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Hello friends, welcome to my channel and my kitchen. Today, I have prepared a water pastry video that you can make very easily, without using a rolling pin, just with a rolling pin, and roll out 30 pieces at a time, tray by tray. Without further ado, let's move on to the making of my pastry. First, there are 15 eggs here for the dough of my pastry, and a tray for making the tray. I set it as 5 per tray . My eggs were big. I added 5 tray heads. If your eggs are small, you can add 6 pieces per tray. Of course, friends, let's adjust the amount per tray . I added 3 teaspoons of salt to my egg and continue to whisk it well. Let's be careful to whisk and mix our eggs well at this stage. I only use egg, salt and flour in the water pastry, I don't use anything else, it is much more delicious this way. I will write it down as a single measure in the explanation section of my video. You can see from there. I am slowly adding my flour to the egg that I have mixed enough. I will use flour for pastry. You can of course use regular flour. You can also make it with flour or you can make it with all-purpose flour like me. I will add the flour slowly and continue kneading until I get a thick dough. I added about 10 cups of flour in total . Of course, since the size of your eggs may vary depending on the size of your eggs and the temperature of the flour, we always add the flour slowly. Let's be careful to add it until it reaches a consistency. The cup size I use as a flour measure is 200 millimeters. I will slowly add my classic cup of flour and continue kneading until it reaches the consistency. The pastry dough should have a dough consistency that will stick to your hand. Be careful not to make a very hard dough by adding flour because it sticks to your hands. Show me, I added about 10 cups of flour. You can see that it is a slightly sticky dough. I will not add flour anymore. This consistency is enough. You can add a little oil so that the dough leaves your hands. There are some who add it, but friends, I do not add it. I did not prefer it. It is very light . I will not force us by flouring my counter. In order to obtain a smooth dough, our water pastry dough will not be as soft as pastry dough. Of course, it will not be too hard. It will be medium soft and have this consistency. It is enough for me to have a medium soft consistency . I will shape the dough, which I have gathered well by lightly flouring it, and then use my dough cutting device to cut it in half like this. At first, I will cut it randomly. Then , I will make 30 meringues by adjusting the dough that I have cut into small sizes. At this stage , I drizzle the dough with a little flour on them, so that it sticks to my hand . I will make the meringues a little bigger than a walnut. Since my tray is not very big, I kept my meringues small. Of course, if you are going to make them with a large tray, make the meringues. You can adjust accordingly. I will make my pastry on a tray with a diameter of 36 cm. I prepared my pastry by rolling 30 pieces of meringue nicely. Now, I will place my meringues on my tray, which I have lightly floured, and since I have too many meringues, I will use a large tray. I will cover our flour with a refrigerator bag. I will let it rest for about an hour. If you do it in a warm environment in the summer, you can rest it in the refrigerator. I will cover it with a refrigerator bag and cover it with a clean kitchen cloth and let it rest for an hour. I will use half and half starch and flour to roll out my pastry dough. 2 cups of starch and 2 water. I add a glass of flour and then if necessary, I will add starch and flour again. I do not use starch when rolling out the pastry dough with a single or double rolling pin. I only roll it with flour. In this way, I use a mixture of starch and flour when rolling out with multiple rolling pins. When you use starch, there is no change in the taste or flavor of your pastry dough, and my meringues are very good. To prevent it from drying out too much, I first take 5 meringue pieces and add them to the flour mixture. I take the meringue I will roll out and put it on my counter with plenty of flour on the bottom and top. In the meantime, I covered it with a refrigerator bag to prevent it from drying out. Water pastry dough is a dough that dries very easily, so make sure to cover it with plenty of flour. Let's not forget to keep it aside . In the meantime, since my rolling pin and dough are resting, I can roll them easily. I'm rolling it out to be a little bigger than the size of a small cake plate. Let's be careful to roll out my meringues quickly . If you've just started to roll out the dough, it's on the sidelines so that it doesn't dry out while you're waiting. Don't forget to cover your meringues while you're waiting. Since I rolled it out quickly, I didn't feel the need to cover it while I was waiting, and the rest of my meringues were quick as well. I opened it as follows. After rolling out 30 pieces of decoration, I take my counter in this way and I will prepare 30 decorations in rows with plenty of starch between them. At this stage, we add our starch and flour mixture. Let's make sure that my meringues are the same size when rolling out . I poured the mixture well, I take my 20 decoration tray, cover it with a refrigerator bag and rest it on the side. I start to open the first decoration. We do it with small touches with a rolling pin. The important thing we need to pay attention to in this part is to make sure that both sides are opened in equal size by turning them upside down so that they do not stick due to air intake. Let's not forget to turn them upside down , you will have a hard time rolling out 10 pieces. Friends, you can do it in fives. If you are going to open it for the first time, you can also roll it in fives. If you wish, you can also roll it in fives. As I have been making it for years. Of course, since it is a manual habit, I rolled it in tens. As I mentioned, you can also roll it in fives if you wish. If you are going to open it for the first time, you can roll it in fives. Look, don't forget to check the pastry at this stage. Since I have a lot of starch, I'm