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we are back with some more clash of clans aka COC aka Kok and we're going to be doing some farming so since we last left off it's been like a month and a half maybe longer and we've made tons in tons of progress so since then I've been able to max out my heroes my king queen and warden no longer have any upgrades my dark elixir storage is just full I don't really have anything to spend it on sure there's a few troops and spells in the lab but I'm not jamming these timers so when one day when these healers are done I'm for sure gonna start another upgrade but at the moment I have a lot of options and I'm clueless as to what I'll start if we go on over to the village edit mode I'm about halfway through my level 13 walls they cost 4 million apiece so you know I'm just slowly going through them in terms of my builders I have one mortar going up in Archer tower at Tesla a wizard tower and then my fifth builder is actually being saved up for walls and just to check out you know my my builder village I am builder Hall 9 but I'm extremely rushed the goal is to upgrade our Auto Hut but honestly I'm losing faith I have to get a level 30 battle machine and I don't see that happening any time soon so to start off today's video let's use one of these training potions our army is all cued up the main goal is to try and get as many walls upgraded as possible as I showed you previously we are almost at that halfway mark so as long as I can upgrade to walls in this video and break through that Waypoint I'll be happy on my computer that way I have a notepad open with my starting amount of loot so I'm just gonna keep track as this video progresses and once the video is over I will have the end calculation of how much gold elixir and dark elixir we have earned I have a semi dead base right here so i'ma just pop the Queen down steal two of those collectors and it we're walking away with 50 K of each okay yes we found a base I want to attack this walls looks pretty damn good so a few things I want to look at where the hell are the air sweepers because the air sweepers can push my heed rags back and it just makes me really sad so air sweepers in the court not a big deal I noticed his eagle is super exposed so I want to hit him from the bottom side in terms of these heed rags if I put one right here and then the other right here this should be able to clear a funnel for the rest of my army so I'll get the heed rags go this army I'm not kidding you doesn't take too much skill at all there's a bit of tricks with the deployment so hopefully I don't feel too badly but I'm gonna continue let these dragons go a little bit more and you know what now let's begin this push let's put the wall wrecker in I am gonna send the King in on this side to try and create a better funnel for my bowlers and now that that compartments open let's send all the bowlers in hit the Queen get all five of our healers plus the warden get our first rage spell we're gonna jump over the eagle I might have actually missed the core with this jump spell so get rage number two down it's all good I probably could have used the poison spell on that Queen we're just gonna keep on pushing though the second reach is over there I am gonna use that warden ability while everyone is underneath it and usually I like to try and save my clan castle spells but you know what let's just we'll just use it for the video you know since this is the first attack and I want to show you we can smash somebody with this army we got to go balls deep and absolutely smash someone I am gonna use the poison spell there probably could have threw that down on the Queen when I realized there were no CC troops but at this point this base is is absolutely we slaughtered we flew through this I'm not kidding you this army does it take too much skill you do have to create the funnel with the e tracks to ensure that the bowlers go straight you also have to make sure the Eagle doesn't obliterate all your bowlers and then the final thing to look out for is the damn air sweepers because if they're near the edge of the base and you put your heed Ragan's down they can just keep on shooting your dragons back and you will never ever get a hit off with them and it's super frustrating and just like that battle number one is winding down let's see how much loot we ended up getting from this ion asleep forgot was like 600 K each oh wow even even better than I thought so we got 750 K gold nearly six thousand elixir plus 100k each from our bonus in terms of dark elixir I don't think it's really needed for me to track that because I don't actually gain anything so that battle was actually super good oh I didn't even start training up the next army yet okay this is gonna set me back a little bit how about happen to have a dog um you know what I do I want to attack this guy I feel kind of bad because like he's a dead base and I kind of wanted like 600 K each but you know what let's just go for this is gonna be an absolute slaughter nothing is even up his Eagles down he's probably not gonna have CC troops the infernos won't stop me let's use our a low-level wall record for this and again I just want to find his damn air sweepers because these dead bases have the most random air sweepers you'll ever see I cook that ones at the bottom that ones at the top so I really don't want to deal with those I would like to try and avoid his air defenses as well so we're gonna put one right there I hope that's oh come on oh well I was trying to avoid it and whoa dot will sauce the other one uh let's put this guy down here it's kind of a big funnel but I think we will make this work I'm still super salty that I managed to screw up that top a dragon luckily he is pretty far from that air sweeper oh no this one's going into the bottom one oh man this I just I tried to you know offer some advice and I don't even stick to the advice myself it's cool let's just get this started we are gonna put the wall wrecker in I'm gonna put the King over here so that way his