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romans 8 26 likewise this spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and he who searches hearts knows what is in the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of god the verse starts off with the words likewise referring to what paul previously wrote in chapter 8 which was about how eternal hope can uplift believers to heavenly heights during their trials sufferings and difficult times romans 8 18 for i considered that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us now trying to reach a conclusion he starts to make his second point just as hope can uphold a believer during suffering and difficult times so does the holy spirit uphold a believer during prayer john 16 verse 7 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i do not go away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him on to you firstly it is comforting to know that when i am praying about anything i am not alone the comforter whom jesus sent is helping you each and every time you pray it is literally like having jesus sitting right next to you when you pray in other words the holy spirit is like your prayer partner and that's what god wants you to understand here that during our most difficult times we are assisted by the ministry of the holy spirit the holy spirit is referred to as the helper the comforter the counselor by jesus these are one of his many titles in john 14 26 it says but the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and brings to your remembrance all things i have said to you so now let's look at the original meaning of the word helper use here in john 14 26 the word helper here is in greek parakletos a combination of the word para and cleto para a prefix means alongside someone like in our english vocabulary for paramedic a medical doctor who stays alongside of you or as in the word parachute which means to assist in falling and plato is the noun form of the word pleo translated in english as core it is used in the new testament word for church ecclesia the called out ones by god out of the world into fellowship with him so you have the basic word root of the church and of the title of the holy spirit the difference is the church is called out but the holy spirit is alongside it and within the church it is a title that is given to a defense attorney hence why sometimes it's translated as advocate it literally means you have someone speaking alongside you and for you there are several functions of the holy spirit here's our helper john 14 26. he indwells believers and seals them until the day of redemption a process that is irreversible hence why all children of god have everlasting life ephesians 1 verse 13 and ephesians 4 30. alongside that we have the ministry of prayer because the holy spirit helps believers in prayer we know this because of jude 1 verse 20 but you beloved building yourself up on your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit and remember our main text romans 8 26 states that the spirit intercedes for us so that's what you need to know first and foremost the holy spirit is your prayer partner and prays with you so point number one what you need to know is that the holy spirit prays with you alongside you now point number two because the holy spirit is our prayer partner he doesn't just join us in prayer the holy spirit prays for you and me on our behalf before god i think the reason why he does this is because many times when i'm praying i need help the reason why the holy spirit prays on our behalf before god is because he has supernatural insight and he knows what the future holds whereas we are limited to the present an example of this is being urged by the holy spirit to go pray as a matter of urgency without knowing the reason why a personal example of this is that one time when my father was away at seminary he says that the spirit of the lord woke him up during the night with a strong urge to pray like he had never felt before he went to pray for a long time he prayed and prayed and prayed until the urge stopped that was when he finally concluded his prayer what he didn't know was why he was praying fast forward 13 hours later and 5 000 miles away my mother and i and all my siblings were driving in the car i was saved very young at this point so whilst we were driving a car swerved into our lane and all the sudden my mother turned into a character of the fast and furious franchise and avoided the collision my mother cannot explain to you how she maneuvered our car out of the way and its different lanes without there being an accident what but what she can do is to testify to the hand of the lord this is why we should be sensitive to the unction of the holy spirit i thank god that that day my father was sensitive to the unction of the holy spirit if at any time you get the unction to pray if any time you get an urge to pray please be sensitive to the spirit and to the guiding of the holy spirit we all have times in our lives when we simply don't know what to pray and it can be for many reasons it's referred to here as our weakness or literally our ignorance we become ignorant as to how to pray and what to pray for but because the holy spirit knows the will of god and knows all things and knows what is to come he is able to plead on our behalf to the throne of god that's number two the holy spirit prays to god the father on our behalf number three in romans 8 26 groanings are mentioned so what does groanings actually mean it means unexpressed thoughts deep internal feelings the exact meaning is hard to define or to explain but this communicates the idea that during our lonely