You’d Never Escape These Dangerous Countries

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There are some countries you definitely don’t  want to be stuck in; nations that are controlled   by insane dictators or regimes that commit  atrocities against their own people. However,   some of these places are almost impossible to  escape. How would you sneak across a heavily   armed border without being shot? Or reach safety  when you’re stuck in the most remote place on   the planet? The sad truth is that escaping  from some countries isn’t even an option.   Let’s find out which nations would be impossible,  or at least incredibly difficult to escape from. As we proceed through each of these  inescapable countries, you'll be shocked   at what some governments will do to keep people  within their borders. In fact, as we continue on,   you may be afraid to travel to certain nations  out of fear of being stuck there forever. The first country on our  list is not a surprising one.   China is known for being authoritarian and if  the government does not want you to escape,   they could do some pretty insane things  to keep you in the country indefinitely. The scary thing about trying to escape  China is that surveillance is omnipresent.   The authoritarian government literally has  eyes everywhere and controls pretty much   every aspect of their citizens' lives. China is  massive, and there are numerous ways to get out   if you go through the proper channels, but if for  some reason you needed to escape China’s borders   undetected, and the government wanted to keep you  from doing so, you would have an incredibly hard   time making it out. You probably wouldn’t make  it out at all, at least not alive, here’s why. The moment you are put on the radar of President  Xi Jinping or any other high-ranking member of the   Chinese government, you will immediately have  millions of soldiers and police officers after   you. Granted, there are around 1.4 billion  people in China, but there are also around   two million soldiers who could mobilize at a  moment's notice to hunt you down. To be fair,   you’d have to do something pretty bad to  piss off the Chinese government that much.   Then again, speaking out against the president  and his government might be enough to get you   on their wanted list and for them to try  and keep you from fleeing the country. Once you are a wanted criminal of the state, you  will need to ditch any electronic devices you may   have that connect to the internet. This is because  the Chinese government controls all internet   traffic in the country and would be able to track  you easily. In order to escape, you would need to   make a mad dash for the border. The problem is  that even if you made it out of the country,   China wields so much power in the region that  if you were picked up just outside its borders,   you would most likely be handed back over  to them. The government's absolute rule   and control over the country would make China  extremely difficult to escape, if not impossible. China has no problem detaining its own  citizens and keeping them in the country.   There are actually whole ethnic groups, such  as the Uyghurs and Kazakhs, that are denied   permission to leave the country even if they  have a legitimate reason. So, just being from   a specific region or of a specific ethnicity is  enough for China to keep you right where you are. Right next to china we have the aptly named  Hermit Kingdom. The reason North Korea gained   its distinctive nickname is due to the  dangers of trying to escape its borders.   North Korea may be one of the most  dangerous places to live and visit,   but it is also the most deadly  place to try and escape from. Surprisingly, North Korea actually used to be  easier to escape from than it currently is.   Although Kim Jong-il was a ruthless dictator,  he allowed people to slip through his fingers   relatively often. However, that all changed when  his son Kim Jong-un took over. Since 2012 when   Un took office, the number of defectors decreased  dramatically, and the reason why will disgust you. First of all, North Korea is not a good place to  live unless you are the Supreme Leader or someone   high up in the government. Even then, there is  always a chance you will be falsely accused of   trying to overthrow the government and be executed  for your troubles. But if you are just a normal   citizen, life is hard, as most North Koreans live  on around 2 to 3 dollars a month. There is rarely   enough food, and constant human rights violations  are being carried out. This means that many of the   people living there want to escape the oppressive  dictatorship and the country as a whole. However, there are several problems  with trying to escape North Korea.   First and foremost is the fact that there is  really only one border that leads to safety.   