Yom Kippur Morning Service

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foreign foreign so me family oh he died is do is can i get a little more voice in the monitor please thank you okay thank you so bye hey oh uh hey bye oh hmm foreign hmm oh do do then so day good yantef rabbi nachman of bratzlav gazing out his window facing the marketplace recognized one of his followers a man named hakel hurrying down the street he called to him and invited him up hakel he inquired have you seen the sky this morning no rebbe hakel shook his head and the street hegel have you seen the street this morning yes rebbe hegel nodded and now do you see it still hakel looked out the rabbi's window yes rebbe i see it tell me what you see i see people horses carts merchants men and women coming and going that's what i see hakel hakel said rabbi nachman in 50 years in two times fifty years there will be on this very spot another street like this one and another market like this one other carriages will bring other merchants to buy and sell but i shall no longer be here and neither shall you so i ask you hakel what's the good of hurrying if you don't even have time to look at the sky too often we are like hakel too seldom do we take time to look at the sky well this yom kippur morning we can so take a look how grateful we are to be able to be here together out of doors surrounded by the beauty of nature god's gift to us to cherish this setting and this day call us to acknowledge all god's gifts to us to appreciate the beauty of home love friendship the enduring sustaining values of our faith even in challenging times these holy days remind us not to forget life's blessings but rather to savor them to be grateful for them some of them are sitting right beside you in front of you behind you friends family and fellow worshipers would you wave to them and wish them good yander to new members and guests welcome to old friends welcome back for those of you joining us online we welcome you too though you are not here the way we wish you could be you are nonetheless a part of our congregation and we are delighted i'm rabbi davidson together with rabbis ehrlich khan and sepayden kenner glassman our soloist stephen fox and our extraordinary choir and musicians led by jack cohn and dr andrew henderson we hope you will join in our prayers both spoken and sung as we invite you to turn in your prayer book to the bottom of page 126 where we continue with psalm 150. hallelujah hallelujah i'd love for you to sing with us on the chorus foreign hallelujah oh hallelujah page 127 this is the day of god on this day we are called to the sanctuary by a summons as exalting and enduring as the everlasting hills prepare to meet your god o israel this is the day of awe what are we as we stand in your presence o god a leaf in the storm a fleeting moment in the flow of time a whisper lost among the stars this is the day of decision today we invoke you as the molder of our destiny help us to mend the evil of our ways to write the heart's old wrongs on this sabbath of the soul inscribe us for blessing in the book of life this is the day of our atonement we would return to you as penitent children long to return to a loving parent we confess our sins on this day knowing that the gates of repentance are always open receive us with compassion and bless us with your forgiving love please rise oh maker of darkness and dawn the god who opens the gates of mercy who gives light to all who await forgiveness be with us on this atonement day god of times and seasons be with us this day god of hope and joy be with us this day god of the loving heart be with us this day be with us as we look for strength to be free freedom to struggle against those who worship power and power to resist all who would oppress us god of freedom and right be with us this day page 130 we say together israel adonai eloheinu adonai echad hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one is oh oh yes thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which i command thee this day shall be upon thy heart thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and thou shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house when thou walkest by the way when thou liest down and when thou risest up thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates that ye may remember and do all my commandments and be holy unto your god i am the lord your god who led you out of egypt to be your god i am the lord your god oh foreign oh god oh oh hello hello is is we sing together you foreign foreign page 134 on rosh hashanah we reflect on yom kippur we consider who shall live for the sake of others who dying shall leave a heritage of life who shall burn with the fires of greed who shall drown in the waters of despair whose hunger shall be for the good who shall thirst for justice and right whose tongue shall be a thrusting sword whose words shall make for peace who shall be plagued by fear of the world who shall strangle for lack of friends who shall rest at the end of day who lie sleepless on a bed of pain who shall go forth in the quest for truth who shall be locked in the prison of self who shall be serene in every storm who shall be troubled by the passing breeze who shall be poor in the midst of possessions who shall be rich content with their lot repentance prayer and charity these