suffering hurting and confused times there is a communication of agreement and understanding on the part of the holy spirit almost as if the holy spirit is saying i understand exactly what you're trying to say and i believe some of the most powerful and meaningful prayers that a believer experiences are cries and moans and sighs [Music] that's the third point i want you to know the fourth point is that he searches my feelings and reads my emotions as in romans 8 27 when it refers to the heart the fact is that we cannot search our own feelings very well the holy spirit cuts through the cloud of confusion and searches our feelings and hearts to know what we really want to pray for how amazing is it to know that we have two intercessors one who is in heaven and one who's in our hearts romans 8 34 who is he who condemns it is christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of god who also makes intercessions for us to put that in perspective jesus the second person of the trinity and the holy spirit the third person of the trinity are both praying for you that's the fourth point i want you to know the fifth point regarding to how the holy spirit helps us to pray is that he helps us to pray according to god's will the holy spirit knows the will of god it is a part of the holy spirit's mindset and mentality to intercede according to god's will and helps me align my own will with the will of god when i pray there is a sovereign will of god that is sometimes hidden from us and there is often temptation to be negative and to complain and say why me why now many christians including myself indeed ask why me during tough times but how many among us ever ask that same question when god is blessing us when we're mature in the lord we cease to complain but appreciate god in all things that's the true sign of christian maturity whatever situation you find yourself in remember jeremiah 29 11 for i know the thoughts that i think toward you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope let us be encouraged to know that we are supported by our heavenly father who made sure we would be saved supported by the son who has taken care of our sins and wrapped us up with his righteousness to secure us for eternal life and by the glory of the holy spirit who is working on our behalf to bring us to everlasting glory three habits of a person with the holy spirit these are three of the many habits of a person and dwelt by the holy spirit thus the term holy comes from a hebrew word that means set apart we have been consecrated by god for his service there is a valuable separateness that we cannot take for granted in the church we who are filled by the holy spirit have at least three habits that we can use to cultivate a better life when we develop these habits the fruit of our life will be evident take a minute just to settle your mind okay now let us take a look internally and invite the holy spirit to preside over our hearts so that we can be strengthened by his words [Music] now i want you to say this proclamation with the words will appear on the screen lord i'm your royal priest i'm your chosen vessel i'm your holy citizen take the members of my body bless my ears so that i can hear and bless my mind to be transformed by your spirit amen okay now come let us learn together the first habit of someone who is filled with the spirit they are guided by the spirit as christians one of the best titles to describe our relationship with god is children of god this is an honor from god that speaks volumes of how much he loves us it also depicts how we should live romans 8 verse 14 says for all who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god it means that the life of a child of god is to be guided by the spirit daily holiness can only result from this daily obedience to the leading of the holy spirit the nature of god and the holy spirit is holiness as the spirit leads you you will be led into a life of holiness jesus christ is holy and he walked the earth as a holy man it isn't a surprise that even in his most human state he was still under the leadership of the holy spirit being tempted is a human thing james says when tempted no one should say god is tempting me for god cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempt anyone so when jesus was being tempted in matthew 4 he was at his most vulnerable as mere human being but isn't it a blessing to know that even at this point it was the spirit who was leading him then jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil being led by the spirit may sometimes bring us into troubling circumstances but the awesome truth of assurance is that the same one who let us in will lead us through and he will lead us out we must be guided by the spirit a holy life is a beautiful life because it blooms blossoms and produces the fruit of the holy spirit galatians 5 22-23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law imagine the beauty of a life that is led by the spirit and that manifests these characteristics i've seen saints who have been in hospital and were in excruciating pain in the toughest moments of their life physically but they were still joyful why because they were filled with the spirit we must live out our holiness by demonstrating the fruit of the spirit towards others as his children we must mirror the love of our father towards those who come in contact with some people are waiting in eager anticipation for a god-like love from a holy person we must be those persons holiness is not attained by following the law it comes and flourishes when we follow the holy spirit galatians 5 18 but if you're led by the spirit you are not