Young Forever: Dr. Mark Hyman’s Secrets to a Long HEALTHY Life

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I get so many questions about how I stay healthy and energized and keep going in my life and I gotta tell you my guest today is the person that helps me do it this is a conversation that you don't want to miss if you want a long and healthy life Dr Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader speaker educator and advocate in the field of functional medicine he's the founder and director of the ultra Wellness Center Senior advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for functional medicine and a 14-time New York Times best-selling author Dr Hyman is the host of one of the leading Health podcasts the doctors Pharmacy and a regular medical contributor to CBS This Morning today Good Morning America The View and CNN among others his latest book is Young Forever the secrets to living your longest healthiest life oh my goodness Dr Mark Hyman hi hi I adore you I'm so excited and by the way can I tell you the moment that I got this here's my galley of young forever um I tore into it like literally I remember I got it before I was traveling somewhere and um I could not put it down so congratulations what is this is this like your 18th book or even so I think so I think that's a count but yeah it's up there no when you get to the stage that you're at it's just like I think it whatever it's 18 19. I was talking to Deepak Chopra and I'm like so he's like yeah well I'm I'm publishing my like 94th book and I'm like what yeah no that guy God bless Deepak Deepak was actually he was one of my initial I call him my gateway drug into spirituality because the seven spiritual Laws of Success was one of the first books I read and it was like the universe and mind body and I was like so Deepak he's on a whole other level but for you congratulations on this book Young Forever um this topic is obviously very close to my heart so for everybody listening and watching right now Mark and I have been friends for a really long time long time a super long time like crazy long time and then a few years ago when I was having some major major health challenges Mark I remember I've always been super I don't know if skeptical is the right word frustrated let me say that I've been super who is this quack Dr Hyman you mean no no I've been super frustrated with the traditional medical system and I remember like you and I were friends and I would read your books and then I would go into my traditional docs and like ask for certain tests based on what I learned from you and I would always get resistance and I would be like oh not so good no and I was like do you know who you're talking like I'm the woman who wants to figure anything out and you're telling me no like I can't have these tests for my own empowerment of my own health care cut to um my big health challenges and feeling terrible and going through all of these different experiences that I had never experienced in any part in my life and I remember thinking to myself like the only doctor I trust is Mark and I texted you and I was like I need to not only be your friend like I need to officially be your patient like can I be your patient whatever it takes I remember telling your staff I was like I am so compliant I'm not I'm far from perfect but if you all tell me Marie you need to take these supplements you need to do these tests you need to do whatever 99 of the time I'm going to be your most compliant you know patient so I say all that because I'm so excited about this book because I'm so passionate about this topic so let's start at the top what inspired you to write young forever and what's really the promise of this one oh it's so exciting Marie about medicine right now is it's it's just undergoing this massive rethinking of what is disease and what is health and we're shifting our Focus from treating individual diseases to treating the very root causes of of disease and aging itself you know like we can't stop the clock or maybe if you're going outer space you can right basically you can't stop the clock but you can change your biological clock you can't change your chronological clock so I'm 63 but biologically I'm 43 by these new Advanced testing that we can now do looking at our epigenetic age our DNA methylation and so the science is is radically changing and it and doctors are just not in the flow of this it takes about 17 to 20 years from when we get the science to what ends up in the clinic at your doctor's office so I'm trying to compress that and I'm trying to take the science of longevity combining with the science of functional medicine and create a road map for people to follow to activate all their innate healing systems their longevity switches I call them we have these embedded longevity switches our bodies want to be healthy they don't want to be sick and so basically sickness is your body's best attempt to deal with a bad set of circumstances so the The Cure is getting rid of the bad set of circumstances whether it's your diet or chronic stress or environmental toxins or changes to your microbiome and what what's happened in the last couple of decades is we've really understood the body as an information system and that aging is an information problem we're getting the wrong information the wrong signals and we need to basically upgrade our biological software by addressing these fundamental things that go wrong we call the Hallmarks of Aging we can talk more about those but from the from my perspective that's just the first step in longevity scientists are focused on how do we how do we treat these Hallmarks of Aging because if we did that we could extend Life by 20 30 40 years if we cured all heart disease and cancer from the face of the planet we might get five to seven years of life extension so rather than treating the diseases themselves let's treat the Hallmarks and am I great but what's causing the Hallmarks in the first place yes that's where functional medicine comes in