Your plan to survive a market crash - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, John MacGregor

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hello Robert Kiyosaki and I'm very excited about this Rich dads world and as you know the economy is changing at very high rates of speed and this is a very exciting time for some people but this could also be the biggest disaster for others and the reason why this show is so so important is the theme of the show is that bull markets you know when markets are going up Rising markets look make stupid people look smart let me say it again the theme of this show is when the economy and I had had hand surgery here when the economy is going up even stupid people look smart and my my friend today will be John McGregor he's a recovering certified financial planner working for the dark side Wall Street and um we're going to be talking about how stupid people I'm how a rising market made stupid people think they're smart and I was talking to John again he's from Hawaii like me how can Highly Educated people be so stupid how can Highly Educated people be so stupid well there's many reasons is because they think they're better than us you know they they think they're Above the Law they can do what they want you know like my poor dad with his PhD thought he was Superior to all people although he was flat broke and my rich dad who had no Financial education who Kim met was one smart dude so that's why I'm happy talking to a rich dad's world and all this because what happens in a market crash the really smart people get really rich in a crash the really smart the financially astute the reason we have Rich dad's world the reason we have the cash flow games reason to write our books is this time for really smart people financially smart people financially prepared people to get very rich anyway that's the theme of the show a bull market makes everybody who is stupid smart a crash makes the stupid people look stupid but makes the highly at the people who are educated and prepared very rich so you can ask Kim we make most of our monies and crashes is that correct Kim yes we do and and to your point Robert about you know the the the financially astute versus the smart academics I mean when we always but especially when we were starting out everybody thought we were stupid they thought we were crazy because we were doing everything almost opposite of what the traditional Financial world was doing and I was talking to John earlier and he said even the traditional financial planning it just doesn't work today so we've always been told we were stupid or crazy and didn't know what we were doing I guess we were told we didn't know what we were doing because we did not follow traditional Financial advice and that made all the difference I just can't believe how stupid Highly Educated people are financially so John as at the risk of throwing your own Compadres your buddies under the bus what's your personal opinion of people like Kramer or Abby Joseph Cohen who are the authorities in the Financial stock markets and bond markets yeah well it's it's great to be with you guys always fun to uh get on these calls with us with you guys um you know is the great not was is the great Thomas Soul who said in every disaster throughout American history there always seems to be a man from Harvard in the middle of it I love it I wish I would run for president but um I remember the story you told me a long time ago one of the top Big Five CPA firms told you to sell all your real estate yes we had a meeting with our financial planner or financial strategist and he brought the big league in from New York and this was especially this was the top guy and he was he was going to tell us what to do and and straighten everything out and so the first thing out of his mouth was he said um well looking over your portfolio um I believe you are too heavily invested in real estate and you should sell most of your real estate and put it into stocks that's amazing we thought it was a joke we thought the guy was pulling a joke on us yeah but he was for real he was for real he wanted us to sell everything and put it into stocks but all these CPAs are the Elite yeah they're very high to be a CPA you got to be very smart Robert Kiyosaki is the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad a 10 Roberts free virtual wealth building event claim your free access now at go to you know I mean very smart so these guys are telling Kim and I who are dumb shits but don't have our degrees in finance telling us to get rid of all our stock I mean our real estate and we're paying no taxes yeah they never ask how do you guys get away with not paying taxes well if we invest in real estate they don't understand that and these guys are CPAs before I go any further John give us your background what is a cfp certified financial planner and why are you recovering one yeah I've gone through the 12-step process to recover from that time but uh certified financial planner is the equivalent of a CPA it takes years to be able to be even able to qualify and sit for that exam it's a two-day exam it's exhausting it goes real deep on a lot of different topics um so it's very very comprehensive the problem is although the information is good it's relevant it doesn't get to the core of why people continue to struggle financially and that's what the financial industry is missing so when I answer your question Robert and you know me well enough I'm so Politically Incorrect Jim Cramer Abby Jose Cohen uh Janet Yellen uh Powell all these smart people in the room right they all just think they're smarter than everybody else because they don't have any answers to what's going on and I can go on and on but and John Jenna Yellen went in front of that same Congress yeah and here's inflation