You CAN'T Beat These 5 JUNE LURES

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while it is officially the month of June and although it is really starting to get hot outside the bass fishing can also heat up in June and today I want to talk about the top five lures that I do not leave home without so stay tuned it's going to be a good one this video is brought to you by one of the best ways to help support this channel is by supporting the companies that support this Channel and Sportsman's Outfitters has been behind bass fishing HQ for a long time now and all the lures that I'm going to talk about today you can actually find them all at Sportsman's Outfitters and you're probably going to find them for the best price that you will see anywhere on the internet so if you guys want to help support this channel click those links Down Below in the description now before we actually get into the top five lures I quickly want to explain what happens in the month of June I think it will help you to understand my thought process behind all these different lures now if you live in the south part of the country the Texas is the Florida's a lot of these fish are really pretty much in their Summer patterns by June they're pretty much off the bank you're still going to have some fish that are around bluegill beds that are still pretty shallow but for the most part those fish are deeper and in their offshore patterns now if you live kind of in the middle part of the country that central part of the country a lot of these fish are just starting to get to that offshore kind of Summer pattern that they will be in so a lot of these fish are kind of fresh from shallow water you still have a big group of fish that are still in shallow water but a lot of these fish are just starting to make their way out to those offshore structure places now if you live up in the northern part of the country you might have a lot of fish that are still up on beds I know that for me I've fished up in Michigan and New York in June and I've caught fish that are still on beds but I've really tried to critique these five lures that no matter where you live in the country you can still use them and catch bass so let's go ahead and dive into the lures now and the first one that I'm definitely going to have in the month of June probably one of my favorites is a spook or a walking style top water bait this is a big player for me anytime I am fishing in the month of June I have this rigged up pretty not not only in the month of June but pretty much from here on out till pretty much November or December I'm gonna have a spook on the front deck of my boat this is just one of the best ways to not only go out there and catch a lot of fish and have a lot of fun but it is a great way to catch some really really big fish I've caught some really big fish in the northern part of the country like big smallmouth five six Pounders on Spooks I've also caught a lot of big fish in the southern part of the country with these baits now there's a few big keys I want to talk about when it comes to fishing a walking style top water bait like this that I think are extremely important I think that these two factors that I'm about to tell you are way more important than even the color of the bait because when it comes the colors I'm pretty much going to pick something that is Bait fish oriented you know your whites or bone color maybe a transparent color like this that's what I'm going with for the most part but these two factors I want to talk about in the first one is noise or sound I think sound plays a huge key into getting fish that are going to commit to a bait and what I mean by sound is that some baits you pick up like this is one of my favorite ones on the market it's a Strike King sexy dog this is kind of my go-to walking style top water bait this one has a lot of rattles in it it makes a lot of noise these type of baits can really call Fish up from really really deep in the water sometimes you may be fishing over a point or a brush pile that is sitting 10 12 foot deep and you can call fish out of that deep water to come up and hit your spook and I think that sound plays a big key in that also if the fish are just really active maybe they're actively feeding I also like a lot of sound because it really helps those active fish to hone in on exactly where this spook is now on the flip side of things this is my other favorite top water bait it's one that I kind of kept secret for a long time pretty much until last year and this is called The Evergreen JT now if you listen to this bait nothing there's absolutely no rattles there's nothing in this at all that makes noise it's a completely silent bait now what I have seen out there on the water if you're fishing one around a lot of guys that are fishing spook and walking style baits uh I tend to go with the silent bait they have seen a lot of these rattling baits in the silent bait tends to outperform those rattling baits now the other thing is if you have fish that are constantly coming up and hitting that spook and and missing the bait maybe they're popping it into the air or they're just rolling on it or you're losing a lot of them try that silent bait try the Evergreen JT because for some reason when they're busting this one in the air they're missing it they will eat this one I think that that's really really important now the other huge Factor the second one I want to talk about with Spooks is the feather that is on the bottom most the time when I fish a spook I like to have a feather on the back especially when I'm fishing around fish that are concentrated on really small Bait fish it seems like if they're concentrated on really small Bait fish they will hone in on that little feather and they will commit to it because of that little feather now with that being said I have also seen days out there on the water we're taking the feather off of your bait will actually help the bass to commit to the lure to like the body of this bait a little bit better and this is something that just kind of comes with time with just experimenting with seeing a lot of fish but what you'll see is a lot of fish are simply eating the feather and they will be barely hooked on that feather of the bait that that last feather treble hook like that and when they are barely hooked sometimes they pop off and if I'm losing a lot of fish and I can tell that they're hooked on the back I've seen days where I I pop that feather Hook off I put just a regular treble hook on there and they will start committing to the body of the bait and getting a lot more hooks which means you start Landing a lot lot more of those fish so that's something that really comes with experimentation both those two factors experiment a lot with sound with your feather you're going to find that perfect combination that helps you to catch a lot of bass now moving on to lure number two another really really fun way to go out there and catch fish but hey I like every way that I can catch a fish and that is fishing a jig head swim bait like you have right here this is something that I have done a lot more here recently I used to fish a lot of a lot of deep diving crankbaits and we're actually going to talk about deep diving crankbaits here in just a minute but I have kind of transitioned to fishing a lot more of a jig-headed swim bait like this in those same situations where I used to fish a deep diving