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[Music] [Music] see like the P I don't like actually I do would you get up you come into my room yo you better for evil to see we need like the beat I don't like that Harry makes it so frequently yeah I remember that fire track from the night Ripper a couple year kondeh went crazy with the remixes i've been jamming out back links in the description we got one from black mass graffiti but that's not why we're here all right today grannies look at this I Spit on you granny I bet you say like that huh yeah dehydrated dry skin face will probably eat it all up it looked like you got gingivitis and yeah eyes got glaucoma or glaucoma I don't know how to say it but do you really want me to continue doing what you lying back your shoulders and I know you stuff your bras okay let's get some food all right uh the game got updated nightmare but the free-cos nightmare warning do not play if you have nightmares let's go I'm trying to get to this update are you sure about that oh my gosh what the Freak why is everything red up down up down all right hello wait we're stepping in blood oh my god that's what that frickin wet sound effect learn all right here to music leave this house granny how many time no good to freak out of here let's get the freak out of here oh we already make a noise okay uh what we got that thing no let's go outside go outside yeah guys this is new this is new put out here go down here what are we in a stomach what is this hello this isn't even part of the house anymore dude it can't be it can't be well that's locked dang I really want to see what's in there where oh she had the nerve to be getting pictures of herself put up no one she is the ugly as human being ever spawned hello it's a bird hey little birdie I'm just gonna take this key alright my god you crow we need a gun I'm sorry I've already resorted to this call PETA if you want no really don't please don't what is this an empty bowl all right we definitely gotta feed it guys but you don't gotta shoot it okay don't call FBI again kind of extreme guys just a little bit oh this is this I know where we are now we're behind the freaking meat sack in that one room because I just saw it obviously hey hammer all right we got to find the hammer guys remote control what is folder this new stuff man I remember in the old days I could beat this with my eyes closed now so much new stuff hello nothing going by what no okay winch handle okay I know where that goes let's just do stuff one at a time whatever I just bit my toe right again if you want I got a bunch of rat poison for you bro he's actually looking at chill Jerry - all right squat side so we got the winch handle which means we could do this let's get it let's get it winch handle how y'all doing I'm doing all right today I mean we got some time to kill I don't know if you slice that like button yet but samurai Shogun himself always appreciate some sport what the Freak is that engine parts dude I don't care about that dumb car right now Cadillac switch to color sister Kathy guys y'all know that song is so fire dude y'all about to be bumping out all day we found a hammer we found a freaking hammer now we're in the money so what we want to do go down here huh here we go open that up what broke pickup wait what is this shotgun dude smack the Freak out of me I knew I said knocked her dumb poster down it's amazing we're still getting scared by mobile horror games can y'all skedaddle we're actually getting terrified one listen to this music one run when she couldn't pull mother knew left side or right side Hey look guys y'all saw the analog it was upside alright tell me why that goes hard left to survive man we playing let's get granny I wonder how many people would be mad if I just switch the whole game play like you know what actually in the middle of this game we're gonna be playing this game now alright so I don't know if she just got super-hearing now but Karki maybe if I'm pretend I'm British she won't recognize me and this won't want me anymore granny please do me a favor leave me alone because I don't like you at all okay alright yeah I know my accents going pretty hard guys you take a second to appreciate the accent special key guys we found that from downstairs all my accent fell off I forgot close the door in her face you don't see me she saw me close ignored if you didn't remember the days when I was good at this game watermelon [Laughter] [Music] no I don't I don't know if they like spiked the difficulty like she was just at the other side of the house dude stop playing with my emotions now it's blood all on my screen for freaking dead man who might as well just started over now yeah you thought you about to leave get comfortable I'm a star of y'all rats in here oh the car my notice everything make noise in this house is there anything in the sonic no this is easy difficulty freak out here [Music] waitwhat Oh Oh what your alright let's try this again a little birdie here's your freaking birdseed go get that keep pliers yeah are you like that why her arms look like tree bark I don't see how that's funny I mean it's probably really unhealthy and you should see a dermatologist [Music] I got the shotty oh yeah hey granny uh-huh she coming down the stairs weapon key oh my gosh where were you set it down set it the Freak down all right keep the shotgun down here wait did you fall on the book all right there it is all right give me that we know where that goes like help us with anything that'll sit down you [ __ ] with the meat in here oh my gosh you see the spider all right sparkplug wasn't worth it still don't know what that's for all right I'm out I'm out whoa Oh what the bro I didn't remember dropping the hammer down here what is this freeze trap ready where you at I got some for you go ahead drop it brah I just froze myself kiss my name is curry kimchi maybe spawns myself Wow here we go here we go get in there oh yeah you're frozen you idiot you don't want me to even make something like that this one can use it against you you know me so you dead she's dead Oh Sees yeah look at her freaking guts oh my bro we out of here bro open and open the front door dude oh one more drop that don't be mad put some Jergens on your face that shouldn't have scared me it really kind of didn't but I clinched just a little bit yeah yeah I took a portrait get 150 I'd like to hang with my purse a tree bark Guinness alright guys that was like I know we're gonna have I'm sure in the next update will be able to do fatalities and you know get like a dragon radar we'll have to find the dragonballs in the house oh no just let me know when it gets updated will the kicker but again hopefully guys enjoyed it assistance a samurai's slice that like most are today to join a samurai and so next time I see like the beat I don't like
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 10,581,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: granny, new, update, freeze, frozen, trap, how, to, scary, horror, mobile, game, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, the, end, you, can, now, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, ck, funny, hilarious, moments, jumpscare, series, part
Id: VwNG5Hzg5d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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