going through the roof and oil and Kim and I don't own oil companies we own oil production we actually own the oil so oil went from thirty dollars a barrel to a hundred thirty dollars a barrel in one day that means we had a 400 percent increase in cash flow but it also destroyed the poor middle class because all economies brought on oil food and fuel so in the micro economy you have this Yuppie standing there in front of their leased SUV pumping gas in looking at the gas meter going up dude the gas pump gee why is prices going up so high as they sit there chewing on their Fried Chicken they got from the uh Food Mart at the gas station and they use that maxed out credit card and they're hoping the next election will save them that's the American public that's micro but macro they're being screwed left and right so a lot of times the talks I do are not micro they're macro let me just say this much from the problems with macroeconomics is you can't see it you really you haven't been to an oil well to see the oil coming out of the ground and every barrel makes Kim and I richer but unfortunately it destroys the world and whenever yep and Robert I think to that point so many people in that situation are waiting for somebody else to fix it instead of taking control of them of their own amen the world so you want somebody else to fix it instead of doing what they need to do to take care of themselves if I could still shamelessly plug Rich dad's world for those of you who think you better start fixing it yourself that's what the Rich Dad world's program is that's the cash flow games that's our books John what's the name of your book um well the first book is the top 10 reasons the rich go broke and it's it's powerful stories people I knew you knew in Hawaii that had everything and then lost it all not just Hawaii but people that I've worked with that had everything and then lost it all so although it's a book about why the rich went broke it's really about why everyone goes broke because it's the same underlying psychological issue that so many people have so so just because you were Rich yesterday doesn't mean you're rich tomorrow is that what you're saying 100 100 yep continue on Kim it's not rich today and just because you're not rich today doesn't mean you can't be rich tomorrow correct and that's all I miss say it again a bull market and a bubble Market really is what it is makes stupid people look smart yep but a crash makes them look stupid and they can't admit it that's why Cramer and Abby Joseph Cohen and Yellen they can't talk about what's really going on because they'd have to look stupid meanwhile the people go to Rich dad's world have a chance because when the market crashes it's going to be as a possible depression but the next depression may be the biggest opportunity you ever have or wipe you out it's your choice I mean I don't want people to be hurt but from a from an opportunistic standpoint I think there's going to be a tremendous amount of opportunities which means it's going to get really ugly very quickly um way worse than it is now you know case in point I I can remember I was in 2007 I was in Puerto Rico for an investment conference in Alan Greenspan the guy who walked on water right everyone just thought he was you know Godlike and he was up there he gave this long 60-minute who knows what he was talking about no one followed him no one could understand him and finally went to q a this is 2007 and the first question was that everyone was wanting to hear what do you think is going to happen in the real estate market and he said nine months before the crash we've looked at it yes there are Pockets there might be a problem here and there but overall we think the uh the real estate market is solid and we all know what happened nine months later that's Alan Greenspan and everyone worshiped him as the greatest Economist this planet has ever seen so it's just perfect example of these Elites who think they're so smart because they went to an Ivy League school or they got a PhD or whatever and they've they kind of hang around in their own little circles they don't know what's going on outside the real world and um and that's what leads to so many of these problems and if I could add to that John and we're talking about the last time whenever I was talking to you I ask you this question how come they can't admit they made a mistake and that's because they think they're smarter than everybody and you know academics if you you admit you're a mistake you're a loser you're a failure but they can't talk about it this is the other point you know John how many fund managers you know are going to stand up there and said sell everything oh no no and most people don't realize this when they invest in a mutual fund or an investment with an investment manager and we all see them on television right we do things differently and all that stuff most of them 99 of them have a mandate to stay fully invested in whatever strategy they're in so even if they knew a missile was coming over from Iran or wherever or World War III was going to break out these money managers by mandate by prospectus have to stay fully invested even if they had a crystal ball showing that everything is going to go to hell in a handbasket and and that's what happens people wake up one day and they turn on the television and they see this massive market crash and they look at their 401k account and it's in half I mean that that has happened so if fund managers are are seeing that the market is crashing they will not take your their your money out of the stock market most are required so the the reason the law their logic behind it cam is you hired us to manage growth stocks and that's what we're going to manage on your behalf you didn't hire us to manage cash or bonds or gold you hired us to