Your Favorite Ally is BACK for **HEARTSTOPPER** Season 2

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if you're following this Channel or me on Twitter or whatever it may be just not my house please I have been supporting the wga and the SAG with their strike and trying to be as respectful as possible which meant a lot of my content changing so to make a long story a long process very short I was able to get in contact with someone on the SAG Strike Team figure out some content that I could actually make for you guys that isn't going against the picket line and one of them was Heart Stopper I'm very surprised because it's you know like like a Netflix show but it is overseas so it doesn't I don't know the whole Logistics I'm just happy we're here so hi your favorite Ally I'm an ally thank you Imogen it's here to watch the second season I think this is going to be a two-parter so I'll watch the first four episodes right now and then next week we will continue with the last four I don't really know what's going into this next season but I'm excited let's get into it I have goldfish nearby grab a snack it's gonna be a fun ride I'm excited all right episode one out as his relationship with Charlie matures Nick considers coming out to Imogen she's an ally we're good but it's a lot harder than he expected Elle tries flirting with Tau hahaha because if I remember correctly where we all they'll give us a summary right yeah like let me just we are the stars of Heart Stopper and with season two coming up very soon we thought we'd give you guys a recap of everything period they knew they knew Charlie's one of the only openly gay students Ben I get it he's figuring his out but damn can you not be so annoying on the first day back to school Charlie meets me I mean he meets Nick a popular kit has gotten sober what is the timeline for this season like is it right after everything that happened because in what universe Charlie quickly develops a massive crush on Nick but his best friend's Tao and Isaac canel Isaac I forgot about Isaac my bad has me from trim High to Hicks girls school this is really shaken up towel because he adores Elle and is scared that the group is breaking apart yeah he had very like for a second I thought he had a crush on Charlie but I think he just like really likes his friends and doesn't want them to go away at the beginning they carry out their relationship in private but through the series Tara and Darcy decide to let the world know so you and Nick are definitely not I'm a lesbian okay do it do it I'm not like homophobic I'm an ally congratulations we thank you for your service that is a whole scene is so good put it in a museum I could trim High Charlie's friends especially Tau are still a bit suspicious why does he look like what's his name the guy that was in Crazy Rich Asians he reminds me of him Henry Henry something finally Nick settles into his bisexuality and asks Charlie to officially be his boyfriend in a very cute scene on the beach it was very cute from what I remember I probably should have like rewatched the whole season before those but like we're gonna know that so it decides to come out to his mum played by the one and only Olivia that was a good scene watch House of a season two and find out that's what I'm doing let's go all right here we go cute I love our little beach day I want a beach date oh my God I just hear seagulls not them promoted in 1989. Taylor's version the picture frame I love love love love that gift I also I see the little leaf I see the nod and we're still on Instagram got it we don't text no I think that's just like a young thing though because my sister uses Discord exclusively to talk to her friends I'm just old and already in the grave what can I say oh not as being happy it's like disgusting I'm Tori me and my goldfish I'm just like they're in love [Music] I want to put Charlie in my pocket I don't know if that's just me he's just a cute little good noodle would never do anything wrong I hope he fight Ben like I want to give Ben Grace but get on my goddamn nerves we have been here plenty of times before well I came out to my mom last night oh my god oh so this is right after ah cute what a well done kiss oh nothing oh my God this thing is cool is a terrible idea yeah until you do it and then you're like oh we're dangerous we're crazy you better leave that door open six inches minimum hi Hey Hey where's Charlie's parents by the way I've only seen Tori so all we do is run play games and make out I love that for them God when is it my turn so cute what the I know people call this show corny but like we need like this not everything needs to be sad and depressing um is the door open sex entrance leave room for Jesus you're making me feel really single right now I have a boyfriend if he wants to come out I wanna know is recommendations because every time I see this he has a book he definitely met his reading goal for the year he met it in like two days taosu are you giving Charlie relationship advice I know lots about relationships I watch a lot of romance movies what's that one saying the coach and you need life at this point dairy milk okay now see we gotta ask boyfriend do you have a sensitive tummy because I will rob it for you but I will not unclog the toilet for you that's where you draw the line ew bad dude I named him Brickman because that's where I want to live someday and I really want him to meet Nelly so they can be best