You Already Have a 6 Pack?!

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And if you look closely at these fibers  or the fiber orientation of the muscle,   the fibers are going straight up and down... Welcome to the Anatomy Lab everyone! Today we're talking about six-pack abs  and why all of you can have a six pack. Now this is obviously going to be a  little bit different than your typical   six-pack video because we're gonna  use cadavers to show this muscle. And more importantly talk about the layers  you have to go through to even visualize it   at the gym, the beach, or more importantly  — during your personal flex-a-thons. And also two factors that you can  actually control with the six-pack. We'll address that. How this muscle functions and why  we choose certain types of exercises   to make this thing stronger. So, let's do this! Saying that everyone can have a six-pack  is building from the foundation that   everyone has the muscle that forms the  six-pack, called the Rectus Abdominis. Now I know — we're more concerned about seeing it,   and you don't really consider somebody having  a six-pack unless you can see the muscle. But hey — we've all checked that first  box of at least having the muscle. But there's something about  the structural features   of this muscle that makes  people all excited about it. So let's take a look at the cadaver  and go over some of those features. So you can see we're looking at an  anterior view of the abdominal wall. On the left side we've  exposed the Rectus Abdominis. Now I just want to mention why this  thing is called the Rectus Abdominis. "Rectus" means straight. And if you look closely at these fibers or the  fiber orientation of the muscle, the fibers are   going straight up and down, and "Rectus" meaning  straight — "Abdominis" — pretty good name. Now the other feature that people love about  this muscle is that it's segmented into blocks,   and that's why it gets nicknamed the six-pack,  but most people actually have eight blocks. And if you take a look we have these little  intersections here, and these are truly called   Tendinous Intersections,  or Tendinous Inscriptions. And again, most people have  three intersections here. But what that does is creates one, two,   three, and four different blocks  that make up the Rectus Abdominis. One other thing that's interesting  about those Tendinous Intersections,   is they vary as far as how they  look or how they're oriented. Some of them have more of a slanting  orientation or oblique orientation. Some can be more straight across, but  again that varies from person to person. Now those are the typical features that we get all  excited about when we see the Rectus Abdominis. But how many layers do we have  to go through to see this thing? On the cadaver here you could see that we  exposed it on the left but on the right   there was this white connective tissue that we  removed in order to see it on the left side. This white connective tissue is  referred to as the Rectus Sheath. And this Rectus Sheath is pretty awesome! This Rectus Sheath is related to  the muscles on the sides, here. Now, if you're concerned about the Rectus  Abdominis in the six-pack, you've probably   thought about the obliques or worked out  the obliques at some point in your life. And those are the muscles  on the lateral body wall. Now those are sheet-like muscles too,   and the muscle fibers end about  where the Rectus Abdominis starts. Again on the cadaver, this is about  where your obliques would end. You can't see them very clearly because we haven't  finished the dissection on the lateral side   here, but this is about where they would end. That's the muscle or the "meaty part". But they have a sheet-like tendon that  continues over the Rectus Abdominis,   and that's what this Rectus Sheath is. This is a continuation of the tendon of  the obliques and the Transversus Abdominis. And what's really cool is, you got  to think about it coming from both   sides — that sheet comes over and covers the  Rectus Abdominis ,and it meets in the middle. And where it meets in the middle,  it creates this straight up and down   band, which is another structural feature  we love about the Rectus Abdominis. This band is called the Linea Alba. Let me show you on the cadaver here. This is that central line that you see  on people with the six-pack muscle. And this comes up and down vertically,  and it's just the connection of the   Rectus Sheath from the right, and the  Rectus Sheath from the left, which again,   is the tendons of those lateral body wall  muscles, and it attaches in the middle here. Now a little bit of an FYI  in this particular cadaver,   this Rectus — or I'm sorry —  this Linea Alba but by the way,   Linea Alba just literally translates to —  "Linea" means "line", "Alba" means "white". But this one is expanded. And this is actually when it  gets pulled apart too far,   and called Rectus Diastasis, or Diastasis Recti. And that's just essentially when the Rectus  Abdominis muscle pulls a little bit too far away. This can happen from a build-up  of body fat underneath. It can also happen to women  a lot during pregnancy. We actually talk a little bit about this in  our hernia video if you want to check that out. But only after you finish this one. So a quick checkpoint — yes, all of us  have the muscle that forms the six-pack   called the Rectus Abdominis and all of its  cool features that we all geek out about. And then we saw the first layer covering  it up called that Rectus Sheath here. Now that is one layer we have to consider about,  "seeing" through in order to see this muscle. But there are still three other  layers on top of the Rectus Sheath   that influence how well we can see the six-pack. So in order to do that we're going  to use a different cadaver dissection   to illustrate those different layers. So, to the other cadaver! So what are these other layers that we have to  go through in order