Financial Trends for 2024: Banks, Bitcoin, and Real Estate - Robert Kiyosaki, Gerald Celente

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so we're in 2024 today and your trans Journal is forecasting World War I plus the banks are going to go bust that was a year ago that was Silverado and all those guys went bust we're still in trouble there so they have to start a World War to take the pressure off of our own Administration is that what you're saying hello hello hello Robert kosaki the Rich Dad Radio Show I'm broadcasting from Phoenix Arizona words either heaven or hell right now it's pretty much like heaven I have a very special guest today he one of my favorites uh he grew up in an area that I went to school in and it's a different part of the world and um it's kind of Long Island New York that area but uh the one thing about that part of the world on Long Island New York and Brooklyn and all this you learn to speak quickly that's a great place to grow up and for me it was a good place to go to school our friend today is Gerald salente he's known for the trans Journal his research is impeccable well respected he's the a producer editor of the Trends Journal so if you want to find out what's going on you can subscribe to the Trends Journal stay ahead of the trends that are coming so with that Jo welcome to the richdad show again and I'd appreciate if you give a little bit of your background is how got into this trend business well thank you so much and and by the way I'm a lucky man I'm aano born in the Bronx right after World War II 1946 and as you said you're born to be free you know don't tell me what to do I will tell you what to do let's have a good time you know and the spirit was so high I began um my career at a graduate school I started working on political campaigns and Westchester County which was the richest county in America and they were grooming me I became the assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate and uh from there I taught designed an instructed a course called American politics and campaign technology how to run political campaigns and I quit the job up there in the Senate it wasn't my kind of trip uh watching grown men grow to suck their way up to the top isn't the way I grew up and that's all the political system is it's the people I hated in high school and college that wanted to be class president the head of the student council so then I became the number two guy running a major trade Association and again I you know as I said I pulled a lot of crap in my life in the 1970s I was working for the chemical industry and I was killing environmental legislation and I was 28 years old staying at the Willard Hotel and putting my meetings on the hey Adams here's a photograph of me and ronal Reagan yeah I voted for Richard Nixon that's how stupid I was 1968 but anyway I picked him up at the Chicago Hilton and put on a brunch for him and 16 of our board of directors two days before he's announcing I'm 30 years old running against Gerald Ford so I've been with presidents Prime Ministers and princes they been on the other side that's why I know what it looks like and what happened was the Iranian conflict started to break out this is when I became a trend forecaster and people had no idea the United States overthrow the democratically elected government of uh mosed in 1953 and he had to nerve the Iranian president to say no that oil does not belong to Anglo Iranian oil better known today as BP or Standard Oil better known today as on mobile that's our oil no it's not and Churchill and Kermit Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt's great-grandson he was at the CIA they overthrew the government and they had the Sak the secret police that made the SS look good so the Hat was building up so when the revolution started happening in the light late 1970s this is when I became a political atheist because all they did was teach us to hate Iran without knowing any of the facts and I wrote about this in my book Trend tracking far better than Mega Trends Time Magazine how I became a trend forecaster so is everybody's learning to hate hate hate these countries that they teach you to hate I said what will be the implications and I bet $5,000 I didn't know what I was doing on the oil Futures and the gold Futures and I brought it up to almost three4 of million dollars and that's when I quit my job and I realized you have to look things are the way they are not the way you want them to be correct and that opportunity misses those who view the World Through The Eyes of their profession you have to look at all the different areas of what's going on and make connections between different fields and that's the way I became a trend forecaster and and and I again as I said I was very very fortunate in in you know the way I grew up where I grew up and the different things that I've seen to to to have a vision of the future and so today a general uh is editor and publisher of the Trends Journal publication I subscribe to I read look at because if you're going to stay ahead of the times you better fig out what what's coming down the road as they say Y and U we're going to talk today about a good year for gold which is good but also the reason gold is good is our banks are going bust but the one that is probably closest and nearest dear to my heart is World War II and um as Gerald and I know anytime governments or politicians get in trouble they start a war it's it's their way of taking the pressure off of them so um being I'm fourth generation Japanese American and Gerald people still come up to me and says well how long have you been out of Japan I said since about [Laughter] 1880 have you some Americans are so and stupid I said well how could you left Japan in 1880 you don't look that old so what what what was the cause of what What caused Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor that's that's a very sore subject in our book you know I didn't know this until