friends he's absolutely adorable we're still friends aren't we I promise I don't fancy anymore yeah I still want to be friends good so fancy someone else now [Music] if it is Ben okay fine she is not an ally if anything actually happens I promise I'll tell you and if you have any romantic development something all about them oh it better not be bad why do I have a feeling it's bad [Music] [Music] starts today oh yeah he's a year older than Charlie right so is this like sat situation I didn't even take the SATs in high school honestly what did I even do in high school I don't know besides being miserable are we sitting next God damn it get him out of here sorry sir I'll sit down shut up I feel like he'll be fun though I just don't like that we're stuck with Ben for a couple weeks because whatever storyline they're about to throw at me I'm not about it you're just gonna ignore me for two weeks then I didn't even do anything to you don't talk to me okay but you did something to our boyfriend therefore we said sorry if you're trying to keep it quiet kind of got him there I can't even defend you Nick like maybe put the love eyes away for two minutes I know that might kill you but just two what's the rugby coach right I want to rejoin the rugby team I didn't know we quit you're right Nick what are you still in a mood of us I also hate him what was it his name like Harry or something I just love though like every time I look at him I'm like you're the most British looking person I've ever seen I feel like I see three of you every time I watch uh love Island UK like guarantee minimum well if you try to actually fight with him just to see what happens yeah float with him my mom's been moaning at me to get a haircut thank God thanking God you should do what you want that's my mum my mum I'll see you tomorrow stop I'm not gonna do the accents I'll be good because I'm not British as in it's our two month anniversary it sounds silly when you say it like that I don't know it doesn't I know I remember no it's cute you've been through you get to celebrate two months of like Joy and not being around someone who's absolutely shitty I'm still waiting to know though if he has a sensitive tummy oh don't do it here don't oh God don't do it here don't do it here don't do it here oh God I'm happy for you but like let's protect ourselves oh my God you guys you guys are idiots you're my cute little idiots exactly exactly you're telling me the person on the other side of the wall didn't hear all the kissing sounds that shit's loud as hell I want to tell people people have to know if I saw them sneaking around all the time together I'd be like I'll just tell everyone or if we're out by the time cute Paris trip though we're going to Paris damn what school do y'all go to oh wait Paris is probably like if we were to go to Disneyland are you saying to hang out with us I will be going upstairs mum and dad hardly ever go away at weekends we have a mom and dad where the hell have they been helping Nick come out to one of his oldest friends I was like what do you think of all this I don't really know anything of Isaac but I think it's me looking around seeing all these goddamn couples hi hi hi Imogen was the one we were talking about come in come in I love that she's getting inducted into the groove as she should she's an ally yeah know about you guys not yet gonna sell it today I kind of had something that I want to tell you it's kind of hard to it's about you and Charlie you didn't like me because you're gay she's an ally she knew well I I'm bisexual actually okay well now you know about Charlie you have to tell me about your crush oh come on it's bad I already know it's bad I already know fine okay fan five minutes later I hate myself in a closet metaphorically physically spiritually anyway what's happening thank you for coming is everyone gonna watch because that would be me I'd be like oh it's okay in your own time it's okay it's it's new it's strange it's okay [Music] but if I was one of the friends I'd be like can y'all get a damn room literally I don't believe people think you're straight Darcy just comes with the best one-liners and they're always just true like you can't even be mad at what she's saying all your friends going too yeah it's a joint Truman Higgs language students trip parents you know my friend Nick probably should tell you he's my boyfriend he's a he's a very sporty Ladish sort of boy I I wouldn't have assumed he was gay being gay and you shouldn't assume anyway actually Nick from sleepovers from now on what yeah there will be no hanky-panky period That's what I said Hanky Panky though you're married stop saying hanky-panky don't worry we need to get you some ass like respectfully I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure Nick the deal with what I wanted her love that oh God don't tell me it's like jumped or something right here I can protect him I don't think you can though I can make sure that he never feels pressure babe there's only so much you can do though oh God oh God oh God everything's gonna be I see you say that I don't think it is I really don't I want it to be okay we didn't get jumped I gotta remember what store I'm watching I don't think that happens in this show I cannot believe she has a crush on Ben of all people he doesn't oh I mean damn I was sitting here being like don't assume and I'm assuming but like I think y'all going for the same team he's been turning up late