crankbait and I think the biggest reason for this is that when when deep diving crankbaits really became popular I mean they've always been around David Fritz used to use them a lot but I feel like when Kevin VanDam started winning it seemed like every tournament on a deep diving crankbait I feel like everybody and their brother started picking up a deep diving crankbait and they work they catch big fish they still work but I have found a lot more times nowadays I tend to get more bites and catch quality fish using this swim bait in those exact same situations as the Deep diving crankbait it just has a lot more natural look to it and the fish don't seem to get as conditioned to this bait sometimes if you're fishing maybe an offshore ledge or hump where there's a lot of fish and everybody that is fishing that area is throwing a deep diving crankbait those are the areas you show them something more natural and you're going to catch a lot more fish the other thing that I like about a swim bait like this is you can fish it above the fish with a deep diving crankbait it's pretty much going to dive down to its depth and it's going to hit that depth and it's going to pretty much grind into the bottom which can be really good when the bass are positioned right but a lot of times you will see bass that are suspended a little bit off the bottom they might be a foot two foot three foot four foot off the bottom and in those situations instead of using that deep diving crankbait that actually tends to get below them you want to fish this swim bait above those fish for them fish to come up and get that bait so that's a big reason why I fish these swim baits a lot and you can kind of critique the swim bait to the the fishing that you do for example if you live down south or in the middle part of the country or even where I live where there's a lot of big gizzard Shad you might want to throw a bigger swim bait this is just a bigger kitech on a bigger head I got this one with the weed guard in case you fish it around stumps or brush piles or if you fish up in the northern part of the country or where there's just smaller Bait fish maybe in a pond or a lake that you fish making a little bit smaller swim bait I like this little easy swimmer right here by kitech as well it's a great little bait and it's something that a lot of guys don't throw a lot of guys like this ribbed the fat style swim bait this little easy swimmer is just something that's a little bit more subtle and not as many people throw it so really pick out a swim bait that fits the body of water that you're fishing and just fish this bait you're going to catch a lot of bass on it now bait number three we kind of just talked about it but not really and that is a deep diving crankbait I just hooked myself a little bit right there but the Deep diving crankbait still plays and last year I was actually doing uh you know a June fishing video I talked about a swim bait there I felt like I kind of bad-mouthed the Deep dive and crankbait and I actually put it into the list this year because the big thing about deep diving crane Fades is that when you get on a deep diving crankbait bite you are catching the biggest fish that live in your Lake it's it you this is why you see this technique win so many tournaments is because when you are Tournament Fishing and you get on that bite you catch big ones you catch fours five sixes seven eights I mean if you're living down in Texas guys are throwing really big you know like 10 XD style baits really big baits even up in the northern part of the country I have fish on Lake Erie fishing a deep diving crankbait and catching a really big smallmouth before so the thing is when you can get on this bite it tends to out produce any other lure now the big thing with this bite is understanding that pressure really affects this deep diving crankbait bite more than anything we've we've already kind of talked about this but when you have a lot of pressure on the body water I feel like they really get turned off by these baits because they make a lot of commotion they have a lot of sound to them they have a lot of Ravel rattles they're very aggressive bait down there on the water so when you have a lot of pressure that's when it seems like the bass don't like them but in the right situation again these baits cannot be beaten and a lot of times the right situation comes down to current if you have current in your body of water a lot of times that is going to position bass it's going to set up bass in specific areas it's going to make them hold closer to the bottom at times and that is when you can pick them apart with the Deep diving crankbait now current may be a because you fish on a lake that generates current you may fish a lake that's just really big and it has a lot of wind current going through it but anytime I can fish around current that is when I'm going to pick up the Deep diving crankbait now moving on to lure number four this is one that we all know about if you're a pond fisherman if you're a tournament fisherman we all fish this bait it catches really big ones and that is the wacky rig the standard Gary Yamamoto five inch or six inch Cinco on a wacky rig is a deadly dead lure now a lot of guys fish this during the spawn and they will catch a lot of fish on them but even after the spawn what happens in a lot of lakes is a bluegill spawn okay during the months of June July August pretty much during any full moon you're going to have bluegills that move up Shallow and make these little beds and they will bed really close to each other now any a cover that is kind of close to these bluegill beds maybe it's a lay down tree maybe it's a grass patch maybe it's a dock any piece of cover that is close to these bluegill beds that is typically where the bass will hold they will Ambush these bluegill they will pick them off and what I have seen is that if you are on a good bluegill bed bite those fish tend to be bigger ones they tend to be really really big ones and one of the best ways to pick those fish off is with the good old green pumpkin or watermelon wacky rig it's a very simple way of fishing we all know how to fish bait you basically cast it out let it sink to the bottom pop it up a few times let it sink again most the time the fish are going to get this on that initial fall but it's a great bait it's one that you will always find on the front deck of my boat in the month of June now moving on to lure number five this is one of my absolute favorite techniques in the world and that is fishing a big Texas Rig worm right here I have a zoom Magnum trick worm I love a zoom old monster there's a lot of big worms out there on the market that are great based to fish this is one that I've I've done well with in a lot of big tournaments like the Bassmaster opens before and I actually did a full video all about big worm fishing in the summer so if you guys want to watch that video I'm going to link it right here I think you will enjoy that one and you're going to learn a lot about the big worms so comment below subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BassFishingHQ
Views: 123,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: June bass fishing, June lures, June bass fishing lures, bass fishing in June, bass fishing, bass fishing tips
Id: qOylg4khQcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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