return us to our god forgiven the past renewed for tomorrow may we go forth with rejoicing to a year of great goodness m so um oh oh forever let us proclaim the sacred power of this day it is awesome and full of dread for on this day your dominion is exalted your throne established in steadfast love there in truth you reign in truth you are judge and arbiter counsel and witness you write and you seal you record and recount you remember deeds long forgotten you open the book of our days and what is written there proclaims itself for it bears the signature of every human being the great shofar is sounded the still small voice is heard the angels gripped by fear and trembling declare in awe this is the day of judgment for even the hosts of heaven are judged as all who dwell on earth stand arrayed before you as the shepherd seeks out the flock and makes the sheep pass under the staff so do you muster and number and consider every soul setting the bounds of every creature's life and decreeing its destiny hey i shall r moon come on come on r foreign um summer so foreign i it is written on yom kippur it is sealed how many shall pass on and how many shall come to be who shall live and who shall die who shall see ripe age and who shall not who shall perish by fire and who by water who by sword and who by beast who by hunger and who by thirst who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who shall be secure and who shall be driven who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled who shall be poor and who shall be rich who shall be humbled and who exalted but repentance prayer and charity temper judgment's severe decree oh this is your glory you are slow to anger ready to forgive it is not the death of sinners you seek but that they should turn from their ways and live until the last day you wait for them welcoming them as soon as they turn to you you have created us and know what we are we are but flesh and blood our origin is dust and dust is our end each of us is a shattered urn grass that must wither a flower that will fade a shadow moving on a cloud passing by a particle of dust floating on the wind a dream soon forgotten but you are the sovereign the everlasting god um is oh my oh my oh page 145 our god and god of all generations bless us with the threefold benediction of the torah foreign sure man is not oh foreign foreign oh page 148 for transgressions against god the day of atonement atones but for transgressions of one human being against another the day of atonement is not to tone until they have made peace with one another i hereby forgive all who have hurt me all who have wronged me whether deliberately or inadvertently whether by word or by deed may no one be punished on my account as i forgive and pardon those who have wronged me may those whom i have harmed forgive and pardon me whether i acted deliberately or inadvertently whether by word or by deed please rise is not earth oh oh for me our god god of our mothers and our fathers grant that our prayers may reach you do not be deaf to our pleas for we are not so arrogant and stiff-necked as to say before you our god and god of all ages that we are perfect and have not sinned rather do we confess we have gone astray we have sinned we have transgressed you may be seated as we continue with our silent confession on page 149. so so my heart oh who among us is righteous enough to say i have not sinned we are arrogant brutal careless destructive egocentric false greedy heartless insolent and joyless our sins are an alphabet of woe now may it be your will o god of all generations to pardon all our sins to forgive all our wrongdoings and to blot out all our transgressions continue responsibly we sin against you when we sin against ourselves for our failures of truth o god we ask forgiveness for passing judgment without knowledge of the facts and for distorting facts to fit our theories for deceiving ourselves and others with half truths and for pretending to emotions we do not feel for using the sins of others to excuse our own and for denying responsibility for our own misfortunes for condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves and for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves we sin against you when we sin against ourselves for our failures of justice oh god we ask forgiveness for keeping the poor in the chains of poverty and turning a deaf ear to the cry of the oppressed for using violence to maintain our power and for using violence to bring about change for waging aggressive war and for the sin of appeasing aggressors for obeying criminal orders and for the sin of silence and indifference for poisoning the air and polluting land and sea and for all the evil means we employ to accomplish good ends we sin against you when we sin against ourselves for our failures of love oh god we ask forgiveness for confusing love with lust and for pursuing fleeting pressure at the cost of lasting hurt for using others as a means to gratify our desires and as stepping stones to further our ambitions for withholding love to control those we claim to love and shunting aside those whose youth or age disturbs us for hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust and for the cynicism which leads us to mistrust the reality of unselfish love for all these sins of mercy forgive us pardon us grant us atonement page 154 oh um