Yom Kippur Tots Service

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[Music] ah [Music] i i [Music] to be with you again this morning for our uh tots service for this day of yom kippur it is really special to be with you i know how much we would have loved to be in shul together i know how much we'd love to be surrounded by all of our our special friends but unfortunately at the moment we all need to be at home to be safe but nonetheless it is it is fabulous to be together it is a really good feeling to be together you don't do do you feel like it's a good thing for us to be together i think it's a great thing for us to be together so so might i ask you how good a thing do you think it is for us to be together so so good like really good so if we really think it's good then i think it's something worth thinking this us us singing about and there's a there's a song that many of our friends know hines how good it is for us to be together brothers sisters family and friends there are lots of melodies that we sing the song too but this year there's only really one special melody to choose [Music] um [Music] oh it's so good for us to be together even on a day like this on yom kippur which is not the happiest day of the year but it's one of the most important days of the year and that's why we want to start it as best as we can and one of the ways to start things as best as we can is by offering a prayer a song that says [Music] how how lucky we are to be able to start this this new day [Music] if [Music] a you know indoor it's it's really great to be with you on yom kippur to be able to share this moment with you and to share with our special friends but i was so happy to be able to enjoy and to welcome and enjoy the presence of our friend bazon on rosh hashanah he made rosh hashanah feels sweet just sweeter than that than it could have possibly been and and i think it'd be really special if he joined us also today for yom kippur do you think buzz might be willing to join us for yom kippur gersh because buzz made rosh hashanah so good would buzz be willing to join us from kippur i think it's possible but what we might need to do is to get the help of our friends to call buzz back to call bars back so what we're going to do is is i think on the count of three if we say you know that means good morning i don't know if you know that oh really okay means good morning in hebrew oh if we say bocce we're gonna say it let's see if we can do it together as loud as we can and maybe if we can say it loud enough three times after the third time maybe buzz will have heard us and come back and join us for yom kippur let's give it a go ready bucket top [Music] did it work did he hear us friends let's say one more time together buzz it is so good to have you with us so good to be together so that we can celebrate yom kippur together to remember all of the important things they are to remember about yom kippur today is yom kippur yom kippur is a day for looking deeply at ourselves we ask ourselves what kind of person have i been did i always do the right thing how could i have been better if i tried harder on yom kippur we remember what we did to help and to learn to do better on yom kippur we turn to each other and we say that we are sorry buzz i said on yom kippur we turn to each other and we say that we're sorry no no on rosh hashanah we brought apples near and dip them into honey but on yom kippur we don't bring apples and honey no on yom kippur in fact many people fast they choose not to eat anything at all because all they want to do is think think about the year that's been and what they want the year ahead to be in fact instead of bringing apples near and dipping them into honey you know buzz what we do this time of year we stop and think and we say that we are sorry can you do that with me buzz can you stop and think and then you can join us and say that we are sorry indoor can you do it i think so let's see we stopped and then we think and then we say that we are sorry oh this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry s o r r y s o r r y s o r r y we're sorry something like that [Laughter] this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry s o r r y s o r r y s o r [Music] oh i was so excited about saying that i was sorry i clapped a little early we're going to continue to sing and say that we're sorry but now as we sing we want to think about it and so we're going to take out each of those letters and as we replace each of those letters with the clap buzz you did it so well as well let's join our friends and show them how we can stop and think and say that we are sorry this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry o r r y o r r y o r r y we say that we are sorry beautiful let's keep going and we're going to keep taking a letter out now each time that we stop and think this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry [Music] why we say that we are sorry this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry our y our y r y we say that we are sorry we've got one one more letter you ready this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry why why why we say that we are sorry now we're only gonna do claps are you ready this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry clap we say that we are sorry i think we're ready to put all the letters back in and really say how sorry we are do you think we're ready for that i absolutely think we're ready for that all right this time of year we stop and think and say that we are sorry s o r r y s o r r y s o r r y we say that we are sorry we say that we are sorry by turning to the people that we love by saying to them that we're sorry for the things that we've done and promising to try harder we do that through our actions and we also do that through our words and through our prayers and so right now buzz if you want to join us if you want to come with me too we're going to head into the synagogue we went in earlier in the week to record some prayers and some songs for yom kippur including a very important part of our service called the vidui where we stop and think and say that we are [Music] sorry all right my friends it's so uh so wonderful to be able to join with you inside our our synagogue we've come in to uh record this very special service for the for the high holidays to share with you our our youngest friends as you can see we're taking every effort we can at these difficult times to be as as safe and responsible as possible we've put our masks on and when we can we take them off only when we can keep a distance between us so i'm going to invite tammy and idor and cantala loom to if they feel comfortable to take off their masks as we continue with our service for this very special time of year the melody