You Guys Wreck Everything!

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it's a beautiful day and sunny today it's cooled down to around 70 degrees first thing i want to do is fix my tedder that's got the bad pin in it remember i have here an old grade eight bolt that i can use the shank off of to make a new pin now i have a blank which is the same length and diameter as the old pen that's really worn and i have to figure out how to make this groove here and here we go it certainly isn't perfect it's a farmer fix slide that in and there we go the spring pin runs through here this is the cross pin here yes it's got some play in it from where in the bore but for as much as i use it i think it'll be okay seems to be good now that's that i guess the true test will be when we bring it out into the field and try it when it's time to ted hey you know i think it's awful gratifying when you can fix something without having to run out and buy stuff or have to climb in the truck and go to town just feels good hillary and i have to bring out a batch of chicks this afternoon broiler chicks and the grass has gotten too tall out there which happens every year about this time too early to take hey but the grass is too tall so i cut a patch in front of the boxes and got to get the haybine out to do that of course getting out the haybine isn't as easy as just getting out the haybine i gotta get it out i gotta check it over i gotta grease it just to do a little bit of mowing but hey season's coming anyway so it's good thing done it's all greased up chains oiled let's start her up and see if anything goes kerflooey well it seems to run all right i guess we'll give it a try man i wish i could cut all this but rain is in the forecast for a good part of this week so i gotta wait so see this grass has gotten too tall for the pasture boxes for the broiler chickens and it's way too tall to bring out little chicks on so i'm just gonna mow in front here to give us a clear space to pull the boxes ahead for another week or so well let's see how she does so she ran all right makes me want to start cutting hay i just cleared out this little patch here if hillary and i have the time we'll scoop some up and feed it to the bulls still love it meanwhile of course these guys are not happy we're gonna take care of that this afternoon though all right i got one for you why did the cross-eyed teacher get fired [Music] because he couldn't control his pupils hillary's working on cleaning up the drinkers for the chicks and i'm gonna go get the tractor and pull the boxes out into the field where they're supposed to go and the super sees the official chicken hall and tractor for the summer this is about the best all-around tractor that i have easy to get on easy to start up up and down hitch for hooking up trailers it's really handy daddy bulls they've been pretty peaceful in there they've been complaining much at all [Music] we gotta pull these boxes out that are in the tall grass here last two chicken boxes to run in the field to make a total of six pull these out i just tie a rope around them on the front and lift up the hitch and pull them out take these rocks off that we used to weight it down for the winter it doesn't blow away then put the dolly under the other end and away we go hopefully i guess now we're ready to bring the chicks out we got all six boxes here we're gonna load up these two with three week old cornish cross broiler chicks these are the guys that are going fatty's right hillary all right come on guys alright so here we go chicks this is our plunger here you pull it back and it brings the chicks to the back of the trailer chickens when we got them in there at butcher time and then we just pick them right up without chasing them around don't get jokes lately huh no i haven't she says he count me i haven't heard any good jokes lately just bad ones facts so bad they're good that's what i think anyway [Music] [Music] and that's it for that job now we got to go take care of those bellyaching cattle and they've got good reason to bellyache and i'll show it to you you called an expiration date but i call it a spoiler alert they're always bad here come the cows here's what's happened on this field and i keep saying grazing conditions can change in a day in the spring when they graze that first paddock they grazed it down to my liking they're getting into this stuff and in just a week the stalks have really come on on the orchard grass especially they won't graze them they're bellyaching and they haven't grazed this to my liking it is a freaking mess i don't like it so we're going to pull them off of this field leave this to make hay and put them on younger forage down in the lower field that they'll clean up better so in the end i'll have more hay the cattle have better forage and i'm not grazing them on over mature stuff that's one of the big problems i have with some of the current schools of grazing that are grazing cattle on over mature forage when it gets a little bit over mature make it into hay stop grazing it they're just going to waste a lot of it and they're better off eating forage that's in peak um growth mode so we got to go down through here and pull up the back fence