[챗GPT] 이보다 쉬운 설명은 없다 '챗GPT' (홍진경,안될과학,궤도, eng)

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[Artificial Intelligence is too smart] Because it's very smart, They think creatively on their own [Denying human command?!] I can't do that, it's annoying It's so scary... You go to a department store, and you put a high-end bag on Huh? What do you think you're doing? I'm a human? [It's all free for human?!] Ah, okay, please take it We just have to enjoy, that's all we need to do [Why is there a hope left for human...?] Because we're human [Studio full of academic vibe] Hello, teacher So nice to meet you Oh, big sister Fan..I'm a big fan [Nervous] [Who's the teacher today? He's a fan of Jin Kyung] Orbit (Scientist) Completed astronomical cosmology doctor's course at Yonsei Univ. Member of YouTube channel "Unreal Science" - 830,000 subscribers Former researcher at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Teacher, [Liberal arts brain] I'm not really good at science [Even better] That's good You are my target People these days, talk about Chat GPT At the bookstore, there are books about Chat GPT Using Chat GPT, people write papers, research for data, people do things like this Honestly, using Chat GPT, I don't know how to use it at all You haven't used it before? No [Can't be left behind!] Can you tell us what it is, firstly? Okay, step by step Please explain it step by step [Today's Class] Chat GPT & AI [What is Chat GPT?] What is Chat GPT exactly? It's the name of the program For example, It's like Netflix There are many OTTs like WATCHA, WAVVE, and Netlflix It's just a name of the service [Chat GPT is a brand name] There's a brand called Chat GPT Then, other companies they don't call it Chat GPT, "We're gonna call it Chat HP" [Another brand] Then there will be another AI called Chat HP [Q. What does Chat GPT do?] When we were young, [Q. What does Chat GPT do?] we learn to converse with people, right? We start with "Mama, mama" It changes to "Mother" Then, "I love you" [Gradually to complicated phrases] We learn those words as we go Like that, a company called OpenAI, using a language model called GPT, [All those texts] There are so many conversations online and many records as well lots of contexts out there Using those, (Chat GPT) is learning like a young child So, mimicking human language, it's an AI who can converse with human Ah, okay That's what it is There were AI's like this in the past But how they were developed was for certain conversation, they (already) have corresponding answers to the questions [The answer is already set] And they output the answers according to the questions Is it like this, for example? You bought a clothes from a shopping mall, if you want to exchange or get a refund They have the ChatBot Like 1:1 inquireis, Right, right [Initial stage conversational AI (ChatBot)] That's in a more simple form ChatBot is a term they use to call all chatting AI's Among those ChatBots, [Simsim-ee, Talk-Bulter - They only answer with set answers] There's a brand called Chat GPT [Chat GPT - They say new words and phrases as well] Like they are talking to a human they are really smart They know the context!! [Utilizing Online contents] It creates what to say to some extent [They can create new texts] That's why they're called "Generative AI" Then those progressive AI programs, is Chat GPT the only one? A lot of AI companies, [Google - Bard, Microsoft - New Bing] they are creating their own AI's right now Chat GPT is the most famous When we evaluate how much impact a product/service has, we calculate how long it took to have a million users Netflix took about 3.5 years, Facebook took about 10 months And Instagram took about 2.5 months However, Chat GPT only took 5 days to reach the number Among services which was launched recently it is the service with the most impact [You need to know] it is the service with the most impact [Application field of Chat GPT?] Then, what kind of people can apply Chat GPT best? Chat GPT creates new things it can create a concept that didn't exist For example, you do lots of shows on TV Let's say the topic of the talk show is summer clothes, for example [The writer's role] What is there to say about summer clothes? And the AI writes all the script Then, students with homework, college students with papers to write, workers with reports to submit to the owner It will be so helpful for those who have to write documents based on information [She read an article] A professor.... saw that students uses Chat GPT and does all their homework with it, he says that there's no point stopping them to use it, Now, rather, [If you'll use it, use it right] he actually teaches how to utilize Chat GPT [Chat GPT is 'Mandatory' class for some schools] The era of doing this has already come... [Let's try using Chat GPT] Why don't we try using it? Where can you use Chat GPT? [1. Search for Chat GPT] When you search, Chat GPT, There's a website, see? [2. Click on the homepage of Chat GPT] When you click, there will be a screen like this [3. Click the Try ChatGPT button] If you click the Try Chat GPT button, There will be a window like this [You need to register!] You need to register on the website [What should we ask?] For example, let's try this "Write me a poem where I can enjoy with the cool summer breeze" Write in details [If you ask a question] [Writing a poem] It's writing a poem called "Summer Breeze" "There's a summer breeze" "with a light silhouette," "and it transfers the cool to my body" It looks feasible This is the last part "Feeling the cool breeze, enjoying the freedom of summer," "I will keep this moment forever" [Criticizing] It sounds a bit old-fashioned It sounds a bit old, right? Then we