manage these types of stocks and that's what we're going to do no matter what's going on now there are there are a handful a small percentage of mutual fund managers or money managers that can move some into cash if they think things are going to go bad but most of the time I thought nine out of 10 times those money managers are required to stay fully invested in the market that they manage the type of Market that they manage and also if I could add this John by the way rich dad does not give Financial advice right we're not saying sell the reason we have John on this is because he's a recovering certified financial planner and it makes you sick doesn't it what you see going on no question about it absolutely the other part about it is is when they're fully invested they also can't get out like there's a thing called REITs Reit Real Estate Investment Trust they're so illiquid they couldn't get out anyway and and my concern is you know this work at home issue is coming up you know real estate's a very big subject that's residential there's Warehouse there's uh Office Buildings there's retail and all this but the office building REITs Real Estate Investment Trust they're so fully vested and people are not going back to work so I look at these office building trusts they can't get out that's what John is saying they can't get out even if they wanted to any comments John on that yeah absolutely I mean just look at these shopping malls and strip malls um Office Buildings like you said people aren't going to off into offices anymore I mean what are they going to do with these shopping centers that are just vacant I mean I see them around here it's crazy it's really scary you know yeah so if somebody can figure that out how to repurpose those shopping malls how to repurpose commercial op commercial office I mean there's a huge opportunity there and I know there's all sorts of discussions happening about that well think about these large retailers JCPenney Kmart Sears I mean that's millions of square footage of of just empty space what do they do with that so the the point here is this is when they see real estate's crashing the reason we have Rich dad's world you ever know what segment of real estate's crash exactly that's a very big differential there and so I was I was cruising Macy's yesterday everything is on sale I was at Walmart everything is on sale so the retailers are getting crushed so those big box you know the you know Tim do you remember when Rob uh when we were in San Diego what's his name everybody wanted to get into big box stores this is 30 years ago today everyone wants to get out of big box stores because online shopping is killing them and the customer is going broke yep but to your point too Robert about you know what kind of segment what what real estate segment is it because some real estate segments are doing great right now I mean you and I were in you know a couple years ago we were looking at the Port Authority in in uh Georgia because warehousing is gonna is growing like wildfire um our other friend Craig was looking at a deal for us which is industrial and that's and that's doing really well in the Phoenix area the other thing we're investing in besides oil you know because I have Kim and I have no stocks or bonds no ETFs no funds except things that we started because we're entrepreneurs and cap we're Venture capitalism is what we are and so the other thing we invested in is wagyu cattle food and I go why why Google because that's a brand and the rich will always have money the poor the middle class will have to eat ground turkey or fake beef you know what I mean so we invested in Kim and I invested in wagyu cattle we actually bought the calves and all that and because that's food and people have to eat you may not like to eat beef you can eat your fake beef or whatever fake chicken but the rich will always order a brand so there's so many distinctions which education is supposed to give you that makes you smarter no matter what happens in the economy and that's why we have Rich dad's world is get the basic information out there so you can either take control of your own finances or let some college-educated person from Stanford MIT do it for you Robert already warned us 2023 is going to be the year of lost wealth after all Goldman Sachs predicts you'll see Zero returns from stocks of the rest of 2023 and investors like you have already made a record number of emergency hardship withdrawals from the 401ks now a stunning survey reveals that over half the Americans making six figures are living paycheck to paycheck combined with tens of thousands of layoffs in just the last few weeks it becomes clear that a financial storm is brewing and nobody is safe but if you think brilliant investors like Robert are letting their money waste away in a 60 40 portfolio think again for years Robert and other experts have been investing Millions into low correlation assets that can still climb when the stock market flatlines and according to a recent Citibank report of the major asset classes the lowest correlation belongs to Art in fact experts say just a five percent portfolio allocation to Art can both increase returns and lower volatility now you can easily get that allocation in your own portfolio without needing Millions thanks to Masterworks our longtime partner their platform lets you invest in shares of paintings by icons like Picasso and Banksy every single one of Masterworks exits to date have delivered positive returns to their investors with three recent exits delivering 10 13 and 35 percent now returns no wonder over 700 000 users have invested more than half a billion dollars on Masterworks offerings have sold out in minutes but Rich Dad listeners can skip the waitlist by going to Rich Dad that's Masterworks and Dot art slash Rich Dad