Yorkshire Water // The Science Behind - Episode 6 - Why do we have pumping stations?

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well this is a lot i was expecting [Music] hi welcome to the science behind with me guy back for another episode now previously we looked at how we treat the water so it's safe for our customers to drink but how do we get it to customers homes well two words pumping stations now before we do that i need to find my colleague justine who's gonna help me out by presenting his video so let's go and find her justine you ready yeah let's go [Music] um so justine tell us a bit about yourself welcome um so what do you do for you yeah so i'm a project manager in capital delivery what's capital delivery then so capital delivery it's kind of a the part of the business where we look at updating or adding new assets into the company right so what are you looking forward to hearing about pumping stations or finding out yeah i'm just looking forward to seeing what they actually look like on the inside because you always drive past me you kind of think what are they so yeah i'm just intrigued to see what they actually are [Music] right got everything yeah got five points ppe on ready to go that's what we always like so this is it then i think this is a pumping station yeah yeah so not what i was expecting to be honest really high up which i really didn't expect yeah and it's cold and it's the first day of spring i think yeah it is good morning chris how's it going very well guy and yourself justine good thank you good thanks so couldn't stay away from the science behind then absolutely not no i'm glad to be back yeah good to see you today yeah good to see you what what we're going to be looking at then we're going to look at a pumping station today one of our pump sites excellent oh brill i'm really happy about that because i literally know nothing about cleans i'm in waste water so really excited to see what we're doing today yeah good stuff it'd be good to show you what we've what we've got out here so this is where the pumps are in the door here um but i'm going to show you where the water comes from to then go through the pumps and off to where they deliver water to so we'll probably get a view better on the on the top of the reservoir let's go let's go there cool let's have a look well i didn't expect it to look like this i know it's fantastic views up here over in huddersfield why do we need pumping stations a couple of reasons really we need to transport water and send it either into service reservoirs or water towers and someone's done a great video on one of those previously or directly to our customers where are they normally situated well as you know within yorkshire we've got a lot of hills so the topography of the land means we need to move water uh up hills basically and long distances right okay so where does the water come from so the water in this case and in a lot of cases comes from our treatment works to other service reservoirs and then into locations like this reservoir through the pumps and on to where they're pumped to which i'll show you in a moment fabulous thank you [Music] chris what's the difference between pumping to a service reservoir and pumping directly to our customers okay so there's not actually too much difference in the process of how it's done but we have a bit more flexibility when we're pumping direct into a service reservoir as opposed to pumping to customers electricity costs are absolutely huge and we have more flexibility going straight to a service reserve where we can pump through the night when there's a cheaper tariff basically for our power use but if we're pumping direct to customers that's basically on demand we need to meet what they need when they need it which is normally kind of peaking at peak times of the day morning and tea time [Music] [Applause] well this isn't what i was expecting this is a bum house let's have a look at these pumps we've got two pumps here do we usually have two or do we know we have more yes there's usually a minimum of two some of our larger pump stations may have three who have four some are up to six but generally a minimum of two at all times [Applause] they're not the same size no uh the size and scope of bumps is dictated by the criticality of the pumps how much head of water we're trying to increase and how much flow of water and volume we're pumping out basically so how are the pumps actually work it's split down into three main areas so we've got the pump mortar or the impellers and they sit within the water itself we've got the mortar which is powered and then we've got what is called the control or the drive which basically kind of regulates or controls the flow of water going out of the front so that was pumping stations then yeah thanks chris so that was really informative yeah no problem good to have you along nice to show you around yeah thanks for showing us around and being on the science behind again very much enjoyed as always excellent we can't wait to have you back again for your third one okay well we better get back to the office oh yeah yeah they'll be looking for as well right come on let's get to it right all right thank you thanks again cheers chris [Music] right so back in the office now i've left justine so she can get on with her work and it was just really good to find out about pumping stations good to see chris again if you've not seen his video on water towers it's definitely worth checking out it's in the description below so give it a watch and don't forget to share subscribe like tell your friends get the science behind out there and in our next episode we're going to be looking at waste water so if you enjoy horrible disgusting blockages and things like that you're definitely going to want to be tuning in and until then i'll see you later bye
Channel: Yorkshire Water
Views: 3,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: public works, storage tank, water distribution, water infrastructure, science, Yorkshire, Yorkshire Water, water, water catchment, catchment, why, water quality, water supply, Yorkshire Reservoir, Science Behind, Water cycle, where does water come from, Tour, water networks, water treatment, pressurized pipe, engineering, water storage tanks, water storage, low lake level pumping station, pump station, pumping water, drinking water supply, pumping fascilities, water resources
Id: U0phOFni4wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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