sure hello the to fear oh r foreign to see be is girl we continue with seder kriyatora our service for the reading of the torah on page 156 please rise is is is is adonai adonai the eternal one the eternal god is merciful and gracious endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to thousands forgiving iniquity transgression and sin and granting pardons upon verbum oh foreign bring us back to you in full repentance forgive and pardon all our misdeeds have compassion on us and on our children avinu kenu kale devere the here avinu maokainu make an end to sickness war and famine avinu mao kenu kothwainu beseifer hayim tovim inscribe us for blessing in the book of life avenue avinu malkenu let the new year be a good year for us help us to exalt your name in the world avinu kenu kabel barachamim of in your mercy accept our prayer avenue ase be gracious and answer us for we have little merit treat us generously and with kindness and be our help foreign oh my as for me this is my covenant with them says the eternal one let not my spirit and the words that i have put in your mouth depart from you nor from your children or their children from this time forth and forever is hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one oh r there were two lay leaders who played an instrumental role in the arrangements for our being here kim hartman whose family also dedicated our beautiful moxor and nicole frankel whose idea it was that we explore summer stage as an option and it is an honor to call nicole now for the aliyah is the torah reading we will read this morning and it is a bold proclamation of inclusion declaring that the torah is our shared inheritance regardless of age gender occupation or birth as partners in this covenant we are charged to remember the invaluable lessons within this scroll most especially the teaching that life is sacred and we must never forsake it is foreign as we continue with our haftarah on page 162 isaiah's majestic call for justice compassion and peace we're led by norman and sandy pessen remember is god says cry with a full throat do not hold back let your voice resound like a chauffeur declare to my people their transgressions and to the house of jacob their sin yes they seek me daily as though eager to learn my ways as if they were people that does what is right and has not forsaken the way of its god they ask of me the right way as though delighting in the nearness of god when we fast you say why do you pay no heed why when we afflict ourselves do you take no notice because on your fast day you pursue your own affairs while you oppress all your workers because your fasting leads only to strife and discord while you strike with a cruel fist such a way of fasting on this day will not help you to be heard on high is this the fast i have chosen a day of self-affliction bowing your head like a reed and covering yours covering yourself with sackcloth and ashes is this what you call a fast a day of acceptable to the eternal is it is not this the fast i have chosen to unlock the shackles of injustice to and loosen the ropes of the yoke to let the oppressed go free and to tear every yoke apart surely it is to share your bread with the hungry and to bring the homeless poor into your house when you see the naked to cover them never withdrawing yourself from you your own king then shall your light break forth like this dawn and your healing shall quickly blossom your righteous one will walk before you the glory of the eternal one will be your real god then when you call the eternal one will answer when you cry god will say here i am if you remove lawlessness from your midst the pointing finger the malicious word it you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted then your light shall shine in the darkness and your night become bright as noon the eternal one will guide you always filling your throat in parched land and renewing your body strength you shall be like a garden overflowing with water like a spring that never fails some of you shall rebuild the ancient ruins rebuilding the foundation of ages past you shall be called repair of the breach restore of the streets to dwell in if you keep from trampling the sabbath from pursuing your own affairs on my holy day if you call the sabbath a delight the eternal one's holy day honored if you honor it abstain from journeys from carrying on your own affairs or speaking of them then you shall delight in the eternal one i will make you to ride upon the heights of the earth and i will feed you with portions of jacob your father the eternal one has spoken hello m we continue on page 106 eternal god we pray to you for the whole house of israel scattered over the earth yet bound together by a common history and united by a common heritage of faith and hope be with our brothers and sisters whose lives are made hard because they are jews give them strength to endure and lead them soon from darkness to light bless this holy congregation and all who serve it together with all other holy congregations in all lands near and far uphold us shield us and bestow upon us abundant life and health and peace and happiness in all our dwelling places bring to fulfillment the blessing of moses the eternal your god make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you amen oh god send your healing to the sick your comfort to all who are in pain