How To Get The BIGGEST Orders On Uber Eats (2023)

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so driving for ubereats how can you get the very best biggest highest to paint orders I'm going to tell you in this video and yes it is completely different than other apps well first I gotta say the basics if you don't understand it that's going to eat into your pay number one so let's take care of that it is the dollars to Bob ratio how much am I getting paid for the miles driven and these dollars to time ratio how much am I getting paid and really how much time is it going to take so we aim on any side hustle app Uber is included obviously 175 it paid out per mile and 25 dollars per hour so when it comes to maximizing your pay specifically on ubereats there's just two things I want you to focus on in this video it is a bonus pay and customer tips so think about a customer tipping when and what determines how much a customer is going to tip so in Parts it could be the person right the demographic the behaviors are they prone to tipping and then think about a flat percent you know because these apps have that suggested tip amount I'm sure you've seen the flipped around iPad right that suggested tip amount it's the same thing on these food delivery apps so 10 of a small basket size obviously it's not going to pay you as much as 10 of a larger order or basket size so when you're driving we talk about power strips right those are areas that are really dense with restaurants and if it's dense with like McDonald's Wendy's Taco Bell think about that basket size now that doesn't mean you just want to exclusively Target like high-end restaurants because there's less customers usually you would think right ordering from those high-end restaurants and they're really dinner focused so that's not going to help you during other parts of the day but keep that in mind try to have a good balance of these small and ideally the middle and the higher tier restaurants so who's tipping how often are they tipping and what percent of that basket size are they tipping that's number one right now the bonus pay listen to this because it is exclusive and different than doordash and GrubHub so firstly you have to understand this unique bonus pay in that it's Dynamic versus static bonus pay let me explain so on doordash you know these apps are using their analytics forecasted data when they think it's going to be busy then obviously supply and demand for customers and drivers but really you'll see this comment down below if you agree with this but it is predictable scheduled per delivery bonus pay on doordash so in that sense it's very static which is good because it is predictable and hopefully it's a good amount of money like two three dollars plus paid out per order but it is set from like two to five four to seven whatever it is versus Dynamic and real time changing bonus pay as Uber calls it now it's not exactly real-time bonus pay but their bonus pay does change over I'd say three to five minutes so one way to get more pay and consequently more bonus pay is timing the bonus pay and this is exclusive to Uber Eats even GrubHub and of course doordash they don't do this so around the busiest times if you're smart you'll see that surge pay that's that per delivery bonus there's quests which are batch bonus we're not talking about that consecutive streak bonuses we're not talking about that and even Boost Plus because that is scheduled we're talking about really the main bonus driver on Uber Eats that surge pay but if you know when and where to drive you're staging at those power strips that we talked about good power strips actually then you'll see the surge pay start at like an extra dollar and then 150 then two dollars and again if you're smart and you can time it and you know that Trend analysis you can kind of wait and know I'm not going to go online with that one dollar because I have a feeling it's going to hit three dollars in just four or five minutes so on ubereats you can in essence be rewarded with more surge pay by no in your markets doing that research and knowing the best power strips because yes the bonus pay on doordash it is more stagnant it is more predictive which is good but it covers that entire Market segment versus you really have to know the best spots on ubereats because that surge only appears on these certain spots that are really actually busy oh yeah one more thing about that surge pay is if you really don't know the best spots and you're kind of guessing I don't want you to chase that surge pay now listen if it's one to what four minutes let me know Down Below in the comments one to four minutes maybe five minutes but ideally one to four for whatever reason that's the number I'm comfortable with you don't want to chase it that's my point because since it does change every three four minutes or so if you're gonna chase that surge pay two dollars in this other segment on the marketplace by the time you get there exactly you know what's gonna happen so with ubereats we're focusing on what two major Staples to maximize your pay it's that customer tip and the bonus pay so I have three specific examples actually three completely unique scenarios to show you this so my first scenario are bonus pay heavy offers so these are the ones that are going to use that supply and balance that we talked about to give you more surge pay all right but hold on so we don't have a breakdown of where the pay is coming from though right so look at this order here it's a high paying order but we don't know necessarily is it coming from surge or is it coming from a high Tipper so yes obviously there you're gonna have to use your best judgment and obviously in a surge Zone it stands the reason that a lot of that pay is going to come from surge scenario number two is what I'm calling the easy add-on so look at this order request standard order 6.77 2.1 miles so that's good right off the bat for our dollars to mile ratio but what I feel Uber Eats really loves to do is toss you another order a stacked order request as it is two or more assignments for one driver but it's done as in add-on order so in transit as you're arriving to that first pickup they toss you the add-on order here four dollars and fifty cents just 0.8 additional miles for an extra seven minutes less than nothing and you're getting an extra 450. so what was originally 6.77 is now 11 plus dollars for 25 minutes and it's setting you up well for that hour but let me show you another example though look at this one six dollars and fifty cents for a Starbucks it is 0.3 miles for nine minutes I mean that's a no-brainer as it is but then as I approach that location what Uber Eats likes to do if it's busy enough and this again it all goes back to your trending analysis in your research I get an additional 6.99 1.5 miles additional for just an additional seven minutes and I know that's technically two orders but I feel like ubereats is really unique in the fact that they love sending you the add-on orders and I include it in this video because it's next to nothing it's like a mile or two maybe a couple of extra minutes and that's where it makes sense by the way that's the takeaway don't take add-ons if it's adding like seven miles 15 minutes or again the numbers don't make sense but when they do make sense it's basically free money in my third scenario unique to ubereats are the big tippers actually look at this order right here I just had this today so this one was 17.11 now remember I asked you how do we know if it's bonus pay like surge or tipping when I did this order it was just today there was no no surge pay so I knew this had to have been from a high Tipper because honestly it's not going to come from the base pay from the customer this is from a customer tab so look here it is 17 and 11 cents and this is the hack folks for ubereats exclusively it says includes expected customer tip here in 2023 most marketplaces have a new screen with doordash that just shows the general pay that's guaranteed and it doesn't show you the expected customer tip and of course look at this look at the breakdown of this order here that a 1711 13 of it was the customer tip because I knew again there's a certain amount of base pay there was no surge pay at the time it had to have been this so to review exclusively on ubereats we're using the dynamic surge pay which is change in real time versus doordash's static pay using the payouts on the order request screen and we're choosing where to actually stage in those power strips based on our research and knowing where hopefully that surge pay is going to be and again using that payout for hey is it coming from surge that we just talked about or is it coming from high customer tips because we can leverage that because doordash is not showing us the expected tip by the way if you do want to track your numbers on really any gig app get our earnings tracking spreadsheets it is for Mac it is for Windows or our mastering delivery course if you just want to know the best practices for food delivery apps drop like this video if you got value you can also click or tap the screen here for my newest video as well as a video recommended for you and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Your Driver Mike
Views: 67,031
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Keywords: how to get the biggest Uber Eats orders, how to get high paying orders on Uber Eats, how to get large Uber Eats orders, Uber Eats highest paying orders, Uber Eats large orders, Uber Eats driver, Uber Eats driver tips 2023, Uber Eats driver tips and tricks 2023, Uber Eats driver hacks 2023, Uber Eats driver earnings, Uber Eats driver pay, is driving for Uber Eats worth it, how to get more orders Uber Eats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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