it's getting to the root cause and and I love this because you know for most of us like when we think about like oh gosh do we even want to live longer and I know that might sound pessimistic but for many people our exposure to Aging in general um it can be scary right so we have these visions of fragility and poor health and loss of memory and function I remember you know I lost my grandmother um in September of 2020 and she was 94 and I like Norma and she was oh my gosh Norma was a Spitfire like what a spicy woman right and so she's oh she was flirting but she would always tell me you know she's strong struggled with so much depression she you know her skin her bones like everything was so frail and I remember her telling me my grandmother was extremely spiritual and she's like Maria I'm ready like I'm ready so can you explain and talk through a why someone would want to extend our lives if that's kind of the version of Aging that we're familiar with and let's talk through the difference between normal aging and abnormal aging kind of like lifespan and health span yeah well you know we have a very warped view of what aging is in our culture because you see the average old person and they're just decrepit they're frail they can't do what they love to do in the world uh they just don't look so great they're kind of soft and flabby and moving slow and that's not normal you know I got back from the blue zones I traveled in Korea into Sardinia and had the chance to meet some of these people were they live the longest of any populations in the world and in Sardinia they had the longest of males and and there's their shephers in a very rugged country where they have to like basically hike up and down mountains they eat just what is around them local food and this guy Pietro was 95 years old and he was both upright super strong booming voice saying to me in this loud loud voices beautiful Italians lying I don't understand what you're saying but it was great and he literally was a Shepherd Who quote retired just the year before at 94 years old and he had been literally carrying getting his sheep up and down the mountains and living in this way that was fully connected to his community that was eating food as close to its natural state as possible full of phytochemicals and had this beautiful community of friends and so he was showing me that at any age you can be fit and healthy and strong and powerful so you know I think you know my friend Peter Tia talks about before he talked about training for the Centenary Olympics now he talks about the centenarian decathlon essentially it's the idea that we need to train for healthy aging we can't just assume that our bodies are going to be fine now when we're younger we can get away with a lot of crap but when we're getting older like I'm 63 I kind of have to work a little harder I have to eat a little better I have to sleep more I have to make sure I exercise more I have to do the things that are are keeping myself running it at high level so you know I just was skiing in Switzerland booming down the hill you know and and having a great time and my body could do it because I was training I've been training for it rather than just letting yourself go and I think this is the key if you have a you know Toyota Camry you drive it off the lot brand new you know 2023 it's going to be fine you wouldn't have to do anything for 10 years but if I get like a you know 1938 Mercedes convertible I'm gonna have to put a little more work into keeping it running but it can run great yeah no I love this too and I want to talk about Sardinia because I remember I was watching and like loving every Instagram post of yours because I'm like oh my gosh I want to do this trip I want to hear all about that but I love that you share that because I think for me personally um I remember the conversations in my head going like oh I shouldn't have to right um and I love that we're talking about this meaning oh I why can't I just bounce out of bed like I used to or bounce back from my workouts the way I used to and I think one of the things that's so great and young forever and what you just said too it's like oh look as we age you are going to have to put in some more time intention awareness and doing those things has tremendous benefits yeah and the data is there and the data is there Marie we know that you know you can be super fit in your 60s and 70s and be as fit as you know 30 year olds but yes you've got to work at it and I think the the design of the book young for essentially is mapping out you know why we age what goes wrong how we how we can fix it and then exactly what to do so it's really a guide based on my 30 years of practicing functional medicine that makes it kind of Goof Proof if you follow this approach if it's really common sense and but unfortunately it's not too common as Mark Twain said common sense is not too common we could yeah or not common practice right it's like common knowledge it's not common practice yeah and what I and I want to just build that up and interrupt you for just a second for everyone watching listening right now like the book is so good if you're like me and you want to understand the why you want to understand the science and you want the Practical steps it's like Mark you've done just such a brilliant job but please continue thank you yeah it's really you know what I do as a doctor you can read a lot of books that are you know about the academic science of longevity or kind of you know this fat or that fat but it's this is really based on a solid framework of functional medicine which looks at the body as a system as a very intelligent system that if we understand we can remove the things that are causing the body to malfunction or dysfunction and activate all the things that cause the body to function well so you know in the book I talk for example about the Hallmarks of Aging which are this is a new Uber framework that longevity scientists are using to understand the root causes and and yet they don't