under the law being religious and ritualistic doesn't bring holiness it brings bondage and false righteousness jesus often chided the pharisees and the sadducees for that kind of righteous according to the law what jesus wants from us is to surrender to the guidance of the holy spirit daily echoing the sentiments of the song where he leads me i will follow i'll go with him with him all the way the second habits holy people are obedient in separating themselves from the spirit of the world as i stated in the introduction the hebrew word for holy gives the idea of something being set apart what you need to know is that to be holy one must be separated to god as his possession when we speak of people places or things as holy we must keep several facts in mind first such holiness is derived and dependent upon a continuing relationship with god for example god claimed israel as his personal possession by right of redemption from the bondage of egypt that's exodus 19 5. being claimed by the holy god made the israelites separate from other people and holy in deuteronomy 7 6 for thou art and holy people unto the lord thy god the lord thy god hath chosen thee this aspect of holiness is sometimes called positional holiness they were holy because they were possessed by the holy god and therefore separated from the common and ordinary in the case of moses the ground surrounding the burning bush was now separated to god as his personal possession and was no longer to be treated as common or ordinary ground places and things have positional holiness but god will not allow his people to be only positionally holy he requires them to be personally and ethically holy they must cleanse themselves from all sinful associations and behaviors and live in obedience to his commands this is the truth paul is teaching when he says to the corinthian believers what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have of god and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods first corinthians 6 19 and 20. at the moment of the new birth you are made holy you enter into a personal relationship with god and become his possession [Music] you're to glorify him in all you do by following his instructions holiness is to characterize the believer's life each moment of each day by god's mercies you are chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation god's special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light first peter 2 verse 9 we have been called out of the darkness darkness here represents the spirit of the world we live in a world that is plagued with all kinds of slanted values the true and living god is not celebrated in the arenas of the world self is gratified worshiped and loved in our world today greed and the love of money pervade holiness demands that we turn our backs on the darkness that is in this world this world isn't preoccupied with treasures in heaven they are very focused on the treasures on earth you and i cannot live like that though we cannot set our hearts on those kind of spoilable treasures they have an expiry date we belong to a culture that is absolutely separate from that kind of thinking our hearts must be set on eternity and it is virtually impossible to be yoked to the world and pursue eternity at the same time for where your treasure is there your heart will be also do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind with renewed minds we daily shed the trappings of the world our thinking patterns become less like the world we begin to focus on true honorable just pure lovely commandable excellent and praiseworthy things what you need to know is that to be holy one must be separated from all that god says is unclean or morally defiles when we read in habakkuk chapter 1 verse 12 to 13 we see that god is too pure to behold evil and unable to tolerate wrong we understand that god never compromises his holiness even in the exercise of his love mercy and kindness this is why peter tells christians that god's command to be holy requires that they be obedient and stop living like they lived before they were saved that's first peter 1 14 although god is loving merciful and kind holiness requires separation from all that is unclean or morally defiles there are no exceptions one must be morally pure in every area of life there's a promise to the separation from the world therefore go out from their midst and be separate from them says the lord and touch no unclean thing then i will welcome you and i will be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me says the lord almighty 2 corinthians 18 and 19. god has called us to himself and frees us from the soul-wrecking lifestyle that is in the world we cannot be holy and live by the darkness of the world at the same time we cannot enjoy the blessings of his wonderful light and live in unity with the world the third habit is holy people seek to serve holiness is also very practical outworking of our faith in god god called us out of the world so that we can be his witnesses holy people bring people into holiness by serving church in their appropriate roles as members of the body god has called us to be a holy nation not so that we can sit down and enjoy the blessings of our father we have a responsibility to do the work of god if we as his holy nation do not execute our holy mandate then who is going to do it when peter was restored he was told feed my sheep god has given each of us a mandate to execute by way of the great commission he also assured us he also assured us of his presence i will never leave you nor forsake you in our execution of god's mandate we have his guidance we have his power to do what he has tasked