You can speedrun Poppy Playtime in LESS than 5 MINUTES (Chapter 1)

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hey and welcome to speedrunning poppy playtime chapter one a short and sweet intro to the series that can be made even shorter as with a few tricks it has been finished in less than only five minutes although the developers have done some questionable things in terms of lore and the tokens of the non-fungible variety to access it i still had fun checking this game out when it first popped off and with chapter 2 of the series coming out like any day now figured i'd revisit this goof so go tickle that like button or else buddy here will haunt you for all eternity let's head on back to the playtime co-factory and check out how a baby's head can be used to speedrun this chapter extremely quickly alright so first as usual let's go over the more beginner route for this chapter it may not be the sub 5 minute speed run path which we'll come back to later but this is the general and much more consistent strategy for still a respectable time so the speed run timer starts as soon as we load into the playtime company lobby here right after watching the very lengthy intro cutscene watching this every time you restart a run gets pretty tiring i believe the ability to skip it was added in an update but i'm running the original pre-patch version here for reasons we'll get into later this video anyways right off the bat we can hit up this door and punch in the password to open it up and thankfully the color combination here is always the same so we just gotta punch in red yellow pink green but a bing but now we rush over to grab this vhs tape which we can then slam into the vcr machine here to start the hand cannon instructional video now this is gonna make me feel super old but i'd be willing to bet that a large chunk of you watching this video have probably never played a vhs tape in your life anyways there's not really anything we can do to speed this video up here and we need it to finish to unlock the left blue hand here so basically you just wait until billy here gets his head yanked off then yeah there we go we got the first hand also a small trick you can do here to save some time is pause as soon as the glass starts moving here and then load the last autosave which will instantly load you in with the blue hand now normally you have to wait for this glass to slowly open up completely before you can grab the pack and since pause and load times aren't counted in this category to account for different pc hardware this can certainly save a few seconds anyways with the handgun now in our possession we can finally progress from the lobby as we can unlock this blue hand door leading us to this atrium area with huggy wuggy waiting for us in the middle there's no way this guy can be dangerous right anyways after giving huggie waggy a mandatory high five we try to open the next door which causes the power to go out thankfully and conveniently this key magically appears in huggy's hand so we can snag it and head on into the electrical room here you just have to grab and rip off the electrical panel and then use the extendo hand to conduct electricity to the two rods in the room to turn the power back on you can also save a bit of time here as at least in the original pre-patch version of this game sometimes the hand will actually go through the panel to skip having to pull it off but on the flip side when doing this often the extended part of the hand won't collide with the rods which can actually end up costing time so it's kind of a risk reward choice that needs to be made if you manage to get the hand through anyways with the power back on hey wasn't there something large fuzzy and blue in the middle here oh well must be nothing so let's finally open up this next door here oh look a large fuzzy blue arm let's give it a high five then after quickly running down this hallway we get to probably the worst section of the speed run at least in this beginner route and i say worst because how well the section goes is entirely left to chance as the red yellow and green energy cubes or whatever they are that you need to find here appear in one of a few randomly chosen locations now after a while you can definitely remember all the spawn locations to save some time but even then some cube spawns will be further away causing more time loss now ideally you get as many cubes spawn close to where you drop and just like with the trick earlier time isn't counted when the game is paused or during load screens so if you want you can constantly keep reloading the area to try and get more optimal cube spawns but in any case after grabbing all four cubes you can pull open this door back track up to the top area again plop the cubes into the panel and after some more waiting the red right hand will fall down for us to grab and finally bring balance to our screen then next we can open this door and slide on down to this area where we once again have to do some electrical wiring there's a small trick you can do here by quickly grabbing both power nodes and just falling back which causes the game to freak out and zip you right to the door you're opening it's not a huge time save but it's a nice to have then after crawling through this toy parts chute we get taken to the toy assembly room here we can run upstairs cheese yet another wiring puzzle by simply just doing a leap of faith across this gap here to quickly get the power on and yeah don't mess this jump up because it will cost a lot of time since the game slows down and doesn't really let you move if you take too much fall damage so that being said after getting the power on aim for one of the things below you to avoid that fall damage and then right after hit the big red button to start up the assembly machine now just like the instructional video earlier after pulling the levers and seeing the doll being made for the first time every subsequent run of this chapter it's basically just over a minute of waiting here but while waiting here you can actually work on another little speedrun trick basically you gotta set up some boxes here to use later but we'll come back to that in a bit first we gotta grab the robo dog b or whatever doll it is now you can be a slow chump and just grab it after it's all the way out here by the door but turns out that the collision with this here angled section isn't quite well there so if you stand at the right spot and aim your arm shot just right you can actually grab the doll sooner than you normally can to save a few precious seconds anyways now with the toy we can get back to these boxes from before so basically as far as i understand it having