go quite far enough um and what what's really important to understand is if you look at the Hallmarks you can actually see why they occur if you look through the lens of functional medicine it's what we eat it's our microbiome it's environmental toxins it's chronic stress it's these core things that we can actually do something about so that's very empowering if we understand how to optimize these these Pathways that regulate the Hallmarks of Aging we can extend Life by 20 30 40 years and healthy life nobody wants to be a decriminal person I want to be skiing when I'm 100 down this Hills in Switzerland like I was last week there's no reason I can't do that amount of BS fast I'm I'm gonna be quite the same as I am now but you know I would say you know I'm 63 and I'm fitter than I was when I was 40 or 30. and I and I can see I can do more I'm I'm functioning at a higher level and I know I know this when I go out bike riding with my 30 year old friends they're like they can't keep up they turn around and go back and I'm like let's go you know and so and it's not because I'm some superhuman guy or exercise 10 hours a day I don't I I you know today I did a Sprint workout for 20 minutes I did a 30 minute sort of band workout I took a um a sauna or I actually have a steam and I jumped in the ice bath and in the Berkshires in the winter is really cold I promise you in my bathtub and so basically in a very short amount of time I was able to activate all these healing Pathways in my body and then I had a my healthy aging shake after my workout which is designed to activate muscle synthesis and build muscle and turn all these incredibly powerful things that we need to eat to age well so uh in terms of mitophagy and things for my gut microbiome and I put my gut food product in there and I sort of had this routine and it's it maybe take me an hour hour and a half at most end to end from that workout to the steamed uh sauna or an ice bath and to the shake and then I'm ready to go and you know I I was I was having dinner with the CEO of nestle Health Sciences uh and you know this is a six plus billion dollar division of nestle and they're talking about all this cool stuff they're doing and so and he was showing me this like Garmin his app it's like he has a VO2 max of 60. Now video 2 max is basically a really good indicator of of your Fitness and Longevity it's correlated directly it's basically how fit you are because it describes how much oxygen you consume per minute and how fast your metabolism is and he was like 60 and I'm like holy crap 60 for a 53 year old guy is really high I said what do you do he says well I exercise two or three hours a day I'm like you're the CEO of like messy house science how do you do that he says well I get up early and I ride my bike to work and I I live at the bottom of the hill in Switzerland I kick it up 2 000 feet of elevation every day and I'm like you know if a guy who's a CEO of a major company like that can figure it out I think most of us can try to figure it out there are so many things that you said that I'm making mental notes in my brain as I go through my question so one I'm going to make a mental note for me and you and for our listeners that before the end of this interview we need to know what the what your shake is and I know we'll get there and I know you kind of ran through your routine because everybody always Ethel well Mark Hyman what do you do but here's um you wrote something and I want to just peel into this a little bit because I think it's so important you said the overarching idea here is simple our genes are fixed but the genes that are expressed in our Book of Life which genes are turned on and off genes of health or genes of disease are modifiable so can you just before we kind of go on to some of the quick things that people can do to start to restart reboot kind of get into a more Young Forever program what is the epigenome what is it yeah and what impacts it well this is so this is the coolest part of the longevity research so we go oh our genes are fixed you know we can't really do much you know my mom got Alzheimer's my dad got cancer or whatever I'm like my dad my brother's got diabetes it's just the truth is that our genes cannot be changed but the genes are like the keys enough piano there's 88 keys and you you know with that you got your piano but the truth is you can play jazz or Ragtime or rock or blues or anything classical I it's infinite what you could do with the piano keys when you're playing them and the piano player is the epigenome Epi means it's above it's above your genes and it's controlled by what we do so the epigenome is highly influential by what we eat by what we think by how we move by stress by environmental toxins by your microbiome by all the things that we actually have control over and so we literally can measure your biological age by measuring your epigenome by the little marks on your genes or tell which genes should get red or not are you are you actually turning on the Aging in disease genes or you're turning on the longevity and health genes and and we now can measure that through something called DNA methylation which is relatively new most doctors certainly don't do it you can order it online there's different companies do it there's some quality control issues but the bottom line is you can do this and using a functional medicine dietary lifestyle intervention a friend of mine a colleague of mine published a paper that in eight weeks they could reverse their biological clock by three years by changing their diet and lifestyle by for just eight weeks so we know the power of the epigenome to change the the trajectory of our health and our life and what's what's really exciting about this stuff is that now we're learning that there may be ways that are a little bit of sci-fi futuristic now but soon will be happening imagine your iPhone there wasn't an iPhone uh you know 15 16 years ago right but now there's everyone's got an iPhone and it's using genetic reprogramming