to class A few times oh it's work essay if you don't finish it then that'll be a fail grade oh yikes yeah see I I don't support this that no boyfriend if you can can't hear a future Banning you from seeing each other maybe let's just do homework while we hang out to be a complete ban until this coursework essay is handed in Nick is not allowed around our house and you are not allowed around his okay that's kind of rare though it wasn't like complete van it was just turn in your and then you can have fun because that's what you have to do you have responsibilities you know who are you why is there a strange man on our couch next time we're all very happy you're back from you immediately oh we have a brother girlfriend yeah I'll take that as an obvious name stop bothering period mom's an ally just please don't tell me about Charlie I won't darling don't worry double tap to Heart imagine he said it's nothing it just hurts the message oh that would have been hilarious I'm so angry I'm so angry oh okay all right listen I'm dramatic this is a little much is he I was gonna ask if he was nice and you know hook a girl up but they're mine why do you have a staring problem damn [Music] can we save her can we save her year 11 form is happening oh my God problem I said it like I liked prom I went to my my first prom left early and then didn't even attempt to go to the next do you want to meet with us for lunch we can start making a mood called I mean yeah I've got some ideas already I'm thinking classic but then in all those during lunch damn they're more productive during lunch than I am in a day five days that's all you guys doing Nelson Ben if you say anything if you make any side comment that you think is hilarious why do you have to have pretty eyes and good brows that's not fair told Mr free cupboard Japan needs to give it back Ben is such a hater I haven't seen you all day so I wanted to say hi are you okay with your brother and everything let me get in mind yeah text me later yeah why does he have a dump truck for an ass damn I'd be grumpy too if I was carrying that thing around all day you you hate me so much it's not my fault you liked me before you that's I hate you because you literally assaulted thank you I don't particularly care if you fail your math GCSE on Monday but I'm Gonna Let You disrupt everyone else's study time so you that was just a misunderstanding yeah anyways okay you hurt him and who knows if we do the same with Imogen period do you even like her sorry am I not allowed to like girls as well as boys you can you can does Charlie know you don't want to come out I do want to come right I'll believe that when I say it Charlie thinks you're this perfect boyfriend but you are just the same as me wow wow last time I checked he understood boundaries and wasn't a stalker but maybe I missed a chapter maybe I missed an episode can you get out I'm trying to study can you give it back seriously David she's born okay he is a dick if you do have a girlfriend I want to know about it she needs my approval I don't think you're around enough for that statement to be true weirdo it's one thing to like be out of the house for college but to not even have a relationship with your sibling and then demand that no backup honestly ship your ass back to school get out of our life and mind your own business why are we sneaking out Charlie and you're gonna slam the door on your way oh my God what a dumbass let me tell if you revise we can go for your notes together why haven't you guys been doing that because y'all can't stop making out for two seconds got it got it got it wait he posted him on on Instagram that is such a boyfriend [Music] dude you basically just came out congratulations you bisexual congratulations I love the hair I love the little space bun mom but School of Art everyone sign up here for the sixth bomb open evening and then we can start with the tour so this is where we want to go to school I'm not gonna lie this is kind to make me feel more nervous my application based I haven't finished mine yet I'll say I am I haven't even started ah bestie I'm Nami by the Bay I'm Al and this is Felix hey oh my God cute I like them they seem fun they seem fun I really hope I got a how we both can we will I'm speaking it into the universe she's manifested period I hate being at a regular school everyone knowing you as the trans guy here I could just be Naomi do you know what I mean I I don't think that was like supposed to be a tear inducing moment but I'm gonna cry that was so sweet and this is gonna get jealous oh what's that oh oh she's so pretty who's a bigger stand of L me or the mom oh it's cool because I'm losing this competition I feel oh my God yeah the mom knows the mom totally knows today's the day good luck everybody for you and if you happen to cheat a little I won't tell and your exam starts now period just don't do it out of protest actually don't do that okay let's pick up the pencil there you go let's start I don't think it'll be that bad you got this you can do it God I don't miss school I mean I kind of do I liked learning I hated tests exactly because this is what tests looked like to me I knew what I was doing but I second guess everything that it's just a miserable and anxiety-inducing experience and the fact that like half of your future is going to be based off of this one test is insane like you're not testing my knowledge you're testing how well I can memorize something I'm