廻廻奇譚 - Eve MV
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: E ve
Views: 110,983,919
Rating: 4.9707913 out of 5
Keywords: Eve, 廻廻奇譚, 呪術廻戦, kaikaikitan, MV, MAPPA, Animetion
Id: 1tk1pqwrOys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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It's a bit of a shame that they opted to go for JJK clips given basically every other Eve MV is an absolute top tier in creativity and uniqueness.
Probably my least fav MV of his so far, though I'm sure this is just an odd one out due to Eve being a fan of the source.
Love this OP!
the whole song! yes thank you for sharing this!
I just watched it and they ran some of their scenes with what looks to be like Google's Deep Dream AI.