or epigenetic reprogramming and using the uh these factors called yamanaka factors that were discovered by just the professor in Japan yamanaka won the Nobel Prize for it essentially can reprogram your genes to A Younger You So maybe in the future one day we'll be putting in these little transcription factors into your body we'll we'll create a some way to turn them on at different times your life so let's say you put them in when you're 25 and you're 40 you get a little wrinkled maybe a little arthritis or whatever you turn on you turn those on for a while file and it reverse reverses your epigenetic programming back to a younger you and then you kind of keep going and they may be another 10 15 years you turn them on again and so who knows what's going to happen with this but it's really quite exciting and that's a little bit sci-fi techie but the take home here is that we know without all that how to reprogram the genome to a younger you and my goal is number 43 biologically I want to get down to 25. I want to see how far I can go if I do all my tricks and do all these things what's actually going to happen when I start to apply this science of longevity that we're learning now and how often are you testing because you know every time you and I get on our private calls I'm like I gotta test again I gotta test again and by the way I need to do this one because I don't think we've done my no no we haven't so I I'm gonna talk with the team we'll get that done but um how often are you testing well I think I think you know what what's amazing is that they did even testing up to like I said eight weeks and they could see a change I don't think you need to test it off maybe it depending on the aggressiveness of your intervention every every six months every six months 12 months you could do an epigenome test I mean they're they're they're going to come down in price right now probably four or five hundred bucks but it's pretty it's pretty amazing what we can learn about how our epigenome can be reprogrammed so you know every bite of food you take every thought you have every time you move or don't move every toxin you're exposed to how you eat for your microbiome or don't all of that literally in real time is changing the way these marks on your epigenome are being made and how uh you are controlling the process of health or Aging for me it's not about aging or longevity or living to be 150 or 180 it's about how do I want to spend my life what's the quality of my life it's not a narcissistic heedness to Pursuit just to live longer and feel better it's about what the contribution can be I am so much smarter so much wiser now and have my [ __ ] together more than I ever did in my life at 63 and I don't want to like poop out and die in seven years right I want to I want to be able to give back and you know Mentor people and give back to the world and and share what I need I don't need anything anymore I've sort of climbed all the mountains and I have whatever I need to live a healthy happy life and I want to give back and so yeah imagine you have a bunch of people who aren't old in nursing homes and and and costing the system you know literally trillions of dollars but what if what if we ever actually activate a healthy um older population to bring all the contributions they can bring and David Sinclair from Harvard did this with some sort of geeky mathematicians and I don't really understand not that good but it was basically this mathematical macroeconomic analysis where they looked at what would happen if we extended life by year across the population or 10 years the the numbers were staggering for every one year of healthy life extension not being in a nursing home or in a hospital but healthy life extension we would save 37 trillion dollars if we did 10 years it would be like 378 trillion dollars if we could extend our life by 10 years which is not that a heart of a concept given what we know now hey real quick and then we're going to get back to this conversation with Dr Mark Hyman there is something special coming up that I do not want you to miss if you are someone who is interested in starting or growing your own business I have something free and amazing happening February 7th 8th and 9th it's called dream business boot camp you can go to get registered for free we're giving away these incredible prizes up to twenty thousand dollars and it's so inspiring it's so practical and for every business owner out there you need to get signed up and so given what we know now about what influences our epigenome right and the easy things that anyone can do that have nothing to do with testing that have nothing to do with sci-fi that have nothing to do with anything complicated that you even need to look up I love that you wrote this I underlined this in the book when I first read it you said the one intervention to extend life and prevent and reverse chronic disease which is to dramatically reduce or eliminate sugar and refined starch from your diet so talk us through why this is such a big deal and and just easy places for us to look where we may be able to cut out sugar or starch like just walk us through the places that could be hidden you know does this mean all white rice virtually all breads just give it to us you know it's it's interesting um we we have this embedded Pathway to protect us against starvation which is when we find a patch of berries or a honeycomb somewhere in the woods as hunter-gatherers we would just like eat all up or when we would have an abundance of fruit in the summer we just we just Chow it down and what that does is that activates this ancient embedded pathway one of these four longevity switches called insulin signaling and that causes to store fat for a potentially slim winter right when we don't have access to the amount of food and we put out we put down this belly fat that's great in if you're you know 100 gatherer and you need to store fat for the winter it's not good for us we keep eating all winter right and basically the the