Your Superpower | Eric Thomas (Motivation)

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I want you to be your authentic self and how are you you r authentic self? You know what your gift is and you just spend time learning it and getting into it. All right. That's what I want you to focus on. All right, this is important. All right. Now the other thing I want you to be cautious of and depending on how you were introduced to this assessment. You may crave one. Character over another one and that's not that's not to go. Like I promise y'all "C" a beast. My wife had D. I've never desired to be one. Being real I never I've never desire to get on the plane and get in the driver's seat. That's not what I do. I'm not interested in that. I admire "C" my wife now. I do want to say this to D's as an I. She said something about taking pictures like Yoda one thing I love about like these who are comfortable and they D, my wife is comfortable. So we like walking in the airport. I'm talking about females would be like, well, I want to get a picture which I'm alright cool. They'll tell my wife. Can you take the picture don't even know Deedee is... she low-key like, she ain't like you won't even know. She's my wife like she low-key. She just be like standing in the corner. And a female be like ma'am. Do you mind if I say they just think she just want ma'am. Do you mind she like? Oh, no problem. Like she don't even go yo, that's my husband. My Dido. Never say none be like, oh, yeah, no problem. Thank you want to sideways. Did you be like nope, that's not good, like go to the to go over here and get to like take the picture and we walking together after and the little lady look like. I'm just saying D like like when you are real deal, you ain't got to say you were d. If you were as strong as you say you are don't nobody need to know my wife is probably this to my wife is probably one of the few first ladies. Library you come in she ushering she's sitting in the back. She'll never say she with me like if you don't know her you wouldn't even know she's my wife right but she but she's strong. So if you were real d-don't got to walk around like I'm a deed, right and I admire my Deeds who put their team first and they're using their strength not to get attention, but they're actually using their strength to drive the plane. You feel me? So now I want to help some of y'all dough when your D come in and go straight in the cockpit. Like don't take that personal. That's what they supposed to do. Fly the plane and by got tired of me talking to you talking to you might mess up the flight. So I just need to be focused right we can talk after the play take off land hitting with a hotel somewhere we could talk but when I'm on the phone when I'm doing work, I need to be focused on that work. Does that make sense? So don't see that as mean see that his Focus sometimes U go to Diaz me they're not me. They're focused right hand. Job be taking it personal people don't speak to you. Yeah, that's it. Your little feelings be idiot. I'm talking right now. All right, as always got time to talk right write this down if you are I that's why you can't execute. You talking all the time. I just want to keep 100. I can say these things. Otherwise your said I can get on us. You don't say it and you like why don't I execute not because you don't have the ability to but you talk too much. You talk too much, and you're talking sometimes when you should be executed. So here's what I want my eyes to do. I want you to execute first then after you ask you talk as much as you want to but you mad that the Deeds don't respect you because you like we just as powerful as you not when you're not executing you not. You feel me like we're real because the flight attendant to be like, well you flying the plane, but if I don't talk to the people, they're not going to come back. Okay, you might be sweet. But you gotta execute that make sense. All right, so write this down if you and I man, we like we like the utility pole. We provide the electricity. Hi, we are the energy would have five energy drink. That's your responsibility. Like you supposed to bring the energy to the team. Like when a team is down. We about to do something like you got to bring that energy, right but you got to be cautious because when you look at energy If energy don't have like that black coal around it and then on those poles is destructive. Its destructive. So when a when when there's a storm and a pole fall and and the electrical outlet they all on the ground is water. Like that's that's and that you got to be careful when you are I because you can either be super productive or super destructive. There's no middle ground where eyes Right, he's being real right and so you got to learn to control that emotion, right? And so sometimes people don't want to be around eyes because you just too emotional you're draining you got to realize you got so much energy that there is no Purgatory for you. So you're either providing energy or you draining it. You're never in the middle. Right. So when you're a ha you either give it energy and you got everybody pumped up we got gas in the car or we got the election of its electrical boy. We don't fool. We good to go. But you're the opposite when