You Can’t Do It Alone | A Qur'anic View - Dr. Omar Suleiman

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foreign we often talk about when Adam fell from the heavens or was expelled from the heavens and came to this earth and the journey back to destination Jannah and I want you to think about all of us in this room holding on to a rope that is extended from the heavens from the sky think of that image the person next to you and each one of us holding on to the person under us trying to make sure that none of us fall and subhanallah oftentimes when we talk about how to get back to Allah we forget and I'll go to the very end of the Quran Asura that we often recite foreign [Music] Allah swears by time we're all hanging on to this rope and by time as it vanishes everyone is in utter loss we usually get that part except for those who believe and work good deeds and then they cooperate with one another in good and they cooperate with one another in enjoining patience upon that good subhanallah the idea here is a very compelling idea because every part of the Ayah connects to every part of the Ayah before the idea that you are in loss unless you work together you are in loss as a community and as an individual unless you work together unless you hold on to each other and try to maintain that connection to Allah it's an extremely compelling idea you can't do it alone the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam warns the one who abandons the jamaa who abandons the group of people who abandons the group of the Muslims because shaytan will always attack the lone Sheep No matter how strongly committed you are to the Theology of Islam and no matter how committed and disciplined you think you are with your desires and no matter how certain you are at the moment in the Hereafter if you don't have people around you that you help and that help you then you will lose you will fall off because you have no one to hold on to and no one that you are holding and those things become equally important so again I want you to think about this image for the entirety of this lecture holding on from the heavens because ever since Allah expelled Adam and forgave him from Paradise Allah has called us back to that and we are not just on a journey to get back to Allah in the physical sense in Jannah but to remain connected to Allah with what he sends down from the heavens and this idea subhanallah of a connection to Allah in that sense the sahaba were very intentional about their language and I'm going to ask you who the narrator of this Hadith is in a bit inshallah is to see if you're still awake went to visit um amen as the prophet saws used to go visit her um amen the mother of the Prophet saw Islam after his mother who used to hold him when everyone that he loved passed away she was always by his side she used to go there and monitor him during the battles with her feet swelling with her concerns overwhelming her and the prophet saws says how are you amens he says I am good so long as Islam is good as long as Islam is good I'm good and this is a woman that certainly is going to miss the prophet saws may Allah be pleased with them they go and they visit her the way the prophet saws used to visit her and they find her crying and they make assumptions why because what do you think she's thinking about what do you think she's crying about if she used to monitor the prophet saws throughout then perhaps she's concerned what happened to him where is he I miss him don't you know om amen that what is with Allah is far better for the messenger of Allah and she said I'm not crying because of that I'm crying because the wahi because the Revelation has cut off from the heavens it's no longer coming down from the heavens fresh we got to live in a time where that rope was still being extended and then it stopped and we have to hold on to what Allah has sent down to us but how many people can say they were alive with the prophet saws how many people can say they were alive while Allah was revealing the Quran to rasulullah they witnessed that life so the Revelation has ceased from the heavens and that's what she was crying about may Allah be pleased with them started to cry as well now keep the image in your head Allah says foreign [Music] and do not be divided hold on to the Rope of Allah all of you together and do not be divided what is the Rope of Allah who can tell me what's the Rope of Allah you guys must be really tired anybody the Quran is the Rope of Allah says of course the Sunnah is the manifestation of the Quran you can't access the Quran without the prophet saws and his Sunnah because he manifests it but the Rope of Allah here is referring to the Quran it is the Quran so think of the image all of you hold on to it and don't be divided remember the favor of Allah upon you when you were enemies and Allah United your hearts one of the benefits of this that some of the Irma mentioned is that when you were enemies your one Focus became to destroy the other person the other tribe in their Dunya Wisconsin you didn't even believe in a Hereafter to destroy them to wipe them out so that you could attain some sort of worldly success and victory you spend your entire day imagine that existence you wake up every day trying to compare yourself to someone else trying to outdo someone else doesn't it sound a lot like social media today trying to get more than this person more attention more money whatever it is competing with people over this Dunya that's your goal it's so narrow so limited and you were killing yourselves over that until you die and you meet a miserable fate and what did Allah take these people who were trying to destroy each other while competing over the Dunya and do with them Allah United them to where they loved for each other success in this life and in the Hereafter Allah brought in the vision for them and Allah tightened the hearts how beautiful you were fighting over crumbs in this