sure it won't stick. But if you're making it for the first time, please don't forget to check the gaps in a controlled manner. If it sticks, it may force you to open it later. I checked it again and after making sure there is no sticking, I press it well with my rolling pin. Be careful to press the edges so that I don't forget to turn the edges upside down to get a nice thinning. By the way , it's time to check between the phyllo dough that I have enlarged equally on all parts with my rolling pin. At this stage, I will spread the starch and flour mixture between them and I will check them and show you, I roll them with my rolling pin. I will only use the rolling pin to wrap the phyllo dough in this part. I wrap all the phyllo dough with a rolling pin. As you can see, there is no stickiness between them. But of course, if you are going to do it for the first time , please do not forget to check it twice or thrice. I am making a mixture. If you use more flour, it will tear while boiling. This will put a lot of pressure on you, so I make it as little as possible with sprinkles as you see. I distribute it evenly with my hand. If you do it carefully like me, you will be able to roll it out beautifully and evenly throughout without tearing. 10 sheets of dough do the same process. I continued by doing this and now I continue to roll it out again. At this stage, I have not spilled any starch-flour mixture on the top of the dough. Now that we have checked the spaces, we can continue to roll the dough by turning it again and again. This recipe is really practical. As someone who rolls the dough quickly with a rolling pin, I am telling you this. With peace of mind, I rolled out 30 sheets of dough in a total of 30 minutes. Of course, since I was filming, I rolled it out a little slower. Normally, I roll it faster. Of course, it is a hand habit that has developed over the years. I wanted to roll it out in detail and show it to you for our friends who will be the first to roll it. In order for you to see each stage better, I am measuring the phyllo dough I have rolled out according to my tray. I will make my tray a little bigger. As you can see, it did not reach the size I wanted. I will continue to roll it out again with a rolling pin. Be careful not to roll it too thin, friends. It will definitely not be too thin like baklava or pastry phyllo. I looked between them again and there is no sticking. As you can see, I continue to roll out my rolling pin with small touches and slowly. Because it is thin enough, if you press too much, there will be sticking between them. I turned the dough I rolled out upside down and checked it on the underside. As you can see, I turned it upside down in a controlled manner and made it look nice. The phyllo dough is ready now. I will not do the laying process. If you are doing it for the first time, you can definitely spread the phyllo dough on top of us, spaced apart. I am putting 10 phyllo sheets aside, rest. At this stage, I will quickly roll out the remaining phyllo dough. While I am rolling out the first ten , I showed it slowly to show you in detail. Friends, I need to roll it out quickly at these stages because I keep rolling it out quickly to prevent the layers of dough waiting on the side from sticking. I rolled out all the pastry dough and put it aside. In the meantime, I use 2 tablespoons of pickling rock salt in the boiled water to boil my water pastries. For my friends, if you use pickled rock salt to prevent the phyllo of the pastry from falling apart or falling apart , you will be able to boil it more easily. I add 2 tablespoons of oil. In this way, the phyllo will cook better without sticking. I added oil for my friends who will make it first. To be honest, I generally do not use much oil to boil the pastry. To use it, I melted about 300 grams of butter and added a glass of oil. Since I will use this oily mixture on a tray, I will use this oily mixture on a tray. Don't let it be too much for you. I also greased the horse's sole generously and well on my tray, so that I won't oil it later. Friends, at this stage, I add plenty of oil. My first dough is put into boiling water . Let's make sure that our water is boiling, let's add it while boiling so that we can see that it doesn't fall apart in our dough, I roll it out nicely like this, so that it releases itself in the sticky parts, count up to 15 and then you can take it out of the dough with the help of a colander. I took it by counting up to 15 because my dough is thin. If you are going to make it with thick dough, you can also count to 20. If you have a small rice strainer like me, you can easily get it this way. We poured the excess hot water into the pot again, then put it in the cold water that I had kept aside, washed the dough thoroughly with my hand in shocked cold water, and opened it all over. I let it loosen itself. As you can see, my friends, it is very thin. You can see its thinness. There is no tearing. Of course, there may be small tears on the edge or in the middle. That doesn't matter at all. I only used my cold water to wash the dough. I changed the water once in the dough. Make sure it is not hot. Make sure the water is mixed well with my hand. After slowly draining it, I place it on a tray. Even though I rolled out 10 sheets of dough with a rolling pin, as you can see, it is as thin as if I had rolled it out with a rolling pin. It is a thin dough. I pour the oil mixture on the intermediate layers. It was enough for me to drizzle about 1 tablespoon of oil in total. Let's make sure that the intermediate layers are not too oily, and the rest of the dough is thin. I also take care to boil the phyllo dough in the same way. I make sure that there is not too much flour in my water. If you pay attention in this way, the dough will not fall apart at all. I make sure that the dough is rolled out nicely with the reverse side of the colander. My dough is 30 phyllo dough in total. For the filling, friends, I boiled water three times. I kept hot water on the side so that it can cook 10 times. After boiling one phyllo dough, I poured out my water and boiled 10 phyllo dough again. In that way, it boils the phyllo dough better and more easily. I wash