YOU Get a Supercomputer! - Supermicro AI Workstation @ CES

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we're at the super micro booth at cs2023 and this bad girl right here is the sys751 g-e-t-n-r-t an 80 000 AI supercomputer designed to go in your house no seriously people are asking for this and trust me I have the same reaction but hear me out the world is changing for perspective every workstation that super micro now sells is actually purpose built to support Ai and machine learning and bundle that with a global shift to working from home and you end up with demand for top tier AI Hardware like this the type of stuff that draws thousands of watts of power that's somehow quiet enough to be under your desk at home like seriously where's the power button oh I missed it it's on that's how loud it is and this is how a radiator quite literally almost the size of an Xbox series X holy but not as holy or as is this segue to our sponsor thanks to Acer for sponsoring this video Acer's pushing the limits of 3D gaming with their new 3D Ultra mode and spatial Labs true game so stay to the end of the video to find out more man I can't get over how big this radiator is seriously when we got that press email about this I was like ah just a workstation but look at this radiator and I can't wait to show you the rest of the water plate but for now let's make this back into a complete system of course since this system is meant to go you know at someone's house or in a lab under the desk the form factor is a talent now it is still rack mountable you can pull off the top here and the feet at the bottom and rack mount it but the intended purpose is a tower so up front you're going to see things that are like a workstation we got headphone jack microphone Jack kind of standard things I don't know if you would you know have Windows on this and do your Microsoft team calls on a on an AI super computer like this but you could if you wanted to there's also two USB ports and one of the stars of the show the eight Gen 5 nvme slots all of them are full speed you can see our boot drive right here what is this nothing exciting it's just a two terabyte boot drive but you could put up to theoretically if you put 30 terabyte drives 240 terabytes of storage in this system and that's before we even get to any of the other cool Hardware now of course the best thing up front is the power button because you turn this thing on it's like it barely makes noise this computer has two 2 000 watt power supplies in it that's the type of heat we're dealing with and it barely makes noise now some of you are probably saying well you know it's not doing anything yet but they had it when we walked in here loaded with I think a 1500 watt load or so still the exact same noise level oh there's peels in here that haven't even peeled remove film before use nobody read that it never gets old peeling plastic off ten thousand dollar graphics cards let alone four of them now we'll talk about those later I think the star of the show here is actually the CPUs now this isn't an AMD based system this is Intel um despite AMD having really really awesome server stuff it's still only about 30 of the market share so 70 of the systems they're selling are still Intel based this is sapphire Rapids it's actually just come out after God it's been like two years of DeLay So this system fully specced out could be up to 256 core processors or 350 watts per socket serious amount of power for memory there's eight sticks per socket and while Sapphire Rapids can do up to 16 or two dims per channel it's kind of hard to fit it in a configuration like this well you'll see in a lot of dual socket servers is the CPUs kind of in the front or they'll be in a configuration where they're staggered slightly now this is important primarily for airflow yeah if you were to have both of the sockets like this in an air cooled system the second CPU here is just going to be getting a straight hot air which you don't really want since this is water cooled it doesn't matter now it's also weird I've never seen a system like this where the sockets are in between the graphics cards especially in this configuration now there is an important reason for this because the system is pcie Gen 5 the actual Lane length the physical traces on the motherboard the length of those is very important the longer you go the harder it is to run that sort of frequency as pcie Generations get faster and faster it's just going to keep getting harder and harder a lot of boards from other manufacturers will use something called a retimer which is basically just like a a signal booster but super micro doesn't use that and because they position the sockets like this they can make those physical traces on the board from the pcie slot to the CPU super short which makes it a lot easier to run speeds like that and you don't have to use retimers now since the CPUs and the gpus are water cooled naturally the next thing you're wondering is what else are they going to water cool and apparently on the next version of the system they're going to water cool the dims I mean it's not doing anything right now they don't feel particularly hot and there is a good amount of