You're a Newly Hired Aircraft Maintenance Apprentice - What to Expect & What the Company Expects.

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what's happenin everybody Shamir here I figured I would do a follow-up video on [Music] what what you grads should expect when they leave school and segue onto a hanger floor and what organizations expect of you as a new grad I got a lot of positive feedback on my first half for my first video it was very long so I'm gonna try and keep this one nice and short and I figured I would record it in the new vehicle I picked up I just picked it up on Tuesday my neighbor sold it my next-door neighbor sold it to me funny enough that's how these things kind of work here in the Maritimes in Canada it's a 2015 Mazda 3 it's new to me but I got a really good deal on it and it's a 6-speed manual I love the manual transmission it gives me more control when I'm driving and it's just more fun so I'm just gonna get going here just then running a few errands bear with me so first point I want to get into what a new grad should expect pointone expect to be learning things through immersion and diffusion and learning things faster than you feel you should be learning them the organization the operation that you're joining and I'm speaking purely from an airline operation some of you might be segwaying into business aviation some of you might be segue into smaller operations more general aviation things and a lot of this is transferable so back to my point be prepared to learn through immersion and diffusion what I mean by that is if any of you have been lucky enough to have a grandfather and uncle or just someone it doesn't matter male-female who would work on cars work on farm equipment work on work on things around the house and you as a kid would hold the flashlight you don't really understand what's going on but you know that you're picking up stuff by holding the flashlight right same sort is the same sort of deal the organization is not going to slow down for you just accept it be prepared for it it is what it is point to but my second point is be prepared to be treated as if you're inept because I hate to break it to you you are the sooner you understand this is the sooner you can acknowledge with yourself and the true mark of mastery is understanding how much you do not know and it's okay to understand and acknowledge how much you don't know because all all of those things can be taught if you have the open mindset to be like hey I know what I don't know or I know how much I don't know is the sooner you're open to learning and people are expecting you to know that the third thing is don't be the type of person where you're coming on to a hangar floor and you know you hear it through broken telephones somebody who's on their probationary period how things are cropped and so by extension you feel things are crap don't complain don't be complaining to people who have been around longer than you have because chances are that person you're complaining to they're gonna have it go through one ear and out the other first thing that secondly you're complaining chances are to people who have seen some stuff people who have were in the industry during 9/11 we have to take a layoff and relocate potentially to put food on their table for their families so you know now that it's a great time to be in the industry and here you are complaining people aren't gonna have time for that the last thing that I will say as a new grad and what you should expect expect criticism I really and truly and be open to it don't be one of these people that's closed-minded and especially when it comes to getting menial jobs and by menial I mean getting the cleaning of the panel cleaning of cabin you know taking out the lavatory let's say and I'm just using an example never underestimate or rather I'm gonna say it's not the job that you're given it's the attitude in which you do the job in which you accept the job that people are paying attention to and you know it might be menial to you as the new hire there's always gonna be something more interesting occurring on the hangar floor but it's the attitude it's very the type of person that's gonna whine and gripe or are you the type of person to be like you know what am I gonna do this the best that I can so that when the time comes I'm giving them more important and I use that in quotations important job you do it to the best of your ability because that's what people are looking for people that's what people are paying attention to is the attitude in which you accept the job never underestimate a persons a person's ability to make your life a living hell by simply doing nothing and by doing nothing I mean assigning you more interesting jobs I've seen this derail so many people when they first start out they have the sourpuss attitude and it comes back to bite them and they don't know why now I'm gonna get into what an organization is gonna expect a few first thing be on time have good attendance it's common sense and it might seem obvious but for a lot of people is really not and they don't understand why they they get let go during the probation well if you're late ten times and you take six days off during your probation and it's not a legitimate reason organization is gonna let you go they don't have time for that and if this is something that applies to you try and nip it in the bud before you segue onto a hangar floor the second thing an organization is gonna expect of you is be a team player and what I mean by that is you're working with somebody and they need something but their hands are buried somewhere and it's gonna be hard for them to leave be that team player that says you know what okay I'll get it for you be that person that goes okay what how can I assist you make your life easier even if you know that it's something as simple as getting apart getting a tool you know picked like cleaning up the workspace after everything is done things that are that simple make a world of difference that people pay attention the third thing that organizations are going to expect of you is pitch in and assist around the operation be prepared to watch a wing when the plane is moving open the hangar door things that are simple things that you know make make it easier make things smoother organizations are expecting you to pitch in don't have this hands-off mentality of Oh someone else is gonna do it someone will take care of it it's not my job it's not my problem well I hate to break it to you those are the kinds of outlooks and attitudes that get you fired and it might be it might be something what would what many would deem simple and common-sense but I've seen it derail so many people and I don't know why it's not taught anywhere or it's not common knowledge maybe people aren't getting the explanation from their parents or their instructors whatever the case may be but I feel like it's things like this that make that would make people's lives a lot easier if they understood and knew these things going in I am gonna end it there I hope you get a lot of value out of this because I know people have messaged me and said they've got a lot of great feedback or a lot of great tips and tricks from the first video I did but I figure I make one much shorter and let me know if I'm off in left field with this or you agree leave a like leave a comment I'd love to hear from you and keep the debate going keep a discussion going I'm gonna try and do a lot more on a more frequent basis so if you like what you're seeing leave a thumbs up I'm gonna end it there peace
Channel: Shamir McLeish
Views: 54,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T-PD4iV7Iec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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