I I I do a weekly podcast with Judge Andrew napalitano and we were talking about oil prices and what was going on and then he and then somehow Japan came up and he said you know the United States cut off Japan's oil prior to the bombing of pro Harbor I said yeah I knew that but you know I I all I did was I Googled up Franken Roosevelt seizes Japanese assets and pop up comes mainstream history today you ready you United States freezes Japanese assets on July 26 1941 and of course the Japanese bomb Pearl haror in December so it's July August September October November December Franken Roosevelt seizes all Japanese Assets in the United States you know why in retaliation for the Japanese Occupation of French Indochina Japanese how dare they go into French Indochina when the French are in there stealing their rubber their 10 rape robbing and pillaging well they're up in Algeria they're over in Morocco they could go any way they want how dare the Japanese go there then it gets better it goes on to say that um J Japan followed up by occupying Cameron Naval Base 800 miles from the Philippines where Americans had troops what the hell are Americans doing in the Philippines with troops oh and how dare those Japanese been in Vietnam it goes better than this President Roosevelt swung into action by freezing all Japanese Assets in America Britain and the Dutch East Indies oh the Dutch East Indies you mean the Dutch robbing and pillaging and stealing stuff out of Indonesia oh yeah the Dutch East Indies we can do what any we think we want don't you know who we are we're the Dutch anyway followed suit the result Japan lost access h to 34s of its overseas trade and 88% of its imported oil they only import 100% so they cut off 88% can't understand why they bomb Pearl Harbor oh and you know what else they say right here those Japanese that they would the the Great Britain was very upset because they were threatened because of their bases in Shanghai oh the Sun never sets on the British Empire they could steal Robb and pillage anywhere they want how dare they're crazy people in charge when all else fails they take you to war it was the Great Depression What followed the do com bust the war on terror people forget the United States was in terribly into recession people couldn't stand little Georgie Bush that daddy's boy born on third base and thought he had a home run 88% of the people swallow the crap spewing out of his Bush's mouth we're gonna get that guy Osama Bin Laden better alive in America's longest war in Afghanistan a losing War cost trillions killed hundreds of thousands and what we get for it it's the same Maniacs that are in charge now somewhere in 2024 today and your trans Journal is forecasting World War II plus the banks are going to go bust that was a year ago that was Silverado and all those guys went bust we're still in trouble there so they have to start a World War to take the pressure off of our own Administration is that what you're saying that's what I'm saying they look let's go to let's go to the Israel war again in the Trends Journal we write about it WR about it and everybody knows that they G get a discount it's only $2.50 a week when they go to your site that what we're saying yes not our language the language of the mainstream media we go back to December 2022 tracking Trends is the understanding of where we are how we got here to see where we're going the Netanyahu government came in all the media called it extreme right-wing government again week after week we what we do in the trends Journey we report what in the world is going on so let take Israel for example oh we subscribe to how that's the Israeli newspapers we go to Jerusalem Post uh we go to uh Times of Israel oh and then we go to Al jazer oh we go to the Isn r a r i n the Iranian we look at what's going on in the world how they're reporting it we say how they're reporting it and we give our Trend analysis for 39 weeks beginning in 2023 there were protests in Israel against netanyahu's judicial Reform Act that basically said the courts don't count the politicians are in charge and they can't bring me up on my charges 39 weeks of protest not my language the language from Isaac Herzog the president of Israel with in a civil war there were 39 weeks of protest October 7th happens Hamas attacks all of that's forgotten they went to war and again we write the facts two days after the Hamas attack reports came out that the United States in Egypt had warned Israel that this is going to happen right and there's report after report after report after report saying they knew it was going to happen they let it happen they let it happen yes there was a colonel MC McDonald Colonel McGregor he said there's something fishy about that attack he says they let it happen when all else fails they take you a war right the people can't stand Netanyahu his ratings are in the toilet they're protests against him but when the war broke out everybody forgot about what happened for 39 weeks right and so that's what we're ramping up to and I'm very concerned about it uh again the Ukraine war this War uh and and you again we only put the data in there where they want another hundred billion dollars out of out of uh Europe to keep the war going in Ukraine and they're coming out with this crap that oh you were in the Vietnam War you I remember this we're about the same age yeah if we don't stop those commies in Vietnam who which now by the way they our second largest we import there is second large we import more clothing and shoes from Vietnam than anywhere else they are number two but they're still the same Communists that if we didn't stop them those dominoes will keep falling and before you know it they'll hit the shores of California they're saying the same thing with the Ukraine war so we again ladies and gentlemen this is the BRAT radio show we're talking to my friend Geral salente again uh he grew up where went to school in New York and it's a very different