Yoga to release the hips & hamstrings (15min)

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[Music] let's start lying on our backs in soup the baddha konasana souls the feet together knees out wide split the arms relaxed by your side palms facing up close the eyes just a gentle attention on your breath breathing in and out through the nose noticing the surface of the body better in contact with the mat and as you exhale allow those surfaces just to get a little bit deeper so it's as if that back part of your body's imprinting onto the mat and let's bring the knees together separate the feet hip hip distance apart place that right foot on top of the left side flexing the right foot feed the right hand through the middle and then interlace the fingers on the outside of that left shin bone inhale and as you exhale try to bring the legs in towards your chest keep flexing the right foot that let that left foot just be relaxed and that right knee draws away from the right shoulder you're just really gently trying to draw those hips back down to the mouth or trying to lift the hips all the way off the mat nice easy deep breath take one more inhale as you exhale try to bring the legs in a little bit closer and then let's release those legs down and placing that left foot on top of the right side bring the legs in feed the left hand through the center and interlace your fingers around that right shin bone take an inhale and the exhale trying to bring the legs in towards the chest just to where you can so we're just getting into that left hip now what's the gluts and the external rotating muscles of the deep hip you can direct your breath to where you need it in the body if feeling it really strongly take the breath where you need it and as the exhale imagine that tension just softening leaving the body take one more inhale and exhale draw the legs in a little bit closer and let's release the legs out let's open your eyes if there are clothes roll over to one side make your way up to a seated position and cross the legs stepping back into down facing dog for you to hip distance apart hands shoulder distance apart looking poor towards our hands bring that right hand a little bit close towards the left and then step the right foot to the outside of the right hand come down to the left knee so we're coming into a deeper lower lunge for getting into this left quadricep left so as easy breath option if you'd like to go a little bit deeper here to come down onto your forearms palms flat under the mat keep the back of the neck long and very gently drawing that right heel towards that left knee every now and then just to see that that engagement is still there through the center of the bottom you're not just collapsing through the back to get into that left hip checking in how to walk the hands back up and then walk the right foot back to the center right hand comes to the outside of the right leg take an inhale and then exhale walking your hands back and straightening that right leg to ardha hanumanasana so flex the right foot inhale here and as you exhale feel free to come down a little bit further if you've got the space you can walk your hands up a little bit further as well gently drawing that right hip back keep flexing the right foot towards the face inhale to bend through that right leg and then lift that back leg off step it forward about a third of the way and then start to straighten both legs so both feet are parallel here draw that left hip forward right here back flexing the right foot towards the face if you want to make a stronger option to just keep a flap down if it's feeling like it's plenty for you this is a very strong pose for a lot of us and then take an inhale Bend into that right leg exhale stepping back into our demolition asana and here just peddle out through the feet right and left a few times and you can just circle the hips out as well and then finding stillness for a moment bring that left hand closer towards the right hand so you can step the left foot to the outside and then come down onto that right knee so we're coming into our lizard variation here so you can stay up on the hands or if you'd like to go a little bit deeper you can bring those forearms down when you're ready try to draw that left hip towards the midline now when inhaling come back up under the hands walk that left foot back to the center and then as you exhale start to straighten that left leg walking your hands back flex the left foot towards the face and when you're ready you can just start to fold forward over that front leg to where you can or you can just stay up without folding too far forward try to keep that right knee in line with the right hip so you're not sitting too far back towards the heel they're in how to walk the hands forward bending to that left leg step that right foot about a third of the way forward and then start to straighten both legs just to where you can keep both legs parallel option here to flex that left foot towards the face relaxing the head down and inhale Bend into that front leg exhale stepping back into your down dog looking forward in between the hands just come down onto the right knee and the left knee sit over to one side just extend the legs out and then draw that right knee in towards you take hold of the left foot of the right foot throw with your left hand and cradle that right knee if possible you can scoop that right foot right into the knock of the left elbow you're trying to draw the shin bone right up towards the chest so you're getting that 90 degree angle with the leg if you can't get that that's totally fine just hold it where you can keep flexing the right foot so you're not sickling the ankle lengthen up through the lower back just breathe this is quite strong and we're just going to add a gentle rock from side to side so just get a little bit deeper into that hip and then take it over gentle twist towards the left you won't go very far turn the head to look slightly over towards the left as well keep breathing and then let's release that leg out give the legs a little bit of a shake out and we'll go to the other side so bend that left leg up taking hold of the left foot with the right hand cradling the left knee if you can you can just bring that left foot all the way to the knock of the right elbow cradling around with the left arm drawing the legs in all that legging as close as you can steady gaze with the eyes try not to round too much of the lower back here so keep lifting up through that lower back long spine and a little rock from side to side and then little twist towards the right turn the head to look over towards the right as well keep breathing and then let's release back to Center gently release the leg out take an inhale extend the arms up towards the ceiling and then exhale folding forward into Basham uttanasana you can just rest the hands on to the calves or the ankles or if you can hold the feet and hold the feet as well really letting a go here allow the breath to slow down now I'm shoulders to be soft and face soft and inhaling coming up just so you can lay yourself back down open the feet as wide as the mat I'm just going to drop the knees over towards the right and then take an inhale and exhale drop them over towards the left so the feet are open up a little bit wider here take an inhale exhale drop them to the right turning the head to the left inhale up through Center exhale to the left inhale Center and now extending both legs out into your shavasana a little bit away from the body palms facing up closing the eyes you'll see see each breath allowing the body to get a little bit heavier and a little bit softer imagining the air around you being really soft slightly caressing the body it's going to rest here for another few moments you can stay here for as long as you need to if you'd like to start to come out you can just wiggle your fingers and toes when you're ready bending the knees and rolling over to the right-hand side just staying here a few moments thanks so much for joining me today namaste
Channel: yoginimelbourne
Views: 2,054,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yoga, yogaflow, yogatherapy, hips, hamstrings, legs, health, wellbeing, fitness, movement, paulalay, paulalayyoga, stretch, flexibility, yogawithpaulalay, yogaforthehips
Id: t_PhU-jMPRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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