To the west is China and to the north is  Russia. This means anyone trying to escape   the brutal dictatorship of North Korea needs to  travel to South Korea for asylum. Unfortunately,   this is one of the most heavily guarded borders  in the entire world, and the North Korean soldiers   there are not afraid to unload their weapons  on anyone they spot trying to sneak across. The craziest part is that although there was  an Armistice Agreement in 1953 which brought   about a cease-fire between North and South  Korea, no peace treaty was signed. Therefore,   the two countries are still at war even to  this day. Obviously, this makes the border   between the two nations a highly guarded  and dangerous place to try and cross. The border between North and South  Korea is around 160 miles long,   which seems like it would allow for easy  crossing at some point, but that is not   the case. There are around 2 million troops  deployed around the border at any given time,   and when Kim Jong-un became supreme leader,  he made it clear that anyone who was seen   trying to cross the border should be shot  on sight. One of the very first things the   new Supreme Leader did when he gained control of  the country was enacting stricter border control   policies and crack down on anyone who was even  suspected of aiding people across the border. It is practically impossible to go across the  North Korean border into South Korea without   being shot and killed, which is why many defectors  instead try escaping through China. This is not a   great alternative because China and North Korea  are allied with one another. According to some   of the lucky few who have made it through China  and eventually to safety in South Korea, they   recounted needing to bribe North Korean guards and  remain hidden the entire time. Before Kim Jong-un   took power, a bribe was enough. Now, however,  even approaching the border could get you killed. Kim Jong-un even had a brand new electric barbed  wire fence installed along the China-North Korean   border, making it next to impossible to sneak  across by land. This has led some people to   try their luck by escaping across rivers where  there is a break in the fence. The problem is if   Chinese soldiers spot them once they get  to the other side, they are immediately   sent back to North Korea, where they will  likely be executed for trying to escape. Every year it gets harder and harder for  people to escape from the Hermit Kingdom.   In fact, from 2019 to 2020, the number of  people who made it out of the country alive   dropped by over 80%. At this point, it could  actually be impossible as every nation has   upped its border security in response to the  COVID-19 pandemic. This means that China will   have heightened security along their border,  so the best way to escape North Korea may be   by taking your chances at the South Korean border.  But due to the strict orders given to North Korean   soldiers at the border, even if you make it  across, you will likely have several bullet   wounds that will need to be dealt with if you  want to live to celebrate your newfound freedom. This next country restricts the  lives of its citizens so much that   this nation has been called  the “North Korea of Africa.” Eritrea is a small country in East Africa.  The government claims to be a democracy,   but it clearly isn’t, as President Isaias Afwerki  took power in 1991 without any form of election   and has not relinquished his power since.  And just like Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping,   Afweki likes to take advantage of his  citizens and repress their fundamental rights. For being such a small country, Eritrea has one  of the largest military forces on the continent.   This is because it is mandatory for every Eritrea  citizen to enlist in the military when they come   of age. It is not abnormal for someone to stay in  the military from the age of 18 until they are 55.   This leads to a problem when trying to escape the  nation. Although Eritrea is often rated one of   the worst places to live and basic freedoms don't  exist within its borders, having a large military   of brainwashed people is one way to ensure that  there is always someone to do your bidding. But that’s not the craziest factor of Eritrea  that would keep you from escaping the country.   In order to do pretty much anything  inside its borders, you need a permit.   And if you are trying to escape, chances are you  are probably not going to get a permit to do so.   Let’s put this in perspective. If you  would like to have a dinner party with   guests from three or more families in  Eritrea, you need to obtain a permit.   That’s right, to have a gathering of friends,  you need to get the government's permission.   This probably gives you an idea of how strict  the laws are around leaving the country. To travel to the town next to where you are  staying in Eritrea also requires a permit.   Imagine trying to escape from any town in  the country and make it across the border.   If you were to do it using legal means, you  would need to apply for multiple permits just   to get from where you are to the border.  Then if you wanted to cross the border,   you would need even more permits and  special permission from the government.   