you're not a healthy. I your Draenor every time you come in you drain and why cause it's like look at me see me see me, it's me. I'm here pay me some attention. And it's like, you know you draining me right now, right? So if you were I you got to be able to control that I of all of them the eyes your your gift is so powerful. Right. So here's how I look at the I right when you know. The word of God says let us make man. In our image and after our likeness and then they got on the dust of the ground and they formed it, but it wasn't really a man of today. breathe breath when they went So when somebody dies that breath is gone, you just see a see a body, but it's like cold. That's what the eye is your dad. You that spirits? You that Spirit you bring that life force right so they can make a car. Right, they could have the form of it, but it ain't till you put that engine in that joker that is that and you turn that key and they go boom. That's when it's got life. So you got to realize I your goal is to give life not to come in the room and take life. Your goal is not to come in and look and go look at me. I'm here. Man, I wish I could have got that not know why I know him like here like we know each other we cool, but they like my like one of my clients my God, but I wish I could get to a bee. Because I know what happened with I know what happened when you are high. I I know what happened when you like the number one. Why would she like I get it? I see what's going on with my man. Right? But it's that boom touchdown and it ain't the touchdown. That's the problem, but it's like And it just gets overwhelmed because like look at me look at me. Look at me attention attention attention attention attention attention. So you start getting the relationships you started sharing those relationships because like give me give me give me give me give me and you're supposed to be giving giving giving giving so the reason why ET got relationships all over the world because ET got to a point where he was like, I realized you give me that's your goal is to give life and when you give it they're gonna give it back to you don't go in and take a look at my old dude in my old dude was a high to he You know what it was and so he had five six kids by five six different women because he didn't know how to do. He didn't know how to play his eye. And so he took his eye and got into a lot of relationship and try to get his woman a little bit and this woman a little bit and this woman a little bit and this little woman be little bit. And he didn't realize like the goal wasn't to go and take from other women. The goal is as Eric Thomas. I'm your Shepherd. My goal is not to tear you down. My goal is to build you up. That's my goal as a high is to build you up not tear you down. We got influence, but we don't use our influence to tear now. We don't use our influence to be manipulative. We don't use our influence to get our way. We use our influence to build that particular entity where that particular organization or that particular person. That's our goal to be. And some of you eyes you tear down. And then you get upset because you like what happened when you told me now like you drain me right? So I tell people all the time when the phone ring. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm a i-i-i-i. Look at the phone. It's like, okay. I know I can't answer this call. Why because they're going to drain me. All right. So watch this guy's see didn't talk about it right here. But he sometimes he talked about it and she was like when he hooked up with me he had made up his mind as he observed because these are supposed to solve. Hey get. Good. These are supposed to solve and get she was like I'm never gonna I'm sorry. I'm not going to speak in your language. I'm sorry. Let me stop I was in my eyes won't get excited he go and see his behalf. I said but he's in the room so I don't have to do that. So, what did you say? What did you make your first goal and our relationship is a deed. What was your first goal? So yeah, obviously Woody being a pastor when I met him and also being an advisor. Everybody will come to him, of course with problems right students on campus. Problems, they come see their advisor and the church people got problems in the marriage and whatever they will go to E and I will be around E.E. Right right hand man. I'll be around. I'm like whoa, everybody just coming just dumping everything on his plate. So one of the reasons I think I endear myself to eat first was just I just decided I'm not bringing him any problems. Like I just won't even if I got a problem. I like to try to figure it out myself or go to somebody else so I can be that sense of relief. And so what happened is he always wanted to be around and always wanted. Me around him because I was the one person who never brought any price still don't think I ever brought a problem to eat them. Like hey, bro, we got this problem. Like I've always said like let me take stuff remove stuff from your plate so that you continue continue to be the heii that attracts all of this and I'll take the rest of the burden from you. Matter of fact, there was things that probably happened that he didn't even know about that as the CEO. He probably should have known