post to build the fence on the lower field oh the cows had their way with this one uh-oh somebody's following me i don't know oh you guys you wreck everything you bent all the posts good thing they've been back i'm being stalked yeah i know i know i'm gonna bring them into this laneway here close the gate and then we can take down the front fence come on cows come on you guys i know come on guys come on cows there you go all right you guys why don't i go open this gate [Music] all right guys you guys not sure where you're going do you here we go oh it's getting dry here we close this gate here behind them they're grazing in the laneway we'll take down the front fence then we can move everything down to the other field see look at this mess they made they left some high because it's got a stock here and they trapped a whole bunch of it down now if this were made into hay they would eat it and that's what i'm gonna do here's a piece that they haven't grazed and see all the orchard grass is going to seed it's up past my knees now it's ready to cut we just gotta wait for a weather window i'm not putting the cows on this putting them on over mature forages just a waste beep beep beep beep beep yeah you throw a leg a lot don't you i don't like that watch out guys watch out watch out don't talk with food in your mouth watch out so this was the first field that we had second round grazing and we graced this in the early spring this was the second grazing it's gotten too far ahead of us like i said saving the rest to make hay this next field is a five acre piece we graze this again in early spring it's been resting now for about three weeks and it's time to second graze it the orchard grass in this field is starting to head out too but the undergrowth isn't nearly as dense so we're going to clamp down the paddocks on this one and get them to clip the heads more and of course we won't be able to set up the fence fast enough for these guys they're so impatient especially you patty these three guys went under the fence those naughty yearlings you're supposed to know better than that at this age what do you want what do you want what do you want okay oh those poor cows are gonna faint they're starving [Music] all right here we go funk house come on cows here we go yeah bluegrass bluegrass guys you think you guys hadn't eaten in a week here's that nice heifer she is nice let's get that clover first they will too if i was to take them off this piece too early they would have the clover down to the ground and still have all these seed heads poking up and the idea now is to get them to eat these seed heads because the grass will regrow faster if those seed heads are taken off and i'll get more volume in grass throughout the rest of the season if i can get them to clip it down that's why we're tightening up our paddocks here that's always the struggle with grazing because clover is your marker of when you want to move your cattle but when you get into these kind of situations you really want to have them take the bulk of the seed heads down so that the rest of the grass will grow now we're not just growing clover here we've got timothy and orchard grass and perennial rye grass and alfalfa in here too so i need to ignore that clover marker for a little while and get them to clip this down so that i'll have better yield all the rest of summer turkey vulture big bird it sure is a nice day hey what insect has high cholesterol [Music] butter fly really is a shame that we spend so much time energy money and fuel mowing hundreds and thousands and who knows how many acres of lawn in the u.s when nature's lawnmowers are right here and you can grow good meat and mold one at the same time i don't know i guess i'm just a dreamer well these guys are all settled so i'm gonna head back up and do the afternoon chores and we'll take a look at red's piglets you know in our climate it takes a half acre of grass to graze a dexter cow that's all you need can you imagine how many people have lawns or at least a half acre they could be growing all their own beef instead of mowing their lawn i'm serious about that we do some screwy things in this country red how are you yeah look at those little guys i'll bring you in to see them they're doing good still 11. it was a little bit chilly last night to get down into the high 40s but we were all snuggled up against mom this morning when i came out they're starting to talk a little bit more oh oh store's closed hey red how are you you've had a tough couple days haven't you yeah boy it's been a beautiful day these are the days where if i go to bed with sore muscles i know i did a good day's work i hope you have a great day and i'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 212,246
Rating: 4.9717021 out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, life on a farm, dexter cattle, dad jokes, day on the farm, spring on the farm, slow farming, grazing cattle, new pasture, busy day, over mature forage, wreck everything, move chicks to pasture, pastured poultry, you guys wreck everything, repairing tedder, haybine, new piglets
Id: dOs5xM-Ln3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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