airflow but I guess the more dense the dims get you can use up to 256 gig dimms which in the full configuration is two terabytes per socket um probably a bit more heat than this do you think they get mad if I took one of the graphics cards out yes they like us I think I'm just gonna do it what's the worst that could happen going to jail you took a graphics card out oh there's actually locks on these whoa weird I guess because this is a workstation um there is PCI e-locks if you look on servers most of the time they don't have it oh I think that might be about as far as I can get it to come out oh wait look oh more people oh wow there's more whoa weird I didn't even realize he's actually used the new 12 pin connectors I wonder if they've had any that have caught on fire well regardless of taking it out or not these gpus are nvidia's a100 80 gig cards which aren't the latest generation what you probably get with a system like this are h100s the new architecture but they don't really have a stock yet so this is just for show a100s they look very similar the idea is the same now they're pcie based so they're not the crazy sxm cards but they are water cooled which is crazy look at the end each of them has quick disconnects I wonder if I can get one of them off I don't know I don't know how these quick disconnects disconnect oh wow that's so easy look at that these quick disconnects are super nice and so easy to use and they don't leak at all some of the ones I've seen you pop it out and like a couple drops come out nothing came out of this one at all I guess which matters in a server now the reason they'd be on quick disconnects is so you can take a GP out to swap or if you wanted to upgrade the system down the road it'll be a lot easier than trying to drain the whole Loop change the cards nobody wants to do that not all RAM sticks are made equally these ones so satisfying just listen oh that is wonderful the power distribution in this system is very weird we'll see more of it on the other side but each of the graphics cards and I think the CPU don't see how it connects to the CPU do you see the power connector anyway oh it's down there oh interesting okay I get it now there's a PCB inside of here with big Power contacts there's a big connector that's plugging into the motherboard in the bottom corner and then each of the gpus comes off of this part of that board up and over so it's all directly connected to here and then just little cables to each of the components but only the graphics cards I guess it's very like kind of elegant solution I'm kind of surprised cool there's also more pcie slots there's one extra one here and another two down here and all seven of them total run at pcie Gen 5 16x which is an obnoxious amount of pcie throughput so you could run a 400 gig Nick 200 gig nics whatever you want a cxl module it is a lot an absolutely Monumental amount of i o especially considering you're gonna put this at your house the only other really cool things on this side of course the radiator which we talked about before it's absolutely massive and of course to feed a radiator like that they have some pretty thick fans as well they're not crazy like you would expect I mean given that it's quiet it makes sense but they're only 12 volt 0.96 amp fans they're 12 watt fans usually systems like this they're like I got my 120 watt fan sounds like a jet taking off this this is not that but the craziest thing is this looks so cool on this side the other side of this system looks pretty much just as cool I don't know if I can move it myself but it's apparently 98 pounds or something like that oh my God there's the lines from the rad up to the reservoir up here um and then it goes from Reservoir to pumps pumps to this big manifold and off to everything now the manifold's super cool you got quick disconnects here as well so you can pop tubes off just like that some of them are hard lined like this is this is like a soldered connection I imagine that's probably for the CPU they don't expect people to be taking CPU blocks off like you would a graphics card but if you want to pull the graphics around a little like so easy look at that it's all disconnected I'm just gonna put it back on oh you hear that click the crazy thing is look at these pumps they look like something you would buy on like Alibaba for for two dollars like this is a a wish water cooling episode but apparently they're really strong really durable pumps and I guess if we turn it on when I turn it on they're not super loud either which is nice um I don't even know if they're Peter no they are pwm they got I got four pins each they're just they don't look like they belong in this system there is two of them of course so that's going to give you redundant flow and also more flow if one of the pumps were to die you'd still have the one pump going of course the system's ipmi would let you know that the pumps aren't running it's just it's really nice I love the manifold too I think we saw a similar thing in like the the EK fluid work system it's nice that it's mounted behind and kind of out of the way it keeps it very clean and easily serviceable the other cool thing down here look at this you never get to see