to see the six-pack muscle? Now as I mentioned earlier, we came over here  for a reason — to show a cool dissection. So let's orient you to this  dissection that we nicknamed   our chest plate dissection, because of  the anterior thoracic or chest wall. You can see the Sternum here. We've got the ribs, and even continuing down   to the anterior or the front  of the abdominal wall here. Here we've exposed two of the blocks of the  six-pack, or the Rectus Abdominis muscle. On the left side we've got the Rectus Sheath fully  covering the six-pack muscle in all of its glory. And even on the right side we're  covering up the superior aspect   of this Rectus Abdominis, or  again the six-pack muscle. Now one quick thing I just have to address here  — we did not keep the belly button to be creepy. This is for a frame of reference  and — why we're here — to show you   the layers we have to go through in  order to see the Rectus Abdominis. So the first layer we're going to  address is the top layer of the skin   that we call the Epidermis — obviously  the most superficial layer of the body. Or in this case, the skin. The next layer down is the Dermis here,   but if I pinch here I'm pinching  both the Epidermis and the Dermis. The majority of that tissue that I'm holding  in the probe there is the dermal tissue though. Then we move on to the third layer down which is   the Hypodermis, also known  as the Subcutaneous Tissue. Now this is made of adipose tissue,  which is a fancy-pants name for   fatty tissue, which is going to come  back in our discussion in just a second. We have to go to layer 4, which we  already have met before, but that's the   Rectus Sheath here, underneath the Hypodermis. So think about that. The muscle is the fifth layer down. We have to go through four layers  before we can even see this muscle. The Epidermis, the Dermis, the Hypodermis — also  Subcutaneous Tissue — and then the Rectus Sheath. Now earlier I mentioned there were two  variables that we had control over. So that means there's three things that we have no   control over when we're talking  about this five-layer plan. And let me go a little bit  more into detail with that. The Epidermis and the Dermis — we're not going to   change the thickness of that —  we have no influence over that. If we go down to where the Hypodermis is, yeah  — we're going to have some discussion about   our control over this layer. The fourth layer down, which is the  Rectus Sheath — again no control over. But then when we get down to  the Rectus Abdominis — can we   control how big or how robust that muscle is? Absolutely! So let's start with that Hypodermis  and the control we have over that. You can see here it's about  about a half inch thick,   but it can obviously be thinner in really slender  — or you could say like the body builders. Or even up to inches thick in certain individuals. But everybody wants to know how thick or what body   fat percentage do you have to be  at in order to see the six-pack. People want this magic number of like,   "you can see the six-pack guaranteed at  15.299999% of body fat or at 10.35%." But this is not how it works because  there are some variables with body   fat percentage from individual to individual. What I mean by that is   not everybody pulls fat from the same area  exactly when you lose body fat percentage. It's not like you can squeeze everything....  "just take it from my abdominal wall when   I'm losing weight, not from my butt  or my hips or anywhere like that!" Based on genetics and even gender  there's some differences on where   your body might preferentially pull fat from. Now some people might say, "you know...  if you're working your six-pack muscle,   that's going to tell your body  to pull fat from that area..." And there's just not enough concrete  evidence to make that claim. Again it just comes down to, eventually  as the body fat percentage goes lower   you're going to see certain muscles  better and eventually the six-pack. So even though nobody can give you  an exact percentage of body fat to   see the six-pack muscle, I can  give you some generalizations. Six-packs can shine through a little bit or at  least kind of squeak through to see the light   in the mid-teens. Now you'll be I'm sure shocked to know that  there's also some variables that influence that,   but that is the other variable that you can  potentially control with how robust this muscle,   the Rectus Abdominis is,  based on your workout routine. So what I mean by that — if the muscle is a  little bigger, a little more robust, it's likely   to shine through or be a little bit more visible  or easier to see at a little bit more of a higher   body fat percentage than say if the muscle was  all wimpy and flaccid and just not very strong. And frankly, just never worked out. So again, because I love to review  things... control what you can control. How robust the muscle is, and  how thick the Hypodermis is. But going back to how robust the muscle  is, we should talk about what this   thing can do and why people choose certain  exercise routines to work this muscle out. So why people choose certain  exercises to work the Rectus   Abdominis is based upon the muscle's function. Now that may sound kind of obvious, however  there's still confusion sometimes on how   this muscle exactly works and  what exercises I should choose,   and can I choose exercises that maybe target  the upper Rectus versus the lower Rectus. So to alleviate that confusion, we're  going to go over some of the details of   what this muscle is designed to do  and how it mobilizes the skeleton. And we have Geoffrey to help us with  this, as well as my rubber band. So we're going to use this rubber band  to represent the fiber orientation   of the Rectus Abdominis on Geoffrey. Now of importance here is this  idea that most skeletal muscles   attach from one point of the skeleton to another. And when the muscle contracts it pulls  those two points