夜は仄か - Eve MV

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I’ve lived another day again, how many years does this make The lies I’ve told that come as easy as breathing are in the thousands Grovelling, becoming jaded My eyes spin Where are you going in those worn and tattered shoes¹ Close that hateful eye for me Alone in this room stained by puffs of cigarette smoke the day fades painfully, I snuggle close to you I want to say it now It hurts - a fickle, capricious heart² Sorrow - the words I want to be met with They all lead to reprinted memories Waiting on a lonely star Oh boy, who has realised he wants to be loved, If you’re looking to the night sky - dance And sing the joys of goodbye until you yearn I’ve got this secret I can’t tell anybody  Behind my smile is shadow  It’s not that I want to discover an unknown side of me It’s not like that  The racing heartbeat thumping in my chest from back then If it could melt this frozen heart Alone in the sunlight that slips through these hands  This faint day painfully snuggles close to you Swearing on it straight It hurts - fickle mutual favours² Love - bloomed flower petals These scattering final moments³ fall unto me Waiting on a lonely star  Oh boy, who has realised he wants to be loved, If you’re looking to the night sky - dance  And sing the joys of goodbye until you yearn Waiting on a lonely star  Want to be loved, boy⁴ The night becomes faint Waiting on a lonely star  Oh boy, who has realised he wants to be loved, If you’re looking to the night sky - dance And sing the joys of goodbye until you yearn I’ve lived another day again, how many years does this make Just, it seems I’m in a good mood somehow 1 - literally, this lyric describes shoes with holes in the heels that have been worn to shreds 2 - the "capricious heart" and "mutual favours come" from two Japanese expressions • Hanagokoro (花心) refers to a heart that is fickle, easily swayed, or prone to sudden change • Mizugokoro (水心) comes from a saying that's the equivalent of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours", in other words, the returning of favours 3 - final moments as in until death 4 - this could be read in a number of ways, who this lyric is referring to is open to interpretation Written by: HarapecoEN (Twitter)
Channel: E ve
Views: 5,852,003
Rating: 4.9899759 out of 5
Id: 9Y0_CVX1hok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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