it well by shocking it in cold water. As you can see, friends, I will continue the same process with the remaining phyllo dough without tearing them. I slowly drained the water with my hand. I arranged 6 phyllo dough in total on the bottom of the tray. This I continued the same process and placed it nicely for the bottom base of the tray by drizzling 5 layers of dough between them. Now I will add the material for the middle layer. Let's take care to place it on the tray in a way that it will be shirred to make our water pastry dough look more fluffy. My dough was placed nicely by lubricating the spaces. Now I'm going to watch the penne mixture in the middle layer. There is also chechil cheese in the cheese mixture, there is also curd cheese, I added some parsley. You can also make it with any cheese filling you want. I distribute the cheeses in the same way. I will make it with minced meat. I have roasted ground meat in my cupboard. I will use it only a little bit. I fry it with oil I add the minced meat and a little salt, I don't add any spices, I wanted to point this out to my friends, I boiled 5 pieces of dough for the top in the same way, oiled the intermediate layers and placed them on a tray nicely , boiled 10 pieces of meringue on the other trays in the same way, added the intermediate layers to the filling and smoothed the tops well. I make the final touches with my hand to make it look more fluffy and I will now cook my water pastry in this pan with plenty of oil on the upper layers. Friends on this tray , I will remove it directly from the Deep Freezer and at this stage, I will take it out of the deep freezer with plenty of oil on it and then take it out of the freezer and cook it without defrosting without oiling it at all. I put it in the deep freezer, the drawer also has a Deep Freezer and it is very convenient. This way, the tray is 36 cm. It fits my deep freezer nicely. Yes, friends, my three trays of water pastry are ready. I will cook one of them now, and I will search for two of them in the Deep Freezer . Normally, I roll out the dough for water pastry in about 30 minutes. I open it in a shorter time, since it is a shooting, I extended the time a little to show you the first whites in detail. Of course, it seems to be a little distracting for some friends who open single or double rolls with a rolling pin. It is very challenging. Friends, of course, since I have been making this water pastry for years, I make it faster, but the first one to do it is I'm turning it over and over to show my friends in more detail. I put my water pastry on my stove to cook it. I cook my water pastries on the stove. I love this flavor. If you want to cook it in the oven, you can also cook it in the oven with this recipe. Of course, the taste of water pastry cooked on the stove is very different, friends, first of all, I use my pan. I cook my water pastry well on high heat until it gets hot , then on low heat, by first turning it over from the edges. I never leave the stove to avoid burning it. I also check the horse layer and after cooking it, I turn it upside down like this, and I cook my water pastry slowly in the pan in the same way, so that it cooks on the horse base again. My friends who say water pastry cannot be made with starch, I would also like to point out that as someone who cares about the taste of water pastry, which is so laborious on the stove, I would definitely not use it if starch made the pastry taste bad. That's why my friends who say water pastry cannot be made with starch. Of course, when we roll it individually, it cannot be opened with starch. I roll out the majority with a rolling pin. I use starch for baking and I recommend it to you too. With peace of mind, it really tastes and tastes amazing . I want to give you a little reminder while I'm cooking my pastry. Friends, if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet , don't forget to subscribe and turn on the bell to be informed about more delicious recipes. You can be instantly informed about my recipes. As you can see, the middle part of my pastry has puffed up very nicely. Now, I turn off my pastry , which is completely fried upside down, under the stove . As you can understand from the sound, when it is cooked, it is a pastry recipe that is crispy on top and soft in between. By the way, I make the top and bottom phyllo dough . Friends, I forgot to mention this, of course, I boil it this way for anyone who wishes. It is much more delicious. I tried it without boiling it, but Friends, I cannot get this taste, but when I make it in an aluminum tray, I wanted to point out that the upper and lower phyllo dough is boiled in non-stick pans. Now it is nice and big. I am cutting the pastry that I have taken on my tray into slices and I want to show you the intermediate layers. I cooked my pastry with minced meat and put the cheese ones in the freezer and I want to show you the intermediate layers right away. As you can see, I have 10 layers of dough. It opens very well between them and it is wonderful with its initial warmth without any sticking. It was a pastry with a similar appearance. I took care to draw all the parts in detail for the friends who will make it first . I hope I did not bore you. You can fast forward when you get bored. Friends, forgive me in advance, my friends who have never made it before. If there is something they are stuck on when they make it, write to me instead of commenting as much as I can. I will try to help you Bon appetit to those who will try this delicious recipe and see you in other delicious recipes. Goodbye and stay healthy.
Channel: Semra Demirbağ
Views: 1,329,664
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Keywords: su böreği, su böreği nasıl yapılır video, kolay su böreği tarifi, semra demirbağ, nefis su böreği tarifi, börek, börek tarifleri, kolay börek tarifleri, yirtilmayan su böreği hamuru, el açması börek tarifi, kolay tarifler, ramazan hazırlık tarifleri, iftar tarifi, sahurluk tarifler, kolayp pratik tarifler, pratik tarifler, su boregi tarifi, su böreği nasıl yapılır, su böreği tarifi, su boreği tavada
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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