause amen amen well i'm just glad that i was afforded the opportunity to be here i'm not gonna be before you long i only need about two hours of your time and then we're gonna be out of here and um that was a joke y'all it's okay to laugh i know you got your mask on but it's okay um but i just want to give you this words of encouragement and they told me that they wanted me to give words of encouragement but honestly the best encouragement that i've ever gotten in my life was from the word of god so i just want to give you this word of that god has blessed within me and i hope that it blesses you and i hope that for your consumption you're able to digest it and that you're able to sit in your spirit and that god blesses you going forward um if you don't mind i want us to open our bibles to uh james i want to look at james real quick james and we're going to look at chapter one james chapter one i'm going to look at verses two through eight james chapter one verses two three yeah go ahead and stand for the reading of the word of god if you're able and if you have a bible go ahead and open it up if you don't have a bible you can get the bible app it's free and i bet it's going to be the best investment you ever make in your life james chapter 1 verses 2 through 7 is where we're going to start at to my mother who's here first off thank you for giving me life without you i would not be able to stand up here and give the word of god so thank you to my mother um and also to my brother kalante man wonderful job brother god is definitely working within you and to my brother macad man you bless you brother and to just everybody who played a part into this this program god is definitely working doing a great work in all of us but james chapter one verses two through seven i'm not going to be before you long i promise um and i want to read it like this and i'm reading out of the niv version and verse two says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance everybody say perseverance everybody say perseverance verse 4 says let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything if any of you lacks generously if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask god who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given unto you but when you ask you must also believe and not doubt because the one who douses like the wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything from the lord such a person is double-minded and unstable in all that they do and that's the reading of the word for god's people i just want to title this words of encouragement i want to title it for your eyes only for your eyes only no i'm not going to wrap any j cole lyrics i'm not i'm not that cold i'm not going to do it but this this words of encouragement is for your eyes only and today i brought a special guest i brought my glasses with me and so a couple weeks ago i went to the optometrist and i don't know if you have to deal with any and i got any glass glasswares glassing wares amen amen contact wares it is a true struggle people don't understand the struggle that we go through you have to find the glasses you have to keep up with the glasses you have to sometimes you lose them and then people like why you can't find them because i'm blind i can't find my glasses without my glasses so i went to the optometrist about a couple weeks ago and so i sat down in the waiting room and and just kind of waited my turn and i went to the optometrist he looked in my eyes and he examined them looked at the the vision on them looked at how adorable they were then he also grabbed my glasses he said mr smith let me grab your glasses real quick and i said okay you can take my glasses they're not here for a checkup i am but that's fine and so he took my glasses and he said well mr smith i i noticed one thing i looked at your glasses and the glasses the prescription that's in your glasses is a 2.25 i said okay that sounds about right i've been wearing them for about two years that's that sounds like my prescription he said no mr smith what you don't understand is that your glasses are a 2.25 but your actual prescription that's fitted for you is a 1.75 i said oh lord have mercy and that's why you just can't be going to every optometrist out here so you i was trying to be out here supporting small businesses but they didn't just let me out here with this bad prescription and so i said man i didn't even realize it he i said i didn't even know that this was the wrong prescription he said yeah man you've been wearing them about two years you didn't even know i said no i didn't and so he said well did you have any symptoms dealing with them i said no everything seemed fine i could see well that's all i needed them for and he said well sometimes the symptoms you don't even realize that you're dealing with them but let me give you a list of symptoms that maybe you were dealing with that you didn't understand that it was actually correlated with the wrong prescription that you were dealing with i said okay that that sounds cool with me he said you ever get headaches i said yeah i i get some headaches you know every time i look through him he was like yeah that that's something one of the symptoms he said do you ever get dizzy when you look through him for a long period of time i said yeah i get a little dizzy every now and then i'm glad you're bringing it up and then he was saying do you ever feel strained when you look through your glasses for long periods of time do you ever feel like your your eyes are being strained and being tired i said yeah okay i see what i'm paying you for but what you're telling me i understand the symptoms but what are you trying to tell me and so he said that mr smith i understand that you didn't realize the symptoms that you were going through but what your eyes were doing is that when the prescription that you had was too strong every time that you put your glasses on your eyes were using a muscle and you were straining that muscle and flexing that muscle to its fullest capacity so that your eyes could get adjusted to the glasses that it was looking through i was like oh okay i'm glad that i'm paying you good money because you're telling me good things i like to hear this thank you for the understanding and so i just want to give you a little bit words of encouragement i don't know what you're going through tonight but that may be the situation that you're going through right now no you're probably not going to the optometrist every year or you're not having eye issues like i am but some of us have been stretched and have been pulled to our fullest capacity so you're trying to be a mentor in this corner you're trying to be a brother in this corner you're trying to be a sister over here you're trying to get job applications over