here to tear you up after a terrible exam uh isn't brother here he's gonna walk in and be like is Charlie gonna be mad that you're cuddling a boy he looks like the type to like just not get it they could be making out in front of him and he would be like oh my God don't do that to Charlie fix is this Charlie I'm making some dinner I'll have something when I get home I'd have a cup of tea though a cup of tea I'm British and I love a cup of tea with some some milk and sugar I'm gonna come on one of these videos and I'm gonna do an accent and it's gonna be good and y'all are gonna be like damn how far we have come I've actually never put milk and tea is that good hi hi I'm panicking and I'm not even in the room I'm Charlie in your Charlie right um I'm David sorry spread alert Red Alert emergency I just wanted to meet the guy that you know turned my little brother gay what I mean I should have always known you don't have to be gay really I'm bi yeah so what he's gotta tell everyone no if you're gonna be gay at least admit you're gay not goodbye Erasure so this is exactly not the biphobia you left a picture of you two kissing on your bedroom wall why do you keep going in my room come on mum he's saying he's buying me what a load of absolute David please don't swear that's the issue with what he just said dad's gonna say he's such a dick I'm just being realistic voice that is Nelly uh yeah you should definitely go home you should 100 go home I'm surprised that wasn't obvious damn I thought Ben was bad this just made the list where have you been [Music] where in particular you were grounded for the rest of this term and don't even think about sneaking out or you won't be going on the Paris trip the rest of the term okay that's a little harsh want some dinner next you did it to be fair though relationships are complicated it's not even just being out it's just relationships life are you sad about L yeah kind of I want to see his litter box so bad I'm so curious I feel like it'd be a little pretentious but kind of fun so oh damn y'all are like dating without dating they are the most like couple s non-couple I've ever seen but I'm going to tell her that's all you can do Isaac in the back help me [Music] period I love them I really do I just want us to get a goddamn haircut pause real quick because we have to thank the sponsor of this video better help I feel like more often than not we talk about therapy on this channel in a very beneficial and good light and that's because it really is with everything that is going on in the world with everything that's going on in the past personal struggles it can be a very tough situation to navigate and sometimes you just need someone to talk to better help is a platform that makes finding a therapist easier because honestly it's online it's remote and by filling out a few questions better help can match you to a professional therapists in as little as a few days but honestly the 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movie I'm gonna wait for you guys if you want it I'll wait for you hey did you have an end of TCC party in the woods in the woods we're sorry about what happened at the cinema we should have spoken up period it made you wrongs love that I do know you're not like Harry [Music] I know you and Charlie are really good mates that look just told me everything they know they know fellas is it right now right now fellas is a gay to stare along easily at your best friend it is like last closet at this point you know yes well what about it fine you win close the door boys oh oh I gotta go I gotta go I'm so uncomfortable I cannot stress enough how uncomfortable last year because you were the only one who can make these boys into a team but this term I've sent some distance has grown between you and most of the lads because their homophobic pieces of if any of the lads say anything out of line you tell me immediately all right Ally lots of lesbians in women's rugby that's how I met my wife is that like the equivalent of softball telling all my friends wait what [Music] she's such an ally she's a part of the community oh oh maybe keep the kissing ER yeah that's what I've been trying to tell them they don't listen they're dumb asses you'll get it still waiting on you of coursework I say it's nearly done yeah I have until the end of the day damn we're fine what about your history coursework I haven't helped you with that at all it's fine it's done why it's more fun well have you read this one of course [Music] are we all alphabet Warriors because that's funny it's gonna be the best essay you've ever read please don't knock off a letter grade because we're late unless you're staying for the meeting about a parish trip can you go home now [Music] oh not in front of the boys I love you because of how annoying you are okay I was waiting for some boy in the background to be like uh I didn't mean that and then I love you way back I just caught that I just caught that that's not me asking you to say it back or anything yeah no don't get awkward I think probably because [Music] oh we gotta get to the bottom of that I will not stand I will not stand for this that is why I am sitting because I will not stand for it but you also having regrets about signing up for this it'll be a laugh wouldn't it [Music] will now ask you to get into groups of four who will be the people you share hotel rooms with and we've been told to inform you that boys and girls cannot share