challenge with this is is this belly fat that's stimulated by too much insulin which is produced when you eat any kind of starch or sugar that belly fat is the key to understanding accelerated aging and disease it causes cancer heart disease diabetes obviously dementia loss of muscle and many many other things infertility depression acne alteration sex hormones it's just a disaster so you know if you want to really live well and long you have to keep your body composition good which means no belly fat now is that possible well I I think it really is you know I I've my my body composition six seven percent and I'm 63 years old it's possible to do that now some people are more likely to become in some resistant given any load of sugar if you're a Native American a Samoa you know Pacific Islander or Samoan if you're uh Indian from India if you're Asian if you're African-American you are more likely to store belly fat faster with any given load of sugar so you have to be more careful um but the key the key to really longevity and understanding is that this sugar and starch load is driving so much of the pathways that are causing us to to sort of end up with with longevity related diseases so if you want to be healthy and live a long life then that you can't ever have it I mean I was just in Switzerland I got some Swiss chocolate you know I was great but I also was you know worked out in the morning and skied all day and you know like this this uh this CEO from Nestle guy uh you know he was like super fed and you know nobody fat and he was like you know somebody sort of take a dinner and I'm like you eat the cake I'm like oh okay but if you know he rides his bike you know two hours a day straight up a hill you know his metabolism can handle that if you're just sitting around you know surfing Netflix uh all day well you probably can't so I think I think the key is to in increase your metabolic Health by reducing starch and Sugar by having good amounts of phytochemicals high quality fruits and vegetables good amounts of the right kind of protein good fats and exercising both Fitness training from the point of view of of cardio as as well as as strength training and resistance training becomes more and more important as you get older so I didn't really start until I was 60. and I can I can send you a picture Marie of me before when I was 40 and at 62. you can't like I'm like look at it like wow I mean I can't it looks like it should be the opposite right but it's because I've learned more about how my body works and what to do to make it work better and how to build muscle and you know that was back in the era where you know pasta was considered a health food yep and I know you're Italian I'm sorry I know I know no no but you know we've been on this journey and I'll tell you this just to interrupt you know because you because you've helped me a huge way and I was so I was so pissed honestly when we did all that testing and I was like I was like please don't tell me like do I have the gluten sensitivity I was like no it was just like a stress bucket it was just like a compounding effect but you're like no girl you're you're sensitive to it and you know you and I talked about it's like does this mean I can never have gluten I have to tell you a quick Side Story so just this past Friday night it was like a pretty intense week at work and um so there's this amazing Pizzeria that's in Naples that I went to years ago it's the same one that my friend um Liz Gilbert and Eat Pray Love right so um lantica Pizza D Michelle anyway I'd had their Pizza Naples they just opened around the corner for me here in New York City oh no so it's Friday night and I was like Joshy I feel like pizza now it's not often you know but sometimes you have the craving you have the craving and I've been really good about going to get gluten-free pizza if and when I have that craving so it's like okay I can get the satisfaction whatever so we go over and wind up having pizza that was a normal Pizza mark by the time I was back home which is the four minute walk away from my house I had a headache and I couldn't breathe meaning like the I was so congested I was like and so now I'm like oh my gosh I'm like damn Mark's right and I'm like okay Marie stop because I I literally don't have gluten anymore and that was the first time in so long so back to this starch and sugar I'm asking you because I know there's a lot of people out there like me like when it comes to Sushi or brown rice and I know we're not about eliminating anything or not like you said you were in Switzerland you had some of that Swiss chocolate and it's fine little tiny bits in moderation here and there occasionally the white rice brown rice or just like you know what let's just stay with the vegetables any advice and again we don't want to be extremist but I mean it's important for people to know I would say you know it depends on what's happening with your body you know if you're a type 2 diabetic on insulin you know you need to be on a ketogenic diet if you want to reverse it and once you've reverse it then you can be more metabolically flexible so you know part of the reason I do all the things I do is so I can have a wider range of choices we call that metabolic plus a bit flexibility and I I think most of us have become more metabolically inflexible so the healthier you are the stronger you are the more resilient you are and you want to become more metabolically resilient and and so I I for example you know need a little extra starch for example I had a Japanese sweet potato last night if I'm gonna have starch I'll have something like that which is this purple delicious sweet potato but I I need that because I'm I'm working out and I'm doing all these things and my body's tuned up but if if I you know I do too much of it like guys in Italy you know at this place called ratio which is went on a sort of very special trip I dreamed of going there for years you know one night uh we did a pasta making class and we had three different