Your Destiny Sits on a Rocking Boat

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betray your destiny and see how long it takes you to be drowning in a storm it'll happen immediately and of course it will because what what's calling you to be your best is exactly the thing that's pushing you forward to manifest yourself most fully in the world it's what you need you run away from that the boat's going to start to rock very very quickly well you all know that you per you know that perfectly well it it's well all you have to do is not study for an exam that you know that's coming up to see everything start to the storm Waters start to rise and everything start to rock It's pretty bloody obvious so anyways he's on this boat and there's a storm and all of the people on the boat who who can't quite discriminate chaos from weather because they haven't differentiated the world to that degree think oh the boat wouldn't be about to be swamped if we hadn't some of us had done something stupid and wrong and there's logic in that you know you might think well God has nothing personal against you because of the storm so you're confusing levels of analysis but you've got to give these people some credit it's like maybe they did do something stupid maybe they didn't caulk the damn boat properly maybe the ropes aren't in as good a shape as they might be maybe they weren't paying attention to the weather when they went out on the ocean you know or maybe they haven't made peace with their brother and so their hearts are bent Twisted out of shape so they don't make particularly good Sailors it's like the idea that you encounter a storm because you're stupid and wrong is a really good idea even though it's not of infinite applicability anyways they draw Lots It's A Primitive thing to do it's like well it's one someone's fault we don't know who we're gonna throw someone overboard the worst sinner obviously that's what God wants some kind of sacrifice so they all draw lots and someone loses and then Jonah stands up and says well sorry guys like I know that I've got a problem with God at the moment so it's probably me you better throw me over and they don't really want to but he finally convinces them over he goes and the storm settles well you know sometimes if you're in a group of people in an organization there is someone in the organization whose head isn't screwed on exactly straight and they know exactly why it is and what they've done wrong and what puts them in that position and they are poisoning the entire Enterprise and if you throw them overboard or better if they agree voluntarily to leave then the storm will Abate and everything will be okay so anyways they throw job over or Jonah overboard and a whale comes up and swallows them and takes them down to the bottom of the ocean well we already know what that means because we watched Pinocchio it's like when God abandons you because you've abandoned your destiny and the storms come up the probability that you're going to be taken down to the to the depths is extraordinarily high and that happens in people's lives all the time well so down there Jonah repents well what do you do when you're in the Underworld well you've been there before When Things Fall Apart on your friends have abandoned you you're not as popular as you could be you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror into the underworld you go and you think geez I've done a lot of things wrong you know maybe I should reconcile myself with the world that I could get out of this well so that's what Jonah does he thinks all right I've got this Destiny I better go do what God says so the whale spits them out onto the beach and off he goes to the city to tell them what's wrong well that's what that represents that's these symbols you know it's so cool this second one I really I really like it's so interesting because you see Jonah re-emerging from the whale and he's got a halo around his head you say well what's a Halo well have you ever looked at a quarter well think about a quarter a quarter is the Moon and who's on the quarter the Queen the queen is surrounded by the Halo of the Moon the Queen's Queen of the Queen of the Night gold coin that's the king's head on the sun that's the Halo well what comes out of the belly of the of the fish it's the illuminated human being it's the spirit of the illuminated human being that's what that means well what does that mean well what else would come out of chaos you know if you if you fall apart and then you put yourself back together what is it that comes back out well at least you're in better shape than you were before you know and and then maybe you do that 20 times in your life or 50 times and you do it voluntarily every time you do it you're more like the thing with the Halo and less like the thing that's you know being thrown overboard by your friends well then you see this representation on the right this is a very complicated representation so in this one you see Christ who's carrying his cross with the sun behind him that's the Halo that I was talking about he's the person who's voluntarily accepted the necessity of death and renewal that's what the cross represents and so it's a it's an it's a what would you call it an abstracted representation of this a further developed idea of this and then you see in the back this is a feminine symbol right it's a it's a symbol of birth and you'll see you'll understand more when I when I show you the symbols later this is the Eternal opening in the world from which new forms emerge it's the place from which babies emerge and you can tell that if you look carefully because you see all these little heads there with wings on them those are all Spirits waiting to be born and so the hero emerges from the from the Eternal feminine willing to die and suffer and in doing so just defeating the snake the snakes down there and the adversary at the same time well it's no wonder we don't understand those images I mean they're so unbelievably Rich that how could you possibly articulate them that's why they emerged an imagistic form to begin with the artists get there before the philosophers long before the philosophers the dramatists get there way before the artists even and so we've figured it out we represented it in art and literature and music and drama and then we're on the cusp so to speak of understanding it in a fully articulated Manner and not a moment too soon are you aware that your browsing data is constantly being tracked and monitored have you ever stopped to think about who has access to this information and what they might be doing with it if you're like most people you probably haven't given this much thought but the truth is your browsing data can reveal a lot about you your interests habits location and even your identity every time you visit a website click on a link or make a purchase online you're leaving a digital trail that can be monetized by advertisers and data Brokers they use this information to Target you with ads and promotions that are 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it's Venus manifesting yourself in a Transcendent space in the sky in the same way that Christ did in the previous representation and she has Rays coming off her and there's all these men who are Knights kneeling in front of the image well what does that mean well it means that men use the image of female Perfection to motivate themselves and that's exactly right that's precisely what they do you see that in the Tom Sawyer's story so Tom Sawyer is about 12 years old and he's still hanging around with his friends like Huck Finn and this girl moves across the street Becky and she comes out and he's struck by her for the first time in his life something's changed and the first thing he does is hop up on a picket fence and show off and balance in front of her and he's saying well look at me look at me I'm he's like the male Bower bird building something beautiful so the female will approve of it and it's it's motivation you know and that's something that I think modern women don't really understand about men they don't understand that at least to the degree that males are uncorrupted and not better because of being rejected they're doing everything they can to kneel before the Eternal image of the feminine and try to make themselves Worthy that's the chivalry story right that's what you should encourage in your partner so and so out of chaos emerges this first form it's the feminine form it's partly the form that represents novelty as such so and and on one hand it's promise on the other hand it's threat that you wouldn't believe and I don't know because I don't know I don't understand the situation with women as well as I understand the situation with men obviously being a man but I I don't know if women have any idea how paralyzing they are to especially young men a large very large number of my clinical clients but also young men I've talked to in general are absolutely terrified of women because they're terrified of being rejected and the terror exists in precise proportion to the retraction to the woman which is a horrible paradoxical situation to be in it's often why men make such fools of themselves in front of women that they're attracted to it's because first of all they don't see the woman that they're attracted to because what the hell do they know about her they don't see her as an individual they see her as the manifestation of a judgmental ideal and then it's only in establishing the relationship with the actual woman that they can start differentiating between the judgmental ideal and and the actual individual woman and that also requires a sacrifice and the sacrifice is you never can have an ideal woman so to have a relationship with any woman you have to sacrifice the relationship with the ideal woman and you have to see the individual woman and separate her from the ideal and that's the same thing that happens to the hero in Sleeping Beauty right he sees the evil queen who actually turns into the dragon of chaos and it's not until he can he can defeat her that he can establish a relationship with the actual princess and that's exactly the case
Channel: Jordan B Peterson Clips
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Keywords: psychology, philosophy, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, JB Peterson, jordanbpeterson, jordanpeterson, personality, understandmyself, selfauthoring, neuropsychology, jordan peterson clips, jp peterson clips, jp clips, jordan peterson podcast clips, jordan peterson live, jordan peterson livestream, jordan peterson shorts, jordan peterson tiktoks, jordan peterson motivational clips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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