part of the world and you better uh talk fast talk straight and don't BS anybody so Gerald is also in charge of the trans journal A publication I highly recommend people subscribe to because you've got to see what's coming down the road before it hits us so we come back we'll be talking more about Banks going bus which will means Golds going to go up as well as Bitcoin but also World War III and that's what concerns me the most is because u i served twice in Vietnam the place you mentioned was cam ran Bay that was my first place I ever stopped I I sat out there in caman Bay delivering 500 750 and th000 PB bombs to the US Air Force out there but anyway we'll come back we'll have Gerald sente and why we're going to World War II we'll be right [Music] back have you heard about the expanding influence of bricks Brazil Russia India China and South Africa and its potential to severely impact the US dollar by possibly creating a new world currency even JP Morgan said and I'm paraphrasing the impact of bricks would most likely be felt here in the US where moving away from the dollar would cause our financial assets like our IRAs and 401ks to lose value we agree with JP Morgan and many others now is the time to position your yourself for stability security and wealth protection so take it from Robert and me whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting we believe that gold should be a part of everyone's portfolio seize the opportunity to ensure your financial future with gold and do it with one of the best in the industry Allegiance gold Allegiance gold has done things right from the beginning having earned five stars with trust link and an A+ with the Better Business Bureau Allegiance gold can help protect your IRA or 401K with physical gold and silver or you can have it delivered securely to your doorstep get up to $5,000 in free silver on a qualifying investment when you visit protect withth today or you can call 8443 Robert that's 8443 Robert Robert sounded the alarm in 2023 and his warnings came true unfortunately for many it was a year of lost wealth but it was the complete opposite for the billionaire class now the wealthiest 10% of Americans own over 92% of all US Stocks but here's the good news you can invest just as these billionaires did Robert has said if you want to be rich do what the rich do so you can diversify across the asset classes with what are called Low correlation alternative assets for example fine art as a tangible asset that rarely ever changes hands the Fine Art Market is more resistant to traditional volatility so the Fine Art component of these billionaires portfolios are at less risk and now you can add the same Blue Chip art to your portfolio from the comfort of your own home you don't have to be an Art Expert to do so Masterworks our longtime sponsor has an art investing platform with over 880,000 people on board and nearly 1 billion in assets under management from their successful art sales they have consistently delivered a profit to their investors and you can even go check their numbers our viewers can skip Masterwork weit list by using the link in the description below hi everyone I'm Kim kosaki thank you for being with us today as CEO and co-founder of the Rich Dad company I can assure you Robert and I are both dedicated to our Rich Dad mission to elevate the financial well-being of humanity and you are the humanity we truly want you to succeed when you succeed we all succeed and our mission grows stronger with that in mind I'm excited to extend a personal invitation to you to elevate your financial well-being by attending our exclusive free online wealth building event hosted by Robert you'll learn what to focus on first to start increasing your cash flow immediately you can reserve your seat right now by going to Rich Dad just go to richdad the event is 100% free and will help you achieve your financial goals welcome back Robert kosaki this is Rich Dad Radio Show um again we make recommendations but we don't say to do anything we're not we don't give investment advice Our Guest today is a longtime friend J salente like I said he I he grew up where went to school on the North Shore of Long Island and that's a different part of the world there I always said Joel Long Island should seced from the nation you know it's a different country yeah but anyway um we're talking about the golden year for gold but the what's the reason for it is the banks are going bust everybody knows that Bitcoin is going through the roof but the the part that concerns me the most is World War II we're on the verge of it right now and Jo could you mind showing us the transend journal and the Articles you wrote on this this is a publication I subscribe to I I highly recommend I make nothing from it but I suggest you subscribe to it so we you show us this this issue this this is spring 2014 so happy that guy is the article is written by Dr Paul Craig Roberts who was the assistant treasury secretary under Nixon uh not excuse me under Reagan I keep saying Nixon for Reagan but anyway here's the article Washington is driving the world to the final war and just briefly Ukraine presented the perfect opportunity for Washington to advance his honic agenda in a speech at the national Press Club last December meaning 2013 assistant Secretary of State Victoria nulan boasted that Washington had invested $5 billion in non-governmental organizations NOS in Ukraine you know why for the purpose to teach democracy they overthrew the government here's the deal Ukraine's been busted since the breakup of the Soviet Union right again the United European Union called it the most corrupt country in Europe and the latest polls are showing from Ukraine you could look it up number one concern of the people other than the war is corrupt government corruption so what happens yanukovich who was the president of Ukraine made a deal the going broke with the IMF the international Mafia a monetary fund and the um EU the