rooms oh no you got us there damn it's so heartbreaking how could you do this to us shut the up shut the up shut the up with the flowers these these Yoji sissies what's happening right now I like you romantic and I was wondering like me yeah I guess I was sort of hoping I've been sort of wondering if you like me back what's that what what yeah oh thank God oh my God the Panic tonight I just went over my body okay [Applause] it looks so good God bless we look like a person and not an overgrown mushroom yeah look at you you look good the fit I'm not safe to do here I might change the world thank you I love it what are we seeing the price so that's two tickets for Moonrise Kingdom at 7 15. that's my favorite movie I know but you hate that movie yeah but I want to make this your dream date stop I want this do not tell me it's just them in the theater [Music] yeah oh there's other people why is that the popcorn why is it so it's like comically big it literally looks like Henry's little brother or like a cousin just ask me for a lift next time my mom can pick you up it's really not a problem okay yeah maybe she was just embarrassed Darcy's the most confident person I know literally nothing embarrasses her except for you saying I love you I don't like how any of this is going right now I needed to work out [Music] they're so awkward it's so endearing it's so cute I mean this is what it's like though when you first kind of do stuff like that why am I gonna cry I love them my children thanks for asking me out on a date thanks for saying yes stop you're doing Grapevine you'll get better at it it's it's weird right now but you'll get better honestly that transition no matter what age is kind of like you kind of have to fill it out I want them to work I didn't know you invited them yeah they're my friends but we're on a date I don't understand what I did wrong tonight it's like you're trying to be a completely different person you're the one who's completely different you've gone off with your new friends and have forgotten I exist completely you're the one who said we'd always put our friendship first well I guess romance does ruin friendship okay so we're gonna figure that out got it got it let me not freak out I'm not gonna panic because in 10 minutes we're gonna figure it out okay it went terrible thanks for asking is Tori just always by her does Tori have a friend I've never seen Tori around people you said he'd look after him we're very good at keeping your promises are you okay Tori back up a little bit I promise he's so hard on him so big it's okay she's always sipping something I know this is paying every five minutes bisexual my brother are you sure you're not just gay I promised you were gonna come out this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you he doesn't want to talk to you Harry piss off curious what's his problem I feel like that's such a thing though of like bisexual men of like no you're actually just gay and I feel like for bisexual women it's like no you're straight and I think that is a thing too of people being like which I think is so funny where it's like oh you're bisexual so there's more options like you're gonna have your cake and want to eat it too and it's like no if someone wants to cheat they're gonna cheat no matter what their sexuality is we went to the beach I told you I was gonna come out that's just been finding it so hard understandable I think there's this idea that when you're not straight you have to tell all your friends and family immediately like you owe it to them you don't yeah you just live your life maybe we should fit and then it'll be the summer holidays I probably shouldn't sit next to each other on the couch could be fun being a secret again yeah I bet you can't last two days without kissing me oh we love about bed that's kind of fine that's a sleigh Charlie quiet are they gonna get together that's the vibe I'm getting are they driving to Paris how long is that oh girl absolutely not Netflix doing this to me I hate when Netflix does and they're like are you really still watching like you're still sad have you heard of outside have you heard of grass you should try it sometime don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to do before you and Nick let's go together how did you know that you liked him in that way always wanted to be around him interesting so the bus goes on the train on the train yeah foreign [Music] bye yeah that's French he lives in Paris so um we're gonna try and meet up when I said you know oh we're bringing it up you mean about our prom outfits because you know I still think we should be Princess Peach Mario um my reasoning for this is and my reasoning is as she pulls out an MLA [Laughter] Madden essay oh God Mr Farooq and I will be room 203 if you need us but hopefully you won't because we're gonna be getting it on oh do you need a house no L come on my fashion queen come on oh Karen your luggage of all those stairs actually Tao oh nice cute you have to shop beds well I'm up in the window I want the other beds what blocks oh I'm sorry I got your oh I love that there's not a single straight person in the show I think that's great let's flip it you know everywhere else like when you watch movie and TV default is straight and then you have like the side gay couple I love that it's the other way here that's fine he's a tire come on I love I live [Music] take it to her exactly exactly [Music] okay okay I'm gonna