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Hello, my dear followers and valued viewers, welcome to my mis kitchen channel. Today I have such a practical and easy recipe for you that even someone who has never rolled dough in their life can make it very easily. Because we will prepare and cook all the doughs at the same time without opening them one by one, and as you can see , the layers will be separated like this. Now I'm getting into the build. I take 1.5 cups of water that has been waiting at room temperature into the kneading bowl. Then I add a teaspoon of salt and melt the salt with a spatula. I'm going to start adding flour in a controlled way. I have measured the amount of flour for you and I will tell you the amount I used when the dough comes together . In the beginning, let's use the spatula first. We will prepare a yeast-free dough. In this respect, it is very practical. So you don't have much waiting time. After the dough is ready to be kneaded, I leave the spatula. And I will continue to add flour in a controlled manner until it comes to a consistency. I used a little more flour than 4 cups in total. But please be in control. Because the quality of the flour can change this amount. The important thing is that your dough will be in a consistency that can be easily peeled off from its container and will not stick to your hands . After kneading the dough, sprinkle some flour on the counter and knead for a few minutes until it becomes smooth . If the dough sticks to your hands while kneading, sprinkle it with light flour so that it comes together. Remember, a well-kneaded dough always gives good results. After kneading the dough enough, I take it to my flour-sprinkled counter and leave it to rest for 10-15 minutes, covered. In the meantime, I can prepare the stuffing. I chopped about 8-9 green onions as thin as you can see only the green parts . I will roll my rested dough into balls. First, we sprinkle a little flour on it, in order to cut it easily. and I start cutting evenly with a dough card. I tried to keep the average weight of each meringue 90 grams. It will be much better if you make meringues in multiples of 2 or 3 . One meringue is too much for me, I will open it separately. It will be much better if you roll the dough by folding it from top to bottom while decorating. You must rest the dough every time you handle it. Because the dough hardens as it touches it. It becomes tight and difficult to open. When rested, the dough will become even softer and will easily stretch out. Please pay attention to these. After decorating all the dough, I cover it with a clean bag and leave it for 10 minutes. Now I am preparing the flour and starch mixture that you will use when rolling out the dough. I combined half a glass of flour and half a glass of starch in a bowl. Wheat or corn starch makes no difference. You can use whatever you have on hand. Mix it well with a whisk. I sprinkle a pinch of baking soda on the chopped green onion. In this way, the green onion will not lose its color and vitality while the pastry is cooking. After mixing it well, all my materials are ready, I can start the opening process . I start by spreading the flour and starch mixture that I have prepared on the counter abundantly and flouring the bottom and top of the dough that I first rolled . You can use a rolling pin or rolling pin at this stage. I tried to open each meringue in an average size of 20 cm. I would say the size of a pie plate. Our first dough is ready. I sprinkle a lot of starchy flour mixture on it. Never be stingy about this and sprinkle more especially around the edges of the dough . Now I've set it aside. Again, I apply the same process to the second meringue. And I place it on the dough that I first rolled out. Sprinkle plenty of flour and starch mixture on it again. And I open the third decoration in equal size by applying the same operations. I placed the third dough that I opened last on top of the other 2 doughs. Please follow the details that I will show and explain from this stage . These are very important so that the dough can be rolled out without tearing and sticking. You can roll these 3 doughs either with a rolling pin or with a rolling pin. The most important thing to watch out for is not to put too much pressure on the edges. Apply a force towards the middle part. Make sure to turn it over once in a while. Let the piece of dough below grow evenly with the others. The flour and starch mixture that we sprinkle abundantly between will allow these 3 doughs to separate without sticking to each other . Therefore , do not forget to sprinkle a mixture of starch and flour liberally in between when placing it in layers . I enlarged the dough to about 40 cm. See, since I didn't put too much pressure on the edges, it came apart more easily. There may be minor ruptures. They are no problem. The floors are not visible as they will remain inside. Although the dough was soft, as you can see, it came apart very easily. Do not stay fixed at a certain point when rolling out the dough, or rather separating the layers from each other . The place you are looking at does not open very well, It has started to stick. Try to open it from somewhere else. As you can see now, the edges of the dough that I opened are a little thick. Because in the first stage, I did not open it by loading too much. Look at those parts later with a rolling pin, as you can see, I'm going over them and thinning the edges . So you don't need to act professionally to roll out a dough. As you can see, you can open all three of them very easily. Do not roll more than 3 sheets of dough together. It is more likely to stick. It is more accurate to open it in 2 or 3 ways. I also thin them by going over them with a rolling pin where I can see them thick. After I open all the dough and make it ready, I apply oil on it. You can also use melted butter if you prefer. After oiling all the dough, we sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on it. If you want, you can prepare it with spinach, potatoes, cheese, but green onions and cheddar give a really nice flavor. I must try this pastry. After placing some green onions on them, I now proceed to the cutting process. With the help of a dough card, I cut 2 opposite sides of about 3-4 finger thickness as you can see. Now I'm going to the folding process, I folded the remaining 2 edges on the sides inwards as you can see . When you fold and cook the pastry in this way, you will see that it is cooked by separating the wire. I fold the middle part in the same way and apply oil on them so that they do not stick . Apply a lot of oil to these parts so that there is no dough, it does not stick to each other. Yes, my first pastry is ready. Now I apply the same process to the others and apply a lot of liquid oil on them. I made all my pastries. Now I move on to the cooking process. I heat a non-stick pan well and then pour 3 tablespoons of oil on it . With the help of a brush, I distribute the oil over the entire surface of the pan. And after the oil is well heated, I place my pastries one by one. You can easily cook 3 pastries in a large pan at the same time. While cooking, spread the oil on the pan over the pastries. While cooking this pastry, you need to cook it by turning it frequently. In other words, make sure to turn the other side without completely browning one side. Just like making pancakes. When you cook your kidneys by turning them frequently, they will swell better and their layers will separate. Yes, my donuts were browned very well. It was cooked very well. Now I would like to show you its inner texture in more detail. It was a really easy and delicious pastry that was crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the layers were separated . Believe me, I can say that it is even easier than making pastries. I am especially looking forward to the comments of those who have tried it. You can find many different pastry and pastry recipes on my channel, and you can also benefit from them . I have added the link of all of them to my video, if you have any questions about the recipe, you can contact me in the comments section. In order to be informed about my new recipes and videos , it is enough to subscribe to my channel for free and keep the notification bell open, I hope to see you again with better and different dates .
Channel: Mis mutfak
Views: 1,175,192
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Keywords: börek, gözleme, börek tarifi, börek tarifleri, peynirli börek, mayasız börek, mayasız gözleme, gözleme tarifi, tavada börek, kolay börek, kolay börek tarifi, kahvaltılık tarifler, kahvaltı tarifleri, gözleme mayasız, kolay gözleme tarifi, fırınsız börek tarifleri, asmr, hamurişi, kahvaltılık börek tarifleri, kahvaltı, börek tavada nasıl yapılır, börek hamuru, el açması börek, mis mutfak, börek peynirli, börek çeşitleri, börek tarifi kolay, pratik börek tarifleri, el aç
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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