You Could Be Earning More With UberEats. Do This NOW.

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i wish that somebody had told me this stuff before i started delivering with ubereats app if you are new to driving and delivering with ubereats if you just started or if you want to be making more money delivering through the app you should be doing these nine things now i'm not gonna waste any of your time let's go ahead and dive straight into this welcome back to the channel everybody this is gig nation the first the original gig economy youtube channel out there check my videos i've talked about just about every single app delivering for in the gig economy 45 000 subscribers strong let's go ahead and get into this video today so that you can start maximizing those earnings with the ubereats app work smarter and not harder this goes without saying and you can apply it to just about anything there's really no point in outworking the guy next to you putting in 12 15 hour days on ubereats because you really just want to be working during the best times and a lot of times it's going to be during the dinner hours that's when i put the time in if i am going to be delivering with the ubereats app occasionally lunch can be good as well so i like to sometimes work those hours but i like to do other things during the day that are going to earn money during the off hours instead of trying to work with ubereats when it is slow because it's really not worth my time or the gas money that i'm spending during those hours so we'll get into more detail about those other things that you can do with your time coming up here in a minute working with multiple apps i talk about this all the time on the channel i have some other videos go ahead and check those out i'm not going to go into too much of depth if you're brand new definitely don't try running multiple apps at the same time but do apply for multiple apps think about doordash instacart just to keep yourself diversified in case one is slower one is more popular in your area or if you are to get deactivated also look at other apps like taskrabbit where you set your own rate set your hours you can actually plan when you want to work plan those tasks for the slow hours and set your rate at 25 to 30 dollars an hour so that you are constantly earning a good money and not wasting time delivering food in the middle of the day when not that many people are actually going to be ordering that food add-on orders these are the sneaky little orders that uber kind of tacks on once you've already picked up an offer and it seems like it makes sense you know you're already going to the restaurant why not just pick up one more offer and that way you don't have to drive to a separate restaurant before picking up that next offer there's a couple big things to watch out for one of them is that you do not know where that second drop-off location is going to be it's not going to show up on a map so unless you really know the address well or the mileage total is short enough that you know it's not going to be that far out of the way it may not make sense to pick this up also if that second add-on offer comes in late like you're already at the restaurant you've been waiting for five minutes and then that extra offer comes in you may want to think carefully about this because a lot of time uber is going to be sending out those offers as soon as the customer places the offer in the app that means that you may have to wait a long time for that restaurant to continue cooking that second order when your first order may already be done you might just want to be taking that first order get out the door get it delivered and then pick up the next offer instead of waiting around for 15 to 20 minutes to make sure that food is cooked i found that these add-on offers usually are not that great for me unless they are very high paying and short distances and those are the times when i actually take them what is the type of restaurant that you are delivering from personally i've always had the best luck with indian restaurants for whatever reason i get the highest paying offers and the best tips coming from these restaurants so i like to hang out nearby if i'm closer to a restaurant there's a better chance that the uber app is going to ping me for that offer because i'm going to be able to get that food to the customer quickly i also like to avoid fast food restaurants these are not usually the best paying offers for me even though fast is in the name they tend to be very very slow a lot of times i get stuck in those drive-throughs especially with kovid not being able to go into the restaurant there are long lineups and you may think that going through a drive-through is going to be fast but that is not always the case time is money when it comes to delivering pay attention to the drop-off locations if you're not already doing this please please start doing it now it is so important because you want your drop-off to be as close as possible to that next pickup at a high paying restaurant as it possibly can be this is going to lower your expenses for that next drive and it's going to save you time both of these things are going to add to your bottom line at the end of the day so i like to only accept offers that are dropping off in a location near those high paying indian restaurants that i love if possible sometimes i'll accept offers in other locations that i know are going to be busy because this keeps me moving this keeps me earning money and it keeps my driving times down and boosts my earnings up have multiple streams of income this applies to everybody even outside of the gig economy but it is very important if you are delivering food and that's because delivering food is just one stream of income sometimes it's going to feel more like a river if it's really flowing like early in the pandemic when no one wanted to go into restaurants people were working from home more so they were ordering more food during all hours of the day this app was really flowing ubereats was great and while it is still good money that stream is going to fluctuate sometimes it's going to be better sometimes it's going to be worse so you're going to want to have multiple streams coming in so that you always have something to rely upon so that means passive income where your wealth is building for itself it means investing and it means having other side hustles other ways to generate income for me the actual money that i generate from delivering food is a small fraction of my total earnings i make money from real estate so i have investments in the stock market that are long-term investments sometimes i trade but a lot of times i just set that money there and let it build i also occasionally trade crypto what i like to do is i like to put my money in usdc that's nine percent interest there's no fluctuation it just makes money for me that's compounding interest while i sleep taxes you got to make sure you are setting money aside from your taxes because if you are not that's going to be expensive later on so make sure that you are tracking all of your miles i like to use a separate app i'll leave some links down below and then i just multiply that by the standard deduction most accountants and cpas say that this is the most beneficial way to get the best deduction and so that's what i like to go with but also talk to your own cpa and accountant or at least do some research online from some bloggers that are you know cpas and then have a lot of that experience once you multiply those miles by the standard deduction you that's your total expenses you subtract that from your earnings and then you pay taxes on the rest so having the most miles tracked is going to be very beneficial these apps don't track all of your miles because they only track miles when you are on deliveries after you've picked up that food so talk to your cpa about setting up a home office if you do other work at your home related to this business and then you can start tracking your miles as soon as you leave the house until you come back once again i'm not a cpa so make sure you verify before using this strategy okay let's talk about your acceptance rate on the app you guys don't need to worry too much about this i get a lot of comments on the channel worrying about if they'll get deactivated if something's gonna happen if you don't accept all your offers i don't even look at this acceptance rate i don't worry about accepting offers that are too high too far away if it's not a good offer i am not accepting it i'm an independent contractor that means i get to choose when i'm working what offers i take you are too so you have all of those privileges when you are delivering with the ubereats app and last but definitely and not least set your order minimum this is the minimum price that you are going to accept for an offer and also have a maximum number of miles driven if you're good at math you can actually divide that payout by the number of miles and you can find your pay per mile and you can use this number to get a little bit more precise minimum however you do it you have to have a minimum because if you're accepting those low ball offers it's going to batch your earnings down it's going to keep a roof on how much you can earn and we do not want that roof we want to earn as much as possible while we're delivering with the ubereats app for me it's usually a six or seven dollar minimum and a dollar fifty to two dollars per mile so i end up rejecting a lot of offers that do not fit this criteria because put it quite simply i feel like my time is valuable and so if someone is not valuing my time whatever that is if it's a side hustle if it's someone that wants to hire me if it's a possible income earning opportunity then i ignore that opportunity and i focus on the high earning opportunities if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button subscribe to the channel for all the latest gig economy updates and let me know if you have any questions down below or if you have other ways to maximize your earnings delivering with the ubereats app leave it down below and i will add it to the list
Channel: Gig Nation
Views: 298,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UberEats, UberEats driver, UberEats delivery driver, UberEats pay, UberEats driver pay, UberEats tips, UberEats tutorial, UberEats how to, UberEats earnings, UberEats driver training, UberEats training, UberEats 2021
Id: 6K4OZ9fx8wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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