act completely normal about that I'm going to act completely normal it's apple juice it's not a big deal foreign [Music] you're being gay good job carry on I'm telling you it's the one-liners there were lots of shops and places to visit the church by the coach at 5 PM please and please don't get lost we should get one of those padlocks and writer finishes on it be joking images you deserve better you did not wear your best outfit to be treated this way my friend just wanted to go find the nearest McDonald's McDonald's to be around all the gay people you guys have such cool friendship group yeah [Music] I feel like Isaac doesn't know or Isaac's like maybe questioning his identity suppose some sort of jealous of you and Darcy you're out and you can hold hands and kiss and I really want that I'm jealous of you and Nick and he's always too you both talk about your feelings Darcy just makes everything into a joke that's what I gathered it's hard to get to open up but that I'm assuming comes from a place of trauma I'm still proving breakfast oh you didn't eat that much breakfast okay ideas am I picking up something that isn't there there's a lot of like food it's not bad I mean it looks like he's been sniffing someone's but I don't know there's just like a lot of comments about food with him but I could just be picking up something that's not there I think we don't have to talk about it we should talk about it I agree with what you said things were better when we were just friends I don't think she said all that but okay I don't want to stop being friends okay okay go look at some art now welcome back to that conversation I'm assuming there's no way that's their whole Arc I mean if it is valid sometimes it just doesn't happen but I think it should I think you're kind of cute oh we can do some shopping Imogen needs to come hang out with us he is a miserable time [Applause] oh do you guys mind if I hang with you for a bit Ben's being so boring have you been to the soccer yet no I haven't let's go together then come on Harriet he doesn't even want to hang out with me anymore now that we're dating all he cares about is having a girlfriend I wonder why I'm not even sure he likes me that much do you even like him period he sounds horrible exactly she's like damn you kind of got me there ill why is Ben sitting next to us Imogen do you see this as cargo let's go it's actually not bad once you get past the thought of what it is it's not bad [Applause] it's chewy but it's not bad he knows he likes it he's just he's just playing he's just silly right he doesn't eat how's your first day in Paris I mean it doesn't help that fence around being how my day was then why are you an immediately because you're supposed to be my boyfriend but instead you've got some sort of obsession with Charlie oh now I get quiet me what are you trying to say oh [Applause] damn let me get the Goldfish let me get snack I think it's time I focus on myself exactly if you don't want to be with me anymore that's fine you don't have to be such a about it Benjamin language back down there's no need to call her a when Harry is making sense you up that's funny not the homophobe being like don't be misogynistic bro don't be an bro I didn't mean maybe I shouldn't have done that in front of everyone I think it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen so you agreed everything would be so much easier if I was into girls uh I'm not so sure about that but um I know what you mean you say I feel like okay listen as a fellow Ally I feel like that was the easiest thing they're like the fun the silly we'll say the silly thing to say because it's like huh boys suck like I should be into girls because they're easier I think people are just people everyone just kind of sucks you know are we just posting that we're out come on oh God We're Alone the stop moments like that I'm so alone it's fine it's fine oh Nick you win but I bet you can't lost two days without kissing me sad challenge right here whoa is that okay yeah he's like yes keep going I need different animations for that because we know it's not flowers that we're feeling in our body it's a lot more intense than that yeah lock the door yeah thinking that's the challenge not you kissed him Charlie you lost loser the book oh my God I need Isaac to get more personable with me his only trait right now is reading oh [Music] [Applause] that's the first four episodes you guys that's the end of this video can you believe it I'm having so much fun watching this it's crazy because I would not think I am the age group to watch this but you know sometimes it's just fun to watch wholesome little love stories I don't care if I'm in my 20s and I'm genuinely enjoying the show look away look away I'm so excited to see what is going to happen next what's gonna happen in the last four episodes what is gonna happen with everyone's relationships and how they change and how they grow and evolve and I'm excited to see how extremely right I am that the teachers are gonna you know so I will see you next week for the next part of the show I love you all very much I hope you're having a good day night whatever time it is for you and I will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ur internet mom ash
Views: 466,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ur internet mom ash
Id: zs9KPFOcqGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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