You can experience Heaven on Earth! Here's how.

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foreign [Music] this topic of days of Heaven on Earth and this this first uh a couple sessions we're going to be talking about the fact that the time for you to encounter this is now because in the spirit you know there's no there's no time or distance there's no limitations like there are on our calendar and in this earth and so in prayer you will experience a Timeless realm so you'll you'll be have faith that has no limits you'll have uh you know your calendar will not restrict your faith you'll be believing that God is going to intervene and you'll feel like it's right now though your faith will rise up to the point where you have it right now in Deuteronomy we're going to be reading from Deuteronomy 11 and this is verses 18 through 27 in the King James version it says therefore shall ye lay up these words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand that you may be they may be as frontlets between your eyes and ye shall teach your children speaking with them when thou citized in nine house and when thou walkest by the way when thou lie is down and when thou Rises up and thou shall write them upon the doorpost so thine house and upon thy Gates that your days may be multiplied and that the days of your children in the land which the Lord swear unto your fathers to give them as the days of Heaven upon the Earth for if ye shall diligently keep all these Commandments which I command you to do them to love the Lord your God to walk in all his ways and to cleave unto him then will the Lord drive out all these nations before you and you shall possess greater Nations and mightier than them yourselves every place where your souls of your feet shall tread shall be yours for the Wilderness and and from Lebanon from the river the river Euphrates even to the other uttermost sea so your Coast be there shall no man be able to stand before you for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you all the upon all the land that you shall tread upon as he hath said unto you behold I said before for you this day a blessing and a curse a blessing if you obey the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day okay so that's I know it's a long scripture verse but there's so much in this and so I want I want to emphasize a couple things to you and go through these with you getting right off the bat to me to get heaven on Earth and to get this idea of having Days of Heaven on Earth it has to do with what the Old Testament taught us and what I just read to you and keeping the word of God before us and then meditating on it rehearsing it and allowing God to bring it up and have it before us all the time Moses was told to keep these things before you and do it every day so every day no matter what day we're doing they they meditated on God's Commandments and he said if you do this and even write them on your doorpost which today we would put them on our refrigerator you know we would we would put a little three by five cards at scripture you know on our on our refrigerators and places like that where we can see them you know but if you do those things this is what's going to happen see you know doing it every day you're going to excel you're going to become you're going to become what would be classified as a professional at anything that you do if you do it that many times a week uh God God says your days are going to be multiplied and and then and uh that that's amazing so that means that you know whatever you were wherever you were going to live how long you were going to live and and what you were gonna how productive are you going to be you're going to experience an exponential uh you know uh increase so you know you you would live longer and you would be more productive within those amount of days and that's what the days of may be multiplied and it also says that your children are also going to experience that too as well so they said their days will be multiplied as well and he mentions the days of Heaven on Earth and so I know this to be true no matter what happens uh that you know you can create this atmosphere this environment where God is shining on you and you're having favor and and all kinds of terrible things are happening around you but they're not coming near you because you're in the secret place and and this is because you you meditate on God's word day and night and you place the word of God before you and so Jesus and the father come and live with you just like they promised they would he also says if you keep these Commandments diligently that I've commanded you to do them to love the Lord your God so it equates to doing them with loving him and that's what Jesus said if you will if you love me if you passionately love me then you're going to do what I command it's the same the same wording exactly Jesus is quoting the Old Testament that if you walk in his ways he said and actually cleaved him which means you're going to grab him and take hold of him and you're not going to let go it'd be almost like the idea of of God dragging you around because you're not gonna you're not gonna let go that's how diligent this scriptures is um is portrayed your actions then he said then if you do that and you're that diligent to wear your cleave he said the Lord's going to drive out all these nations before you wow okay so that means that your enemies people that are not following God they're they're going to be affected by you because you have diligently sought him kept the word of God before you and click you cleave to him which means you're you're just like saying uh you know you're my breath you're my you're my life and this is the idea that I was taught this is the secrets that I've learned over the years on how to experience favor which would make other people almost think it's not fair and and it's for everybody favor is for everybody but see not