Trauma-Informed Hip Opening Yoga for Emotional Release | Trauma Informed Yoga

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welcome to this 20 minute trauma-informed hip opening yoga flow my name is Caitlin I'm a certified trauma-informed yoga instructor and I'll be guiding you through this practice we'll be focusing on deep stretches to our hips and psoas to release stored emotions hip openers can be a bit intense so I invite you to modify or skip any poses that you wish and focus on what feels good to you when you're ready make your way into a seated position on your mat and we'll get started meet me in a cross-legged position you can stay here or join me for full body circles first moving towards the right as we move through our practice I invite you to be fully present with your discomfort with your body with your emotions your thoughts your breath now switch directions at your own pace bring your arms behind you and uncross your legs bring your ankles a little more than hip width apart or however feels comfortable to you and windshield wipe your knees left to right this will warm up our hips for some of the deeper stretches we'll be doing shortly I invite you to bring your right knee in keeping your left leg extended you can stay here or reach towards your left foot trying to touch your forehead to your knee when you're ready repeat on the other side gently rise and bring the soles of your feet together you can keep them far in front of you to make a diamond shape or you can bring them closer for butterfly staying upright or folding forward for a deeper stretch release your stretch and gently make your way onto all fours feel free to explore here maybe doing some standard cat Cow breaths finding child's pose or joining me for some intuitive body circles moving with your breath and if you're doing circles go ahead and switch directions return to a neutral tabletop position and extend your left leg out to the side continuing to make circular movements through your hips when you're ready move in the other direction when you're done you can gently lean down to stretch your left leg we're going to enter half frog pose now lower down to the Earth right leg stay straight left leg stays bent forming a 90 degree angle when you're ready gently lift and bring your left leg around the front for Pigeon pose you can stay seated upright or lower onto your forearms or forehead at your own pace gently release your pose and return to tabletop position this time extend your right leg out to the side begin making large circles and switch directions when you're finished you can gently lean down to stretch your right leg make your way into half Rock pose on your right leg this time you can rest on your forearms or rest your head on your arms gently rise and make your way into pigeon pose whichever variation feels good to you slowly release your right leg lower onto your forearms and widen your knees for full frog pose keeping your calves parallel to to each other you can rest on your forearms or for a deeper stretch you can lower your head to your mat and as we rest in this pose I invite you to take deep slow breaths you can stay right here or you can bring the soles of your feet together and slowly walk your hands toward your hips lifting your torso when you're ready make your way back onto all fours bring your knees together walk your hands slightly forward begin rocking left and right stretching your outer hips in whatever way feels good to you gently make your way onto your back with your knees bent you're welcome to stay here for the remainder of the class or you can join me for a few more stretches keep your right leg bent and cross your left ankle over your right knee you can stay here or lift your right leg and interlace your fingers behind your thigh pulling gently toward your chest release your legs pull your left leg up toward the outside of your chest and release this time left leg stays bent right ankle crosses over your left knee again you can stay here or lift your left leg and interlace your fingers under your knee and pull release your legs and pull your right knee up toward the outside of your chest release your legs and when you're ready bring the soles of your feet together for recline butterfly at your own pace release your pose and keeping knees bent plant the soles of your feet about mat width apart for one more round of windshield wipers tucking your knees to your chest and making large circles give yourself a gentle back massage switch directions you can stay here with your knees tucked to your chest or join me for happy baby grabbing the soles of your feet maybe you find a little movement here or maybe you find Stillness you can stay and happy baby or bring the soles of your feet together and when you're ready release into savasana relaxing your whole body eyes open or closed take inventory of how your body is feeling after this practice how your mind is feeling I invite you to rest in savasana for however long you'd like thank you for joining me today namaste [Music]
Channel: Caitlin K'eli Yoga
Views: 1,577,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoga, Yoga Class
Id: 24qDdn2QXjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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