butt will funnel around let's get our bowlers down let's get Queen let's get all of our healers grand warden and now let's be sure to try a hawk trap you know what I was gonna say let's not open up all these compartments because I don't want my bowlers to wander but eh yeah that's what they're doing in this battle luckily it's a dead base because this attack was absolutely her run Durst am i right or am i freaking right i'ma just keep this up I guess we'll put another jump there hopefully all my troops kind of just funnel through this and we're gonna put our final rage spell on the bottom in terms of the clan castle rage spell I'm not gonna bother using it this battle was just absolutely garbage trash but it wasn't that base so I mean we had the three-star in the bag but if he had actual inferno towers and castle troops the eagle I don't know if it would have went this smoothly I probably would have attacked him from a different route but uh you know regardless of how I think the battle went we still have like all of our troops alive and we are just asking this guy up by the boom bada bing another three star in the bag what did we walk away with 500 K gold 600 K elixir plus our bonus not bad the next army will be ready in about six minutes give or take our boost has been going on for 20 minutes now and we have done one two three yeah we've done three battles and just to show you my attack log I've been grinding like all the last night and stuff as you can see I've been just hitting people okay you can't see my full attack log because I was dropping some trophies but I promise you I did like two to three boosts last night I got a few walls done you know things in clash they are going good okay we have our first official challenge or at least I think the space seems maxed out for the most part I mean I'm just gonna say it's 100% max just from the looks of it so first off where the hell are the air sweepers I'm telling you this is like I spy you got to zoom in on the base and really lock these down where one of them is outside okay and the other air sweeper oh my god you know why does it gotta be this difficult sometimes I'm just gonna put one of these Ede rags right here hopefully it takes out that other air sweeper oh I found the other one it's right there and up put the other a dragon right here so these two should create the funnel I'm a coming straight from this eagle jump into the court jump out of the Corps I don't I don't have anything in this wall wrecker but I'm not gonna let that get to us we should be able to absolutely fry this guy so wall wrecker is going in right now there is a Tesla that is fine not gonna ruin this I'm gonna put the King there so all of my troops will go straight and I just need this wall wrecker to break through one rate one layer of walls and we will be set so everything's all good let's get our rage down let's jump into this compartment right here that was actually kind of a fail in a way uh I wanted the jump to uh bring me fully into this core so I'm a placed another jump over there I do need to use that Kings ability right now I have a bunch of bowlers on that right side and none of my troops went to the damn court oh man you know this is just a big colossal fail I oh my god no come on you can't do this to me I'm gonna just keep spamming these rage spells down let's get the to start go to the center damn it okay this is not going as planned as of now we need to get this dude's Town Hall I don't know where this battle went wrong well first off this jump spot right here was absolutely awful I meant to have that so my troops would go straight into the core but instead I totally just wasted my jump spell there I can still get these two gold storages on the bottom and this oh no man you know what we're just gonna end the battle there that battle was a huge colossal fail I'm kind of upset that it went so so absolutely catastrophic but it's it's fine we all have bad battles so this is where everything went to hell look at this jump spell my wall record broke the wall but I wasn't expecting it to so that jump spell literally did absolutely nothing so instead of my troops going straight right here they just said yeah screw you we're just gonna walk all the way around so that jump spell was better honestly I think I could have tripled this fool so Elaine you dodged a bullet on this one how about a hobbit a hobbit oh so another dead base are theirs this guy's pretty freakin stack I saw a few different people I debated but no one was this juicy we're gonna get one little dude up there and another little guy over here and this should absolutely just clear this whole half of the base out for me and here we go we are gonna interfere this dudes base right here so we got the wall record going in I got the king this first compartment is gonna be opened up right now so next up let's get our bowlers down let's get the Queen let's get our healers get the warden this dude is gonna get absolutely shredded we are gonna put a jump spell down right there I wasn't fully sure if that was gonna be needed or not but I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a repeat of what happened in my last attack so everyone's kind of going straight I got some bowlers wandering which dude I just suck so much balls at class today man let me tell you nothing is going as planned everything just seems to be going a big failure now I still haven't in a 3-star so it's not like you know I'm doing really bad but it's just not going how I planned man you know I wanted all those bowlers to go to the core and shred through but maybe them walking around wasn't necessarily a bad thing I mean we still absolutely over killed this guy's base my heroes still have full health I have so many bowlers alive I wasted my Kings ability so he can get through that wall burned the Queen's ability there he has two defenses left a double cannon in an archer tower and then I have all these troops alive we're gonna end up saving that final rage spell this battle was like the others the tude didn't really stand