European Union to borrow money Putin came along and said listen I'll give you lower interest rates and I'm going to cut the price of your gas and oil Yan kovich said okay we're going with you no you're not that was the revolution that was Victoria nulan the clown lady that just left and under the Biden Administration still under secretary of state that was passing out cookies and Candy along with John McCain in Maiden Square the United States overthrew the government people forget they don't want to know go back to to the breakup of the Soviet Union the deal made between Gorbachev and Bush Senor that NATO would not quote NATO would not move one inch further there were 16 NATO countries back then now they doubled it up so if we had the r the Russians up there in uh Canada and the Chinese down there in Mexico with missiles aimed at the United States oh we'd be so happy so anyway tell tell us more about this Dr transend Journal how how much does it cost and um how often does it come out it's a weekly it's over 170 Pages a week you can listen to it people I can't read 170 Pages it's a magazine you read what you want we cover everything from AI to high-tech science geopolitics economics technocracy we cover the world hard Health Fitness Nutrition we all the trends going on that we can give you and it's for the grand total of $2 if they subscribe through you of 50 cents a week $250 a week thank you nothing nothing the the the wall [ __ ] J Wall Street Journal $5 a day they shrunk it down to nothing we're lucky to get one or two Trend worthy stories out of it I need data we need facts the the the New York Times they call themselves The paper record it's a toilet paper record $4 a day right we're not getting anything from this we've never had to work harder because we have to go around the world Now searching for information for data so we could see the trends developing because journalism is dead in America God amen amen amen so let me ask you this this trend I'm I'm concerned about now it's everybody knows goals going up bitco Co is now passing I think 70,000 a coin and our banks are going bust and we're on the verge of World War I and they're all related and I think that's what I love about your publication is that you kind of sew it all together to give us a more complete view versus a fragmented view so why are our banks in trouble okay let's go back to the co War launched on Chinese Lun a new year the Year of the rat in January 2020 they lock down everything lock down everything you can't go to work go home and now people stay working from home right and they're saying to themselves week after week month after month year after year I've been getting up at five o'clock in the morning to commute an hour and a half each way I hated it and question me all them I'm not doing it anymore now let's say I'm the guy that owns the cubicles I don't see him anyway yeah stay home I don't need all this I don't I'm paying all this rent I don't need it so let's we had forecast this was going to happen in the Trends Journal in May of 2020 our one of our top trends was office building bust so here are the facts now that they're finally reporting okay here we go downtown Portland's office vacancy rate is highest in the nation it's only at um 29% vacant oh Bloomberg oh this is April second little late on it office vacancy rates near 20% to set fresh record Moody says okay 20% of the offices are vacant nobody there how you going to pay a how you going to pay your debt if you own the building vacant and not only that how about all the businesses that depended on commuters oh they're going out of business too now let's look at the office occupancy rate meaning people in the office go to Castle systems with a K of the 10 largest system uh B uh cities it's around 50% so now we keep going global downgrades Outlook of five Regional banks in us to negative oh we talk you talked about last year with the signature and Silicon Valley and First Republic do you know what the data now is of negative Banks it's not five it's almost 300 and there's 300 here report five banks have combined half trillion dollars in commercial real estate loans f and end Banks face $2 trillion world uh wall of commercial property debt $2 trillion coming due they're not going to be able to pay it the banks are going to go bust it's going to be a banking crisis the likes of which we have never seen in the world correct but there's one more thing Geral is that those banks that the a lot of the buildings are REITs real estate investment trusts and those are in the pen of all these baby boomers that's right and so yeah that's that's why I wrote a book years ago about who stole my pension is that the NASDAQ is at all-time high everybody's happy there they're drinking partying but our stock market is about to go down because of all those Office Buildings because of Co I agree with you 100% and now this is an article from April 5th Bang stall for time on office loans stall for time right for the banks the phenomenon which critics often dub extended and pretend has added significantly to the 2024 maturities so what they're doing is they're saying yeah loans come through I don't have the money don't worry we're going to extend it so they call it again the real language is extend and pretend wait you're going to have to pay more on your interest the interest rates have gone up we're not we we're not going to we're not going to let you go default we're going to pretend that everything is okay when this thing goes down we're going to see again the banking crisis of wall uh the markets are going to crash that's why gold prices are going up look at one of your top trends for 20124 is again two of them one we said again they came out on January 2nd our top Trends golden year for gold what's gold it's about what 2,345 an ounce as we're speaking right what was it oh it's only up about $300 since we said that oh and the banks go bust there no one no one anywhere is reporting the