us to do there is no way we can be a holy nation and not seek others to join this nation matthew 24 verse 14 this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come holiness is not just an inner state we must be willing to do the practical things that holiness demand let us come to the altar of god with holy service being led by the spirit he took us out of the darkness and placed us in our light we must be champions of this light these are three of the many habits of a person indwelled by the holy spirit does the holy spirit leads them they are in a continual in a process of separation from the world and to seek to serve the lord as member of the body now say the proclamation with me the words will appear on the screen lord i heal to your holy spirit lead me guide me and protect me i focus on the eternal things and not temporal things and i offer myself up to serve you as a member of your body in jesus name amen now who sends the holy spirit into the heart of each individual christian well the lord jesus christ does he is still at work from where does the lord jesus christ send the holy spirit from from god the father and into the heart of every person who god has loved for as long as he has been god at some time in their life some while their children some while they're teenagers and some even in old age the lord jesus christ who's in heaven sends the holy spirit into their hearts from god the father and when the holy spirit comes into the life of a man woman boy or girl five amazing things happen firstly he brings about the new birth a young man once said to me i cannot understand it i've been in a christian home all my life i've listened to thousands of gospel sermons attended thousands of church services and it never meant anything to me and then one day he says it hit him and he could see it for himself a change began to happen in him that's the new birth it's like starting a new life you came into this world through a natural birth you go into the spiritual world through a spiritual birth jesus said that in john 3 3 very truly i tell you no one can see the kingdom of god unless they are born again you see for a natural birth it has to be physical because you come into the physical world if you go into the spiritual world it has to be a spiritual birth who can bring a spiritual birth can you no only the holy spirit and the people are brought into the spiritual world into the spiritual dimension to see spiritual things and experience spiritual things by a spiritual birth which jesus calls being born again or being born from above according to john 3 6 that which is born from flesh is flesh and that which is born from spirit is spirit and being born again isn't something a man or woman can do for you your parents can't do it for you your friends can't do it for you only the holy spirit can bring a person to be born again and only god the holy spirit himself brings people into the spiritual dimension into the spiritual world you cannot even see the kingdom of god you cannot even see the spiritual world without the works of the holy spirit which we call the new birth that's the first thing the holy spirit does when he enters you he gives you the new birth [Music] secondly the holy spirit having come into our lives into our affections into our intelligence into our emotions into everything that we are he actually begins to then live within us jesus said this to his disciples he is with you and he shall be in you and the mark of a true christian the mark of a true born again child of god is that the holy spirit dwells in him or her and if any man does not have the spirit of christ says the bible it is because he does not belong to him now many of you before you gave your life to christ you may have mixed with christians and you said to yourself there's something about him there's something about her but you could never put your finger on it but you didn't have the words or the language to express exactly what they had and the truth is that the holy spirit is what you saw inside of them and that's what makes a christian a christian the work of the holy spirit and when he's brought us into the spiritual realm he does not leave us he lives inside of us he dwells in us to the point where even our bodies are called in the new testament in first corinthians 6 9 the temples of the holy spirit in the greek language the shrine of the holy spirit because as you know the temple was a big building but within a big building there was a holy place and within the holy place there was a holy of holies and that's the word paul uses to describe your body so each and every one of you who is a born-again christian you are in dwell with the holy spirit god is in you and god is with you that's why the bible says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world you have a power inside you which the human mind cannot comprehend you are more powerful than you think so each and every one of you who's a born-again christian you are in dwell with the spirit of god that's number two number three the holy spirit enables us to understand the bible let's go back to the spiritual world the apostle paul says the natural man the unbeliever does not receive the things of the spirit of god of course he cannot says the apostle paul because their foolishness to him because the things of god are spiritually discerned the bible is a spiritual book you can have more degrees than a thermometer and not understand the bible you can have the iq of albert einstein and not understand the bible whereas an ordinary christian who may not be highly educated according to the worldly view can open the bible and find pleasure to understand