here trying to get college applications you're trying to get your gpa up so you get into the college that you want your parents are putting expectations on your life you're you're trying to uphold to the things that you want to get done and you're being stretched and all this pressure everybody say pressure all this pressure is being pushed upon you and it feels as if you can't move anything anywhere it feels as if the pressure that's on your life is is making you at a standstill and it seems like every time you look in a corner nobody is there but yet you're always there for somebody else and so this tonight i just want to give a little bit of words of encouragement is that the pressure that you're going through may have some symptoms dealing with it you may be saying well kevin i i've never even experienced some of those symptoms how can you tell me that i've got symptoms with my pressure i've been dealing with it for two years now and and i've been dealing with it and my life seems fine if i got symptoms winning i think i'll be okay well let me tell you tonight no you're not gonna be okay let me tell you some of the symptoms that may come with the stress and the pressure that life puts upon you you may deal with some anxiety you may deal with some depression you may deal with some self-isolation you may deal with a lack of sleep you may deal with overworking yourself you may deal with all these things but the biggest trick of the devil that he uses in your life and i want you to understand this the biggest trick that he will use is called self doubt pressure will cause self doubt you may be saying i've never even dealt with self doubt what is what is self-doubt kevin and that's a trick of the enemy that he uses to cause these obstacles and these burdens to get in your way because you he knows that there's a vision and a plan in your life that god has instilled within you and yet the self-doubt will tell you that you can't do it and so this evening i just want to give you a little bit of words of encouragement and just like my optometry said that the prescription that i had didn't fit me i want to give you some prescription that may help you tonight to deal with that self-doubt and james tells us the half-brother of jesus tells us so simply in his text he says perseverance i like what he says verse 4 let perseverance finish its work so that you are not lacking anything and that you may be mature and complete and so i'm a word person i'm a word person i have to understand the vocabulary i understand the root word i just can't be looking at words and just taking it in and just have it in my back mind no i need to understand what this word means in my life and so perseverance i looked up the word and perseverance says the definition for it i want you to hold on to is you ready are you ready for the definition you got someone to write it down with you gotta you have a phone now do you have something to write this down with all right pull it out pull it out perseverance the definition for it says the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties failure or opposition that's good enough to shout right there but perseverance i'm going to say the definition again the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties failure or opposition somebody say difficulties failure or opposition and the key word that i found in that definition that just stuck with me is the continued effort the continued effort you know how we like to do y'all let's not play let's not play tonight you know how we like to do when god gives us a vision when god gives us a plan when he tells us that we know need to go to the east and we still are going to the west and god is saying that look i've got a vision i've got a plan for you in your life and you know how we do we say god i need you to bless me i need you to work in my life i need you to come in i need you to bless me real quick i need a blessing god i need you to work on this for me god i've got a plan that i want you to do in my life i want you to help me out but yet the key word says the continued effort a lot of us in our life have not even started the effort you want god to continue something but yet how can he continue something that you haven't even started went over your head that's okay that's all right that's all right tonight how can god continue something that yet you have not even started the vision the plan that god has in your life you know that he's put it in you he knows that he's put this purpose within you and he's saying that i need you to continue this effort i need you to have perseverance i need you to and i want to bless this thing but yet we haven't even put in the work and so the continued effort and that's that's something that we always look at and then when god gives us the vision right when god gives us the plan our favorite word our favorite thing that we like to say is that when god shows us what he wants to do in our life when he shows us the plan when he shows us the vision god i can't see that no god i i can't see that ever happening i you say you want me to own my own business but yet my money's small you say you want me to be an influencer but yet i don't even have no friends you're telling me you want me to be on this pedestal to declare your word but yet i don't even read the bible god i i can't see that i i can't see that happening and yet i like what ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 says now unto him that is exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think and then the best part about it for the power that is working within us a lot of times what we do is we get frustrated and we get uh uh discouraged because of the present situation that we're in we look at our present situation we say god i can't see that ever happening and yet what it says in ephesians chapter 3 it says that it's working in us it doesn't say that it worked in us but yet it says it's working in us means that we are serving a present god who looks at our present situation and says that i know that you're dirty i know that you have a terrible past i know that you don't know how this vision is going to come about but yet just know that i am still working within you god is saying i'm working within you somebody said god is working in me somebody said god is working with me and so we serve a present god and so what i want us to understand about perseverance what i want us to understand is that perseverance creates mature believers but doubt creates under achievers perseverance creates mature believers but doubt will create under achievers and when we look at when we look at perseverance it's said at the end despite difficulties failure or opposition some of us may be saying well i don't even look at myself doubt as an issue i don't have any self-doubt