banking crisis as we are and so that's what's driving gold prices up and then what's going on in the Israel war and the Ukraine war it here C what Israel wiped out a couple of guys about several people over there in Syria in the consulate right last week Iran says they're going to retaliate how bad is this retaliation going to be because again if this gets worse you've already seen oil prices Brent crude which is around $73 just several months ago now to over $90 a barrel that's going to go to13 $0 a barrel and that'll crash the global economy and the equity markets if this continues to escalate which the crazy people I believe are going to keep going because when all those fails they take you to war but also that's a depression you're talking about off off you got it so the reason I the reason I recommend I make I make nothing from recommending the trans Journal but the beauty of what what Gerald does is he swws it all together because they're not isolated incidences they're all operating they're all holding hands and seeing K yeah you know hoping the inflation is transitory and then oh Gerald my my friend is a congressman from northern Michigan you know he and I were he's he was a lieutenant general in the Marine Corps I got kicked out as a lieutenant we were all Pilots but he just said the only thing that the price is coming down on is fentol yep he says this guy Biden has such a done such a great job opening the Border up fent is pouring across the border so so now the drug dealers don't have to make it it's coming it's so cheap from China that they don't have to worry about it I mean Gerald we can't make this stuff up no again it's a freak Show yeah and the freaks are running the show you know I was talking about the office building bus this just came out on April 9th from Financial Times Brooklyn's Saron tower on Shaky Ground after developer defaults one story they talk about one developer and by the way these buildings are not transferable into Housing Office buildings built within the last 50 years of junk they're steel and glass they're non-convertible well the internal the internals are not designed for residential exactly you know so anyway Gerald I I I appreciate our friendship our years of friendship I I always look forward to your show because I know I'm going to catch it straight I don't have to wonder what you're saying because you'll tell us straight and uh thank you for writing the Trends Journal but uh where where we're screw we're screwed up right now big time Big Time no we need we need peace on Earth and again you were in the military I mean here the yeah the the bridges are rotting in front of our eyes the roads are rotten the New York City big cities are all filled with immigrants and and homeless and we're spending all this money to send what another 10060 billion dollars to keep the Ukraine war going we already sent 130 billion I launched occupi peace over decade ago close all the bases overseas bring home the troops secure the Homeland and rebuild America we need to become a self- sustaining economy we have all the human and natural resources to do it made in America hey Char I'm gonna take a big risk with you right now if you can keep it down to one minute did you take a look into that ship the dolly that hit the bridge backed into it did you did you guys look at that thing at all no oh you didn't okay because that's I went to King's Point on Great Neck New York you know and then when I saw that ship hit the bridge I go [ __ ] I almost did that twice as a as a midshipman you know I mean but that's fishy as hell too that that one is you know I hear so many things so if if you could take a look at I appreciate because I like to read about that one yeah but there's so many things are coincidences just like October was October 7th I mean n they knew they were coming and they let it happen the same thing happened to us in Vietnam all the time we knew it was coming and they let it happen so my friend I thank you thanks we keep telling keep keeping the trans Journal going and I look forward to interviewing you next time thank you so much for having me and thank you so much for all you do and all the great information that you give people to help them because we need all the help we can get yeah we need the truth first casualty is truth so thank you my friend thank you and we come back have a final word from the rich dad radio show we'll be right [Music] back welcome back again I want to thank gerles salente uh like I said I went to school where he grew up on the North Northshore of Long Island just outside of New York City and thing I liked about those characters who grew up there those a lot of those young men the thing about New York is they talk to you straight they don't they're not politically correct and so I strongly recommend uh I make nothing from it subscribe to the trans Journal it'll open your eyes because the most important thing we all need right now is a vision into the future and like Gerald is talking about is that it's a good year for gold but it's also cause by our banks going bust but as our banks go bust and the price of oil goes to $100 and drugs stream across our Southern border we're we're on the verge of World War III a lot of those young men coming across our Southern border into Texas and Arizona are military age and already I live here in Arizona and there's a lot of uh should I say Warfare going on in people's homes as is young men go from house to house I'm afraid we're in very serious times and so please subscribe to the trend journal and thank you for listening to the Rich Dad radio show thank [Music] you this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 100,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert kiyosaki, financial education, financial literacy, gerald celente, 2024 financial trends, banks bitcoin real estate
Id: pTSq9XPNzio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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