You're Going To Make It | Pastor Fred Luter, Jr.

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somebody say praise the lord thank you ned thank you praise team god is my all the and i'll never forget ellis when i first heard that song years ago reverend james cleveland in the los angeles community choir i just every time i heard it i was just thanking the lord because for a believer god is our all and oh god let's thank the lord for our praise team thank the lord for our musicians and we give god the praise the glory and the honor for this day that god has made we're going to rejoice and we're going to be glad in it well turn your bibles to psalms 27 as we shared this morning in the word of god psalms 27 as we shared this morning again it's so good to see so many of you we didn't know who was going to be back we didn't know who was going to be able to be here in service uh we thought it was just going to be a few of us and serve as master amen but thank god for all of you are here today it's so good to see so many of you we knew there were going to be thousands watching by way of internet we just wasn't sure how many we're going to be here and we pray god's church's blessings upon each and every one of you psalms 27 is what we'll be preaching from on this morning psalms 27 dr d i want us to look at verses 13 and 14 of that chapter let's fill up psalms 3 27 verses 13 and 14 of that chapter if you haven't please say amen if not multimedia will have it up on the screen in just a moment psalms 27 verses 13 and 14. you'll find these similar words david says i would have lost heart unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord our father and our god master we are so grateful for this lord's day that you've made god we've missed each other the past two weeks god not been able to have in-person worship but god is so good to be back in the place god that you've allowed us to call franklin avenue baptist church and to worship you in spirit and worship you in truth thank you for our musicians thank you for our praise team thank you for our ushers our greeters thank you for our sound team god thank you lord for our ministers our deacons and our deaconess thank you for all of our guests who've come from near and far thank you lord for those uh who are watching by way of the internet god our seniors our members our guests and we be careful to give you praise now god do as i ask every time i stand to preach and that is god let me decrease as you increase father let them not see fred but god let them see christ so then god that you may be glorified the saints of god may be edified satan may be horrified unless sinners will come true repentance therefore god stand in my body think with my mind speak with my voice and i'll be so very careful to give your name all the praise all of the glory and all of the honor in jesus name we pray and first say let people god respond by saying amen amen again i want to focus on verse 13. i would have lost heart unless i had believed david gilbert psalmist said i would have lost heart unless i had believe with that text in mind with that scripture in mind uh since denise with that uh this uh time of worship in mind i want to preach this morning from the subject woulda coulda shoulda [Music] coulda shoulda david said i would have lost heart unless i had uh believed frankly i'm gonna do the last two weeks have been trying for those of us living in south louisiana though keith the last two weeks have been difficult for those of us living in south louisiana thomas pastor will pastor young pastor chip the last two weeks have been rough for those of us living in south louisiana brenda eva the last two weeks have been tough for those of us living in south louisiana but the moment of the moon is all because of a hurricane named ida that landed in our state on the evening of sunday august the 29th now what makes this hurricane so interesting is the fact that hurricane ida landed in our city on the 16th anniversary of a hurricane that flooded 80 percent of our city hurricane katrina that hit us on august the 29th 2005 16 years to the day because the city of the game but joe uh brooke 16 years to the day that a woman named hurricane katrina flooded 80 of our city on august 29 2005. some of you remember the unforgettable scenes from hurricane katrina we were boarded on boats we were rescued from rooftops we were suffering in the superdome we were crying in the convention center we were displaced and scattered all over america because the levees broke and as a result our homes our churches but across the clock our businesses uh our schools were flooded matter of fact we had now i was telling the other guy from a service map we had nine feet of water at our old church at 2515 franklin avenue when hurricane katrina had consequently you and i will never forget august 29 2005 and a hurricane sister johnson named katrina well brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen two weeks ago katrina's wicked cousin brother leblanc said tammy hurricane ida attacked the southern coast of our beloved state with a vengeance with winds blowing up to 100 miles per hour this category for storm carved rooster roof damage all over this city including the roof of our church building here at franklin avenue baptist church by shore hands how many of you had roost damage because look at here look at here look at look many of us if not most of us had some type of roof damage all because of the 100 miles per hour winds of hurricane adam and with roof damage comes water damage from the rain and with water damage comes damage in your home because the power was going out the ac was going out so there your house was and all that water no air uh all that heat and root and and and as a result of that damage from the rain consequently there are thousands of blue tops all over the city in new orleans east and uptown in back of town and uptown in the lower ninth ward in the third one there are blue tops all over the city of new orleans to add insult to injury deacons over one million homes and businesses were without power all over southern louisiana with it over one million people were without power all over southern louisiana and by and some folk does not have uh power yet in saint charles parish