you know well the words are our call to prayer [Music] [Music] all of our services whether they be on shabbat on weekdays or on the high holidays include a very special prayer a prayer that challenges us to to get as quiet as we possibly can and so it begins with this sound the sound when we quieten our souls and our spirits by saying [Music] friends can you take your fingers bring them up to your mouth and join all of us as together we say that's great now once we're quiet we're able to do our most important thinking [Music] i like to put my hand on my chin when i think [Music] i also make a bit of a sound when i think it's the sound of contemplation and thought big ideas and small thinking for me sounds like this [Music] friends do you want to try and think with me let's do it together [Music] that's really great let's put the two of those things together first we get quiet and then we think [Music] and it's in that quiet thought we recognize that we are so lucky to be part of our families so lucky to be part of this community so lucky to be part of this tradition and as we realize all of those big ideas we say ah what do we say friends [Music] ah [Music] let's put those three things together as we get ready for our high holidays [Music] [Music] i [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] this time of year our tradition teaches us that we should make the very best effort to think about what the last year has has been think about what we want the the new year to be but for many of us thinking about the last year has been really difficult because the last year has been really difficult but our tradition tells us that difficult times come but difficult times also go and we should have the courage and the wisdom of our ancestors who who sang this song when they crossed the the shores of the sea when they went from egypt to freedom they turned to one another and said don't worry [Music] be happy [Music] [Music] be happy here's a little song i wrote you might wanna sing it not for now don't worry [Music] [Music] do [Music] me [Music] be happy [Music] be happy [Music] be happy sing and don't worry about a thing [Music] because every little thing is gonna be all right sing and don't worry [Music] don't worry about a thing because everything is going to be all right that's one of the major themes of this season and the blessing we offer for you from our beautiful sanctuary yaret at tbi as we move forward in our services we arrive now at the the amidah the amidar is when we take a few moments to to phone and face the ark to think about all the things that that god did for our ancestors and hope that in our day soon those same things those same blessings will come to us to those we care about into the entire world the amidah begins with six simple words that [Applause] [Laughter] many people in our family have done things of which we can be proud they were brave and faithful kind and patient you give us life and hope with love and kindness you keep us alive you help us lift up those who fall you help us care for those who are sick you help us bring freedom you remember those who live before us who is like you mighty god who can compare to you tim you are holy god even your name is holy and we want to be like you you are strong we can be strong you help people we can help people you make freedom possible we can make people free remember the people who came before us we remember them and the lessons they taught us sometimes the words of our prayers say exactly what we feel at other times we need to use our own words to say what we feel this is why we always include a few moments of silent personal prayer in in our service oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is we had a special prayer called the vidui into our service in the 10 days since rosh hashanah we have tried to make up with the people we've hurt during the last year today we do something something different today we apologize to god we have made mistakes we beat our chest to show how sorry we are [Laughter] [Music] for the wrongs we have done we say that we are sorry together let us say for hurting other people's feelings we are sorry for not listening to our parents teachers and friends we are sorry for not always telling the truth we are sorry for acting badly even when no one was watching we are sorry for all these things oh god for these things and more we are sorry [Music] m [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] for all these things we are sorry [Music] we are sorry for these things [Music] for the sins we have committed [Music] forgive us [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] for not offering assistance when we saw someone in pain more times when things were fine but we did nothing but complain well when we used bad words [Music] we is sorry for these things [Music] yom kippur reminds us to be kind to share to be gentle to tell the truth to be helpful to be happy and to think about yesterday today and tomorrow we now turn friends to cedar creek the order of reading torah on this very special yum [Music] we rise as we open the ark and give honor to the scrolls within [Music] in these scrolls of the secret of our people's life from sinai until now their teachings are love and justness goodness and hope freedom is their gift to all who treasure it [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be gracious and answer us for we have little merit treat us generously and with kindness and be our help [Music] whatever foreign [Music] foreign [Music] torah is just jam-packed with amazing stories rabbi gosh would you have a story to share from the torah today it's not exactly from the torah but i think it is a great story for this time of year it's a story i read earlier in the week and i want to share it with you all now the land of no second chances by rabbi sam calf larry feynman's room was filled with toys and games that any six-year-old boy would love but he was only interested in his racing cars he had them in all shapes and every color of the rainbow larry loved to race them against each other to compare their designs to sort them into groups by color size and speed one day while larry was sorting his cars he noticed that one was missing it was one of his favorite cars a big red ferrari with yellow eraser stripes down the side he looked under his bed he looked behind a stack of blocks in his cupboard even looked in his pocket of his favorite pair of jeans the red ferrari was nowhere to be found later that day having turned the house upside down in search of his favorite car the doorbell rang larry's friend mark was standing there with the missing car in his outstretched farm where'd you get that larry asked i borrowed it yesterday when we were playing mark answered nervously he could tell larry