it and to see jesus christ in it how do you explain that because it's a spiritual book it is a spiritual world and if you're going to understand a spiritual book and this handbook of the spiritual world you have to have spiritual senses and the only person who gives us spiritual senses is the holy spirit himself which is why you cannot and must not and should dare not separate the bible from prayer number four the holy spirit gives children of god spiritual experiences often when a christian is reading the bible or thinking about the bible he is filled with a sense of wonder and awe he just stops and sits down or goes for a walk just to admire god that's what paul means when he says in philippians 3 verse 3 for we are the circumcision who worships god in spirit and this is what jesus means when he says god is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and sometimes when people think about the cross they feel their heart is being invaded with running water so much so that it begins to overflow with the love of god [Music] the love of god has been poured out into our hearts right paul to the romans by the holy spirit who has given it to us and sometimes we are filled with joy yes because the kingdom of god is not of food or drink but of righteousness and peace and joy in the holy spirit and sometimes a christian can go through tough experiences in life experiences that would typically break the average person experiences that would make someone want to retreat into their shell but you find a christian you find a child of god will still have the joy of the lord in those situations because he's filled with hope from the holy spirit and as the bible tells us in romans 15 13 and in galatians 5 verse 5 that hope comes from where from who from him the holy spirit number five prayer the holy spirit helps us to pray prayer has nothing to do with your words with your vocabulary prayer is not a performance it is a matter of the heart all real prayer is in the holy spirit and we are told in scripture that we all have access through the same lord jesus christ by one spirit to the heavenly father so every time you have ever prayed and your heart has been in it it has been a work of the holy spirit now the holy spirit helps us in five different ways but today i'm only going to discuss three of those ways let's read romans 8 26 it says likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words firstly the holy spirit literally is my prayer partner what a wonderful thing to know that you have the comforter praying with you the comforter that jesus sent is praying with you each and every time you pray to put it in other words it is like having jesus sitting right next to you and praying just as the disciples had jesus right next to them when they prayed you have the holy spirit literally holding your hands each and every time you pray secondly he intercedes for you because the holy spirit is our prayer partner he doesn't just join us in prayer the spirit prays for us he prays for me and he prays for you before god [Music] and i believe this is such a wonderful thing because at points in my life i needed help and i believe a lot of the breakthroughs we have are because of this because of the ministry of the holy spirit and thirdly he interprets what i am feeling the reason why i need help praying is because i have emotions and sometimes our emotions can get in our way when real calamity hits when you're going through real dark times and you're experiencing extreme pain in your heart in your emotions sometimes all that can come out is a groan or a cry or a moan and that's when words can't completely express what you are feeling i believe that some of our biggest breakthroughs in our lives and in our prayer come at these moments because the holy spirit interprets what you are feeling and what you're trying to convey and he brings it across to god if you think back to points in your life when you were praying i am sure at one point or another you felt like you were not alone and that's because you wasn't the holy spirit was there with you and praying with you a prayer for a deeper intimacy with the holy spirit importance of the holy spirit the holy spirit is the promise of god to his people [Music] he did this in joel 2 when he declared i will pour out my spirit on the people your sons and daughters will prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men will see visions peter declared in acts 2 17 that this is what was happening on the day of pentecost the holy spirit is here with us and we must have the right doctrine of him and also the mindset towards him he's not a force not a thing he is a personal being and is a member of the godhead according to the scripture we must always keep these things in mind we will never live a successful christian life if we do not embrace the holy spirit and seek to walk in intimacy with him he is promised by jesus to be our advocate guide teacher and comforter the church started at pentecost with the coming of the holy spirit he's the only one who convicts the sinner to make him see that he needs the salvation that the gospel offers he empowers the church to preach this gospel he equips the church to live lives that are filled with love he empowers us to do what is right live in faith and do good works it is the holy spirit that makes a christian aware of their sin and empowers them to turn away from their sin and seek repentance it is the holy spirit who distinguishes us from unbelievers and empowers us to overcome whatever life will throw at us remember the holy spirit is the spirit of power and oh how we need power in the times that we live in the holy spirit