They Were ACTUALLY Legit...?

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five Vietnamese wall hacking well thank you for telling me people don't get the point of the demo review my the point of the demo review is for me to check if they're cheating not to just look at people cheating right because we know everyone is cheating at this game hey niok interested in seeing what you think of by Davies looks like wall hack pre-fired a guy that was shifting to a smoke at one point but could be a lucky game as well I'm 5050 on what to think it's an account created last year doesn't play fa it the last round on CT side is the weirdest okay so this guy's kind of edging his on with a cliffhanger so that could mean something good so let's take a look at that [Music] demo phas level four 1.6 KD low trust Factor this could make for an interesting game so 16k premere I think that's like phas level six and that checks out is phas of level four with good stats Four Guys rushing up again a one tap and again a two it just looks like this guy has crazy aim this is a bit polarizing because he one Taps a bunch of people with a 5 S but when he uses a Gil he only shoots one bullet and the rest just whiffs also inspecting the default knife lining up a grenade for ramp I guess yeah I would say this is a bit stupid anyone could walk up Ivy and kill that guy he seems good and bad at the same time wasn't there a surprise in the last round Ram push okay let's see how he deals with this good shots doesn't look like aim assist he still has a bunch of utility any highle player would use some utility here which he does not he's still going to wide swing and even get all the kills piece of King okay could have used the nade could have used the Molly could have used the flash or maybe he could have gone to will get a free dollar to play with now Clash has a lot of game modes to choose from but most notably the case battles where you can battle other players for their skins there's lots of ways to deposit and by using go neok you will get a 5% deposit bonus with drawing is super easy and they have a wide variety of items to choose from so thank you Clash for sponsoring this video video no evidence Beyond Reasonable Doubt so far too much confidence I think so like just bro why is he lining up this it's just stupid it's like he watched one Nate King video and then he's going to try that Nate every single round hey guys it's me nading here so today we are going to do some epic vertigo nades so the first one looks like this he's definitely watching too many YouTube shorts [Music] [Music] now we're getting somewhere okay now we're getting somewhere guys that's a little bit weird that's a little bit weird if I you put this in slow-mo I can't see the guy like now you see the guy but he's already shooting like if we time that that's insane [Music] [Music] you know you guys you know what this could be this could be a smoke bug it's fixed nah I don't believe that I don't think it's fixed YouTube comments are going to hate me for that conviction like oh he's not cheating oh but he straight through a smoke bro [Music] smoke the smoke I guess he's putting it there to put some pressure a but actually he just smoked himself off sector clear okay he h those steps again I don't know what it is with people but why would you smoke it like this when you can just smoke there's a massive gap on the left he can peek from White okay so here they come with an a push he can hear those steps so he's going to throw fall back that's pretty good he's going to line up the YouTube short Nate boom teamate dies from ramp he's going to peek off the timing and he's going to fail and also he doesn't inspect the default knife that much he might have to just upload a legit player demo just to prove to you guys not everyone is cheating but remember what the guy said in Discord wait till the last round or [Music] something seems a bit scared about white makes sense bad Flash from the enemy bad positioning from Ragnar sees that guy on head shot but he gets head shot himself and I think that's the last round no that's the last rounds oh my God hell man what the f by Davis is actually legit for one 16k Premiere rating but he's definitely smurfing he had a sus moment with the smoke but other than that his game sense checked out he's fac level four and he has almost a 2kd face and anti-che is good not the best but it's good neok there was a guy throwing some suspicious nades now this is 5K rating and I could just be talking [ __ ] this guy's 5K rating 5K that's like the bottom of the [ __ ] bucket guys but it seemed like he used wall hacks to throw the grenades and then turn it off sounds hilarious I know but that would would be a really good strategy to not get caught if there would be someone caring about cheaters there was a guy bro didn't even mention a name he just said there was a guy okay guys there was a guy who was the guy I don't know but there was just a guy the guy is is the guy's name the guy all right so yo bu is the guy who sent into the demo he didn't clarify who the guy was he just said there was a guy oh my guy misspelled my name completely Jo Joel bu okay Jo you're in the chat who was the guy who was the guy don't let me waste the time here let me check just check the stream don't go in the game just check the stream thank you [Music] please I think enemy orange you think you think you want me to record an entire video just on what you think he has one grenade inspecting the default knife guys there you go you know what that means all right let's see oh my God guys insane Nate lineup oh my God how did he know oh my God no was that it oh my God guys he's shooting me through a smoke oh my no sorry I gotta stop I gotta stop I can't take it serious I really can't bro 5K rating again he bought a grenade Dodges the nade completely this is this is a bit strange I must say he does look at the wall a lot but that doesn't mean that he's cheating oh no not the [Music] revolver what grenade damn yo Jo Jo bu I don't know how the [ __ ] this guy yoel Buu I'm going to I'm just going to call you Joel Joel if this guy is not cheating sorry but I'm going to have to ban you from the Discord what I mean to be honest for 5K rating I was expecting worse here we go swing casually picks up the weapon oh Joel you have the bomb don't go in with the bomb [Music] is he going to get hard cleared I think so nope not even counterterrorist win Joel are you sure I'm looking at the right guy you know you're playing Inferno all have to do is throw a grenade down banana just to do some damage oh he just oh my God he's going to throw a n on Joel oh my God oh my God that's radar heck right there guys yo he just shot him through a smoke Joel to be honest I'm not sure if I want to look at this demo I don't think this guy is even slightly cheating at all like I don't think this guy has any clue what's going on this [Music] game okay okay wait okay wait oh getting a headache guys hold up let me I don't know could be lucky bro if an obvious cheater like this can throw you off what do you mean the he made a step no he made a step okay how does he go about this apps push no info cross replacement on point Point even hesitates a little bit N I think this guy's legit he's going to shift all the way through [Music] t-spawn out okay Joel I don't know where you got the idea that this guy was using wall hack for his grenades cuz he's pretty much whipped every single grenade this entire game I mean he has a come he's got a 1kd in 5K Premiere rating okay last chance is he going to see the guy no not even okay he not cheating not cheating thank you for the demo Joel um how do you ban someone kidding Joel kidding no was that was not the best of demos oh
Channel: neokCS
Views: 143,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neok, neokcs, faceit lvl 10, 3000 elo, lekoen
Id: 7H4yXzaVWJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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