This would be the case if you were trying to exit  the country legally. But since you are trying to   escape the oppressive government and its crazy  leader, you will need to fly under the radar. Unfortunately, there are military personnel  in practically every town and city who are   constantly checking permits. If you don’t have  the document, you will be immediately arrested   and taken in for questioning. More often than not,  this will end badly for you. You will either spend   time in prison or disappear completely.  Your only chance of making it out of the   country is by somehow hopping from town to town  without being spotted. As soon as you are seen,   you will be asked for your travel permit, and at  that point, you would need to run for your life.   More likely than not you would end up getting  shot long before you made it out of the country. President Isaias Afwerki and his government have  committed terrible crimes against their citizens.   Some agencies even report that Eritrea is  a worse place to live than North Korea,   which is saying a lot. This is enough to make  anyone want to escape the terrible conditions   in the country. Unfortunately, since the  government controls everything from the   press to the military and requires  permits for practically everything,   your chances of escaping the  nation are practically zero. You probably have heard of this next country  before but likely couldn’t pinpoint it on a map.   Due to its dictatorship disguised as a democracy,   anyone who finds themselves in this nation will  realize it is practically impossible to escape. Turkmenistan is located north of Iran and  Afghanistan and just south of Uzbekistan   and Kazakstan. To start off, if you  were trying to escape Turkmenistan,   the neighboring countries are only slightly  less totalitarian than the country you are   trying to leave. President Gurbanguly  Berdimuhamedow is an authoritarian ruler   who has been in power since 2006, and he has no  intention of giving up his power any time soon. This makes him a dangerous man, especially  to people who oppose his regime and try   and leave his nation. It seems that the whole  national hierarchy from government officials to   getting into college is based around bribes. The  problem with this system is that it's obviously   corrupt. And for someone trying to escape  the country, there is a steep price to pay,   especially if you don’t want  the person you’re bribing to   take your money without handing you over  to the authorities for trying to escape. Since the government controls the internet, media,  and any other way that discontent might be voiced,   there are very few ways to find like-minded  individuals who may help you escape the country.   The craziest part is that the  government has actually made   it the most difficult for men under  the age of 40 to leave the country.   Maybe Berdimuhamedow and his government  deem this demographic a higher flight   risk than other groups, but it seems odd  that this demographic is being targeted. The oppressive government has also recently put  a lockdown on people holding dual citizenship   from leaving the country. This means that if you  find yourself in Turkmenistan and need a way out,   you might have to go through back channels. What  makes escaping Turkmenistan so tricky is that if   the government flags you for some reason, they  will track you down and detain you. Due to the   authoritarian rule, the government doesn't need  a reason to arrest you, and a fair trial does not   exist in the country. Once you are on their radar,  escaping Turkmenistan is next to impossible,   as finding a way to cross the border safely  will likely cause you to rely on bribes.   And you never know who has already been bribed  by the government to turn escapes like you in. Another country that makes it impossible  for certain demographics of people to leave   their borders is Saudi Arabia. If you are  of a certain gender, escaping this brutal   religious dictatorship that adheres to  strict, outdated laws will be a nightmare. Being a female in Saudi Arabia can  be a pretty rough time, and that's an   understatement. Women have had their basic rights  stripped away for decades. You may not believe it,   but almost all establishments are still  segregated by gender throughout the country.   Traveling as a woman can be almost impossible.  If you are a woman trying to escape Saudi Arabia,   you will need a male to help you; otherwise,  you'd have zero chance of success. Everything   from trying to drive a car to purchasing  a plane ticket must be done by men. In Saudi Arabia, it is rare that women are allowed  to go out on their own without being accompanied   by a male relative. This can make trying to escape  from the country incredibly difficult for women.   The government is based around Sharia law, and  anyone who disagrees with the way things are   being run is qucikly silenced by King Salman and  his government. They control everything from the   media to who is allowed in and out of the country.  