about but I was just like don't even worry about it because I didn't want to eat is emotional right in the high gets a little bit more emotional. I didn't even want that on his plate. Like this thing. I'm not about to tell eat some bushes right before he goes on stage to speak. He feels everything right he feels it and so my goal from day one has always been to not only take problems from him. Never to bring a problem. Not even my own to him. So you get that come on try to see it. So the root is is not about me. It's about you and if everybody play that we going to be good what message relationships up is give me give me give me give me give me You're Gonna Lose no relationship that is always give it you're about to kick like if you got to get rid of 10 of your friends, you're not about to get rid of the friends that pay for your dinner. You'll go to your Rolodex like every time we got my man, yeah ain't never got no money I check. All right, that makes sense. Here's what you got to realize your heii. All right your emotional you dream you like to connect. Most of the people that I know that teach this they teach this stuff like a light switch, right? So in a light switch when you have a light switch you do what with a light switch on and off. I want to give you something special eyes. I want you to have a dimmer. Are you with me? Most people that teach did they teach on off on off on off? I don't want you doing any more. I want you to do a dimmer, right? So depending on what your number is you so you see you see I'm a heii I'm talking about I'm talking about really is a honey. They just put he'll say like that. Look at this pace right there. That's like a hundred percent, right? So so so it means that when I'm interacting with people, I'm gonna what I'm on a hunted right when I'm interacting when I'm sharing my opinions among what? I'm on a hundred. I need y'all to talk back to me. Let's start all over again when I'm interacting with people. I'm on what I'm on a hundred. That's not always good. You don't mean I'm wrong for being a high but me and my daughter used to have some challenges and we had challenges because she's a see. And I used to be like yo, my daughter don't respond like my son what's wrong with it? Nothing wrong with her. My son's a high and a higher D. So he doesn't mind that extrovert stuff. My daughter's an introvert. She like whoa dad like, whoa. It's 8:00 in the morning. My wife's a high C. I get up in the morning kiss my wife. She like whoa, like I love you. But like let me brush my teeth like but I'm so like what up girl. Good morning. She like I love you, but I need about an hour like just to myself. She's a see an addiction. Like I just need some time by myself. It's not that I don't love you. But let me go do me and then I'm ready to Take On The World. I'm ready to Take On The World soon as I get up soon as I wake up. I'm like, where's the world that let's go where they at? Let's go who need help? Right, so I'm gonna tear right I'm going to tell him we interacted. I'm going to 10 with my emotions. I'm going to 10 when sharing my pain me and my wife just had a major breakthrough. My wife don't like fighting showing like fussing. She don't like know that she didn't grow up with her father was just her and her mom and they never argued. I'm on 10. I'm trying to help somebody in your marriage. I just gave you a secret. My wife didn't grow up with a father was just her and her mom they never argue because her mom they never had an argument. I'm on 10. We had a situation recently, right? I was going to walk out through this real quick to my eyes because I want you to be a dimmer. So what it means is you shouldn't always be on 10 interacting with people. You shouldn't always be on 10 when you share your opinion. You shouldn't always be on 10 on your emotions. So every time me and my wife talk, I'm going to 10 and I'm like boo why you trippin I do this on YouTube. She like I'm not YouTube. I do this when I preach I'm not a sermon I'm like, all right, let me find out. So it meant we talking to other day. She's like, all right. Yes your son's getting married in a year. The bride's family paid for but it's a couple extra little things. He gonna need like ten fifteen thousand. So I immediately went in sharing my what I'm going to tear sharing them too high just share them Joker's I'm going to tear and share them Joker's right. So I'm looking at they little menu or whatever and I'm like boom. I ain't trying to be funny, but I'm gonna pass. You know, I don't drink they got alcohol and I we got into it. My wife was like whoa. Whoa, what's what are we doing here? I'm like, I'm trying to tell you. She's like you're trying to tell I didn't act first of all, I'm sorry if you thought I asked I'm sorry if you thought I asked for the money. I didn't ask for the money. I said our son. Is having a wedding. Now I say I was buying no purse I was buying a new house. I said our son. Is getting married next year he needs $10,000. She's a deed that's facts. She's a 99 D. So she talking in facts and I'm talking in. Good, let's do it again because some of you are wondering why you're having problems at the job while you having problems that you're in your marriage with your kids because you're not you