and uh and and and in law of southern louisiana grand house that they don't have power until this day the heat was unbearable trying to sleep at night was miserable how many of you stayed around and tried to sleep at night listen it was miserable with a capital m if you were fortunate to buy a generator trying to get gas to run that generator was worse than standing and lying on a hot summer's day to get a snowball amen it was bad it was difficult you're trying to get gas for your generator or one man some of you may have heard some of you may have not heard one man was shot and killed in metairie at a chevron gas station after he argued with a young man 20 years old that cut a cut in front of him in the gas line nerves were owned as stress was high consequently to avoid the conflicts and confrontation and frustrations of many of us like myself and deacon brooks and others that i know about many of us got up early in the morning drove all the way to picayune mississippi to buy gas because we didn't want to get shot in new orleans it was worth the drive it was worth the drive as if that barber was not a show if that if that was not enough there was an equal challenge trying to buy something to eat trying to get ice trying to get cleaning supplies uh yes brothers and sisters the last two weeks have been trying in our city the last two weeks have been difficult the last two weeks have been rough teaching the last two weeks have been tough to sit there and for the last two weeks have been tough for those of us living in south louisiana bill and ethel they're watching by where loretta harrison watching by way of internet yolanda watching by way of internet bill vanessa in atlanta watching by way of internet the last two weeks have been difficult they've been tough they've been robbed for those of us living and particularly for those of you who stayed during hurricane ida and if we honest with ourselves if we take off the hello kitty and take off the mass many of us i'm sure the past two weeks have felt like david here denise in psalms 27 things have been trying for david things have been difficult for david things have been rough for david things have been tough for david look at all the stuff david is dealing with brian here in psalms 27 in verse 2 jeremy the wicked has come against him again in verse 2 his enemies and foes have come against him in verse 3 war has risen against him in verse 5 trouble has come against him to make matters worse in verse 10 he felt forsaken by his father and his mother but it's bad enough to be taken by your daddy but to be forsaken by your daddy and your mama that's what david said he felt in verse 10 look at it for yourself when my father and my mother forsake me and finally in verse 12 david elizabeth asked god to deliver him from his adversaries and false witnesses it's as if david is at the end of his rope it's as if david is ready to throw in the towel isn't it david it's ready deacons and deaconess uh to give up but lawrence thank god the text doesn't end at verse 12. sam thank god the text doesn't end at verse 12 so because he thank god uh the song the text does not end at verse 12 it's not over at verse 12 for david cries out in verse 13 i would have lost heart don't miss that uh david cried out in verse 13 i would have lost heart king james says i would have faded unless i had believed david said with all the things that were coming against themselves but all the things that were attacking me with all the things i had to deal with david said i would have lost heart king james version said i would have fainted unless i had believed don't miss that david said would have thrown in the tower i would have gave up i don't repented i would have retreated back to my locker room i would have said war is me yeah i almost lost heart i almost fainted unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living oh don't miss that fabc don't miss that brother don't don't be there david said i would have lost heart i would have fainted unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living hence the subject by the certain of today's sermon woulda coulda shoulda in other words johnson family david said with all the stuff i had to deal with with all the stuff i had to face in this life but what does this is with all the stuff brenda i had to suffer through in this life i would have lost heart i could have lost heart i should have lost heart however however somebody say however because i'm a man after god's own heart because i'm the apple of god's eye i truly believe that in spite of this attack of the enemy i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i need to say that tanya one more time david said i would have lost heart i could have lost heart i should have lost heart however because i'm a man after god's own heart because on the apple of god's eye i truly believe that in spite of this attack of the enemy i will see in spite of the attack of the devil i will see in spite of all the things that the devil tried to do clothing to take me to quit to throw in the tower david said i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living somebody say amen somebody say amen somebody said praise the lord and like man and my brothers and my sisters i know the last two weeks have been trying for many of us at franklin avenue i know the last two weeks have been difficult for those watching by way of internet for many of us i know the last two weeks have been rough for many of us i know the last two weeks have been tough for many of us with all the stuff we had to deal with as a result of hurricane ida like david many of us were at the end of the rope like david many of us was ready to throw in the tower like david many of us were ready to give up yes i would have lost harder i would have gave up tossing and turning in 90 degree heater with no power at two o'clock in the morning man i looked out i went in this room raised up the window there was no breeze i went to the other room raised up the window there was no breeze i thank god i got a second story house i would have did that on the first floor uh not new orleans uh i mean not trying to sleep in 90 degree heat with no power at two o'clock in the morning i would have lost i could have lost heart i could have