kevin every time i look in a mirror i look good i take selfies every day i get 100 likes i don't have no issues in that area self-doubt is not an issue but yet some of us may have some opposition that might be the issue somebody say opposition tonight say opposition and so dealing with an opposition what i like about it and i'm going to break it down into 2021 terms opposition may be coming in the form of some ops and if i see i got an older crowd tonight but what we say is ops are those are the haters those are the people that see your vision those are the people that see that god is trying to bless you and yet they say uh you can't do it uh i i don't see that ever happening in your life uh that you sure that's what god told you to do because i know your past i know what you used to do but yet i can't see that thing working within you i can't ever see that thing being birthed within you and some of us have some ops here tonight you may have some office that you're sitting next to you may have some ops that you're working with you may have some ops in your family and yet you have to understand that you have to look past those ups you have to look past that opposition and know that when god puts a vision in your life when god puts a purpose in your life no band nobody can get in the way of what god has in store for you and so opposition opposition and so the reason that i titled this for your eyes only the the main reason that i titled this for your eyes only was because a lot of times what we do is when god gives us a vision when god gives us our purpose when he gives us our plans a lot of times we strain ourselves and we stress ourselves to get other people on board with our vision we try to convince people that this is what god birthed within me we try to convince people that this is the business plan that i want to do we try to convince people that i want to go into music we try to convince people that this is the journey that i want to take on and we stress ourself and we strain ourselves and we try to tell everybody that we should get on board with us but yet i want us to understand something the reason it's called for your eyes only is because simply when god gives you that vision when god gives you that purpose it's for you and for you only and when god tells you that this is the journey that i want you to go on he says that it's for you and you only people are not going to understand the sacrifice that you're going to have to make so that you can i wish i had a witness anybody ever had to make a sacrifice before anybody ever had to stop doing some things because you know that god put some things in your life and in order for you to get to where god wants to take you you have to make a sacrifice and so when we talk about sacrifice we have to talk about the biggest sacrifice ever made in human history the biggest sacrifice that ever took part in this world and that was the sacrifice of jesus christ the sacrifice that he made 100 human if you don't know about him can i give you a bio about jesus christ 100 human 100 god and yet god saw the sin and he saw the ugliness and he saw the dirtiness of this world and he said that he's going to send his one and only son and he came on this world and he walked with us and he he talked with us and he fed us and he healed us and because of that he understood that he had to make a sacrifice and if he didn't make that sacrifice where would we be and so i want us to understand something that when god sent his son jesus christ on this world jesus understood and he wrestled with the fact but he understood that the sacrifice he had to make was for a bigger picture i know that the sin that we're doing is fun i know the lust that we fall into is fun i know the parties that we go to are fun and i know that the things that we do of this world is fun but understand that for the bigger picture you're going to have to make the sacrifice you're going to have to give up some things you're going to have to understand that when god puts you on this journey you can't lean yourself to the left you can't lean yourself to the right just like james says that person is double-minded and when the wave when the wind of the sea blows him he'll keep going back and forth you can't be back and forth with god you have to understand that the sacrifice you have to make is for a bigger picture just what jesus did he came down died for our sins saw the ugliness of us saw the sin that was in this world put his life down he didn't nobody killed jesus let me make that clear nobody killed my jesus but he laid his life down put himself on the cross that brought him down off that cross and he stayed in the grave for three days but after those three days he got up with all power in his hands so i want us to understand something we serve an ever present god so if you're going through anything and i just want to make this a quick alter of prayer if you're going through anything and you feel as if that god has put a vision in your life he's put a purpose in your life he he's got some steps that he's ordering in your life what does the old people say they said my steps are ordered and some some of us are just trying to figure out this thing called life but i like what the psalms it says it says let the light from the lighthouse shine on me i can't sing i can't sing but but i know what the lyrics say and i know what they mean to me they say when when i've lost in that sin when i'm lost in this world i need the light from the lighthouse to bring me back to god some of us have gone a long way and you've dragged yourself away from god and yet god has brought you here tonight it wasn't an accident that you're here it's it's not just you just walked in and you happen to be here but god has a purpose for your life and understand that the reason that you're here is for a bigger picture so if we can go to god in prayer real quick i don't know what you're going through i don't know what the situation may be in your life but somebody has a vision from god tonight somebody has a vision of a business somebody has a vision of graduating college somebody has a vision of going back to high school and getting their ged some of us have a vision of just god blessing them some of us have a vision of having a family some of us have a vision of breaking some generational curses some of us have a vision of god taking away some shackles that may holding you down this season but in this present moment when we go to god in prayer i want you to put yourself at the foot of the cross and ask god to take away those things lord we say thank you lord we just say thank you lord we should be in sin right now we should be in hell right now but yet god you saw fit to continue to look after us continue to watch over us to continue to just bless us and so lord we say