Young Man Describes What He Says Happened Night His Ex-Girlfriend Claims He Sexually Assaulted Her

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you believe that she tells the truth well this is what happened one time her mother barged into our house when me and autumn was not supposed to be over there and autumn tried to defend me to her mom and she said you know how dad smacks me around sometimes like trying to defend me and that's when I was like this this isn't okay like I shouldn't be doing this and the fact that her father does I feel like that's part of the reason why she keeps coming back to me and she thinks it's okay for people to put her hands on it so you think she's for whatever problem you have you think she's at least honest she wouldn't say that if it wasn't true oh definitely not I feel like she's really afraid of her parents and she tells me how her parents are very judgmental about the stuff that goes on with them and you believe what she says is true I believe what she tells me is true so when she says that you sexually assaulted her then that would be true too under conditions I did not sexually assault her no I did not sexually assault her but well when do we believe her do we someone else she believes she was under the circumstances she believes that she was she does not doubt that she was sexually assaulted okay well let's talk about what you said about tonight you said that you on the 10th of September in 2017 you picked on him up from a club this is what you said that you found her passed out in a car with some unknown man yes sir and that you finally were able to wake her up and she fell to her knees when she got out of the car yeah well she picked up she fell down yeah and that you put her in your car to drive home and somewhere along the way you slammed on the brakes and autom hit her head on the window or the dashboard you slam on the brakes on purpose yes and why did you do that because I was like who's that guy used with and she was like what guy I don't know you're talking about I slammed on the brakes I started screaming I was like who was that guy used with yeah I pushed her head up on the door I was screaming at her and she's like punching me kicking me and I grabbed a wrist I forcefully pushed her into the backseat and then I take off driving we get back to my house and then we're just laying down because by then I'm cooled down okay so you assaulted her in the car because jealous about her being with somebody else no sir I was mad that she kept lying to me so she got out of the car and fell backwards onto the grass and then you took her inside changed her clothes put a bandaid on her knee yes sir because I knew was bleeding I didn't realize her news bleeding until we got to my house and that's when I put change her clothes I put a band-aid on her knee and then we laid down in the bed and we was laying down for a little bit and then like she started rubbing her butt up against me and then that's when we did what we had to do we did our thing you know yeah okay and she woke up an hour later and started freaking out and screaming and called her dad and that's when she's and that's when she was like I want to call my dad and I was like this isn't like ideal situation for me to meet your father like I don't want to meet your father like this so she was but when you found her she was passed out and incapacitated when you found her in the car passed out yes she was asleep she was asleep yeah and you said well you said she was passed out and she fell to her knees when she got out of it yes sir so and she thinks maybe she had been roofied yes yes and then she told me that after afterwards her dad picked her up that's when she told me that she didn't remember anything and that she had been roofied and that's when I was like in the back of my head I was like dang we had we had sex and you just told me that she was off a roofie so she doesn't remember anything to happen and so now it's like what does that make me look like but at the ending what that makes you look like because I I because I I took a hard look at the law in in your state and it's it's pretty interesting because there's a statute of limitations 8 years actually and it says rape is unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant and the defendant knows or has a reason to know that the victim is mentally defective mentally incapacitated or physically helpless and it's not one two three four it's not that you have to meet all of these any one of these you assault her in the car you say she was incapacitated when you found her when I found then you assault her in the car then you go home and she's clearly incapacitated and you know you stood there was there was time lap see that's my girlfriend we've had sex plenty of times we've had sex every day countless times like yesterday like this like this morning like all the time
Channel: Dr. Phil
Views: 7,115,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advice, daytime, doctors, dr phil, dr phil full episodes, dr., drphil, help, host, illness, mcgraw, mental, mustache, news, parenting, phil, psychologist, self, series, show, talk, tv
Id: gVyqOV7d5u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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