is an essential part of the christian life we must never neglect him we must always seek greater and deeper intimacy with him let's begin with our prayer heavenly father i thank you for your care over me and your leading your words say as a believer my body is the temple of the holy spirit i believe that i believe that you heavenly father are leading and guiding me by the holy spirit through my spirit and illuminating my mind because you are my shepherd i lack nothing you have taken me into green pastures where the waters are still you give me rest and refresh my soul you are my guide and you keep me safe when danger is present father i am grateful for the many blessings that you have lavished on me i am so thankful for your provisions and protections heavenly father i ask that you forgive me for any sin in that i have committed knowingly and unknowingly which has grieved the holy spirit forgive me lord for any words i have said which did not please the holy spirit have mercy upon me o lord your words say if i confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me i receive my forgiveness lord i ask today that all barriers all hinderances anything that stops my relationship with the holy spirit i ask today that it be removed thank you for the promise of the holy spirit he was promised as our advocate he would represent us as the spirit of truth righteousness justice and holiness heavenly father i pray that you would take me into the embrace and mantle me even more with the holy spirit he is my guide and i need you to robe me in him so i will keep in step with his leading i do not want to live my life according to my own understanding i yield to the holy spirit i believe that my steps are ordered of you lord i commit and trust myself wholly to your guidance expecting you to cause my thoughts to become agreeable to your will so i may be able to walk in the spirit and live a life in the spirit i trust in you lord with all my heart i lean not on my own understanding the end of my own understanding is poverty pain and pestilence but if i stay on the path that the holy spirit will show me i will not need to worry about such things as i acknowledge you you direct me in paths of righteousness yoke me to the yoke of jesus christ in the holy spirit this yoke is easy he will enable me to bear whatever comes my way and will keep me focused on what matters lord i need him more every day so i beseech you in the name of jesus christ to yoke me to your holy spirit i pray that you would enable me to trust the holy spirit more each day bring me into a heart-to-heart relationship with him i desire to know him intimately let my heart beat to the rhythm of the holy spirit this i know is what you desire of me to find a close and intimate relationship with the holy spirit hallelujah to the land pray father that you help me more easily recognize the inward witness of the holy spirit allow me to identify the voice of the holy spirit your word says my sheep hear my voice i am your sheep father speak to me guide me lead me teach me o lord i am grateful that your son sent the holy spirit as my comforter when my heart is weary and my soul is gripped with fear i will seek the comfort of the holy spirit thank you thank you that when the pain overcomes my portion and i grow faint in the spirit i can find comfort in the holy spirit thank you that when the pain becomes my portion and i grow faint in spirit i can find comfort in the holy spirit lord i beseech you in the name of jesus christ to give me absolute access to the comforting embrace of the holy spirit alleluia lord i thank you for pentecost and the coming of your spirit thank you that he came bearing gifts for your children i pray you would pour him out afresh on me so that i may walk in the gifts of the holy spirit mold my spirit to obey your spirit so i can do what he enables me to do let me keep close to my chest the treasures found in your holy spirit i pray that he would empower me to manifest heavenly principles here on earth i desire to see your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven but i cannot do this without the power of the holy spirit so again i pray lord empower me by the holy spirit in jesus name thank you as well lord that the holy spirit gives his fruit to flourish in the hearts of your children let my heart be so tuned to the heart of the holy spirit that i would do what the fruit of the spirit requires of me i want to walk in him so intimately that i will manifest love joy peace patience kindness faithfulness gentleness and self-control fill me with the holy spirit so that love would be the mode of my life in every way remove jealousy boast arrogance prideful acts selfishness and provocative attitudes from my heart by truth intimacy remove jealousy boast arrogance prideful acts selfishness and provocative attitudes from my heart by true intimacy with the holy spirit in jesus name lord i do not want to rejoice in unrighteousness but i desire to rejoice with the truth to bear all things to believe all things to hope in all things to endure all things i am only able to do this when you fill me with your holy spirit alleluia thank you lord you are a good father and i can trust that you will give me the good gifts that i have asked for thank you that you have heard my prayer and you are not slack concerning your promises thank you that all your promises are yes and amen in christ jesus amen
Channel: Lion of Judah
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Id: VgdAqq4st-8
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Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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