was angry i just wanted to show it to my brother it's so cool you stole it larry shouted i never gave you permission to take the car well i didn't think you'd mind i guess i guess i wasn't thinking larry said he took the car out of mark's hand i'm never playing with you again ever you're a big awful thief i wasn't going to keep it mark said really really please forgive me i'm so sorry larry glared at him no way i don't forgive you and then he slammed the door in mark's face larry returned the ferrari to the box that held all the rest of his cars he started to play with him but he wasn't really in the mood he was angry and upset for the rest of the day at bedtime his mother tucked him into bed and gave him a kiss can't you turn that frown upside down she asked you look miserable i am miserable larry told her i have my red car back but my best friend is awful he's a stealing jerk don't you think you should give mark another chance ask larry's mum never no way why should i larry said as he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep and forget the whole day suddenly larry was in a car with his mum driving down the freeway his mother was trying to find the the exit as so she could get off oh no his mum said i guess i missed the exit don't worry mum we'll just take the next exit and turn around and go back said larry but they kept driving and driving and there were no more exits then larry saw a huge green sign hanging above the freeway ahead of them as they got closer they could tell what the sign said welcome to the land of no second chances if you missed the exit tough keep driving after a few more kilometers they arrived at the at the exit mark land of no second chances we better get off larry's mother said or he might be on this freeway forever the next thing larry knew he was in an unfamiliar classroom and all the kids were sitting here sitting a test he looked down at his desk and there was a copy of a test and he didn't understand any of the questions larry raised his hand and the teacher walked over to the desk what's the problem son she said what happens if i fail the test larry asked you'll just have to repeat first grade next year she answered just for failing one test i never learned this stuff can't i take the test later no way never not here young man this is the land of no second chances and the teacher hurried back to her desk larry raised his hand again this time the teacher signaled for him to to come to her now what son she asked in an agitated verse i just wondered if i could have a a pencil eraser so i could correct my mistakes the teacher stood up with a grin on her face and addressed the class children would you like to hear something funny the new boy larry he wants a pencil with an eraser the whole class started laughing they were giggling and then they were rolling on the floor they thought it was so funny as the tears began to gather in the corner of larry's eyes he thought what's so funny our pencils have no eraser said the teacher this is the land of no second chances you aren't supposed to make mistakes i'm getting out of your larry screamed as he ran out of the class as fast as his feet would carry him he ran down the hall turned the corner and kept running until he came head to head with a little girl and they both fell to the floor what's your problem the little girl shrieked at larry are you blind i was right in front of you i'm so sorry larry said i was i was in a hurry i didn't i didn't mean to hurt you honest will you please forgive me not a chance said the girl as she readjusted the bow in her hair and gathered her books uh her books and papers we don't forgive you i'm never going to play with you and i'm going to tell everyone else not to play with you so there larry stood up and and started running i've got to find the door i've got to get out of here i need to get home he thought just then he felt a tap on his shoulder wake up larry i'm here you must be having a bad dream larry opened his eyes and hugged his mother it was awful he told her i was in the land of no second chances and i couldn't leave that's just a silly old night mary's mum said now get up and get dressed it's time for us to go to shul you don't want to be late for yom kippur services larry jumped into his clothes and and ran next door to mark's house when mark opened the door larry put his hand out and handed him the the red ferrari what's this for marcos i want you to borrow it i'm so sorry i got mad please say you'll forgive me i know you didn't mean to steal it can we please still be friends sure said mark but why are you so upset i just got back from the land of no second chances that larry the land of what ask mark never mind i'll tell you about it later let's go to shul we can have a good new year together thanks rabbi ghost that was an awesome story how about we return the torah to the ark [Music] shalom it is a tree of life to those that i'll pass to it and all of it supporters are happy it is a tree of life to those that all thoughts do it all of his supporters are happy [Music] [Music] no [Music] it was so special to be able to take so many of you with us into the spare that special yom kippur service to hear the words of our vino volcano and to also join together and and say sorry through our video we've got a long day ahead of us friends at 11 o'clock you and your your parents or your grandparents might want to join buzz and and idol back for a special zoom bubs and totsa edition of uh uh uh our program we'd love you to join in to comes to sing some songs to to tell some stories and then later on this evening we're all going to gather back together in show from our homes for a service called naila when we say goodbye to yom kippur after we've done all the the work all the effort into stopping to thinking to saying that we are sorry and right at the end of the service we'll hear the sound of the shofar once more the sound singing out to all of us that we should have a good and a sweet new year do you like to hear the shop i've asked ido do you like to hear the shuffle blast how about you buzz yeah me too i love to hear the shofar blast i like to hear the shofar blast sometimes slow and sometimes fast i like [Music] i like [Music] a happy happy happy new year [Music] sometimes slow and sometimes fast i like to hear the show for a blast a happy happy happy new year [Music] happy new year [Music] my friends buzz let's see if we can match idle tikia gado [Music] sometimes slow and sometimes [Music] a happy happy happy and a good good good new year to each and every one of you [Music] moon [Music] you
Channel: TBI Melbourne
Views: 356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IFw8Ht-y3F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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