see important disclosures at CD Today's Show is sponsored by gold Alliance if you're concerned about high inflation looming recession a troubled banking system or out of control spending in Washington this is an important message to hear because the fact is during every major crisis in US US History many of those who failed to prepare watch their savings Investments or retirement funds go down while many with the foresight to own gold helped preserve their purchasing power gold even made some folks richer now we're facing several major crises at once and experts say we may soon face even more economic trouble so please don't wait learn the simple way you can diversify with gold and put yourself on the road to financial peace of mind even in uncertain times the new free 2023 goal guide from our friends at Gold Alliance can show you how just visit Robert or call 1-800-473-4585 Republican governor and conservative commentator Mike Huckabee says gold Alliance is the only goal provider he recommends to his friends and family find out why and visit Robert or call now at [Music] 1-800-473-4585 feeling powerless over current events and your financial future Financial Freedom is your freedom Robert Kiyosaki is the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad over 40 million people have taken Robert's advice now it's your turn attend Roberts free virtual wealth building event claim your free access now at don't wait access is limited go to that's any comments John you just nailed it right there I think the key there the overarching theme of kind of what we're talking about is regardless of what's going on in the world there are always always opportunities and you cannot rely on somebody else to find them for you you've got to do your own work um and yet people are just either their heads in the sand or they're completely unaware of what's going on in the real world because like you said they're not they're in the micro world you know worried about this is taking advice from Certified Financial plan that's why you're recovering cfp if I could add that to the back exactly what you're saying the reason does Rich Dad world is my rich dad was my coach I mean he slapped me around the place yelled at me called me stupid he was tough but which dads were all about it not not that they're mean but people like me needed a coach and the other reason Kim and I created the cash flow board game is the way my rich dad taught me about money was playing Monopoly and as Maria Montessori says at the Montessori School System says what the hand does the Mind remembers so if you're just getting words it goes in left ear comes out right here and so you have the cash flow board game you actually have to do something so you have Rich dad's world I mean I have a CO I had a coach you know Kim I had a fantastic coach who Frank Quarry and the reason Kim and I now own Partners in one of the biggest richest gold mines in the world is because of Frank we had great coaches right Kim we did and and they would say things or show us things or do things with us that actually did change our thinking about how we operate um but again it's it's people have to sometimes get uncomfortable because when you're learning something new it can be uncomfortable so but again to your point if you have coaches and mentors oh my God if there's any shortcut to learning for me it's coaches and mentors so rich dad world is specifically in real estate and other financial matters are your coaches they're great people John who was your personal coach who affected you I had several I mean you guys are certainly one of them um and I read Rich Dad Poor Dad many many years ago and that was a game changer moment for me I've had my my father who's been a great mentor my grandfather but when I look back what was really interesting is it was a mentor in a roundabout way and it was really sort of the Genesis behind my book why the rich go broke and I was Landscaping um in between courses at the University of Hawaii I'd come back from New Zealand I was just taking some classes part-time and I was landscaping for make some money and we showed up at my favorite house it's on halekoa Ridge beautiful looking overlooking the ocean and it was just the dream home straight out of a magazine and I finally finished and I asked my boss Larry I said what do they do and he said you really want to know do you really want what they have I said absolutely that's why I'm out here in 90 degree weather going to going to class as well and he said we'll go up and take a look in the kitchen and I walked up walked up this beautiful grass looked in the kitchen and all I saw was a paper plate on a pot kettle on the on the on the stove and a rolled up futon in the corner I was like what gifts because people must have just moved in so I went back to Larry and I said what's the deal he said well they're flat broke I said they spent money like they like they were never it was never going to end he was a political consultant and then his his candidate loss got in trouble she was an up-and-coming realtor and then she got cancer and now I still where are they right now he said they are living in the sister's basement hiding from creditors they are flat broke and yet on the outside they looked amazing the nice cars the car the backyard everything was just beautifully set up and that's when Larry said to me who's still mowing yards this day he said John you'd be surprised how many of these beautiful houses that we're working on are one paycheck way one commission check away from going under and he said John too many people are trying to keep up with the Joneses he said he's and then he said the second part he said but the problem is the Joneses are broke as well and and when I heard that that was the game changer Epiphany moment another Epiphany moment in my