or anxiety your tender love to the sorrowing hearts among us if there are people or communities you know who are in need of healing or strength i invite you to share their names aloud now that they may be woven into the fabric of our prayers for all those you mentioned and for all those you are holding in your hearts we say oh god be their refuge through their time of trial as they pass from weakness to strength from suffering to consolation from lonely fear to the courage of faith amen together we pray for all who hold positions of leadership and responsibility in our national life let your blessing rest upon them and make them responsive to your will so that our nation may be to the world an example of justice and compassion deepen our love for our country and our desire to serve it strengthen our power of self-sacrifice for our nation's welfare teach us to uphold its good name by our own right conduct cause us to see clearly that the well-being of our nation is in the hands of all its citizens imbue us with the zeal for the cause of liberty in our own land and in all lands and help us always to keep our homes safe from affliction strife and war amen we pray for the land of israel and its people may its borders no peace its inhabitants tranquility and may the bonds of faith and fate which unite the jews of all lands be a source of strength to israel and to us all god of all lands and ages answer our constant prayer with a zion once more aglow with light for us and for all the world and let us say amen i invite you now to rise as we return the torah to the ark is oh like you i watched the tender tribute on saturday to honor the victims of 9 11. heartfelt searing an open wound still when the twin towers fell 20 years ago who could have imagined that this chapter of history would culminate in the airlift of refugees from afghanistan and is there anyone who was not moved by that site truly huddled masses due to the short time frame and the sheer number of people seeking to be evacuated multiple domestic american airlines were engaged to aid the effort alongside the military of the many notable stories that emerged one stood out to me delta airlines pilot alexander khan freely shared the reason why he wanted to participate in the airlift he said that he felt like he could put himself in the shoes of those who were fleeing and he explained i'm the son of an immigrant to the united states my father was a holocaust survivor who was liberated from book involved he came to the united states not much differently than the people who are coming to the states now my father was coming with the clothes on his back no family no english skills and had to start life all over again luckily he was starting in a land of opportunity he continued this is going to be a frightening experience for them but it has the potential to be excellent my father put himself through school became a doctor and years later actually went back to germany as a physician for the us army what optimism he shared born out of his family's own experiences like alexander khan for most americans by and large our ancestors were refugees too in my own family's important papers our letters from european relatives who reached out to be sponsored as the holocaust encroached who needed a lifeline to be released from the anti-semitism that was crushing europe as well as any future for those who were jewish perhaps your own family has experienced something similar today on yom kippur as we examine our souls our deeds and our obligations there's no question that as as individuals and as jews what we must do we must respond because our jewish story resonates with the imperative to move from oppression to freedom as jews blessed with privilege and good fortune sometimes we need reminders of our obligations which is why yom kippur can help us sort through our responsibilities and see them anew sometimes we need a reminder about what a second chance can mean remember when moses was on mount sinai receiving the ten commandments and god said to him hurry down moses your people have been quick to turn aside from the way that i have enjoined upon them and then as moses came down he could see the israelites singing and dancing around the golden calf and so in anger and disappointment he hurled the tablets he had been carrying and shattered them it was god who said to moses let's do this over go ahead carve another set of tablets and i god will inscribe the words that were on the first set that second chance made a difference for the israelites who had not yet mastered the basics of covenantal responsibility they needed to work at getting it right having a second chance is something we seek for ourselves today through repentance and the desire to turn the page and start over and isn't that sentiment a new start at the heart of our obligation to those who are arriving on our shores more than anyone else refugees need another chance when they can no longer safely remain in their home and often in their country reluctantly they leave their country of origin to seek safety security shelter peace and opportunity just imagine if you had to leave your home and your whole world with only the clothes on your back and then fit the rest of what your life could accommodate into a small backpack or carry-on bag well we are watching this in real time through no fault of their own circumstances