world trying to kill each other destroying each other and Allah extended that rope from the heavens and you realized there are heavens you realize there is a Lord that is greater than you there is a purpose that's greater than you your vision broadened and suddenly you United your hearts became United and there was no way that you could have done that anyway else Allah said if you spent the entire Earth in Gold you would never be able to unite their hearts the way Allah United them you couldn't pay for a friendship like Abu Bakr and um you can't buy something like that you couldn't pay the ansar to treat them the way that they did with anything there was something else there what is you became by his Blessing Brothers sisters you started to see each other as one and Allah says worse than the way you used to destroy yourselves in this world you were on the edge of Hellfire you were about to throw yourselves into hell all of you throwing one another into Hellfire and Allah saved you now what does this all to say that you should just be happy alhamdulillah for the unity alhamdulillah for the Brotherhood and I know mashallah in the UK you have no division Allahu Akbar not like the US you guys didn't sense the sarcasm there all right I'm going to say that again for the Brotherhood of Islam alhamdulillah for what brought us here together may Allah as he has United Us in this life unite Us in the Hereafter and may Allah cure the sicknesses and the diseases of the heart that keep us divided in this world and distracted from our purpose of the hereafter what does Allah say I'm not showing this all to you so you can just say it's nice to be nice it's nice to be friends how many of you know the verse that gets recited at every wedding you guys don't go to weddings here either Yasin what kind of crowd did you bring me to man no weddings there's no weddings out here what's the verse they recite before they start partying I'm getting really frustrated now somebody none of the brothers Brothers you might get married if you say it well as that from his signs is that Allah now all of you woke up from his signs is that Allah granted you spouses from amongst yourselves that you could find Tranquility in them and put between you love compassion Mercy and in that in that is a sign for people who think Allah will say there is an this is a sign for people of this this is a sign for people that when Allah says I'm telling you about this so that you can understand this pay attention to what Allah is telling you that you should understand Allah says about our Brotherhood and our Sisterhood holding on to that rope of Allah Allah is showing you these signs so you could be guided you can't have hidayah you can't have guidance unless you grab onto this rope together you will be you will be in Perpetual loss unless you grab onto this rope together so Unity is not just a nice commodity Unity is a necessity to trying to enter into Jannah together trying to accept that guidance that Allah has sent to us so that we could get to Jannah together that's why in the very beginning of Surat al-baqarah was [Music] seek help with patience and prayer but what does Allah say before that in establish your prayer give your charity and bow amongst those who bow find yourself amongst the people of Salah because if you're not bowing to Allah together then you will enter Hellfire together you can't do it except together now again you have the image of us hanging on to something in the heavens the Rope of Allah now in order to pull someone up you have to be holding on to something that is greater right everything in the Quran when Allah talks about us grabbing onto something and every Parable I'm going to give you in this lecture tonight is you holding on to something so I'm going to be asking you an essential question throughout this what are you holding on to in the storm of Dunya Dunya is a storm this world is a storm what are you holding on to all right so I'm going to ask you another question what is the greatest verse in the Quran you should study Quran with him take advantage of it the greatest verse in the Quran and it shows up in Surat al-baqarah very early on in the Quran immediately after that Allah says when he demonstrates the Pinnacle of the beauty of the speech one verse that is greater than any composition of books that has ever been written in this world one verse one verse is greater than every book that has ever been put together is enough if someone is paying attention and being perceptive to understand the nature of Allah and the nature of this Revelation and to come to the conclusion that it's true and Allah says right after that he chooses this verse and he follows it up with what there is no compulsion in religion Allah has already made truth distinct from error it's very clear where truth is and it's very clear where error is if you're listening to Ayatul Kursi and you're still not getting that this is truth something's wrong with your heart not with the revelation there's no compulsion no one has to be forced upon this truth already stands out from error foreign [Music] then they are holding on to they're holding on to the trustworthy handhold no cracks no breaks no cracks no breaks no flaw so think of it this way as an individual when you are dropped in the skies and the Dunya is stormy weather and you're looking for guidance and Allah says [Music] uh whoever disbelieves in Allah they're like someone that got dropped in the skies so imagine the person who has nothing to hold on to they got dropped in the skies they got dropped in the heavens they're looking for something to grab onto they're not finding anything they get picked up by these birds they get swallowed by animals and then they get dropped in different parts of the world to where they don't even know where they are anymore you know how blessed you are to have Allah walk out this door and look at that Quran manifested that way look at that area