everybody encounters favor because they don't do the things that I've I've mentioned here that are listed that transfer over into the New Testament you know it's not by work so we should boast but however we express our love for God through our beat our obedience and that's still the Bible even in the New Testament you know we still have to obey God we still have to have have action to to our our belief faith is action faith is a manifestation of what we believe he promises us that we are going to possess these other nations not only are they going to run and be driven out but then we're going to possess these nations that are greater and mightier than us that's what he says in the Old Testament so you think about this now you know what how should it be in the New Testament if God's promising if we if we will be partakers of the Covenant you know how much more of this New Covenant should we encounter this he said every place that your souls of your feet tread they shall be yours so can you imagine not just going for a walk and coming back and saying oh by the way everywhere you just walked that's yours now because that's what he was telling them he said I'm going to lay the fear and the dread of you upon the land so that so that you can take over these these places and he said I'm setting before you uh This Day blessings and curses and he said if you obey the Lord his Commandments then I'm going to bless you and if you don't there'll be a curse so I want to teach you how you can have Heaven on Earth and you can encounter this blessing yourself even if your neighbor doesn't want it or your church doesn't want it or your country doesn't want it you know your Governor your state you know wherever you are if if they don't want the blessing of the Lord then they're going to be cursed but see the Lord still loves you as an individual as a Believer and he's going to help you and get you through these things so the spirit of the Lord takes you know from the word of God and he gives it to you he portions it to you with Revelation so it's not just enough just to read the Bible even though that that is effective I mean reading the Bible is good however everything you read has to be applicable it has to be understood so you know if you if you memorize a verse and then you you know you you think about it and then you can mentally say it and recite it but yet it might be uh I'm just being honest it might be years like with me it was years where the Revelation came and like I cannot believe I didn't see that we'll see what it was is I was in the mental realm because I wanted to be able to memorize and say that I memorized these scriptures you know but like Jesus taught me he said do you have understanding about what you just said and he said you know it's just not sane and it's just not reading and it's understanding it and I realized that understanding was a transaction that wisdom was a transaction this is where ownership comes in this is where accountability comes in and and um you know all this all these words that you can think of it's how Christianity should be Christianity should not just be a label it should be a lifestyle like you're more of a Believer because it's a characteristic of of you're a believing one you believe so you're not an unbelieving believer that would be silly to be an unbelieving believer and it would be silly to be able to to just announce a scripture verse and then not have it being part of you because it would just be religion then you know because many people can quote the Bible that that go to hell isn't that sad that you can quote the Bible and go to hell why because it didn't become heart knowledge it didn't become part of them there was no ownership there so so the Bible the word of God is actually bread that came down from heaven and the word of God is actually a person named Jesus and that's why Jesus said you know unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you're not going to have any part in me so keeping Jesus before you keeping the word of God before you and allowing the Holy Spirit to to feed you in fellowship with that that causes it to become part of you so this this is the process of the spirit of God coming into your life changing you transforming you and then what he does is he enables you so then favor starts to happen in your life that wherever you go you start to see the enemy driven out so that the enemies put on notice that you've you're cleaving to the Lord because you're you're owning you're owning your life you're owning um you're in in other words you're being accountable and then Jesus is is able to do much more with you because you understand you're what you're you're you're walking in wisdom be encouraged that everything that Jesus says everything that the father says everything that the spirit says it's significant but it's significant because it's life-giving and that is not in the mental realm that is in the spiritual realm so you can have thoughts within your heart and thoughts within your mind I'm talking about living out of your spirit here and putting the word of God always before you and then letting the Holy Spirit make it living and active in you so let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus thank you so much that your word is living and active and that you are causing us to put your word before us all the time and think about it all the time and that Lord we're just not going to mentally agree with you but we're going to think about these things in our heart and Ponder them and let them become part of us and then we're going to get together with other believers and be encouraged and I thank you Holy Spirit for opening our eyes in the name of Jesus Amen [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 28,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 9BhbjEJQoGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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