types of pasta we made and I ate all of them and I was like I felt horrible but I ended up you know coming back I weighed more I had a little my tummy was a little bigger and I didn't feel so good I was sluggish and you know occasionally that's not going to hurt you but as a regular habit of daily life it is and I think that's for me it's like what are you doing on a regular daily basis I called the 90 10 Rule now for example if you have a peanut allergy you you know you have zero tolerance if you're a type 2 diabetic you know you know you got to fix that stuff and if you have Dementia or if you have some serious problem you know you've kind of lost your ability to be flexible until you're not and so you know I think I I've seen the most remarkable things in medicine and people are losing 130 pounds not by a gastric bike past but by simply changing the quality of the food they're eating and it's all about food quality and nutrient density and the phytochemicals in food and and people don't realize how important that is and that's why last night for example I had dandelion greens with ginger now dandelion greens are super a super green that you know you think is your you know lawn that you put weed killer on but it's like actually is is incredibly detoxifying full of phytochemicals and ginger super anti-inflammatory so that was my greens then I had a Japanese purple sweet potato so I wasn't having like a big starchy Yukon a white potato but I had a beautiful Japanese sweet potato and I had a bison buffalo steak so it was great and that was that was my dinner uh and and that gives me a protein for muscle synthesis phytochemicals Ginger and then I had some blackberries for dessert so that was sort of my dinner yeah no I love it so you know there's so many new things on the market like I have actually we haven't even talked about this yet we'll talk about it in our calls um but like exosomes and stem cells and you know going into some of the kind of new breakthroughs that are existing in terms of helping our own bodies repair regenerate I was reading Just in Time Magazine I think it was David Sinclair I don't know if this is a brand new science bit that came out about it was like wow they have located this software right in mice where he's like oh we can reverse the aging process in them and I know we're right did you see that the other day yes for sure yeah yeah I know David well I mean this is not that new but the idea that that we can reprogram our epigenome at any age reprogrammer epigenome in English means we can reverse our biological clock at any age and we can do it through the lifestyle factors to certain phytochemicals we can eat in our diet through certain supplements and through certain practices I call hormesis which are like I did a you know sauna or and an ice bath this morning so that's a practice that you know stress of heat and stress of cold that activates healing Pathways so you we know how to do that at very low cost it's very easy and accessible I laid out in a book but what David was talking about was using yamanaka factors which is discovered by this Japanese Professor yamanaka who discovered these transcription factors that can reprogram your your cells to a younger you which is so wild you literally can insert these things into your body not exactly Gene editing but something like that and then you they kind of lay dormant and then when you want you can turn them on with a drug or some switch external switch and and it literally will reprogram your cells to be younger you so your wrinkles will go away your arthritis will go away you your your muscles will become more resilient you'll become more fit simply by activating these ancient switches that we can use through reprogramming our epigenome uh using these these uh these things called yamanaka factors now it's only like mice it's only in animals it's in vitro and human cells in the in the uh in the test tube but but it's common it's common now it's coming it's like this is like a Black Mirror moment right now that you and I are talking about this because hopefully it'll be like within the next who knows 10 years or so um is there any exciting innovating or promising new therapy whether it's in research or in development that you feel like you're like oh my goodness I can't wait for this one to come online is that what we were just talking about or something that that that's that's the big one is how do we how do we make epigenetic reprogramming really kind of the standard and I I don't think we're there maybe 10 15 years who knows I mean I have to stand left live long enough for that to happen 100 but but the there's some really cool things that are now available and they're they're certainly more expensive they're not accessible everybody uh like exosomes which are compounds and stem cells stem cells themselves peptides which are these regulatory molecules that are little mini proteins that regulate all sorts of factors in the body uh for example if I have an injury I inject these peptides that my body normally makes but you know maybe less as I get older or you're not in this much and they're getting injected my shoulder if I strain it and the next day I'm fine uh but what's really kind of cool is this technology that's been around for a long time is called plasmapheresis for transfer plasma exchange and your plasma is this soup that the cells float around in so you have red cells white cells platelets they float around in this basically soup and you've got liters of this stuff it's basically your blood without the cells and inside the plasma as we age we accumulate old proteins and inflammatory molecules maybe infections who knows what and I I and what what what's really been interesting is research on animals called parabiosis which is essentially where they hook up the circulation of a young mouse to an old mouse and the old mouse becomes young and they're like oh cool but you know am I gonna go find some teenage boy and hook my circulation up to him and you know I don't think