people don't know where they are what am I doing here they drug themselves to cope every night and not all drugs are inhaled they drug themselves every single night to try to figure out and it's like a person being caught by bird to burdened and dropped in some place some Alleyway they don't even know where they are anymore and Allah says think of that person holding on to it the trustworthy handheld a is the trustworthy handhold is the trustworthy handheld think of this dear brothers and sisters so here's an image and Abdullah actually saw himself in a dream holding on to the trustworthy handheld and he was in the middle of a garden and so think of yourself holding on to a trustworthy hands hold and then you have the Rope of Allah that extends and you want to get as many people as possible holding on to that rope of Allah the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam did not teach you to try to kick people off of that rope the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam did not teach you to be indifferent to people that are falling off of that rope this is not just your journey we are all a part of each other's Journey Allah put you in my life and Allah put me in your life for a reason and every single person that you've ever met is a part of this journey and your ideal outcome is that you all hold on to that rope and you don't fall that's your ideal outcome is that we're all holding on to this together in this journey of Dunya and look at the prophet saws gives you the example he says I am to you like a man who's standing in front of a fire and there are flies jumping into that fire is trying to stop as many people as possible from falling into that fire and he said I'm grabbing you by your waist belts it's like I'm grabbing you by your waist belt so that you don't fall I'm trying to grab as many people as possible so they don't fall in the fire that's your messenger the opposite of that is some of you people run people away from Allah you cause people to flee from Allah you make them hate their religion with your character your indifference your arrogance don't make people flee from Allah try to get people holding on to that rope grab them by the waist belts and if you have a good grip yourself on the hands hold then you have a better possibility of grabbing someone else because if you yourself are slipping you don't have time to worry about someone else but you're grabbing on to it inshallah and you're grabbing on firm and you're trying to get as many people as possible on this journey of Dunya you love your friend call them to Allah some people come up to me and say you know this person is sinful should I still be friends with them and I say never ever compromise your Deen for anyone else don't jump off because of anyone else you don't follow your friend jumping off of a cliff don't follow them jumping off of the cliff in the Hereafter either never jump off the cliff for your front but call them to Allah someone says you know this person uh is has gone astray have you made for them you love them make Dua for them you love them call them to Allah you want to grab onto as many people as possible and hold on to the Rope of Allah all together and get them to grab on extend the Rope to them while you hold on to the trustworthy handheld you see how powerful the imagery of the Quran is and there you have your Prophet saws and he has the most hands and the vastus hands because he has the vastus Hearts grabbing on to people and not giving up on them he held sallallahu alaihi wasallam until slipped away he held sallallahu alaihi wasallam who was much better until he slipped away he was holding people to the very last moment until they slipped out of his hands because they insisted on slipping out of his hands but he never stopped trying put them onto the Rope of Allah and hold on to the trustworthy handheld and subhanallah Subhan Allah you become religious and that you cut your family off and the prophet saws said that the family ties are tied to the throne of Allah and they say Allah whoever establishes me stays connected to me Allah stays connected to them and whoever Cuts me off Allah Cuts them off holding on to a handhold holding on to the throne of Allah holding on to the Rope of Allah all of us together trying to get your friends your loved ones family people that you can and bring them to the Rope of Allah and help them hold on to the Rope of Allah you don't want anyone to fall into that fire because you have the heart of a believer you inherited the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you have a bigger goal you're not just holding on to that hand tone looking away and saying alhamdulillah I'm not falling like them your heart breaks when you see people fall you care for them was a mercy to the worlds you see someone messing up on social media you don't mock them you don't say haha that's funny he sent me Allah's parents I'd guide them your heart breaks [Music] Allah it's like you're hurting yourself because you care so much about them foreign and you can't guide whom you love but you want so badly to guide them all you all have the imagery here in this journey when we fall from the heavens and we all try to get back hold on to the trustworthy hand hold and grab it tight the Quran and the Sunnah hold on to the Rope of Allah which is our community salvation and do not be divided don't kick anyone off of that rope and try to grab as many people even by their waist belts when they're falling into the fire and get them connected why because that's the only way you remain guided that's the only way you come close to Allah is that Unity for the sake of Allah now I want to give you another image again still holding on the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said that after you owe companions are days that require great patience patience in those days it's like holding on to a burning hot coal as time goes on that hand hold gets hotter