life that made me realize that I will never put myself in that situation and that's when I set out to become financially free by the time I was 40. and I I hit my goal at 37 and that story that moment um still gives me goosebumps when I tell that story um I kind of consider a mentor as well um not not just an individual but it was a story as an experience I went through so so if I could go on about rich dad's world because that's what they offer and I think soon you're going to see a huge real estate crash coming up just like gold and silver will crash by the way this is real gold here that's about 2 000 bucks and this here is real silver it's about 37 bucks and this here is a fake silver quarter you can tell by its copper it's the same color as this copper we have so much fake money floating right now that's why the economy is floating but when that baby comes down all the stupid people who looked smart when it was floating up will look stupid the problem is as the theme of this show is educated people cannot admit they made a mistake so ladies and gentlemen I just want to say that the theme of this show is when they started printing fake money was this quarter is fake this went fake in 1964. they violated a law called gresham's law and what gresham's law says is when fake money enters a system good money goes into Heidi but that what that set up so this here is rail gold and I bought my first gold coin in 1972 in Hong Kong was a South African cougar in paid 50 bucks for it today it's worth two thousand that's the not that the goal went out the dollar went down so my point here is this the reason you have Rich dad's world is real estate's a very big subject you could have warehousing Office Buildings uh shopping centers off you know everything but the one thing that's causing people to grow broke exactly as John says they're hanging on to their freaking houses you know what I mean that housing is vital gas is vital so is food vital Walmart's going broke Target's going broke but they'll hang on to their house now this is the rule on real estate real estate depends upon jobs interest rates are going up and down I don't really care people will fight for a place to live so if they move that they lose that big house that John talks about and there are lots that will those big houses are opportunities but what Kim and I and Ken McElroy invest in are apartment houses right Kim yeah it's like it's like people need oil people need food timber people need a place to live they're always going to need shelter always and we never and and you know you also have to look at there's so many nuances to real estate and one of the things we've always done Robert with Kenny as you know is we don't go for the high end we don't go for the luxury apartments because if the economy turns those people move down and they then they downsize to a b apartment in Middle apartment which is where we specialize so there's a lot to learn but if you if you're educated and you're ready and when this crash comes then you're going to see all sorts of opportunities if you're not educated it's just going to run right by you yeah I think that's the most important thing you said Jim you can say while the market hasn't crashed yet well you want to get ready for it you know if if I was going to say okay I'm going to turn pro golfer but I won't turn pro until I'm ready to hit the ball I'm not going to win so we have Rich dad's World here start practicing start learning residential is I mean I think I think I was cracking up Johnny's in those big houses are empty it's going to flush their kids out of their basement oh into their parents basement these kids can't find jobs no yeah because Biden is paying them not to work so the residential property I mean Kim and I are sitting fat and happy just like we are with oil the more they the more they raise they the more they cut pipelines off Kim and I get richer but America gets poorer people poor middle class all over the world get poor well that's why I created the Casual board game wrote Rich Dad part of that why you wrote what the 10 reasons why uh the rich girl broke is they don't have really good Financial education and most of them are listening to people with a vested interest in selling them something yes so before you start buying real estate when the crash comes I would start practicing today any comments on that Jim well and and on top of that if you are invested in some real estate um we never stop learning you and I um but there's also there's so many different Avenues and you've got to understand where the opportunity lies and what sector it lies in what town it lies you know you can talk about Arizona well parts of Arizona are booming and parts of Arizona are dying so you've got to understand there's just so many nuances and that's why that's why we uh we love Rich Dad world and the education and the mentoring that they give that's why Robert and I and John are educators of financial literacy that's why we do what we do because you know I I always say I can't control the US economy I can't control the global economy but I can control my own personal economy that I can control and that takes education that sometimes takes being uncomfortable it takes a lot of learning and it takes a lot of mistakes we make a lot of mistakes all of us so back up that Kim says we can all see the micro economy we often can't see a macro because it's invisible because invisible because macro is historical so every time when the Chinese government did this they took good money and turned it fake the Chinese are the first to print paper money it brought down the Chinese Empire when the Romans did this it brought discretion's law again when fake money enters the system good money goes into hiding the Roman Empire came down in 1971 Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard