Your First Project in PyCharm | Beginners Tutorial

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in the previous video we stopped on the welcome screens projects tab but what's a project and how does it help me what kinds of projects do spy charms support what about projects that need virtual environments well let's take a look [Music] hi i'm paul everett jetbrains developer advocate and welcome to our pie charm getting started series first some abject begging our data shows that eighty percent of you haven't subscribed to our channel if you like this video and you want to see some more content on pycharm click the subscribe button and keep me off the streets in our previous video we went through installing pycharm and the tabs on the welcome screen the only tab we didn't cover was the projects tab in this video we'll understand how to start your first project in pycharm what kinds of projects are available virtual environments and project interpreters but first we start with why pycharm organizes your code base in a project architecture let's start now [Music] we get this a lot i've just installed the ide i'm looking at the welcome screen and i need to make a project but what's a project why do i need it this is a major difference between ides like pycharm and text editors so let's take a look you might have a really big code base by pycharm is great at analyzing all that code and making sense of it then making you really productive at moving around editing bulk refactoring warnings about problems where do we put this code intelligence in a project but your coding isn't just editing files you have development workflows too running code debugging code python consoles system terminal test coverage profiling version control database is fun is the project is your central view of all of this for your code in a consistent quality familiar ui yeah people usually don't fire up pycharm just to jot something down in a file it's your work it's your project you're gonna spend some time in it [Music] now back to where we left off on the welcome screen in the projects tab if you've already worked on a project the welcome screen will look a bit different to you with the list of your recent projects shown in the center but the options will stay the same there are three available options on this screen first we could get an existing project from version control like github for example all we would need to do here is paste a repository url and click clone i'm not going to clone the repository right now if you want to learn more about this and other version control vcs topics please take a look at the introduction to get and github and pycharm video from this series the second option we could go for is opening a project stored on our local machine from there navigate your local drive to find a project that you want to work on then select it and click open again we won't be showing that option so i'll hit cancel instead i'll go with the third option we're going to create a new project now that we decided to create a new project we can see the first difference between pycharm community and pycharm professional if you are using pycharm professional you can start taking advantage of project types project types are pre-configured environments that automate the project creation by setting technology specific preferences downloading dependencies creating required files etc because pycharm community is only meant for pure python you won't see these options on the left side in pycharm professional on the other hand there are several technologies that you can choose from you can also select pure python if all you want to work on is a pure python project which is what you also get in pycharm community edition but chances are that your work requires a python web framework or scientific tools or maybe front-end technologies in this case you have some options if you are working with a python web project pycharm supports popular frameworks such as django and flask out of the box if working with data science is your goal you can leverage the scientific tooling setup it will create a conda environment and the folder structure for you finally if you want to work on your front end pycharm professional also has professional support for working with javascript and typescript and its related technologies including angular and react in this video we're going to start working on a django project we will call it getting understarted we now need to take a detour and cover something in python that is certainly a stumbling block virtual environments [Music] and python projects is considered a best practice to do your work in a virtual environment each project then acts like it has its own independent python interpreter if you install a package in one project it won't mess up or interfere with another project it's a painful part of starting a python project we won't go into a lot of depth about it but it's important to know that pycharm tries really hard to take care of this part creating your project interpreter and activating your virtual environment back to the new project screen we have a section called python interpreter colon new virtual m environment in our case we're going to create a new one using virtualimp but as you can see here pi charm also supports pipim and conda out of the box i already have python 3.10 installed as my default python pycharm detected it so i click create what happens next pycharm creates a new project for us a django project in fact pycharm created and activated a virtual environment downloaded all the required dependencies and generated an empty django project with configuration files and run and debug configurations and more and the cool thing is that i can jump straight into coding now now if you close this project and we go back to the pycharm welcome screen you'll see that the projects tab has changed slightly now you'll see your recent projects and this list will grow as you have more projects all right in this video we learned about projects and how to start a new project in pycharm for more information on working with projects in pycharm check out our documentation page the links are in the description in the next video we're going to dive into pycharm's ui so you'll feel more comfortable starting your code journey right away see you there [Music] you
Channel: PyCharm, a JetBrains IDE
Views: 85,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data Science, First project in PyСharm, Getting Started, Getting started with PyCharm, How to Create a project in PyCharm, How to become a programmer, Learn Python, Learn PyСharm, Programming, PyCharm, PyCharm Tips, Pycharm Tutorial, Pycharm vs VS Code, Python, Python IDE, Software development, first project, pycharm project, how to use pycharm
Id: W5p8v4yhxjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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