that's going to go very well right right right there's actually a there's actually a um on the show on online called Silicon Valley there was an episode called blood boy and you know Peter thielen is doing this Mal used to take the blood of of uh Young Red Army soldiers you know and there was there's something to that so rather than having to do that what they've learned is it's not the stuff that's necessarily the young blood that's the problem it's something that's in the old blood that's causing rapid aging so basically you can filter your blood get rid of all this crap and and get younger and they've done this in animals models and I actually had covered recently about you know three or four months ago and I got arthritis like my hand blew up I was feeling lousy and I was having a little bit of this post covered stuff and it was lingering and I went to my friend who does this matte cook by recent medical in California and he did this thing called plasma exchange and he I wasn't even went back in and literally the next day my my arthritis was gone like I've never had arthritis it just was gone I felt great and then I went to you know you know had a great busy weekend and felt awesome so this technology is available it's not that expensive I think it's it's going to be something that's going to be pretty standard eventually there needs to be more research on it but I'm kind of excited about that that and that and things like ozone also are are kind of on the emerging Horizon but we don't need to wait for themselves and exosomes to be widely available there's a lot of these other things that are less expensive that people can access and I do talk about what's coming in the book and all these Innovations and kind of stuff so it's all in there but you know most of the stuff you don't really need you can still do 90 of it just on your own a hundred percent I mean and for me the most important thing has been food also reducing my stress um sleep I it was a couple of I forget like a week or two ago there's just for whatever reason oh it was one night Josh we had a screening for him so he was in a film and then the next day I was shooting and it was the first night in a really long time that I got less than my typical like seven or eight hours sleep boy did I feel it I was like off it took me like two or three days um that exosomes and the um oxygenation like I actually I'm like setting aside like I don't really care about clothes like material stuff I like being in a comfy home I like experiences but I'm like oh this is where my budget's going it's like I love experimenting with the stuff but it's true it's like food is most of it okay I wanted to ask you about the shake what is in I don't know if you remember what is in your uh people like they can do it right now they can go to a grocery store maybe they even have it in the fridge yeah so definitely it's in it's in my book it's the healthy aging shake and I I have a version of it in there and I I kind of change it from time to time but but what I use is we generally raise go away and why do I use goatway because goats have A2 casein and it's non-inflammatory like regular Cow Dairy so and I use regenerative because it it's good for the environment and everything is they're nice to the goats and it's really good and that is a very uh special form of protein that actually increases muscle since it's very good for also increasing glutathione and detoxing and then I add my pecan Shake which unfortunately now is is sort of off the market but plant proteins and other things to sort of jack up the protein so I combine animal and plant proteins but it's a very clean powder and then and then I add in something called urolithin a now this may have not heard about but it's a pomegranate derivative that's usually made by your microbiome but most of us have crappy micro pumps we don't make it and it actually is an amazing product that's from this phytochemical that caused our mitochondria to renew that increases our fitness level and our muscle mass independent of exercise I also put in my gut food product which is essentially phytochemicals plus probiotics and also some Prebiotic fibers to just keep my gut healthy because the microbiome plays a big role I add in also uh creatine creatine is especially as I'm getting older there's something called anabolic resistance which is as you get older you need more protein to build muscle and so I add in creatine which helped me build muscle and so then I put in some frozen blueberries or maybe some strawberries and I put in some Macadamia or cashew milk and I sort of blend it up now you can add all kinds of extra ingredients to there you can add MCT oil you can add athletic greens you can add whatever you want but but essentially I I it's an anti and also put adaptogenic mushrooms in mine which are things like I love the mushrooms and reishi and maitake yeah all the mushrooms and it sounds like it's going to taste like crap but it actually tastes good can you do taste good but I will take the ones in my coffee and I will take the magic ones from I'm just they're all happy in my book so keep going yeah I don't put magic mushrooms in my Shake in the morning no that would create a whole different this would be a very different interview Mark if that was yours yeah exactly so I I find this such a powerful uh way for me to get so many things in my um morning routine after I work out and then when I'm home and I can do it on a regular basis I really notice the change in my body composition increasing muscle mass and and just how I feel so I it's a it's a really powerful way to to do this and I think you know most of us don't realize that we we in our culture eat starch and sugar for breakfast you know bread and bagels muffins uh yogurt even almost with sweetened yogurt uh pancakes friend you know French toast all that it's just it's cereal it's the worst you could possibly do for your body you see sugar in the morning so I I typically eat protein and fat in the morning now I do throw in