this stuff usually the power supply is in a server are plugged directly into the motherboard and all of the Power kind of comes off there there's a bunch of cables in the way so you don't really get to see it this is just the like bare contacts that's that's 4 000 watts of 12 volt power right there that's why it's so freaking thick look at the bars on here this is crazy you can also see where the contacts are to pass through to that board on the other side we were talking about there's probably sort of like a socketed connection and they go together so it's easily serviceable this system completely specked out dual 56 cores four terabytes of Ram quad gpus is around eighty thousand dollars the dgx that it's going to compare to is two hundred thousand dollars and they charge you like ten thousand dollars a year just for for service contracts crazy and that system only has a single power supply it's not even redundant power this one is redundant power if you have 240 volt power it'll do 2200 Watts if you only have 220 volt it'll do 2100 Watts so pretty serious power supplies and they're so quiet usually power supplies like this are crazy but since super micro manufactures them in-house they can control you know this is the chassis it's going to be in we know exactly how much cooling it's going to need and they can make it quiet I guess we should take a look at the back I haven't really looked at it too much they did tell me that the reservoir despite these being like quick disconnect fittings they're not for hooking up to like a central water supply it's just for filling and draining you can actually see the coolant in there it's like red it looks like rusty water I'm sure it's just like some sort of you know anti-corrosion inhibitor sort of thing there's two little sights you can see the coolant level and there is a cap there I'm not going to open it because I don't want to make a huge mess the i o I believe this board is dual 10 gig at the back one port for management there's actually type c that's kind of cool three USB type A ports VGA and serial and of course since these graphics cards are like AI accelerators there's no display output on them that's pretty much it I mean if you wanted to add more i o if this was actually a workstation you're going to run Windows on this thing you could put a USB card or like a sound card back here if you really wanted I don't know if anyone's making a Gen 5 USB card but it would be kind of silly if they did we got the system booted up now in Ubuntu and we're running a GPU load it's like a python AI script and all of the gpus are loaded which is going to put it at about a thousand watt load right now does it sound any louder than it did before I feel the heat but it sounds literally exactly the same as before how quiet this thing is I mean it's large but still hold the fans it's it's on a little bit more now overall this is seriously just kind of a mind-boggling computer I just I can't wrap my head around the fact that people are actually asking them for this they told me this is like one of the one of the larger requests that companies have been asking them for they want a dgx clone that's way cheaper and one that people could have at their house I guess there's Engineers that are important enough to have a hundred thousand dollar computer at their house I mean I guess there's equipment that's hundreds of thousands of dollars that people use all the time so maybe it's not that crazy but you know what's not crazy just segue to our sponsor Acer they're bringing a much welcome update to 3D gaming with their stereoscopic 3D technology on their spatial Labs true game this feature is best enjoyed with Acer's Predator Helios 300 spatial Labs Edition gaming laptop it features a new 3D Ultra mode Amplified stereo 3D rendering and newly launched game profiles to be enjoyed this allows you to immerse yourself deeper into the world of 3D gaming with the addition of 3D plus gaming mode you can customize the stereo 3D effects based on Visual and performance preferences with its 3D sense feature enjoy impressive performance on The Predator Helios 300 with its built-in 12th gen core I9 processor and GeForce RTX 3080 GPU with features such as Wi-Fi 6 fan control and overclocking the Predator Helios will make sure you're set up for success in every gaming session so check out the links in the description to find out more do it CES so thanks for watching I hope you folks have been enjoying our CES 2023 coverage I have been having a hell of a lot of fun if you did like this video maybe check out how about the Epic Genoa holy that was a pretty awesome video those CPUs are seriously fast and they did tell me they can make an AMD version of this if there's people that are asking for it it only took them three months to design the system from the ground up that's because super micro you know super modular
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,540,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermicro ai supercomputer, a supercomputer for your house, this $80000 pc is for your house, the $80000 pc
Id: aSxomAgD8s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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