don't have it is. So my wife is a 99 99 D whenever she speaks she speaks in now. I'm talking and feelings. She like this money money in a feeling where we doing. So then she says to me, let me help you out because you and your feelings hi. So when somebody tell you your feelings and you in your feelings you get in your feelings then now you have like all the way in the joke is not and I'm like what like she said. Oh love for a minute. First of all, did you share your opinion? This is not your wedding. If you having your wedding, you could serve whatever you want to serve and do whatever you want to do number 2. This ain't even your son's wedding. This is his Brides wedding. Do we not have 10 grand? I see I like that you play me. She's like we got laws like not come on, you know, we got $10,000. She said then why are we talking? We should have been finished when I said we need to we're going to do 10. We shouldn't even talk about no. No, like how did this even turn into a discussion right in and I walked away you think I'm playing. I'm not playing I walked away and for two straight weeks. I prayed to God and I wrote down in that formation. And I said God, I'm sorry, but when I was born, I was born on 10, you got to help me. I will not share my opinions from this day forward with people who don't ask for more. Like I was the one that thought because I'm on kid. I'm sharing my opinion with somebody and ask for that's bound to be an argument. I'm sharing my opinion why cuz I was born and share it and I don't never it's always on 10 and I got to get a dimmer switch and turn it down only ask for only give someone your opinion when they ask for it. So I start looking at my son and my relationship I was like, oh man, I see what's going wrong. I be calling my man. Tell him I'm at Highfield. I'll call him and tell him I'm an how I feel about his life. But I was like you already live yours and quiet has kept it ain't like you did it. All right. So why are you giving somebody about your opinion about something that you weren't even a hundred percent with your life like it. What do you like the decisions? You made was all sweet. But now you want to share with him with your life was when you was born in the 70s. He was born in 95. I like leave it alone. Like this is his life. Good. So do me a favor eyes. We supposed to be sharing our opinion but you ain't supposed to be sharing them with people. When you ask for it. You only share your opinion with people who ask for you only interact like on 10 whatever eyes. This is make sense. So what happens eyes as we bring energy, but when people are getting on the plane our job is to make sure they have a phenomenal experience because the did between going to Delta Southwest and all the other ones all the planes pretty much the same. The difference is the experience. So the reason why our company took off and went to a whole other level is because I stopped making decision. The only reason I was making decisions is because I felt like you know, hey, I'm a CEO. I'll see can make the decision but I get to make at least one or two a year. I'm the CEO. No, no, he will say like no play I'm saying I'm holding and CJ 12 years older than my man like this. This is I helped build this matter of fact before I met him. I was doing this I started doing this at 1920. I didn't meet this kid to he was 22 23 so I can so I can get in on some and the reason why we used to have problems when he talked about the conferences and what we do on campus is because he was telling me what he need to do and I was thinking I was injecting my little 70% I got a little 70D. So I'm like see this how we need to do it and the company took off when I led see make the decisions and I focused on the experience. Hey, how did you how did you when you make the decisions now? How do you tell me what I make of this is the only way I get see right because I give him all the decisions but every now and then when I'm like got one is like really like I need to do this. I'd like to see I woke up and prayed this morning like man go for it. All right, man, go go. Card every night and I got to really feel it. You know I'm saying and so I want you guys to really like pay attention what I just said once I get to see all the decisions. Because you can't help a person when you give them all the decisions and you come back and try to micro mind micro manage how they do decisions. So either you give it to him when you don't and some of y'all you giving you about you giving people in your come and then you come back and take it.
Channel: etthehiphoppreacher
Views: 180,658
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Keywords: motivational Speaker eric thomas, inspiration, secrets to success, as bad as you want to breathe, lebron james, motvational speaker, motivational video, grind, eric thomas motivation, eric thomas, motivational speech, success, motivation, motivational speaker eric thomas, motivational, best of eric thomas, inspirational, inspirational video, inspirational speech, eric thomas success, eric thomas motivational speech, eric thomas you owe you, ben lionel scott, best motivational speech
Id: RQrDlNwN0pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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