You're Not Alone in Project Zomboid...

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in Project zomboid you're not alone you start off towards the end of the initial infection getting supplies and a general look at your surroundings you'll kill some Undead and naturally repeat this process until you come to a realization you haven't come across any other living person are you alone in this world are you the only living person left are you the last survivor of the Knox event I'm here to tell you that's not true there's Bob right there and um yeah never mind despite what just happened it's still not true there are other survivors within the world and they can only be interacted with through various things within the game one of those is news stations the news stations paint the image of the outbreak and how those in and out of the exclusion Zone reacted most of the stations report news of the infection but there are also firsthand broadcast from survivors detailing their lives after set events many of them ending in their demise but some ending abruptly which makes me believe they were forced away and are probably surviving just beyond our vision another is the metag game these are events happening with survivors and zombies that eventually lead to us one of these events is the helicopter event which features a helicopter following the play around leading hordes of zombies to them nobody really knows the true intentions of those flying the helicopter but one thing we do know is that there are living people aboard it another is the distant gunshots and screams up to once a day the player can hear distant gunshot or scream seemingly coming from another Survivor or group of survivors it can be heard but going to investigate will lead you to nothing lastly annotated maps can show up which are evidence of people living within different cities they show places of interest featuring loot or locations of Fords and overall tell a story about how they lived another instance of Survivor activity is Survivor homes where the main appeal is rare and abundant loot but these homes are evidenced that people have lived there and either left to a new location or perished with the current one vehicle on Zone stories also give us some details about the relative chaos that ensued during it all the automated emergency broadcast frequency continues to broadcast indefinitely which I believe means that it's continuing to be maintained and powered by survivors and listening in to random bits of dialogue in between the reports make me believe that it's military here are some of them genocide in you know make peace in the Middle East it passed a budget that gives millions of kids chance to have programs and has a huge increasing College you got a lot lastly I think the most compelling evidence that there are more survivors than we think is the military base I covered a lot of what went on within this base on another video so make sure to check it out if you haven't I'll link it here but the gist is that there are elevators here that are able to go down presumably to a bunker where military and scientists escape to thinking of when their most opportune time is to return but who really knows what awaits down there project Zomboy leaves you to fend off the never-ending hordes by yourself letting you hear and see evidence of other people but making them always slightly offscreen it gives you a sense of loneliness but in Project zomboid you're not really alone and when build 42 comes out and NPCs are introduced with the story unraveling maybe you'll wish that you [Music] were
Channel: komp
Views: 63,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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