it's harder to hold on to it it's hot I feel the burn of it because people are living their lives doing what their desires tell them to do you only live once and here I am and the storm can look Serene if you have the right View or the wrong View you know subhanallah sometimes you're sitting in a room and maybe because I travel so much I always relate to travel examples you're sitting in a hotel room and you open the windows and you look out the curtains you look out the window you say man that looks beautiful then you step out and you go oh never mind let me get right back into my room okay subhanallah people are falling and flying but sometimes you might think to yourself that doesn't look so bad and you hold on to that trustworthy hand hold and it gets hot and the prophet saws I know it's going to get harder for you to stay on this deem gets you Allah gets you knows how he created you made a mistake with one tree in the middle of Jannah with his desires how about us when we are surrounded by our desires and their right in our hands all the time Allah knows it's tough but that's why the reward is so amazing Hold On Tight even when it burns and subhanallah one of the greatest ways that you can overcome the burn of your desires is to burn them for something more meaningful what do I mean by that when you have a purpose you can take the pain so much more to where the pain can go from being unbearable to bearable to even appoint where it's pleasurable because you recognize the gains instantly when you're a person of mission I see a lot of young people in here masha'allah you're responsible for this torch bearing you're responsible for this Dean you're not just responsible for staying off of sin listening to some lectures and getting close to Allah on your own you're responsible for saving your friends your Generation The Generation after you take ownership of this Darwa take ownership of the mission of this Deen make it more than about yourself because if it's more than about yourself then you can bear more with yourself because you have a greater mission you've got a greater purpose a greater gain in sight and I want you to think about a particular companion with me for a moment so the prophet saws mentions people that can't see past their desires they're quickly going to go people that recognize that there is something greater they'll hold on to it because they want that relief in the Hereafter the day of judgment comes get it out of my hand and instead receive the book in my right hand and it's newer for the rest of my life it's light for the rest of my life even even on the day of judgment you're holding something you're holding something the prophet saws Allah mentions to us when you get the book in your right hand and then you're holding on to it that book the Believers going forth the light is in their right hands Allah turns that book into Noor for you and you use it to light yourself through the through the darkness of the day of judgment so you replace the burning jamra the burning hot coal with a book in your right hand and it lights the way for you but in this life why burn my hand in the first place you've got to see beyond your own individual salvation you've got to see yourself as part of a greater mission you got to see yourself as part of a collective and there's one sahabi and I'll end with this because I want you to see it in relationship to everything that we've been speaking about how many of you have heard of Annas all right that means that 75 percent of you have not listened to my lecture today I told you I'm going to ask you about the narrator he was the narrator of the first Hadith right lived to be over a hundred years old over a hundred years old there are many people that are sahaba because of I mean because of anas they got that level of being considered from the second generation of Islam because you would meet many people who never met another sahabi except for Allah he's the last of the major Companions of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam 20 years after Hijra who died about 93 years after Hijra you heard what I said 93 years after the moment his mom um took him to the prophet saws and said here's my little boy 93 years after that the man lived a century isn't that a miracle so he lived to what year 73 I'm sorry 93 years after Hijra had a brother how many of you are named on us do we have any anuses in the room you don't name anus in the UK sister named on us in here all right you guys are either messing with me or you need to switch your naming uh equations here in the UK and name after some companions foreign if you saw him he was the man the prophet saws was speaking about when he said you might see a person who who's disheveled whose appearance is off-putting who's in rags who doesn't look like they're of any importance and people would turn them away from the doors and if they walked into the room people be like who's that guy and you know have a repulsion towards him the prophet saws said but that person that person so close to Allah that if they took an oath with Allah Allah would honor their oath that's how amazing these people are so you might you know say about them they're not worth marriage their intercession means nothing their witness means nothing they come and ask for your daughter no and the prophet saws said and in my um imagine the brother of Annas didn't he wasn't very handsome he didn't really used to care much for his appearance the man was incredible in the battlefield he said my brother can do all the narrating hadiths put me in the battlefields always in the battlefield and he was so brave and so courageous that you could even interpret it as a form of recklessness well he went in he wasn't he wasn't making calculations in these battles he just went in he Dove deep in um do not appoint al-bara in charge of any battalion because he's going to get them all killed that's his nature that's what um said about