gave up waiting in long hours or for gas for my car for my truck or for my generator yes i should have lost heart i should have gave up trying to find something hot to eat oh yes my brothers and sisters i woulda i coulda i shoulda lost heart i woulda i coulda i shoulda fainted from all the stuff that i've been going through the last two weeks however before i was at the end of my rope i have it before i was ready to throw in the towel however before i was ready melvin to give up the spirit on the inside of me reminded me that i am a child of god the spirit on the inside of me reminded me that i am a born-again the spirit on the inside of me reminding me that i am saved the spirit on the inside of me reminding me that i'm a chosen generation i'm a royal priesthood i am somebody jesus shed his blood on calvary just for me the spirit on the inside of me reminding me that i'm still in the master's hand in spite of ida in spite of no heir in spite of the eliza the spirit reminded me because of who i am such a skinner in jesus christ that i'm still in the master's hand and in spite of this attack of the enemy because of my relationship with god let me say that again in spite of this attack of the enemy because of my relationship with god i truly shouldn't even believe that i will see i will see by the creighton i will see i will see i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living oh somebody said glory somebody say amen because of your relationship with god because of your uh uh connection with god i truly believe that you and i will see the goodness of the lord in the land jerry in the landscape of the lord and david and the lord paulette and the land be better of the of the lord and that's my word of encouragement to everyone in this century that's my word of encouragement to everybody in there whether you're in the first year or the second tier or some of you up in the third tier that's my word of encouragement to everyone in this century that's my word of encouragement to every one of you who are watching by way of internet whether it's on youtube or facebook or on our church website i know the last two weeks have been tough i know the last two weeks have been rough our chambers i know the last two weeks have been difficult however because of your relationship with the god that saved you because of your relationship with the jesus that died for you because of your relationship howard and kimberly with the holy spirit who empowers you i want to encourage you to do three things in the aftermath of hurricane ida i want to challenge you to do three things as we recover from hurricane item i want to remind you to do three things as we rebuild as we reveal after hurricane ida i want you to do three things that david did here in psalms 27 first of all number one i want you to understand that we're going to make it through this time you got to wait on the lord you got to wait on the lord look david says begin in verse 14. well let me read verse 13 i would have lost heart unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living verse 14 wait on the lord you know when david prayed sister jackson when david prayed shower when david prayed in his time of trouble david began to realize how dependent he was on god so thomas when when that when dick he when david prayed in this time of trouble he began to realize how much he really needed god in his life he how much he depended on god's provision in his life therefore an humble submission david sought the lord's face and then resolved to wait on the lord see helen he said it's not easy it is going through what i'm going through it has been a chore going through what i'm going through but david said because of my relationship with the grave with the god with the lord i'm going to wait on the lord and like man and my brothers and my sisters in the aftermath of hurricane ida we must learn to wait napoleon we must learn to wait more we must learn to wait brooks on the lord why someone we asked because there was a blessing in waiting on the lord let me say that again uh roland that there's a blessing and immack there's a blessing certainly there's a blessing waiting on the lord genesis 49 and 18 says i have waited for your salvation job 14 and 14 say i'm gonna wait until my changes come up psalm 25 and 5 says you are my god of my salvation on you i wait all day long psalm 27 and 14 he said wait on the lord psalm 37 and 7 says rest in the lord and wait patiently for him there's a blessing of waiting on the lord psalms 41 said i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined to me and heard my cry psalm 62 and 5 says my soul waits silently with for god alone lamentations 325 saying the lord is good mac unto them that way thou now isaiah 33 and 2 say oh lord be gracious to us we have waited for you and finally my favorite waste scripture and all the bible ushers and uh deacons and deaconess and greeters isaiah 40 and 31 but they that way but they that wait but they that way but they that way but they that way praise team but they melbourne but they that way they're upon the lord shall renew their strength the shamanic with wings as eagles that's your runner and i get women that's your walker and my fan oh yes my brothers and sisters in the aftermath of hurricane ida you must wait on the lord and don't tell me you don't have time to wait don't don't dare lie in church and say you don't have time to wait don't don't dare allow that to come out of your mouth that you don't have time to wait if you're waiting for the light to come on you can wait on the lord if you waited a long lines to get gas you can wait on the lord if you waited to get hot food and lines you can wait on the lord if you waited in long lines to get water and ice and other supplies you can wait on the lord i stay right there on bulletin night away woke up yesterday morning to look to see if my garbage was collected hadn't been collected yet and and i saw these lines of cars on bullet going towards the interstate i said what in the world is going on i mean i i'm i'm about a mile from the interstate on bullet between uh uh lake forest and chef and i got up and i say what in the world is going on so my curiosity got the best of me i went and said i got my keys and i when i said and i