something placed in this location messes with how the game loads in huggy wuggy here and as such he will be apparently loaded in a different area and long story short if done correctly the game kinda kicks you backwards now apparently how far you get kicked can vary but honestly you might only save a few seconds at most with this so it's yet another one of those nice to have tricks rather than something necessary so if you don't get it in a run it's not that big of a deal really anyways now on to the final stretch here we hop on into the vent chase sequence and basically if you know the right path through this this part is pretty easy then after making huggy wuggy spit out some jam we make our way to the poppy room open the door open the door open the door and that's time now after only about a day of practicing this path i was able to get a time of around 8 minutes with the cubes being the only real struggle honestly this beginner route was one of the easiest speed runs to learn but don't you worry the heat is going to get cranked up right away now 8 minutes isn't all too shabby but it's certainly not less than five minutes so with the beginner stuff out of the way now let's see how the top runners blaze through this factory so first to pull off this advanced trick you need to be playing the original pre-patch release of the game as an update was pushed out that actually patched this exploit essentially there's a trick near the start of the chapter where you can clip into a wall and actually skip having to do a lot of things the problem is this trick is incredibly hard to pull off and as such it's extremely inconsistent to kind of paint a picture of how inconsistent it is only like a handful of the currently submitted runs actually have this trick pulled off in a run anyways that's a lot of build up for this trick so you're probably wondering what exactly is it well if you've played poppy playtime you've probably experienced just how janky the game's physics can be and this exploit exploits that basically if you run over certain objects while they are moving the game will freak out and cause the player to zip around and if done close enough to a wall you guessed it the erratic movement can actually clip you right through it so when the run starts you jog on over behind the reception desk towards these objects on the floor a toy part a doll arm as well as a baby doll head yeah as creepy as it is this head is actually the best for this glitch it seems like you can pull off this trick with any of these three objects but i guess since the head is the biggest and easiest to push around it tends to work a bit better anyways if you're able to pull off the trick big emphasis on if since this took me well over an hour to even get once you can get behind the wall here now the fun really starts as we have to start navigating the stage out of bounds by jumping between loaded areas and avoid falling into the infinite void below eventually you get to this event segment and here things get a bit complicated in terms of how this trick is pulled off but the way i understand it in baby terms is essentially you jump onto this vent and then you want to keep moving along it and into it until you get stuck once you get stuck you then want to jump and if jumping makes you move up along the vent you gotta move back and try again but if you try jumping and you just go straight up and down then you're in a good spot and this jump kinda like pushes you a bit more into the vent from here you have to aim towards this box and then take a leap of faith into the abyss and then pause the game and load it back in if all went well this should actually trigger an autosave segment later in the chapter so this next time loading back in you'll actually load in after getting the blue hand so although the trick is extremely difficult to pull off consistently if you do you can skip the intro tutorial video going to the atrium turning on the power all of it and of course this saves a big chunk of time i should also point out that this trick also requires you to change the frame rate the game runs at to make certain things possible now i don't know the exact technical reasons for this but for example the game has to be running at 120 frames per second when jumping onto the vent thing and nope that's not the last of the exploits here either next in the room with the power cubes another trick can be pulled off by grabbing and holding this cart here and then basically using it as an extra platform to make a long jump towards this conveyor belt then after jumping a few conveyor belts over you can do another death defying leap in the void across here and then after clipping into this vent you can once again close the game and reload it as we hit yet another auto save trigger and this time this autosave takes us right to the toy production line area with the red hand obtained thus again skipping a decently large chunk of the game like take in the in-game time that it takes to get here with these exploits is about as long as it took us to just sit through the intro vhs and get the blue hand yeah that's how much time can be saved anyways the rest of the run outside of a little stair skip as seen here is basically the same and after another trip to the poppy room a sub 5 minute run can be achieved let's go let's go as of the making of this video only a handful of runners have gotten some five minutes and this doesn't surprise me at all considering how difficult some of these tricks are to pull off individually i couldn't imagine stringing them all together in one run perfectly but hey if you're willing to deal with a few really tricky exploits you too can join the sub 5 crew and that's speedrunning poppy playtime chapter 1 and i hope you enjoy if you did check out my other speedrun videos and subscribe to find your way back in the future and as always thank you all so much for watching today and i will see you in a bit [Music] you
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 175,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poppy Playtime, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime speedrun, speedrun poppy playtime, speedrunning poppy playing, poppy playtime chapter 1, poppy playtime speedrun world record, speedrun, speedrunning, huggy wuggy, huggy wuggy chapter 2, poppy playtime speedrunning, pp chapter 2, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, tetrabitgaming speedrun, tetrabitgaming speedrunning, speedrun wr, wr, poppy playtime gameplay, poppy playtime walkthrough, poppy playtime world record, gaming
Id: hGqaWft9QJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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