him don't put him in charge of anything let him shine but don't put him in charge of anything in the the Battle of apostates and I'll help you understand why I'm getting to this inshallah the battle against the murtadine against the apostates was a brutal false prophet he killed thousands and thousands and thousands of Companions of the Prophet saws brutal false prophet and he had Hadith he had a place around him that was called The Garden of death which was the closest to him meaning his most skilled Soldiers the people that would crucify companions they were all surrounded around him you know in the battle of yamama I want you to catapult me in and they did he insisted they tied to something and they flicked him in there and single-handedly he caused such a disruption that he was able to open the gates and the Muslims were given victory what a man and he didn't die he didn't die at all the alarm that's the brother of Anna's why am I getting to this anus lived to be how old a hundred years old at least a hundred by the way at least a hundred he died 93 years after hisla do you know that if you open up the Shema of the Prophet saws what's what do we know about our Prophet saws how much do we know about our Prophet saws how important how Central is he to this Deen how much have we fallen in love with the prophet saws through and is some of you know a Hadith and you don't even know that anas is the narrator and they're quoted all the time and we know the basics about our Prophet saws who was with him for that entire time why am I talking about 20 years after hijrah so anas lived until you guys are going to remember this for the rest of your life inshallah anas lived until 93 years after Hijra 20 years after Hijra in the Battle of atusta against the Persians the Persians had a nasty tactic like a really nasty tactic they would heat up iron hooks in this battle and then they so they were on an elevated ground they would throw the hooks into the Muslims and they'd reel them up and your body was probably disintegrated by the time you got to them that's how they heated up the iron and they threw these these these fire Hooks and they would pull people up if the hook got you you were dead no one survives that is that in that battle a hook caught me and it started to reel me up and my brother al-barah he ran up and he jumped on me and then he climbed my body and he took his hands and he unhooked me until he said wallahi the flesh burned off of his two hands entirely I'm sorry to get so gruesome there was no more flesh on his hands and he fell and he died Shahid that day Allah lived for 73 years after that seven decadesh are possible wasn't just holding on to a burning hot coal for himself he knew the value of the Allah and he grabbed that hook himself and he let it burn through his hands because he knew this brother of his that had access to the prophet saws the way he did was special and the ummah needed him Allah 73 years would not have been possible of course by the grace of Allah but through a man behind the scenes who was willing to let his hands burn for this ummah for his brother the imagery dear brothers and sisters is compelling in this journey when we fell from the heavens through our father Adam grab onto it grab onto the trustworthy handhold do not be led by the storm of this Dunya and let the winds take you wherever to where you're a person of no principle a person of no purpose let it take you wherever grab on to the next drug grab on to the next addiction grab on to the next high forget about all of that grab on to the next relationship grab on all these things of this world superficial things hold on to the Lord forget about forget about the storm of this world and then the Rope of Allah extend the Rope of Allah to as many brothers and sisters as you can because this Deen is a Deen that unites us if when you became more religious you started excommunicating more Muslims you are not on the way the prophet saws don't tell me that's the way the prophet saws if that's what your result is of this Deen that you start cutting people off and excommunicating more Muslims kicking them off of the Rope of Allah come on how is that in the way of rasulullah who's literally trying to catch people from their waist belts falling into the fire hold on to the Rope of hold on to the trustworthy handhold extend the Rope of Allah and then when it comes to the pain of doing so hold on to that burning hot coal Insha'Allah you will replace it on the day of judgment with your book of deeds in your right hand that will be liked for you and let your hands burn for something greater feel that pain for something greater yes it's hard it's hard to just abide by just be a basic Muslim in this crazy world but it's even harder and more rewardable to go the extra mile to make extra sacrifices for the Darwa of Allah and have a mission that you're dedicated to so that you can meet Allah at the end of this journey and you can see Allah people that you brought along with you to Jannah don't be that person that only thinks about entering Jannah alone we're going to be entering Jannah as groups inshallah the people used to pray with the people who used to worship Allah with people next year the people used to take classes with together the people used to remind Allah and they used to remind you of Allah you're going to be entering Jannah with them together no one gets into Jannah alone because this affair of this Dunya is not one that we take alone we take it together with the naitala may Allah allow us all to return home together may Allah keep us together with the book of Allah may Allah forgive us for our shortcomings
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 136,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islamic lectures, islamic studies, islam, faith, iman, omar suleiman
Id: PDkSuVvQxuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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