ChatGPT 를 200% 활용하는 방법! feat. 프롬프트 엔지니어링

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on this video I want to share with you the prompting techniques that I use to extract as much value as possible from chat GPT chargpt has been out for a while now and the more I use it the more I see it as a tool that makes me more productive rather than a thread that is going to take my job a recent study conducted by Purdue University discovered that when presented with 517 questions from stack Overflow jdbt provided answers with inaccuracies or non-functional code 52 of the time here you can see Chad GPT answers compared to stack Overflow answers according to this study Jazzy PT ranks lower incorrectness comprehensiveness conciseness and usefulness compared to stack Overflow another problem is that the model was found to produce convincing answers with confident language even if the answer was wrong or only half right since it's sometimes hallucinates and makes stuff up we can't trust all the answers it gives us we have to have some understand ending of the topic we are asking about to be able to evaluate the answers it gives us that's why I believe that chargpt is a tool that is used correctly will make us more productive rather than something that is going to replace us completely to use it more effectively we need to learn how to ask it the right questions and how to frame the questions as well it's like Google if you don't search well you're not gonna get good search results researchers from Vanderbilt universities Computer Science Department in Tennessee released a paper with a number of prompt patterns that are proven to get us better answers out of chat GPT I read that paper so you wouldn't have to and I picked out the best bit to share with you my favorite pattern is on this list it makes getting the best outputs from chat DPT effortless so make sure you watch until the end to find out which one it is these patterns may be more or less effective depending on what you need so feel free to mix or alternate them until you find out where works better for your questions the Persona pattern using the personal pattern we can guide chat GPT in determining the kind of responses to produce and the specific details to focus on with this pattern we can tailor chargeability to consistently adopt a specific Viewpoint or perspective for example if you wanted to review your code and find books in it first tell Chad Deputy the following you are going to pretend to be a senior engineer at a fan company review the following code paying attention to security and performance provide output that a senior engineer would produce regarding the code and then ask the question this point judge Liberty to give you a better output it sort of Narrows what is going to focus on and notice this pattern is very useful and not only on questions regarding code you can tell chadipity for example from now on act as a book editor and review the following block article focusing on readability or you can say pretend you're a marketing expert review the following slogans and suggest improvements based on other popular campaigns after are using this pattern the quality of answers I get has increased this pattern makes charging Beauty talk only about what I care about which is great be careful not to mention leaving people or people considered harmful since that may trigger the safety filters of chat GPT the recipe pattern this pattern is useful if you have something you want to accomplish you know the ingredients and sort of know the steps to get there but you need help putting them all together this pattern is especially useful if you are a programmer it saves you a lot of time and it helps you actually understand what the code is doing this pattern is like telling judge Beauty you want to make a cake you have flour water and sugar you know you have to mix those but you are not sure how on which order and what to do next a real world example would be something like I'm trying to write a Ros program to encrypt data I know I have to read user input validate it encrypted and return the encrypted data please provide a complete sequence of steps for me fill in enemies in steps and identify any unnecessary steps the the feeling any missing steps statement is there so charge Deputy fields in the gaps rather than asking us follow-up questions in case we missed something and the last statement of identify any unnecessary steps is useful because it tells judge GPT to find inaccuracies in our request to make the recipe better the reflection pattern I think all Junior developers should use this pattern as we know even with Google in stack Overflow you should never use copy paste code you should always understand what the code is doing using the reflection pattern you can ask Chad GPT to explain the reasoning behind each answer which will help you understand the output more and can potentially help you catch the model in those times when it is hallucinating so next time before you ask a question tell chatipiti the following when you provide an answer please explain the reasoning and assumptions behind your answer explain your choices and address any potential limitations or edge cases and then ask your question you will find that the answers will be even more detailed and judgivity will provide even more background information on its answers than normal the refusal breaker pattern I'm sure you have asked a question before that chatipiti told you it can't answer because of knowledge limits safety or whatever this pattern is to sort of use chargeability against itself by helping you reward or reframe the question that you want to ask so that it can be answered before you ask a question write this down to chat GPT whenever you can't answer a question explain why you can't answer the question provide one or more alternative wordings of the question that you could answer after you do this and ask your question and if judgpt can't answer it you will see it give you a couple of alternative questions that will answer your original query that chatibility will be able to answer the flipped interaction pattern this is my absolute favorite pattern usually when asking something to judge Beauty we have to think hard about how to structure the question provide all the required information Etc it's exhausting but not with this pattern using this technique we sort of flip the script making chargity ask us questions until it accomplishes what we want this pattern is useful when you know what you want but you don't know the steps to get there and you don't know what information charge Deputy needs to help you get there an example could be something like this I want you to ask me questions to deploy a rust binary to a web server located in AWS when you have all the information you need write a bash script to automate the deployment after you run this query you will find chatipiti asking you for the information it needs to help you which is awesome all you have to do is answer is way easier to ask for things this way rather than first having to find out what information does chat Deputy need and the steps and all that rather than you driving the conversation we let chat DPT drive it so we give it exactly what it needs to help us in as little messages and interactions as possible that's it for this video if you found it useful please like it share it with your friends and subscribe to the channel and let me know in the comments what is your favorite pattern from this or if you have some custom pattern that works well for you share it on the comments so we can all become more productive if you would like to learn to code for free click the link below where you can take free courses on JavaScript python react react native go Dart flutter and many others all for free click the link below and I will see you there see you on the next one bye foreign
Channel: 노마드 코더 Nomad Coders
Views: 60,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 코딩, 프로그래밍
Id: WRkig3VeRLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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