often force a departure and beyond the particular circumstances of afghanistan the push to leave home could be a civil war or an oppressive government climate change discrimination intolerance or genocide for some it is simply a desire to better their lives not so long ago we were once where they stand now as little as they had as they fled they were the lucky ones and yet it's hard to imagine their plight as ours rabbi jonathan sachs taught i used to think that the most important line in the bible was love your neighbor as yourself which we'll read later today and then i realized that it's easy to love your neighbor because she or he is usually quite like yourself but what is hard is to love the stranger one whose color culture or creed is different from yours and that is why the command love the stranger because you were once strangers resonates so often throughout the bible and it is summoning us now we've come to learn with the pandemic numbers can be overwhelming really too great to comprehend what do 4.5 million covid related deaths mean worldwide but if you yourself have been touched by covet or lost just one dear one to this disease then the numbers are no longer meaningless you may extrapolate the pain of your own laws and that may create a path of understanding allowing for connection with the incomprehensible statistics in our global crisis and so it is with refugees that personal connection is immortalized in our texts taught from parent to child from generation to generation remember that our ancient ancestors were refugees too fleeing slavery and oppression on their way to a promised land the haggadah explains the ancestral story of every jewish family with these words avi my ancestors were wandering aramians who went down to egypt when their resources were depleted we put down roots and raised our families and when circumstances changed around us we were enslaved for generations until we were freed with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm now note the use of the first person in that narrative it's still read by us in just that way as if in our own voice in countless ways we have internalized this message from the phrasing of the shabbat ki douche zeke a reminder of the exodus from egypt to the yearly reenactment of passover itself complete with bread of affliction and bitter herbs and when we deplete the cup at the suffering of the egyptians that is not just symbolic but rather a call to action haius formerly known as the hebrew immigrant aid society has helped to welcome generations of jewish immigrants to this nation and others likely many of our own parents and grandparents it used to carry this explanation on their website once we helped refugees because they were jewish now we help refugees because we are jewish and let me say that again because we are jewish in hayas's august report it noted we are witnessing a humanitarian crisis unfold in real time before the evacuation of afghanistan worldwide there were more than 80 million displaced people and 31 million of them refugees of those 31 million 40 are under the age of 18. minors children and what are they to do where are they to go who will take those little hands and help them to safety we can ask those questions from the perspective of an outsider from our comfortable armchairs but if we were to identify with their terrible circumstances as alexander khan saw his father's experience reflected in the passengers he flew to freedom well then we would be more interested in providing answers hayas notes that our own country has been a welcoming haven for refugees for decades after world war ii more than 650 displaced europeans came to america again it's of note that many of them were our immediate relatives or ancestors that resettlement program was later formalized through the refugee act in 1980 and some additional 3 million refugees have found their home here since then those new americans have become our neighbors homeowners tax-paying citizens devoted to the education of their children just like us every one of us has an arrival story it may have taken place a generation ago or multiple generations before that all that we are today all that we have achieved is only possible because of the courage of our ancestors to start a new chapter in a land which afforded them the most basic human right safety before the pandemic emanuel partnered with congregation rhodef sholum to work with hayas to resettle a family group in new york through the unflagging efforts of some 20 dedicated volunteers who were available 24 7 who then relied on the support of some additional 200 committee members we saw firsthand what it means to have a second chance to live in safety and peace as any newcomer can tell you when it comes to learning a language finding one's place in a new culture finding work that matches one's skill set and provides sufficient income figuring out how society works isn't a straightforward path something as simple as finding a doctor or registering for school can be a challenge even for those of us who have lived here our entire lives but the opportunity to live in a country that is more secure than their country of origin makes the difficulty worthwhile is there a value that can be put on safety and peace of mind it's too soon to know how we will be called on to help and how to meet this moment there are no perfect