it was the end of the American Empire gresham's law and the problem is 71 was quite a while ago and all these Highly Educated people especially the young financial planners John if they came into the market after 2008 they've never seen a bear Market yeah am I correct on that they've never seen inflation they've never seen a bear Market um and this goes all the way back to the 70s right A lot of people born you know mid to late 70s they haven't seen any of this pain and suffering that so many of us have seen so they think it's just one big Utopia um but but you know you talk about macro and I couldn't agree with you more and Kim you mentioned its mindset I I see Mac Pro as mindset but the problem is and we've seen this speaking Around The World Together people come up to us at these conferences like John what do you think about crypto should I get into it what do you think about day trading should I start doing that what do you think about multi-level marketing and they run off and uh without thinking the big picture without having the mindset and it just ends in a disaster most of the time because they haven't taken the time to really study and really learn and they haven't seen history John you know I mean because yeah you know when when um after Nixon took the dollar off the goal standard real estate went through the roof and I started hearing Oh Real Estate never comes down real estate never comes down am I rich dad that's what my rich dad said to me and said that a bull market or a rising Park Market covers up people's stupidity but when you have these young people who haven't seen history like I go all the way back to a Chinese Empire the Roman Empire studied all of that real money and make it fake money it's gresham's law the Empire collapses so the question is who's going to pay off the 300 trillion in U.S debt they said debt is 30 trillion is really 300 trillion they're going to have to pay that off America's bankrupt because we just violated gresham's law we started printing money so for me this is going to be a great opportunity because exactly Kim's is when the shopping centers go down Office Buildings go down who's gonna Who's Gonna Fill them up and uh as Bucky Buckminster Fuller said my teacher he says the biggest Office Buildings in the world become low-income housing yeah so I that's how you see the future that's why average dad's world but you better start practicing now before the crash I agree and and you know also because sometimes it's unknown and it's unfamiliar people want to make up a lot of excuses the latest excuse I've heard over and over and over for the last few months is oh I'm not going to buy because interest rates are up Robert when you and I started when I started real estate investing you started before me when I started I think interest rates were like 13. and and we still cash flowed so rich dad's world is here for you but you'd better start preparing today you're going to be a pro golfer don't start the day you tee off right Kim right it takes a lot of work a lot a lot of mistakes lots of mistakes well just adding to that you know that sort of the overarching theme of my book and what I talk about is that learning from people's success is as smart but learning from people's mistakes is genius um I I as I always tell people and this isn't this is an unpaid endorsement it's all about mindset and if they want to get serious about their financial life I always say play the cash flow game that really sets the context in place for you then to take the next step and become you know financially free and independent and and get off that paycheck um get off living on Payne Island so that's that's where I leave it and I just think um programs like this and Rich world and um and and and the books it's so so important especially now with what's going on because we are in unprecedented territory and it's only going to get worse now is the time you've got to get prepared and and the last thing I'll say is we talk about mentorship that there's I I don't think there's anything more important than having a mentor or mentors even the greatest athletes in the world have coaches and mentors so no matter who you are you've got to get a mentor in this program as an ideal Mentor um as one of your coaches you know there's there have been so many there are so many changes every day you wake up and you go oh I can't get any it can't get any crazier than this and it gets crazier that day but when you look around and you can look around just in your neighborhood look in your street you'll see all these trends that are changing you know everybody wants delivery that's why Robert and I were looking at warehousing so there is a lot of opportunity if you've got the skill set and the knowledge and the experience to take advantage of it and again that's what Rich Dad that's what Rich Dad world is all about um kind of training your brain to see opportunities where before you you'd miss them thank you I have Kim if you could get a 20 return on 10 interest all day long all day long and that's why when people say oh interest rates are 10 I want to know what inflation's running at yeah it's a little bit more macro yeah so that's that's a different way what John calls mine says a different way of thinking this is the most exciting time to be alive thank you all for watching this program [Music] this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 99,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert kiyosaki, financial education, financial literacy, inflation, how to invest in a down market, investing for beginners, Kim Kiyosaki, action plan for success, world news, market crash, market crash robert kiyosaki
Id: u-2XaqEO_n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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