a chance you know it didn't go perfectly how I planned but still I I would say it was honestly pretty decent and both 600k each plus our bonus let's check how much longer we have on our boost there's 21 minutes left so I'm hoping we can get like three to four more attacks in within this video so far I've gained about three million gold and two million elixir I don't know the exact values at the moment yo this is bases super wack he's got like three Inferno towers up top as air sweepers are outside I don't I don't really know what he's going for but imma imma sweep this dude and make him upbeat oh I love when an e drag can just destroy all the outer buildings and the buildings inside it's just such like a good feeling look at the value these dragons are gonna get everything is just so close together right here he is just making this too easy for me oh my god these dragons literally destroyed the whole base I was gonna start this attack of it earlier but luckily I waited so let's put the wall record down right here it should go straight to the Town Hall there's only one cannon hitting this in terms of our jump spells we're gonna get one right there we're gonna get these jumps down a little bit early on this base because I don't want the same damn thing to happen that's been happening so got all of our shoes down right there there's one bowler wandering around so screw that guy we adjusted our bowler placement at the perfect time now let's get the next ridge felt ready for when everything progresses through the base now we're gonna get our next jump ready for up top hopefully everything follows the trend I just use the poison spell on Queen I like to waste all my spells and battles if I know I'm gonna have something left over um there's a lot of stuff targeting Mike King right now so I'm gonna pop the warden ability before he goes down and now we're gonna use that King ability to destroy the Town Hall luckily my boys actually survived that blast in this battle went so perfect like I went straight through the court a clear line down his base with this army that's how I like all the attacks to go it's just my skill isn't always there and it's just kind of helpful that a lot of the bases I attack are either dead or underleveled compared to me but this battle was probably one of the best in the videos absolutely flawless we got mad value with the e dragons everything went as planned and of course we got a phat amount of loot as well I just found an absolute thick bass bada boom bada bang this guy is going down to pound town it is just such an aggressive strategy look at this the e drags in my heroes alone can probably get like 80% on this dude let's let's begin the strat so wall wrecker goes down i'ma send the King in as well once he starts heading towards that elixir collector right now let's send all of our bowlers in this is good get the healers down with the Queen get the warden let's get a jump rate there to open up both of those compartments raid spell number one is going down now we're gonna get the second jumper right there which is gonna allow all my troops just to go right through the middle of this guy's base since there isn't of the Giga Tesla I am gonna pop the ward in stability a little bit early and now let's just use our last rage spell down there again went straight through the center of this guy's base I am gonna use the poison spell there and I'm pretty sure like all of my bowlers survive this I don't do we even have a troop die I bet you if I counted all of my troops right now every single last one of them would still be alive my heroes have full health this was just an all-out Massacre I almost feel bad for for bit blob over here the king of Clash of Kings heading over here to get that little Builder Hut my queen she's clearing out the last few percentage over here let's burn the Kings ability while he you know makes his way around and now let's use the Queen's ability before she takes too much damage and just like that all the defenses are down every single one of my bowlers is pretty much alive at least I think and we got ourselves another three-star in total I think that was like 700 K each plus the bonus so definitely a good battle and in terms of our boost there's only three minutes left and come on why doesn't this thing update it says my Army's gonna take 24 minutes but it's boosting I don't know why clash doesn't know how to math sometimes okay reload the game come on clash so I just know if we can fit another battle into this video please this army okay you know what we're just we're gonna end things here real quickly I'm gonna calculate all the loot that we earned I'm just gonna take the original amount of golden elixir I started with and subtract that from the amount I have now so we started this video off with let me let me pull it up on my screen here with 3,400,000 gold and 3,600,000 elixir so that means we profited this number right here I don't know what that number is because I haven't calculated it yet but we can't upgrade two of our walls and officially say we are halfway through our level thirteen walls going on over to our village editor as you can see we have 150 left and 150 down so with that being said we're gonna wrap up today's video here if you enjoyed it leave a like down below comment if you would like some more clash of clans but guys this has been eclipse in peace out you [Music]
Channel: Eclihpse
Views: 5,528
Rating: 4.8475075 out of 5
Keywords: ECLIHPSE, ECLIPSE, clash of clans strategy, coc, clash of clans attacks, clash of clans gameplay, clash of clans commercial, town hall 12, clash of clans town hall, clash of clans animation, hog rider, clan wars, pekka, clash of clans gems, free gems, clash of clans update, clash of clans new hero, clash of clans town hall 12, clash of clans new update, th12, galadon clash of clans, clash of clans new troop, clash of clans new, town hall 11, town hall 8, clash of clans youtube
Id: lPn8XyfNAcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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