answers and in this case there are no easy answers though we are considering every avenue to offer support as a congregation we can support a full-fledged resettlement effort depends on you will we have enough volunteers to meet the year-long sacred demands of welcoming the stranger but i also want to say that if you can't commit to something so encompassing that day-to-day volunteering even small projects which you can do on your own can add immeasurably to someone's quality of life and first you have to consider your own skills and resources can you act as a partner to practice english would you be able to hire someone at an entry-level job which has the opportunity for growth can you volunteer your legal skills to assist asylum seekers covet has made all this a bit more complicated but the needs remain the highest website has links to individual volunteer efforts i can want to conclude with a personal reflection when i think of refugees i remember one dear congregant warren zurich a blessed memory with great affection his life of service to others was shaped by his childhood when he was among the few who were placed on a train called the kinder transport which brought children out of nazi germany to safety in england according to the u.s holocaust museum this effort was spurred by british public opinion and the persistent efforts of refugee aid committees these children who arrived alone without any family were able to begin a new chapter because the public recognized their responsibility to others in doing so the citizens themselves helped create a bridge to the future for these often orphaned children while saving them from certain death warren had lost everything except for his own life and his gratitude he was ever grateful to those who took him in gave him a home soothed his sorrow and gave him hope and for the rest of his life warren paid it back he was the consummate volunteer among his many efforts was his work with the fire department and his devotion to the work of the red cross as a volunteer allowed him to rise through the ranks when people needed help warren was there in every interaction he was centered on how he could make life better for others and knowing him made you want to do the same he was the definition of a mensch as a public acknowledgement of his ceaseless efforts to aid others when the olympic torch passed through new york on its way to lake placid warren was given the honor of being one of the torchbearers congregants from every corner of the temple accompanied warren to celebrate and affirm his unending mission to bring light and hope to those who have suffered at the hands of tyrants now the torch is being passed to us as we hold it high may we see our ancestors experiences in those who seek only the simplest things safety and security and may we light their way to a better future may you and yours be sealed for blessing in the book of life work is too heavy for one person alone and each day it just seems to increase but when carried by many the world we are building for our families for the sake of our children we must the work is too heavy for one person alone and each day it just seems to increase i so we continue with our escore memorial service on page 220. yes i my i is is we continue responsibly oh god you are my god at first light i seek you my soul thirsts for you my flesh longs for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water so do i look for you in the sanctuary to behold your power and your glory your love is better than life my lips will extol you and i will praise you with my life for you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings i sing for joy eternal god you have been our refuge in all generations before the mountains were born or earth and universe brought forth from eternity to eternity you are god for a thousand years in your sight or but as yesterday when it is past or as a watch in the night you sweep us away we are like a dream at daybreak we come and grow like grass which in the morning shoots up renewed and in the evening fades and withers the number of our years may be many or few yet vain toil fills their span for it is soon ended and we fly away so teach us to number our days that we may grow wise in heart let your servant understand your ways and your children see your glory let the beauty of our eternal god be with us and may our work have lasting value o let the work of our hands endure maker of all worlds how insignificant we are in your sight and how my newt in your presence you are creator of a universe so vast that the effort to conceive it overwhelms the mind the keenest eye scans but a corner of it the rays of light we see today began their journey long before we came to be counted from first creation the earth we live on was born but yesterday and we made our appearance on it only a moment ago when i consider your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars that you have established what are we that you are mindful of us what are we mortals that you consider us we are feeble we live always on the brink of death scarcely ushered into life we begin our journey to the grave our best laid plans are ever at risk our fondest hopes are buried with us ambition drives us on to high exertion indulgence makes us waste the powers we have and evil seduces us to heap misery upon others success and failure love