thank you lord some of us are going through right now we didn't know how we made it on tonight we didn't know how we were going to make it through but yet we find ourselves here on this friday night at brown baptist church here at seven o'clock youth experience and we're looking for experience from user guides we're looking for an encouragement we're looking for your spirits to fall fresh upon us dear god so lord remind us that we're not alone remind us that we're not in this thing called life all by ourselves remind us that we're not going through this thing by ourselves but lord you're mighty behind us dear god that lord even when it feels as if that sometimes we're not we're walking by ourselves to god lord let us know that you are carrying us that lord you're fighting our battles for us lord we thank you for the youth that are here in this building lord we ask that you watch over every single one of them dear god lord and we also want to send a prayer to indianapolis dear god lord we want to say that we want to watch over everybody who's going through dear god lord every family that was affected from that shooting dear god every co-worker that was affected your god lord we ask that you heal them in the mighty way of your god lord heal them in the way that you seem fit dear god and lord we also want to send the prayer for every family that has dealt with the loss of a son or a brother or a daughter or a mother from the hands of a police officer dear god lord we ask that you watch over your people dear god lord watch us as we go back and forth through our homes dear god lord watch over the police officers lord give them the right spirit lord give them the right mindset dear god as they go on their job dear god lord we just say thank you dear lord lord thank you just like the song says this is our season and we have been sowing something in this season dear god and lord we ask that the fruit that comes from it dear god lord the fruit will be of you dear god it won't be us but lord we ask that we produce good fruit dear god lord we just say thank you we thank you to god and your darling son jesus name we pray amen [Music] and i know he's able i've got a seat in the ground that he's blessing no more stressing i've got a seat in the ground now i know him i can for grace everything is working together together together is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] amen [Music] let the church say amen amen tonight has been a very special night we are here to celebrate you we are here to celebrate our youth we are here because our youth have come together to make sure that hope is restored our youth decided to come together and they said we need something to let other youth know that you know it's going to be all right we're going to make it through this this is only a test and tonight we know that our youth came together to run a race to show that they are hot for jesus and when i tell you they're hot oh yeah they're hot you all did an amazing job on tonight and i want us to make sure that we give a shout out to the front runner we have a baton for mr hannah and i hurt let's give it up for hannah and i hurt can you come forward please [Applause] ladies and gentlemen hannah and i had a vision hannah and i is a high school senior and he said i want to do something for our youth and because of this young man's vision he worked so hard to make sure that the youth were in the building tonight and hannah and i we want you to know that god wants you to continue the work that he has started in you god has poured so much into your life and as you go to college you continue to be a torch barrier of god's excellence we are passing the sun to you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right y'all come on let's give our youth a round of applause for tonight thank you all of those that are on social media and everyone that just participated come on we can do better let's celebrate let's give everyone an applause to everybody that made this happen hannah and i kudos to you our youth workers our singers all of those working on our production team behind the scenes to our youth leadership we appreciate each of you and this is just the beginning of the weekend and so tomorrow night 6 p.m sunday 8 and 11 is going down again at brown bath as our youth are leading all weekend and we're excited about what god is going to do what he is doing and this is something to be excited about if you've been looking at the news this week it's been discouraging and depressing but isn't it exciting to see people on fire for the lord and to my brother uh i mean kevin smith god bless you man great word thank god for all of that we're going to leave down from this place but again if you need to connect with us here at brown you can text 901-616-1258 for prayer requests uh if you need salvation need a church home we invite you to connect or you can go to our website and join in with us we have people standing by waiting to connect with you but let's keep this going if you were here tonight in person go to our social media like share let somebody else know about what went on tonight here at brown and again thank you so much for each of you joining us tonight let us pray god again we thank you for this time thank you for just your mighty presence i thank you for collante and his music ministry and sharing his own testimony and for all that is taking place tonight god thank you for the vision and the visionary thank you for our pastor god looking forward just to hearing a word from him this weekend and just excited about what you're going to do at brown and for all of our youth for all of our young people god continue to cover them with your grace protect them from all the danger that is out in these streets god be with them even now lord we honor you now in jesus name we pray amen and thank god come on let's stand and celebrate as we we'll sing with our music ministry this evening come on all the winners stand up come on come on clap your hand everybody let's go we will fight victory [Music] we will find anywhere [Music] [Applause] hey we always win we always win [Music] [Music] we always win yeah [Music] let's [Music] let's go everybody come on y'all let's go yes [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never be i need all the winners somebody give god a winner look at your neighbor say help me dance out of here help me dead whip around y'all [Music] wow [Music] if [Music] let's go we love you good night see you tomorrow night last time we went [Music] [Music] [Music] people see me but they don't you
Channel: Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 3,971
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Id: 2NsZmLLG9e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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