can do this "keep this moment forever" "It sounds to old" "Write again with MZ generation vibe" "Summer Vibes" [The title of the poem became quite hipster] "It's time for the MZs to play" [Cute] I think this will happen "That AI is good at writing poems" "That one composes songs very well" [AI's with specialties] I think there will be brands that will specialize in different fields That's very possible Even right now, there are AI's that draw images [Pictures that AI created] There are AI's that makes videos [Video which is created by AI] [No camera is used, it just created this] [Even it is a code itself] They make coding for you too Between people who can utilize the AI, and those who cannot I think there will be a huge difference [The reason why this class is important] I think there will be a huge difference Those generative AI's will help with a lot of things Those works that takes a long time, they will save the time greatly As much as it saves time, we will be able to do other things [Moral issue?!] This could be a moral issue and we need to think about it The pictures created by those generative AI's is it owned by me or the AI? [What do you think?] We need to think about this morally? In fact, "Théâtre D'opéra Spatial" which is drawn by the AI, it has won the award at the contest It's drawn by the AI, how can it get the award? But, there would've been communications between humans and AI to draw that picture, right? "Woman in dress" "Put a helmet to her" "The background should be opera theater" "The lighting must be bright in the center" [The communications is done by humans] The communication became really important Until now, when I come up with some idea, to make it real, a lots of skills were required But now, if I have an idea, there are lots of supporters who can help with it (drawing) [To AI] It's important what kind of questions you will throw at it I need to explain more about AI [Categorizing AI's] There are lots of ways to categorize the AI's Strong AI, Weak AI, that's how we sorted The strong AI, it thinks like humans do The weak AI, they do well what it was told to do [Genius in the game of go] For example, Google's AlphaGo Competing with Lee Se-dol Pro, it won 4 times and lost once Would AlphaGo be strong AI or weak AI? Strong...? It's the weak AI It's really good at the game of go, it's not like it plays the game because it wants to Predicting the next move, through various process, [It just does what it learned] it gives the result as it was learned But what if it was a strong AI? While it's playing the game of go, hey, I can't play anymore, it's annoying [StRong AI may deny the command] This will happen It can think for itself [Shocked] This is the strong AI The AI's that we have encountered so far, are weak AI's [There's no strong AI yet] The ones which do well what they are told That's scary I saw an article like this [Geoffrey Hinton] A doctor, - Vice president of Google - Nickname: Godfather of AI He regrets about the research on AI He wants to stop apparently [The AI era, is it okay?] For now, I don't what kind of results there will be, I think humans, in anyways, will find ways, in directions towards human advantage, to create new things That's what I think Eventually, all we can do, the AI will be able to do them If we get there, "how much a person can enjoy one's life" that will be very important in the next era Why? AI's don't take breaks Taking breaks are the privilege for us and us only [Wrote <Sapiens>] So, Professor Yuval Harari he said Homo Sapiens are who think The next humankind, will be human who will play The ultimate, happy future in my opinion, most things can be substituted All industries will work fine without us When that happens, what rights do we hold? Just because we're humans, our basic rights will be elevated You go to department store and you put a high-end bag on Huh? What do you think you're doing? I'm a human? Take it (for free) [The world which you will be treated well, just because you're human] Because you're human, you can take anything you want All of the activities that we need to put our efforts in, the AI and robots can do those for us Since then, we just have to enjoy Because we're human But this, is the most positive way of predicting the future When few greedy people starts to take over things, there will be humans who will be treated much worse than AI or robots That could happen, I think I want to tell this to students and parents Just because there will be the era of AI, not every people must become computer programmer or a developer Now is not important time to create an excellent AI's it's more important how we will utilize the AI Teaching how to code, training AI developers, rather than majoring in those fields, It's important for everyone to find what they want to do in their own ways [How to utilize AI with what I want to do] It's more important to combine that with AI First, they must find what I want to do [Thank you, Teacher Orbit :)]
Channel: 공부왕찐천재 홍진경
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Keywords: 홍진경채널, 홍진경 유튜브, 공부왕찐천재 홍진경, 공부왕찐천재, 홍진경, 홍진경궤도, 궤도, 궤도민수, 안될과학, 챗GPT, 세종대왕맥북, 챗GPT꿀잼, 챗GPT답변모음, 과학실험, 침착맨궤도민수, 공부왕찐천재홍진경, 홍진경과학, 홍진경AI, 홍진경공부, 오픈AI, 구글, 챗GPT꿀팁, 챗GPT활용법, 그림AI, 그림그리는AI, AI웹툰, 네이버AI웹툰, 챗GPT자소서, 챗GPT논문, 챗GPT오류, 챗GPT문제점, 챗GPT활용, 궤도인공지능, 궤도과학실험, AI블로그, 인공지능SNS꿀팁, AI검색활용법, 인공지능꿀팁, 과학글짓기, 인공지능못하는거, 인공지능미래, 인공지능글짓기, 인공지능논문, 인공지능발표과제, 인공지능, 챗GPT어플, 챗GPT사이트, 챗GPT유료, 챗GPT궤도, 아리아나그란데하입보이, 브루노마스하입보이, 챗봇, AI 사진, AI 영상, 홍진경 공부, 홍진경 레전드, 홍진경 예능, 홍진경 공부왕찐천재, 전자제품 리뷰, 테크 유튜버, IT 유튜버, 과학 유튜브 추천, 과학 유튜브, 안될과학 침착맨, 침착맨 안될과학, 유퀴즈 궤도
Id: i1VqqX4iAZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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