and hatred pleasure and pain mark the days of ours from birth to death we prevail only to succumb we fail only to renew the struggle our days are few and full of trouble the eye is never satisfied with seeing endless are the desires of the heart we devise new schemes on the graves of a thousand disappointed hopes like moses on mount nebo we behold the promised land from afar but may not enter it our life at its best is an endless effort for a goal we never attain death finally terminates the struggle and joy and grief success and failure all are ended like children falling asleep over their toys we relinquish our grasp on earthly possessions only when death overtakes us master and servant rich and poor strong and feeble wise and simple all are equal in death grave levels all distinctions and makes the whole world kin we are strangers in your sight oh god like all who came before us our days on earth vanish like shadows but the speedy flight of life and the grave that looms on the horizon should not dismay us rather let them teach us wisdom and prompt us to put our trust in you for only the dust returns to the dust the spirit on which you have breathed into us returns to you its everlasting source into us you have placed a portion of your divinity your mighty strength is our firm support when we become champions servants of your law witnesses to your truth champions of your dominion then indeed do we endow our fleeting days with abiding word we are children of dust oh god give us strength and understanding that we may fill our days with good though our days our few help us to make them great all things pass away but you are eternal teach us o god to see that when we link ourselves to you and strive to do your will our lives acquire eternal meaning and value and sustain in us the hope for we dare not ask for more that the human spirit created in your image is like you eternal the dust returns to the earth as it was but the spirit returns to the god who gave it oh foreign foreign oh god author of life and death our wisdom is small our vision short one by one our companions passing along the road of life disappear from our view we know that each must walk the same path to the doorway of the grave we strain to see what lies beyond the gate but all is darkness to our mortal sight yet even the darkness is not too dark for you o god but the night shines as the day you have created us in your image and made us share in your enduring righteousness you have put eternity into our hearts and have implanted within us a vision of life everlasting this hope we cherish in humility and faith trusting in your endless goodness and your wondrous love into your hands we commit the spirits of our dear ones for you keep faith with your children in death as in life sustain us o god that we may meet with calm serenity the dark mysteries that lie ahead knowing that when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are with us a loving friend in whom we put our trust you are the light of our life our hope in eternity is all me foreign is i foreign page 228. almighty god we thank you for the gift of memory which unites generation to generation we remember all our beloved who have already reached the goal whither we are tending we think of the days when they were with us and we rejoiced in the blessing of their companionship and affection they are near us even now though many years have passed over their graves author of life bless the memories we cherish on this day that more than any other affords us glimpses of eternity may the sorrows we have known be softened by our sense of your infinite wisdom your unending love your eternal presence may the pains of past bereavements grow more gentle indeed let them be transformed into gratitude to our dear ones who have died and tenderness to those who are still with us say oh r is oh is me together the lord is my shepherd i shall not warn he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he guideth me in straight paths for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou hast anointed my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever giver of life our times are in your hand one generation comes into the world to be blessed with days of peace and safety another goes through the valley of the shadow enduring cruelties of persecution and war heartbreaking have been the times that have fallen to our lot o god we have lived through years of tyranny and destruction we are schooled in sorrow and acquainted with grief we have seen the just defeated the innocent driven from their homes and the righteous sufferer martyrdom as merciless as any ages have witnessed at this hour of memorial we recall with grief all your children who have perished through the cruelty of the oppressor victims of demonic hate the aged and young the learned and unlettered all driven in multitudes along the road of pain and pitiless death their very presence on earth was begrudged them for they brought your covenant of mercy and justice to the recollection of your enemies they perished because they were a symbol of your eternal law their death has brought darkness to the human soul they lie in nameless graves in far-off forests and lonely fields and the substance of many was scattered by the winds to the earth's four corners yet they shall not be forgotten we take them into our hearts and give them a place