You Are Life Itself — Guided Meditation with Mooji

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You Are Life Itself 18 September 2016 (with subtitles) [Mooji] You are aware of your body. Now your breath is moving by its own law, naturally, unforced. And you are here. Simply, you are here. Not doing anything at all. Not about to do something, or to undo. Just a simple knowing, I am here. Here now. Here is. The senses are open, functioning by themselves, without your intention or assistance. You are not waiting. The sense of what will come, what is next, there is no concern for this. We are simply here. So, no waiting. No expecting. Not being engaged with any ideas, or a sense of time, such as the past. Whatever is past, it's gone. Whatever may be called future, it's only imagined. Only here now. This now is so fresh. There cannot be a history of now. It is not time. Whatever we may perceive phenomenally, appears and disappears, comes and goes. There is nothing to pursue, nothing to follow. Spontaneously, you know you are. And there is a completeness in this. It is not that you become in stages. You are. Feel the sense of being, the feeling, 'I am'. But add no story to it. Just the sense of existence. There is no image. You are the sense of existence, not apart from it. And also, you are aware of all that comes and goes. Notice that the watching of what appears or disappears takes place in a space that itself is not appearing or disappearing, and is simply here now. Your very breath is moving in this space of being. The senses are functioning in this space of being. Noticing the body, you cannot be merely the body. It is seen. Observing the senses, you are beyond the senses. Observing thought, you are apart from thought. Observing mind, you are beyond mind. Observing experience, you are beyond experience. Observing change, you are yourself unchanging. Be reminded. You are not waiting. There is nothing to come that can give you anything more than what you already are. You have no pockets. No storehouse. Could you merely be dreaming this? Imagining this? Or simply noticing? The body is here. You may look at this body, or away from this body. It makes no difference to the awareness you are. You are not the size of your body, nor its shape. And yet, through this body, you have the sense of being here, with fingers and arms. The sense of others and I can come, the vast world, of which you become a small part. As the person, you are inside this body. As consciousness, this body is inside you. It has always been like this. If any strain should appear in the body, it is also a sensation. Be aware of this. It is not you. It is a sensation arising in the body, which you may call yours. They come and go, as all things perceived come and go. Flow in your natural rhythm. There is no need to fight with your mind. Simply remain as the Self, as you are now. Everything is in place for life to unfold in its natural way. Be aware of this. You are not apart from life, but life itself. Now, you are not concentrated or focused upon objects, but resting inside your own stillness, your own source, your own Self. Look, in such a way that you may confirm. Again, there is nothing to become. Now, nothing to change or to fix. Nothing to keep or to push away. No better place to be. No self to become, or un-become. Knowing this, your joy is complete. Simply, you are here. This feeling of being here, notice it is not merely a geographic location. It simply means, you are here with your Self. Undivided. Whole. Complete. Happy. Yet, there are no stories needed. No victories, no defeats. No associations needed. Be confirmed in your completeness. Only like this, may you enjoy the world without fear. Here, you are not a victim, nor a victor. Pure awareness. There is no need to discuss this with your mind, nor seek its approval. Get used to being empty of concepts. You are simply here. So, may the seed, the essence of what you have heard, germinate inside your heart and bear true and sweet fruits. Om Amen Copyright ©2021 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this recording maybe reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd's express consent.
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 1,370,266
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Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja
Id: 8vMEoPgg-PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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