drove down and saw lines and lines and lines of cars from chef men to a highway and i worked and i lit and here in this uh mall there was uh trucks and trucks and trucks of supplies and goods and i asked somebody i said what's going on she said oh they're giving away supplies today and i mean from nine o'clock in the morning ladies and gentlemen elizabeth and i will look out and say they're still there eleven o'clock they're still there now the thing about it they did not start giving away the supplies until one o'clock people were in line at nine o'clock in the morning 12 o'clock they still there at one o'clock when the line started moving eventually people started moving but look like more and more and more and people are coming and then my daughter kimberly came home and she showed me on her on her phone that the line stretched from that uh that place where subway is at is where that uh a mall the cinema mall is at all the way down the bullet and then all the way up chef mental highway that people waited in line from when nine o'clock in the morning and people were still in line at six o'clock in the evening waiting to get supplies and some of those same people won't wait on god you waiting six hours to get supplies you waited six hours to get food you weighed in six hours and yet you were not wait on the lord listen we've been waiting since 2010 for the saints to win another super bowl but yet we won't wait on the lord oh yes we would have gave up yes we could have gave up yes we should have gave up yes because about yet because of our relationship with the lord we chose to wait on the lord the second thing that david did that we need to do in our and the aftermath of hurricane ida not only to wait on the lord but secondly david says be of good courage barbara shower david said be of good courage verse 14 b says wait on the lord and be of good courage listen one of the ways that the enemy tries to make us give up is to discourage us anybody been there done that got the t-shirt all of us in here if we're honest with ourselves we take off the man all of us have been discouraged at some point in our lives and one way that the enemy tried to make us give up trying to make a store in the tower is to discourage us one way that the enemy tried to make a store in the tower is to discourage us some of the greatest believers in the bible went through times of discouragement remember job after losing his health his wealth and his family job got discouraged and asked god to take his life that why in the world was i born elijah after his victim outcome against a.f jezebel and those prophets of baal became discouraged when he was told that jezebel was looking to kill him he went in the tree said god take my life i rather you take my life then jezebel take my life jeremiah got discouraged these are great men in the bible job elijah and jeremiah got so discouraged over the sinful lifestyle of the children of israel that he became known as the weeping prophet ladies and gentlemen in like manner many of us have gotten discouraged because of what we've gone through with hurricane ida many of us have gotten discouraged because we've gone through another hurricane brothers and sisters discouragement is one of the enemies greatest weapons against a child of god against a believer because satan knows discouragement can lead to depression and depression can lead to despair and despair can lead to water could have shoulda i need to say that one more time the devil knows that discouragement can lead to depression and depression can lead to despair and despair can lead to woulda coulda shoulda i would have gave up i coulda gave up i should have gave up however that's when you as a believer that's when you as a child of god that's when you as a born-again christian must be encouraged by the word of god you must be encouraged by the scriptures to counter attack the discouragement of the enemy scriptures like psalm 37 and 25 but david ever shall have been young but now i'm old but i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread being courageous psalm 94 19 many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers them out of them all up be encouraged some psalms like psyche 41 and 10. fear not i am with you the encourager scripture like matthew 11 and 28 come unto me all you that labor and heavy elena and i will give you a wrestler be encourager michael pitman bro the reason scripture's like a romans 8 and 28 for we know not something that that all things are work together for good to them that love god them are called about his purpose be encouraged scripture like second corinthians chapter four verses eight and nine we are hard-pressed yet not crushed we are perplexed but not in despair we are persecuted but not forsaken this struck down but not destroyed uh be in courage scripture like ii corinthians 5 and 7 for we walk by faith we walk by faith uh we walk by faith and not by sight to the encourager scripture like galatians six and nine and let us not grow weary while doing good fighting due season for in due season for a new season for in due season in god's own time with your reap if we do not lose hope be in courage don't miss that brothers don't miss that sisters we shall reaper if we do not lose hope we shall reap if we do not get discouraged we shall reap if we do not get depressed we shall reap if we do not get despaired oh yes sir we would have gave up yes we could have gave up yes we should have gave up yet because of our relationship with god because of our relationship with the lord instead of giving up after hurricane katrina we chose to be of good courage but then there's one more thing that david tells us here in the text you're going to get through this difficult time i'm going to get through this rough time but thomas you're going to get through this trying time that all of us have faced the last two weeks david said wait on the lord secondly david said be of good courage and then thirdly david said receive strength from the lord receive strength from the lord brothers and sisters this is where the rubber meets the road really this is where the rubber meets the road brothers and sisters this is where a believer larry this is where a christian this is where a child of god reginald must realize