beside the cherished memories of our own loved ones they now are ours we pray to you o source of mercy that your torah to which these your children bore witness in life and in death may come to glow with a renewed light in the human soul that remembering them we may sanctify your name in all the world thus will their memory become an enduring blessing to all your children hmm foreign hmm do so um so in this hour of sacred and cherished memory we call to mind those who served as rabbi and cantor of our congregation samuel adler garrison cohn david einhorn hyman g antelope samuel h goldenson gustaf gothile kaufman kohler nathan krass judah l magnus julius mark leo mersbacher nathan a perlman david m posner adolf reuben moshe rudin now simon schlager samuel shulman joseph silverman william sparger and arthur wolfson we recall the victims of terror in afghanistan including our own troops of the earthquake in haiti of the storms in the gulf in the northeast and have coveted around the world and we remember with sorrow those whom death has taken from our congregation's midst during the past year arthur abuelos nisim abudhi lillian abrams burton joel aarons jay anderson sylvia arnowich howard brenner barbara ehrlich bright stuart brody patsy brown myron i buchmann barbara berger james l boutenweiser susan chareskin lei wan chin herbert coyne sandra davidow roberta doreen barbara drayer dennis drayer eric endy karen andy toby feiginson sandra gilman gonzalez fella gene fendler eileen e finkel ira fertel edward fisher frederick fisher frederick frank lucinda franks b.j fredericks robert j friedlander delia rubin friedman mildred frumkus leonard garvin florence gellman henry gewerz george glick robert gold john goldsmith max gray muriel gray alan greene victor paul green peter m gross grossman jerome s garland elizabeth waters harren lawrence hartman jack hoffinger gail hoover peter a iseman simon harrison gerald lawrence allen joseph joanne gershell josephi gladys kaplan leonard kaplan ibby cohn eleanor wyler cratch ira landau muriel levine dorian lazar carol levitan robert levy lawrence stephen lewis alfreda littman courtney marcus matthew marcus judith feldmares charlotte marsala mervin maitland helen mirja rory myers alexander michelson thomas c mullets nancy nanes stuart k nelson keith wayne newman jane e oppenheim aj oshas jeffrey paley josodra prasad robert edward polanski noah benjamin riesman adele richter gloria b roberts maureen z rosencrantz betty sue rosenthal alan j ross richard c rubin alice rudin michael r sandler edward j sinoki lila barbara lesnick shirl yale e schnader shirley schreiber dolores schwartz selvin seidel barbara senaway aydah schaefer sandra silver kate simon alan sashen louise levitt summers carl spiel vogel janet l striker herman a stool theodore subba burton summers estelle wax gladys o waller aaron weinman marilyn weinstein alex weintraub judith white bruce winston ivan weiler and jack zuckerman taking these dear ones into our hearts with all our beloved we recall them now with reverence page 231 we read responsively in the rising of the sun and in its going down we remember them in the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter we remember them in the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them in the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer we remember them in the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn we remember them in the beginning of the year and when it ends we remember them when we are weary and in need of strength we remember them when we are lost and sick at heart we remember them when we have joys we yearn to share we remember them so long as we live they too shall live for they are now a part of us as we remember them we continue in silent remembrance on page 232. ah am page 234 we rise for el malay rakhamim foreign is oh oh god full of compassion eternal spirit of the universe grant perfect rest under the wings of your presence to our loved ones who have entered eternity source of mercy let them find refuge forever in the shadow of your wings and let their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life the eternal god is their inheritance may they rest in peace and let us say amen yet is may the source of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort to all the bereaved among us amen is good jantaf once again everyone thank you for joining us know that our worship continues at 12 30 with our teen service online and in person here in the park and online and in person at 1 30 in greenwald hall with our avodah service at three o'clock our family service takes place in the park it too will be broadcast on our website facebook and youtube as will our two sanctuary afternoon seatings minha and yiscore beginning at 2 30 and yiskor and niila at 5 15. if you've not yet made your yom kippur pledge to our philanthropic fund we hope you will do so online or this afternoon in the sanctuary where we look forward to being with you soon and until then may you be written and sealed for blessing hmm let's get to letter okay hey you
Channel: Temple Emanu-El NYC
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Id: bauMkkH2vN8
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Length: 168min 16sec (10096 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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