Trying to escape would likely require slipping   across one of the borders undetected. The problem  is that the countries which border Saudi Arabia   are either allied with them or afraid of their  military as it is the strongest in the region. Regardless of if you are male or female,  trying to escape to a neighboring country   could end up with you getting captured and  sent back. The vastness of Saudi Arabia also   makes escaping incredibly difficult. If you  found yourself in the middle of the nation,   trying to make it to a border without getting  killed is nearly impossible. The more remote   towns in the country can be less than thrilled  to have unknown visitors in their community,   and there are vast stretches of land where there  is nothing but desert. If you were trying to drive   through one of these areas and got stuck, it would  pretty much seal your fate, and you’d either be   captured or die from dehydration. Either way,  you probably aren’t escaping the country alive. If you thought the authoritarian dictatorship in  North Korea, China, Eritrea, Turkmenistan, and   Saudi Arabia were bad, they are nothing compared  to the insane leader of this next country. Belarus sits east of Poland and, like  all of the countries that surround it,   was once part of the Soviet Union. However, when  President Alyaksandr Lukashenka seized power,   things went from bad to worse in the country.   This led to many people wanting to flee the  nation, which was easier said than done. Lukashenka typically focuses his authoritarian  attention on the press and media that try to   bad-mouth him. He even proudly proclaimed  that he is “the last dictator in Europe.” So,   it is clear he’s not trying to hide  the terrible stuff he is doing.   And like any dictator, he wants to control all  aspects of people's lives within his borders.   This includes determining who can come in and  go out of the country. The government has also   begun closely monitoring the internet traffic in  Belarus and has blocked social media websites,   so reaching out for help from outside  sources can be next to impossible. Also, if someone within Belarus is found to be  planning their escape or trying to voice political   dissent, it is common for Lukashenka to send  his lackeys to harass, threaten, or kill them.   This is terrible as there is no way to change the  political system in the country without civil war,   and there is no way out unless you receive special  permission or sneak across the border. However,   like any paranoid dictator, Lukashenka  keeps the borders patrolled at all times   and uses the military to restrict  access into and out of the country. In 2020 Belarus’ presidential election  was disputed by many in the country as   they were sure that Lukashenka had  rigged the results in his favor.   This led to protests that were met with violent  force. This is just one example that anyone   trying to change the country or even leave it  without the government's permission will face   terrible consequences. Once you are trapped in  Belarus, there is practically no way to freedom. The next couple of locations aren’t impossible  to escape because they have power-hungry   dictators who control the military and the  borders, but because there is nowhere to go. Tuvalu is a 10 square mile island nation in the  middle of the Pacific Ocean. It sits about halfway   between Australia and Hawaii in the largest ocean  on the planet. Although it is one of the smallest   nations in the world, it’s much more remote than  most, making it very difficult to hide on and   escape if you needed to get out of the country.  There are around 11,000 people on the islands,   so finding someone willing to help you escape  might be possible. However, getting away from   this country is much harder than practically  anywhere else due to its isolated location. The closest nation to Tuvalu is Fiji  which is 1,178 miles away. Therefore,   escaping by plane or boat are the only  options. If you were to go by boat,   you would need to find someone to take you  as the journey to the next closest country   would require a multi-crew vessel. Considering  that there aren’t many people on the island,   and even fewer ports to leave from,  it means that you would likely be   apprehended by the authorities long before  you made it out of the country and to safety. The quickest way to escape the island  nation would be by airplane. Fiji Air   and Air Kiribati fly to the  remote nation twice a week,   but flying probably isn't the best option if  you are trying to escape the country. It would   be difficult to buy a ticket and nearly impossible  to get past security if they were looking for you.   Even if you could somehow manage to sneak into the  only airport in the country unnoticed, you might   be disappointed to find that your escape flight  never shows up. Air Kiribati comes from Tarawa,   a small island in the nation of Kiribati, which is  not much bigger than Tuvalu itself. Unfortunately,   this flight is unreliable for many reasons and  can be canceled without notice because of weather,   access to fuel, and lack of passengers.  The unreliability of escape options,   remote location, and small size makes  getting out of Tuvalu practically impossible. Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited  island in the entire world and is located in   the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Technically this  island is a British Territory but it is not   only super far from England but from every other  piece of land as well. There are around 260 people   who live on the island, and only nine different  last names exist between all of the inhabitants. Clearly, this is a tight-knit community  of individuals who likely all have family   routes dating back to Tristan da Cunha's first  colonists. This makes the island probably the   most difficult place on the planet to escape from.  It’s not because they have a large military or a   lot of police; it is the fact that everyone  knows everyone else. If you got into trouble   for some reason and needed to escape Tristan  da Cunha, you would need to get out of town   fast because word would spread like wildfire,  and everyone would be on the lookout for you. The island itself is only 79.92 square  miles and is mostly volcanic rock,   so there really aren't many places to hide.  And what makes trying to escape the island   even more difficult is that there is no  airport and the only way off is by boat.   The closest land is South Africa which is  over 1,700 miles away, making it much too   far to swim or for a tiny boat to make the  journey. The waves in the Southern Atlantic   would easily capsize or completely destroy any  smaller vessel trying to escape the island. This means that your only viable option  for making it off the island would be to   take one of the three ships that sail  to Tristan da Cunha. Unfortunately,   they only go back and forth between the island  and the mainland nine times a year. Unless you   time your escape for exactly when one of these  ships is about to depart, you could be waiting   over a month for your next chance to get off  the island. Due to the topography and small   population of Tristan da Cunha you would likely  be captured long before the next ship arrived. However, you can definitely bet that even if  you made it on the ship, the authorities would   search it fully before allowing the vessel to  leave. It would be literally impossible to find   your way off of this island if the citizens of  this small territory did not want you to escape. Sometimes we take things for granted. Although  there are probably very few people who would want   to try and escape the United States compared  to some of the other countries in this video,   if the U.S. government didn’t want you to leave,   it would be next to impossible to get  out of the country and remain safe. The biggest issue with escaping the United  States is that the infrastructure, military,   and law enforcement are all well funded. Once  you are identified as a person of interest,   the CIA and other government agencies  would immediately locate and detain you.   With the advancement of facial recognition  software and the ability for law enforcement   agencies to instantly share information, you  would likely be tracked down wherever you went. That being said, if you could make it to the  Canadian border, you could theoretically find   an unguarded location along the 5,500 mile  stretch of unprotected border to cross.   But this is where you would run into all sorts  of difficulties no matter where you went after   leaving the country. The United States has a far  reach. Whether it is using forces that are already   deployed around the globe or back channels  and spies to locate you, you will be found. The most difficult part about escaping the  United States is that once you left its borders,   it would be difficult finding a place that  wouldn’t immediately send you back to the U.S.   if they found you. If you were located in either  of the neighboring countries of Mexico or Canada,   you would be extradited back to the United States.  Hypothetically, if you get to a country that is   not closely allied with the U.S., like Russia,  North Korea, or China, you may have a chance of   remaining safe. These countries likely wouldn’t  turn you over to the U.S., but then again,   you’d now be stuck in an oppressive  country with very few civil rights. And even if you were someplace  that wouldn’t turn you over;   the U.S. has other means of dealing with you.  Perhaps a black-ops team would be sent in to   extract you and bring you back to the United  States. Or maybe a more permanent solution   would be implemented. If you actually  could find a way to escape the U.S.,   there could be a drone missile with your name on  it in your future, no matter where you went. So,   even though most people probably don’t want  to escape the borders of the United States,   if you ever did need to, it would be impossible  to remain hidden from the superpower for long. Now watch “Escaping a North Korean  Internment Camp (Only Person Ever).”   Or check out “Death Row Inmates  Escape Before Execution.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 671,312
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Id: 4t9-_2cf09s
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Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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