closer together. So let's look at those points on Geoffrey here. If you look at his rib cage here you can  see some blue markings that we've put on   on the ribs here and then also a  blue marking on the Xiphoid Process. These are attachment sites  for the Rectus Abdominis. The superior aspect or the  upper aspect of the rectus. For you anatomy geeks, these attachment  sites represent the insertion of the muscle. Now the other attachment is down on  the pubic bone or the pelvis here. Which again for you anatomy  geeks, this is the origin. Now for those who haven't  taken anatomy before origin   and insertions they're both attachment sites. The insertion attachment site is  typically the more mobile — typically. We can change that sometimes. The origin which was down here on Geoffrey  is typically the more fixed point. When we talk about pulling  point A closer to point B. So let's do this with the rubber band. You can see coming down, like so. This would be the fiber orientation  of the Rectus Abdominis. Now I want you to think about this, as far as,   "if this rubber band were to  get shorter, what would happen?" Now if I pull it on to me in that same  orientation here, from point A to point B,   typically when this Rectus Abdominis — imagine  I'm on the floor though you guys, with my back   on the floor — if this were to contract it  would pull me in this direction, like so. You can see on my rib cage, this attachment  got pulled closer to the lower attachment   of my pelvis or my pubic bone, and causing  what we call flexion of the lumbar spine. So as the Rectus Abdominis contracts, it  mobilizes the lumbar spine or flexes it. So if you were to open up an anatomy book  and go to Rectus Abdominis and look at   its function, it would — crazy —  say flexion of the lumbar spine. So how do we apply that knowledge of  the function of the Rectus Abdominis   to say like selecting exercises or  workout routines to work this muscle? Now to be clear the purpose  of this video is to not give   you every single exercise that you  could do or these specific routines. We're going to leave that to other  YouTube channels like Athlean-X. We'll put some cool links in the description  to some really effective ab routines. But our purpose is to give you this idea, or  give you some concepts to look for in all of   your ab routines to get this balanced approach  to working the whole length of the muscle. Earlier I alluded to this idea of, "can we  work the upper Rectus versus the lower Rectus?" And yes — there's some truth to that. Although I do think it gets  blown out of proportion and   there's some misleading information out there. Almost as if the upper Rectus is a completely  separate muscle from the lower Rectus. Clearly from our cadaver dissections  we know that's not the case. But we can target certain areas  of the muscle more so than others. Let me give you some examples of this. The two examples I want to give you,  mobilize the skeleton differently, yet   are still contracting the Rectus Abdominis. The first one is the good  old-fashioned abdominal crunch. When you do an abdominal crunch,  your pelvis is fixed to the ground   and when you contract the six-pack muscle  it pulls the ribcage closer to the pelvis. Now, if you compare that to another example  of an exercise, let's say we want to fix   our rib cage to the ground and then  pull our pelvis or roll our butt up   off the ground and kind of roll towards  the pelvis like a reverse crunch. So you're essentially mobilizing  different parts of the skeleton   with those two different exercises. Now the benefit comes from challenging  the muscle at multiple joint angles   by mobilizing different aspects of the  skeleton or those different attachment   sites which would help create balance  throughout the entirety of the muscle. Now again, don't get me wrong,   either one of those exercises will fire  throughout the entirety of the Rectus. However the movements that tend to mobilize  the rib cage and pull it closer to the pelvis   fire a little bit more into the upper Rectus,  whereas the movements that mobilize the pelvis   and pull towards the rib cage tend  to fire more into the lower Rectus. So incorporating both of those  types of movements into your   overall ab routine will create more  of a balance throughout that muscle. And the last thing I have to say is  to continually challenge yourself. That may sound kind of obvious,  however you want to continually to   progressively overload this muscle  and continue to stimulate growth. Because if this muscle gets a little bit bigger  — what we call hypertrophy — it may shine through   at a little bit higher body fat percentage  than it would if it were a little bit smaller. And then you can also continue  to work on that shrinking of   the Hypodermis to make it even  more robust and glorious while   you're frolicking on the beach or doing your  personal flexathon in the mirror by yourself. Thanks for watching and sticking around to the  end of our Rectus Abdominis video everyone so   you could watch me do a shameless plug about  liking, subscribing, and leaving comments below,   as well as turning on notifications  so you know when we drop new videos. And until next time have fun working  that wonderful six-pack muscle!
Channel: Institute of Human Anatomy
Views: 870,710
Rating: 4.9401059 out of 5
Keywords: six pack abs, how to get abs, 6 pack abs, how to get six pack abs, how to get 6 pack abs, exercises for a six pack, ab workout, ab exercises, ab workout for a 6 pack, workout for a 6 pack, exercises for abs, rectus abdominis, rectus abdominis workout, rectus abdominis exercises, how to get a 6 pack, how to get a six pack, abs workout, six pack ab workout, workout for a six pack, 6 pack workout, 6 pack abs workout, 6 pack ab workout, institute of human anatomy, anatomy
Id: 0SKO_xkpLXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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