some berries and stuff but that's okay when you have the rest of it all combined in there it's awesome so okay thank you for that by the way and I know people in terms of they can go to the book everything is listed clearly we need y'all to get the book again because you're going to have it as your longevity Bible I'm telling you it's so so good um but as we wrap up I want to leave people again with actual tips so I know that we talked about if you can reduce and or eliminate sugar or starch by the way the line in the book that stuck with me on that one that from the neck down your body does not know the difference between a can of soda and a bagel I was like damn um so besides producing and removing uh starch and sugar two other things that people can do today to increase their longevity and health span what would you say and I would say you know you know the crawling of the diet part is to is to sort of put in phytochemicals so all the colorful plant compounds are designed to activate so many beneficial Pathways in your body that and and having the right amount of protein as you age which is more than we typically think of the right quality protein uh and then there's two other besides the diet part those are the key elements of the diet is uh exercise and I would say resistance training particularly as we get older which means weights or bands and I travel all over I use bands I I I'm a big fan of the Tom Brady training program you can get the app it's 50 bucks a year the bands are not that expensive and then you know they they throw in my suitcase and it weighs almost nothing and I and I do that 30 minutes three four five times a week and then I would say the last one is practice hormesis whenever you can and what's hormesis hormesis is essentially a stress that doesn't kill you but makes you stronger so exercise is hormesis if you're lifting weights like this morning I was like oh that hurts and I'm probably tearing muscle fibers that's a good thing because your body then goes oh [ __ ] uh this is a problem I better come in and activate all my healing systems so that's where me says uh not eating overnight like not taking at least 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast you know starvation is a stress the body will respond by kicking in these healing Pathways I took a steam and an ice bath this morning that's hormesis it stimulates these healing systems in your body so whatever it is and there's ways to do hypoxia there's all sorts of things you can use those massive for example make you uh when you sit at your desk not get full oxygen or when you're exercising athletes use these a lot when they exercise to kind of reduce their oxygen so they stimulate more mitochondrial function uh hyperbaric oxygen therapy is another one where you you're putting yourself under pressure like you're going scuba diving and with a lot of oxygen and that actually has a stress to the body and that all these things activate these longevity systems and I talked about all these different ways of doing hormesis in the book but that's a really powerful strategy for act and it's and you feel good I mean when I do a sauna and a nice bath I come out of that I feel so clear and strong and great yeah no I love it Josh and I just came back we were in the UK and uh that's basically all we did like we went we spent most of the day between a sauna and then ice showers and then sauna and Ice showers and so on and eyeshadow we're like we're the happiest we've been in a long time it was awesome so Mark it's so good and it's so simple and again you can do versions of this you don't need to go to an expensive spots like you can do a lot of this really really awesome cold shower that's right it's exactly right um I just adore you thank you so much like thanks on behalf of millions of us every time I tell friends and colleagues like oh I'm interviewing marker mark said this or like oh my God I love Mark so thank you for doing yet another book brilliant um and I'll be talking with you tell from the team I was following up with the ladies on your on your team and I was like yes ladies I'm getting my next test so we'll talk about all the good stuff but congratulations on this book thank you for making the time today and thank you for helping us all live our healthiest longest lives you're the best Marie thank you isn't Mark amazing so wonderful and you gotta go get that book so I'm super curious what's the biggest Insight that you are taking away from this conversation and most importantly how can you put that insight into action starting right now let me know in the comments below and by the way if you enjoyed this conversation make sure you subscribe to the channel if you are watching this here on YouTube and of course if you're listening to the podcast you should subscribe to that too it's amazing until next time stay on your game and keep going for your Big Dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have thank you so much for tuning in and I'll catch you next time hey are you ready to bring your dream business to life is it finally time to make the difference you were born to make good because we can help get started now at [Music] [Applause] now before you go if you enjoyed this conversation with Mark Hyman you have to watch this episode next it's all about how to reduce stress using one of my favorite practices go watch it now
Channel: Marie Forleo
Views: 39,757
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Keywords: Marie Forleo, Maria Forleo, personal development, personal growth, self-help, motivation, inspiration tips, inspiration, spiritual tips, self-help tips, be motivated, business tips, productivity, MarieTV, career tips, small business tips, tips for business people, tips for entrepreneurs, dr. mark hyman, young forever, functional medicine, reverse aging, staying young, longevity science, blue zones, epigenetics, feel younger
Id: r3EglmJmxyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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