'You Just Admitted Your Own Incompetence': Mark Green Laces Into Alejandro Mayorkas

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now recognize myself for five minutes of questioning I want to show a video but first need to set the stage earlier in the year we had a hearing at the border with border patrol Chief Ortiz and I asked him if by the definition written into the law we have operational control of our Southwest border he said resoundingly we do not following that Mr secretary you were questioned before the senate about operational control this was March the 28th just a few days ago let's watch your testimony with respect to the definition of operational control I do not use the definition that appears in the secure fence Act and the security Defense Act provides statutorily that operational control is defined as preventing all unlawful injuries into the United States by that definition no Administration has ever had operational control so here you admit that according to the definition that's in the code no secretary has ever had operational control so you know that that definition written into the law has not been achieved now let's go back a few months to the testimony you gave here in the house this is before Chief Ortiz admitted and told the truth that there was no security at the Southwest border next clip will you testify under oath right now do we have operational control yes or no yes we do and we have operational control of the borders yes we do in Congressman we are working two weeks operational control defined in this section the term operational Patrol means the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States including entries by terrorists other unlawful aliens instruments of terrorism narcotics and other Contraband do you stand by on your testimony that we have operational control in light of this definition Congressman I think the Secretary of Homeland Security would have said the same thing in 2020. Mr Roy reads Mr Roy reads the very definition you just admitted last month in the Senate that has not been achieved he said according to this definition do you have operational control according to the definition that you just said no one has operation I've ever had operational control he asks you under oath in the United States Congress if you had operational control according to that definition and you said I do that is a false statement because you admitted in the Senate that no one has ever achieved that you make it very clear Mr secretary that you've known all along according to the definition that is written in the law passed by the Congress that you do not have operational control and yet in testimony to this house under oath the definition was read to you you've asked according to that you're asked according to that definition whether control exists and you say yes that sounds like a lie under oath now I want to I want to change the subject just a bit I want to set the stage for another clip Senator cornyn just last month is asking you about the cartel strategy and he describes what border patrol officers and leaders have come before this committee Congress told us on trips to the border is the strategy of the drug cartels they've been telling us this for 18 months the cartels are overwhelming The Crossing sites tying up the Border Patrol and then they're slipping the drugs and the human trafficking and the nefarious folks they want to get in the U.S around the CBP when they're tied up it's a it's a distraction in the military we'd call it a neutralizing attack he even says that Merrick Garland the Attorney General of this Administration came before their committee and said yes this is the cartel strategy let's see clip number three are you familiar with that strategy do you agree with the attorney general I I am not aware of uh that as a strategy so the cartel's main strategy is something you're not even aware of I guess there's no Communications between you and the Attorney General inside this Administration do you you guys don't talk to one another um that's insane Mr secretary you just admitted you have no clue about the central strategy of the cartels you've created by your open border what again what general officer would we allow to stay on the job in the Army if he didn't understand the strategy of the enemy not only have you lied under oath you just admitted your own incompetence it's it's really quite unacceptable you knew very well the definition wasn't being fulfilled you told Chip Roy Congressman Roy yes I have operational control by that definition and then later under oath you admit no one's ever had control by that definition then you tell the senate I don't even know what the cartel's main strategy is I'm out of time Mr secretary but that doesn't paint a very good picture of someone who's doing their job very well I now yield to the right
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 668,785
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Id: BT6JEikKzyg
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Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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