that you cannot win this warfare on your own this is where brother welcome to work this is where every child of god in here must realize you can't do this by yourself you can't win this war on your own you can't do this by yourself you must realize that you cannot fight this battle on your own if you had to do this on your own if you had to do this by yourself you woulda gave up a long time ago you had to do you could have gave up a long time ago you should have gave up a long time ago but then you realize like david that you would see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living that i know it's tough now i know it's difficult now but i am my myra i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living therefore brothers and sisters you must let go and let god let me say that one more time but noah's the haze you must let go and let god you must let go you you stood stand on first samuel 17 and 47 that says the battle is not yours the battle is the lord's stand on isaiah 40 and 31 they say but they that waiter upon the lord shall renew their strength stand on isaiah 41 and 10 and say fear not i am with you not that i might be with you not that it's a possibility because of your relationship with the lord david the psalmist said i fear not i am with you be not dismayed i am your god i will i will i will strengthen you philippians 4 and verse 13 says i can't say it with me i can do what all things how through christ that strengthens me said one more time i can do donna all that rocky i can do so i can do all things to christ that gives me the strength one of the hottest and most requested songs on gospel radio is cece weining's song never lost elizabeth and i were listening to it on the way to church this morning never lost never lost a it's an incredible song if you have not heard it google it and listen to it it will bless your life the chorus says this talking about god you can do all things you can do all things but fail because you never lost the battle because you never lost a battle no you've never lost a battle and i know and i know and i know you never will that's what you've got to believe god that that that will give you the strength the psalms say you can do all things god you can do all things but fail because you never lost a battle cause you never lost a battle because you never lost a battle and i know that you never will brothers and sisters that's why i know we're gonna make it that's why i know you're going to make it that's why i know you're going to make it that's why i know you're going to make it on in dealing with the aftermath of hurricane ida because god has never lost a battle and because of my faith in him i know that he never will check out the scriptures from genesis to revelation god has never lost a battle yes he had enemies yes people came against us but god has never lost a battle and because of our faith in him johnson he never will why someone may ask because he's the same god yesterday today and forevermore and that's how i know we're going to make it at franklin avenue that's how we're going to make it those watching by way of internet that's how i know we're going to make it through this storm and through this rain that's how i know nowhere else in baton rouge we're going to make it shine and latoya we're going to make it that's how i know that we are going to make it brother brandon and sister brandon that's how i know we're going to make it because he's the same god i say he's the same god he's the same god that got us through hurricanes in the past 16 years ago he got us through hurricane katrina recently god got us through hurricane christopher he got us through hurricane delta he got us through hurricane laura he got us through hurricane zeta he got us through a hurricane after hurricane and guess what y'all he's the same god that will get us through hurricane ida why because he's the same god yesterday today sister hurley bird and forevermore that's why i know without a doubt seniors you're gonna make it couples you're gonna make it adults you're going to make it college student you're going to that's why i knew without a doubt high school students you're going to make it preachers you're going to make it because you're going to make a dickiness i know you want to doubt we're going to make us just you're going to make it college students you're going to make us greet us you're going to make it ashes you're going to make it a singles you're going to make it brothers and sisters you're going to make it franklin avenue baptist church we will yes we will yes we will make it because of the god that i serve because of the god that i serve because of the god that i serve he's never he's never he's never lost a battle he's never lost a battle he's never lost a battle and i know and i know and dr johnson i know that he never will therefore goodbye willa goodbye what uh goodbyes coulda goodbye coulda goodbye goodbye from this day forward i'm going through i said i'm going through i said i'm going through i don't care what the rest of the world decide to do pastor will i made up my mind and i'm not going to turn around i started out with the lord i decided to go through wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say wait i say wait i say wait i say on the lord water coulda shoulda now almost with my testimony until i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living father we thank you we praise you and we give your name the glory god these past two weeks have not been easy god because of all the stuff that we had to go through we would have gave up we could have gave up we should have gave up but then you reminded us of whose we are we are sons and daughters of god and god we serve a god who has never ever lost the battle we serve a god who has never lost a battle and we know that he never will so god i pray for every man every woman every believer in this sanctuary every man every woman every believer watching by way of internet give them the strength to wait on the lord give them the strength to be of good courage and give them the strength to receive strength from the lord wait wait wait i say on the lord
Views: 486
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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